The Lite Choice - Episode 27

game, anton, switch, play, buy, people, nintendo, bit, 3ds, week, podcast, light, big, pro, handheld, feel, called, pounds, talking, console

Can you guess the big talking point on the @NSUKPodcast is this week?! Anton, Mike and Al decide whether Nintendo have made the "lite" choice with their new addition to the Switch family.  

We've also got new releases, updates, gossip, news and the quiz! 

episode 27.jpg

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Transcription [BETA]

Mike Macdermid 0:13

Hello, and welcome to episode number 27 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcaster actually can't believe I'm saying it's Episode 27 Alistair.

Unknown Speaker 0:22

I know we got here quick, didn't we?

Mike Macdermid 0:24

We really did it. Sam, when did we start the podcast? Anton? Can you remember it was?

Anton Winters 0:29

It was it was in December because I remember we did it for like two weeks and then Christmas appeared. And then we're like, oh, I guess we're on break.

Mike Macdermid 0:35

Yeah, that's right. So it's been pretty much the whole of 2019 that we've been going

Al Struthers 0:40

Yeah, well, you know, the crazy thing is I was looking back and we started thinking about this back in and boat me last year because we bought the domain for the website nine me.

Mike Macdermid 0:47

So that's a year and a couple of months pretty much since we started the the idea the very seed.

Al Struthers 0:54

There was so much planning. are we setting our hands a lot?

Mike Macdermid 0:56

Now? I mean, maybe we just thought about doing it or not. But we have got domain and my have a website on that domain. Alistair, where do we go?

Al Struthers 1:02

We go. You go to

Anton Winters 1:06

Yes. And Anton. We're on Twitter. Indeed, at NS Uk podcast at sorry, NSUK podcast, and we do tweets there. Occasionally. I plan to ramp up the tweets. We've been kind of a little bit quiet on the news front, because I think that direct just was such an overwhelming of news. Just go back to me. But yeah, we'll be doing more exciting stuff there. And we're also on Facebook.

Mike Macdermid 1:28

Yes, we are on Facebook. Also, we're on a bunch of podcast apps as well. I've just started listening to us on a new one. And I try to remember what it's called a download if I can check now because on my phone, but I've started listening to us and we're on there. And it's actually quite good if you've got if you've got an iPhone and I suggest checking out this podcast app other than Of course, the official iTunes podcast, the apple podcast, Apple podcast, it's called overcast

Unknown Speaker 1:51

so that's why I use I always uses Apple sweet.

Mike Macdermid 1:54

Yeah, I know. I guess

Al Struthers 1:56

that's what I've been using. In fact, a lot of people overcast is really good. Get it?

Mike Macdermid 1:59

There you go. And we are in other things like stitcher and we're on Spotify or on other stuff, too. So there we are.

Anton Winters 2:07

I mean this blood know there was other apps on the iPhone this Yeah. They're they're

Mike Macdermid 2:14

actually quite a lot of podcast players. But I've just always traditionally use the podcast that but actually I think I prefer overcast

Al Struthers 2:20

I quite like overcast because lets you compress things you can play them at different speeds and you can cut a long pauses. So if you want to get through a podcast quick, because you know, we have a lot of long gaps in our sentences, then the podcast will take away That's cool. And

Mike Macdermid 2:33

also as well it seems to group it quite well together as well when you're finding stuff it's quite easy to go into. So that's why I'm the reason the first place when I was at first change the rappers didn't like the way it displayed well, however you choose to do it as long as you download the Nintendo Switch UK podcast that would be great. And do leave us a review as well as the option to do that the apple podcasts one is probably the best place for that to really does help if you leave us a nice review. Remember, we don't do this for anything other than we love the switch. We haven't even got like a Patreon or anything like that. We're just we just do it ourselves at the moment. And you never know in the future what what we may or may not do but certainly for now we just do it because we love the switch. So thank you very much to everyone for listening. There's a lot to talk about this week because I think there was an announcement earlier in the week. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Something there was something well, Gina what let's start with this week's news. Yes, Anton big announcement this week, we are getting a new switch.

Anton Winters 3:29

Oh, we just jumping into Yeah, let's switch. This one. The lips, it just dropped out of nowhere. I was in the middle of work. I'm just like, Oh, dear, what we do or did a special there's so much to talk about. But yeah, it's finally here. And it's kind of weird, because it's not the switch money. But like,

Al Struthers 3:48

how are you guys feeling about it? I'm annoyed coated light and the spelt wrong. My whole generation of kids are going to grow up and you'd like to spell Li TO

Mike Macdermid 3:58

All right, granddad.

Al Struthers 4:00

This is my role in this this podcast. I'm the grumpy one. And I'm grumpy about this.

Mike Macdermid 4:03

All right. Well, the name aside, let's get our thoughts on it. Because there's a couple of things that were different to what we may be predicted. So maybe let's start with Anton Anton, what things did you not expect? And what things you think are going to work really well?

Anton Winters 4:18

And I'm interesting, oh, there's so much to dive into here. I'm surprised that how similar the design was to the leaks like remember that that syphon leak, we had a couple weeks back, I generally think that was a sweat. So the design is like spot on to what we expected which can't complain there. And I think the surprising thing for me, is the fact that is non doc about. Yeah. Cuz it's the same hardware. And, and so theoretically, there's no reason why couldn't be talked about. So that's been the main surprising aspect for me. And perhaps some conspiracy theories there. So I'll let us dive in if you have any false net Well, how do you feel about the colour? Because this comes in free colours? Unlike the typical switch?

Mike Macdermid 5:03

Well, I'm kind of I mean, I'm sitting here with my red iPhone, and so I'm always one for colours. But Alastair, what about you? What do you what do you think about as a whole, we think about the colours? What do you think about the non stackable thing? What's your thoughts?

Al Struthers 5:13

I think we've been shrewd in who they're targeting with it. That's what I would say. So this is basically a direct replacement for the tune 3ds. And let's face it, they're going to kill that off. Yeah, this is really targeting young gamers. So the next couple of colour schemes is fine. It's probably Tony just a completely different demographic. And the fact you can't dock it, I think is probably a good thing, because it helps actually create the differentiation between it. And it's big brother live means which

Mike Macdermid 5:38

well, interesting, because a mic on Twitter tweeted us this week, and I haven't replied, so apologies make, but he said looking forward to your opinions on the switch many, even though it shouldn't be called the switch anymore. And I think that is a fair point. Because now we have the 3ds replacement coming essentially, because it isn't a switchboard device, we aren't going to be playing it docs because it doesn't have the option. On the plus side it has a better battery life than the pro which I think it's going to be handheld only. Fair enough. That's okay. The colour thing I think is cool gives it a bit of, you know, customization if you want to have a certain colour than you can, and I think you are both right, I think is essentially going to be a straight replacement for the 3ds. As someone put it, it's it's like a Gameboy with better graphics. So someone said and essentially,

Anton Winters 6:24

that's exactly what it is. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 6:26

it is. And I think I kind of I'm glad they've gone down that route. Because what I didn't want was to be confused about whether I was wanting to get rid of my switch to replace it with a switch light because suddenly they've got a 10 ATP screen, suddenly, they've got I don't know better. The battery life on that. And it's docking better. I didn't want to confuse something I already have. I'd rather wait for the pro to do that. Because then I'm expecting I'm expecting better features bigger features from a pro. And a certainly if you're looking at Christmas presents for kids who want to get into Nintendo Switch. But let's say for example, their parents don't want them spending too much time on the TV for a variety of reasons. It gives it the option of being a bit like a traditional handheld. Going back to the history of handhelds, like the Gameboy in the game, you're all the way through history of time, it's taken that space in the market where Let's face it, the 3ds is the biggest option for handheld only right now other than the switch, but this is going to replace that so I can kind of see where they're coming from. And I think it's pretty shrewd.

Al Struthers 7:27

Yeah, I also suspect it's going to be a little bit more robust by looking at just looking at the industrial design of it. It's more geared to being dropped being bashed around, whereas the switch as it is the joy cons of always felt not flimsy, but if someone's gonna break the door guns are gonna break off the side. That's always what I thought. Well,

Mike Macdermid 7:43

Anton, a question on that this was one concern that I saw raised by a few people, obviously, we've had joy con issues. Over the last two years with the switch, we've had the drifting issue, which has plagued many joy icons, and I've had that issue as well. What do we do? If the joy can start drifting on the light? Because Is it a whole system fix then are you doing Do you know what I mean? It's not like we can send out the joy icon. Well, I'm can

Anton Winters 8:11

have a fear feeling that the joy on internal designs hasn't changed much in the past two years. So I'm kinda Fulton or her last past two years, they've made incremental improvements that they've implemented into the joy cons, and was definitely a fear there. But yeah, it's really fascinating. And how do you feel about the price because I'm I see a lot of people complaining about the the 200 pump price tag that many pounds, that's sick, the price of a doc, basically. And then you're getting all the features removed. At How are you feeling on that regard?

Mike Macdermid 8:45

199 I think it is on the pricey side, but it's not outside of what I would have expected I would have. I would have been surprised Had it been 149 for example, for a new console, I wouldn't a new handheld, I wouldn't think it would have been that I know it's not new, but it's new in terms of design. And you know, whenever there's something new It is always a premium price, especially Nintendo. You're going to get a lot of value out of the switch whatever way you buy it, whether you buy the the switch, or you buy the light. And if you've got kids and it is a bit more robust that you're thinking, Alistair, I think 199 it's not cheap, but it's it is a decent premium handheld console. And I think that that in itself is probably going to make it worth the money. But yeah, it's not it's certainly not cheap.

Al Struthers 9:27

Yeah, my gut feeling is a slightly annoys me slightly overpriced OX had expected to be maybe 159169. Maybe possibly been pushing 179 I think 199 it just feels a little bit do I

Anton Winters 9:42

see the thing? I think curious. There I was on the same boat with you. I'll start but the thing I find really interesting here is with the Pokemon sword and shield limited edition, they announced it, that's 199. What the game, which historically was switched limitations. Like if you went out and bought a Mario Kart 800 or a smash bros one that would be free ferry, it'll just be like the cost of switch plus a game. So yeah, wonder if they're trying to bear the cost of the console with packing games. And that might be something close like formerly with like, the cheaper kids friendly versions of the, let's say the count the two DS and all that always had historically a built in game as that. It's a nice home console, but it comes with a 40 pound game kind of value to it. It's interesting there.

Mike Macdermid 10:28

Yeah, I think I think that is a good move, because that is the target audience. It's the kids that are going to be playing that and they're going to be playing Animal Crossing. So there's your two big franchises, I think that the light will be aimed at. So I think that is clever marketing again. And whilst they might make a bit of a loss, take a bit of a hit on the console and the hardware than they would if they didn't bundle that together, they're going to get a lot more users who are then going to buy into the the franchise and eventually they're going to want to upgrade to the pro as well, because that's another thing as well as if you if you have a kid that starts off with a light under the age of maybe 1011. But attempt to get to 1314 absolutely guarantee you and the Pro comes out they're going to be saying all what the pro No, because I'm ready for it, you know, and I think that that, again, is a clever way for them to do it. So I can completely understand where they're coming from. It's not the cheapest, but with the game. I think that's all right value.

Al Struthers 11:19

What do you think with the lack of an HD rumble on it? Because that was a big selling point switch?

Mike Macdermid 11:23

Yeah, I mean, it's, it means that kids can play it under their DVD cover at night, and no one can hear it. Because that's, that's one of the biggest things when you flee your handheld mode on the switch, I often have to turn off HD rumble because it'll wake up when you know, my other half should wake up because I'm playing Rocket League and it's gone. But, but you know, I think it's not ideal. Again, it's feature light. But then that is the point of it. Again, that's where the price point is the real argument. I think I don't have a problem of them taking HD Rumble, if you're getting it for one for nine plus a game at one night, so it's probably roughly you're looking at one 5160 plus the game, which was what you said was fair, then I'm okay with that. I think if you're paying 199 for the console only on you're losing all these features. probably get a switch to be honest. I

Anton Winters 12:11

mean, I'm curious FIFO this conspiracy theory at you guys What is wrong? I think, see, if you look at the bottom of the Nintendo Switch light, it has the same dock and dock notch. And as the big switch. Okay, which I find really curious, which makes me wonder if one are they potentially and just like planned on having this feature or it's accessible is fully compatible with this feature needs safety to lock out last minute for differentiation, morally being deceptive in their their wording to not not mislead people that they're buying the switch docks into a TV and you take everywhere kind of mentality? And just scale saying, Yeah, it's really just a portable. Don't buy this one if you have a home TV, but it could be we're Where do you think about that? Because I think that really weird that does have the snapchats because they're designed for the adult. That's why they're there on the original switch.

Al Struthers 13:10

There might be other peripherals that could be coming in the future, though. They're designed to dock into their because maybe it's still USB connector. I don't know. You can't necessarily don't get to TV for video output, which, fair enough. There might be other things that they're thinking might come along. I mean, you might be connected to a lab or something.

Mike Macdermid 13:26

Well, they say I think that lab was not compatible. Am I right in saying that as well.

Al Struthers 13:29

But it might be a little late version of lab late

Unknown Speaker 13:31

lab. But it's an idea.

Mike Macdermid 13:34

I don't know. I really don't know what the reason behind that is I guess it will be just a peripheral option. Whether that does include future docking, or whether you can dock it where they're just not making that point, because it's not what it's for. Maybe that's it, maybe it is it, actually you can if you really want to, but we just don't suggest that you buy that one. If that's your intention. I guess we'll we'll have to wait and see on things that aren't see what the reception is like. I think it's it's another good move by Nintendo. I think it makes complete sense. I know we talked about the potential of it coming for the last six months, probably. And we've gone back and forward as to whether we think it's a good idea. But I think overall, it

Unknown Speaker 14:13

is a good idea.

Mike Macdermid 14:15

It makes sense price point with a game is reasonable. Yeah, I think it's exciting. It's another it's another moment of you know, Nintendo thinking about their audience. I'll be interested in now to see what does happen with the pro when we get the pro eventually or we get details about the pro what is what what are going to be the differences. Why are people going to because that's that's where the challenges is, it's one thing to market this at kids, but to market to Pro, you've got to make it a pro. So how do you make a pro 10 at better frame rate

Al Struthers 14:46

letter fair bit of speculation by that? I mean, nobody, nobody knows the answer that but there's been a fair bit on the internet about what people think we can do is actually largely comes down to the chip that is in the light. Yeah, so I don't know how much you guys know or really want to know about you. But I mean, cover very briefly so that the original switch has taken a look and chip in it. The new one's got a new one called a miracle chip, which temporarily married which have any music. And they basically are 20 nanometers 60 nanometers architecture, it's very boring. Basically what it means is it can run either more far more efficiently, which is what they're doing in the switch Mini. So reduce the battery size down for about 4300 milliamp hours dentist 333,300 milliamp hours. So basically it runs a lot less power, or it can run a lot faster on the same and part had before. So you basically have a platform there that creates a light and the pro in one go. So all we're going to do is either keeping battery size, checking a bit more RAM and Bing, bang, bang, you've got a pro and it's already running the same stuff as late or you could I mean, it's going higher increased much better and GPU as well. Graphics yes as an output. So I mean, it's basically there. Everything is ready for approval. But Doug Bowser didn't come out saying there's no more hardware next year to this year. So we're definitely April this year, maybe next probably time in which is elder two.

Mike Macdermid 16:03

Yeah. Anton. Yeah, I agree. I completely agree with that. Anton, what are your thoughts on the pro and yeah,

Anton Winters 16:09

well have any of us heard we recently and Nintendo has recently failed for an FCC ever efficient patent. So this is not them going and registering a whole new product next next star say and this is rounders, I'm just count revising a current product that would be on the lineup so that says lay sold them going ahead and making like an xbox three sexy light and more sold them just like when the only original x plus three sexy when we went from a shiny this to traitor Matt one it's just like a slight revision that we will mark at the top so and with this new FCC MK revision, and the things they've detailed are a new system on the chip, AK the health and video tetra, a new motherboard and a new not not memory chip. So can think exactly health as you're saying out, sir, we could potentially see a new switch that would just have this new champion it and I think possibly just for parity live probably just go down the route of just increasing the battery life of the switch like the regular switch rather than deferentially them right now.

Mike Macdermid 17:12

All right, well, very, very briefly on this because we are talking light and new consoles or versions of the switch, what three features would make you buy a pro over what we have currently, Alistair?

Al Struthers 17:25

As a really good question was always supposed to be a graphics bump. So you'd want it to be opening ID public 4k which is kind of unlikely given photo handle but possible, but certainly certainly the fool HD would be nice if even if you out for Okay. What else would you like?

Mike Macdermid 17:44

Both I would add to that personally, I think you're I would agree with you on that I would add that I would like the frame rate to be more steady at 60 or at least 30. But you know where it's appropriate. So that would be great because I know there are some games I would like that to be transferable onto the big screen properly as well because that's where we have some problems sometimes with some games are great and handheld, put on the big screen, you've got framerate issues. So that's the second one bigger battery bigger battery Anton, anything to add to those because I suspect you'll be quite similar. For me

Anton Winters 18:16

actually. The main thing for me is I just want Fenner Basil's, like some more about the reason for a console that is not thing and my portable I feel like it's not quite big enough because that's like half an inch bigger than a Wii and the view is so much more portable. So if we're making a non portable console, I think we just embrace it and just have been or Basil's and I would I know it's unrealistic but love some better build quality and it's like an iPhone or something you buy and then you chuck it in the band after two years however switch is something I keep for like five five years who knows how long will keep the switch and I would love to see that increment and quality effortless aluminium like a Gameboy micro happen but I can dream

Mike Macdermid 19:02

Yeah. Yeah, I think everything that we've talked about, I think from the from the performance side of it, everything that you said Alistair Anton I like the idea aesthetically of that as well I think as well I would like it to potentially do something with the D pad as well just to improve that give us a bit more control over the joy cons because

Al Struthers 19:25

we gonna say I was gonna say I was thinking about the D pad and actually I don't want to switch to full bodied switch to have a D pad okay and then my logic behind that it sounds a bit weird my logic is if you take off the joy comes and you're playing two player you quite often need those buttons to be separate being the two players he goes takes control and left you and buttons on the right if that was a D pad that would make it really awkward. Okay, so I thought the same thing and then backtrack for a sec because

Mike Macdermid 19:48

the new the lights got a D pad is that right? It does

Al Struthers 19:51

Yeah. I think you still can enjoy comes to the light.

Mike Macdermid 19:54

Yeah, yeah. It is interesting. I don't know him in terms of that. I think that would be really look at that on the prowl any way whether they go down that route or not

Al Struthers 20:03

to I do want an approval. Do you want to improve buttons? Get really annoying click. the click of it is just irritates me. What is quiet. You're playing in silence.

Mike Macdermid 20:11

It is quite noisy. If you're the other person. Yeah, in

Unknown Speaker 20:14

the room. Soften the button noise please. It's a small ask but please do it. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 20:19

I actually have resorted to as I've been playing this week crushed in recent recent I've also been playing as attorney and now I use attorney what's great is that you can use the touch screen. So I play in handheld all the time for his attorney because it's that kind of game Phoenix, right. And for skipping scenes, I use the touch screen on the screen. And that's actually a great touch screen. That's something that we don't talk enough a lot about, but it's very good. And then for crashed in racing, where the improvements would work. There is the loading times and crashing racing. I just

Unknown Speaker 20:46

oh lord hiding him for trying to play that game. But

Mike Macdermid 20:50

having said that, the game is fantastic. And I'm absolutely loving it now that I'm getting the hang of it. I've been playing with my wife and she's very good at it as well. Oh, she's got better. She's got better. She's still actually it's funny because she is much better than me and Mario Kart, but I'm definitely above her at the moment in terms of cross Team Racing, but I don't think I'll stay that way. It never does.

Al Struthers 21:09

Well, you definitely be depends on me because I was terrible a crash.

Mike Macdermid 21:12

I'm real bad America crashed. There's a learning curve on Crash Team Racing that I'd forgotten about and actually is a real challenge. But if we could just speed up those loading times. And it's not the only game there are others. I don't know. It's a big

Anton Winters 21:23

are we getting a patch for that, as we heard there were supposed to be on. It's not exactly a patch. But there is a slight hope because one of the things that was in that FCS FFC failing, which is presumed in the switch light is new NAD storage, which is a lot faster in the Calif justice I believe it's just the standard SSD technology that gotten this question now. So fingers crossed for better storage, essentially not. It's like basically wired into the CPU itself. Yeah. So fingers crossed, loading things improve. Because I know with breaks the whales and all that stuff. That's something they've really been trying to ramp up with. Fingers crossed for the future.

Mike Macdermid 22:02

Yeah, absolutely. Also, interestingly, since that late announcement, Nintendo's shares have hit a nine month high, which I think we touched on briefly last week. But I think that is really what we didn't touch on the fact that we we talked, we talked about their shares previously. In fact, we actually talked about a dip in the shares. Just about a month ago.

Al Struthers 22:20

Yeah, give me three, and then they shut up 3% on the management of the light, and that's

Mike Macdermid 22:25

Yes. So we're talking about that this weekend. And that is incredible that again, you know, the shares are so affected by it. But again, it just shows I think, confidence consumer confidence in Nintendo is a brand and it's not hugely surprising. But yeah, I'm very interested to see how the cells you know, it's one thing to say it's a great idea, but how's it going to sell? Are people going to go back and get the full switch for more? You know, I guess

Anton Winters 22:49

we'll find out a Christmas. See that that's why I'm saying here, I'm a conspiracy theory with my tin foil hat. I'm like, they're saving it as a caution. If the switch switch light isn't selling well, though, adult, well, more than then people like me will buy it because I can actually fit in a pocket. Yeah, the grand plan.

Al Struthers 23:05

Well, I got a question for you chaps, then do you think this was a planned announcement? Or do you think was the reaction to something because we were talking last week about them having to rebuff suggestions about takeover, force takeovers, and what else? And then all of a sudden, this is coming out of the blue issue, move on with coming, but let's just dropped? Do we think that was a long term plan or reaction?

Mike Macdermid 23:28

I think we sped up I think this maybe would have been announced in a month or two? I don't I don't think we necessarily needed to do it. I think for two reasons. One, the share prices took a dip after the three. So I think that was just a confidence thing. We show that this is coming as well. You know, we've got plans. And I think also the second thing, just as a reaction, perhaps to what we were talking about with this potential of a hostile takeover. I don't think there was anything specific but perhaps it's been suggested from their lawyers look, you need to make this clear that so that nobody tries to come and buy up all the shares and Nintendo and and take over. So it's probably a combination, the two probably, it's probably them saying, you know what, we've got plans here, I think,

Anton Winters 24:08

as well as I I have a feeling Nintendo's maybe trying to get some momentum behind the switch, like like I believe it's like a sped up thing. I think we're would have originally gotten this like November, October time. I'm wondering if they're trying to put some momentum behind them. Going into the holiday season, when we're going to have Project X cloud going into beta, we're going to have Google stadia coming out. And then we're also going to have Apple arcade on the mobile site. So there's going to be a lot of headlines talking about mobile gaming right there. And I think maybe Nintendo's count what they're sampled there and be like, nope, we're selling a for in this space of this new technology isn't really, like afraid we're still the the king of the mobile tower, almost. I guess we'll find out come 20. September only?

Mike Macdermid 24:51

Yeah, yeah. And just as a side note, talking about the 3ds, because I think we all agree that the light is going to be the spiritual successor to the VS. And the switch kind of is any week. But the 3ds definitely, the light. And Doug Bowser says it will continue to support the 3ds. As long as there is demand, I think you're going to see a lot of those 3ds users that have held off getting a switch jumping on when Pokemon sword and shield comes with the light together as a package. I think that's going to be the one that's, you know, because that's where the 3ds was really strong, Anton. So when that comes, what do you think? Do you think that

Anton Winters 25:28

definitely, like I already know, people that are since the last eat fried right, and where it was like we had Animal Crossing and sort of GOP purchase? Like, yeah, this is the deciding factor for me. I've noticed a lot with the people that have held off on the switch up a cow factor off as it's maybe a secondary console to their account, more powerful console. And they don't want to spend the 350 pounds that would cost suggest switching the game. Whereas 200 pounds, I think there with a game, like a Tripoli, like system sailing game means huge things for Nintendo Switch. And I'm really excited to camp crow the library. And even as somebody who is curious about having a smaller switch, I'm just so excited to have more options on the platform. And I think that may appeal for people because I know, I remember a podcast I listened to one of the people on there hates playing the Nintendo Switch on their TV because our TVs like apparently like 65 inch 4k TV, and then they're going and scaling up turning up games on it. And they're just it can ruin the switch experience for them when they're seeing the world with pixels. At so predominantly play exclusively in handheld. And I think there's a lot of consumers that will be in a similar place and count given options for those kind of gamers. It's really exciting.

Mike Macdermid 26:48

Yeah, yeah, well, maybe the pro will will be the one that really addresses that to give people options to play things in a more, you know, less pixel, the form and 65 inch screens. Because to be I saw, I don't have a huge issue with it, because I have yet to play a game that I've bought, because generally I tend to sort of research a little bit that I've gone Oh, no, I could never play this on the big screen because it's it's horrific. I do see some changes some differences in games, like Rocket League, for example, is not as graphically brilliant as it is on the ps4. But it's still a great experience. It doesn't ruin it for me. So but certainly I think that's where the pro could come in just just as well. Just you mentioned how you might be tempted Anton because of the portability issue with the light as well. It might be something that you're tempted by and Doug Bowser has said that you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences, so they'll be more on that they've said as well. But that's the intention, which I think if they hadn't said that people would have been asking for it anyway. So I think he's just getting ahead of the game and saying, Hey, don't worry, we're going to have this

Anton Winters 27:51

Yeah, you know, I'm generally quite site for I'm selling weight and seeks I have my conspiracy theories, obviously. But you know, it's a saintliness. I think I like a good bundle, to have limited edition hardware, potentially at a price point of 150 pounds if it's got a good game with it. But I feel like it's very palatable if it's nice, limited edition. For a franchise you'd love and especially if your switches may began a little bit longer to gang some slightly better battery life. I've seen like a really good value and depending on how easy sharing games are, I think it's lovely to see and How about yourself? Could you ever see yourself buying a switch money? I can just see the soul, that direct bubble of outer space. Definite nor there?

Al Struthers 28:35

I didn't even answer that. Do I know.

Mike Macdermid 28:38

You're gonna go for the light? I ain't

Anton Winters 28:41

no backup.

Mike Macdermid 28:42

I might not for me. I was thinking I was about to question that.

Al Struthers 28:45

Yeah. My son in a few years time. Yeah, possibly get that we can get my one for me. And you know, his one. Yeah, break as much as he wants.

Mike Macdermid 28:52

Yes, we'll get to play again. I think that I would, I'm going to wait until I hear what's happening with the pro before I make any decisions because I'm very happy with my switch as it is right now. The one thing I would like as a touch more portability. I do agree with you on that. Anton. I think sometimes it is a bit unwieldy to carry around, but it's not bad. But I think it could be better. So yeah, I'm going to wait and see what what the announcements are with the pro see what people's reaction to the light is. If I win the lottery, I might buy two. If I don't, I'm not buying because I spent enough money on the switches it is but we will see. We will see Is there anything else we want to add about this the light before we move on to our other storeys this week or I think we've we've kind of covered everything. What's the release date, by the way? What's the 20th of September?

Al Struthers 29:40

The same date as actually somebody else's in our in our list. So it is a good segue.

Anton Winters 29:44

Nicely said well done. Anything else before we segue into that Anton? Nope, I'm all happy. I think I think we've covered 26 nine minutes. I wonder what the thumbnail title is going to be? lyst

Mike Macdermid 29:54

be I just sent a postcard. Speaking of the 20th of September Tetris 99. The physical edition has been coming for the West. Anton we know that in Asia, you're getting that bundled with some switch online as well. Are we getting that here?

Anton Winters 30:08

Yeah. Tetris 99 physical edition will come with Tetris name, name and the big block DLC on the cartridge and the 12 months of online as just as a little week old so potentially you could buy this giveaway the code for an empire to whatever you want with it. And then you've got like physical copy of probably one of the greatest switch games so far. So debatable thing, but it's such a good game.

Mike Macdermid 30:34

And what's the price point for the West? Do we have a price point for

Anton Winters 30:37

do not sadly, I presume it would be comparable to the the translations I would be surprised if it's above 25 pounds. I think that'd be a legit title.

Mike Macdermid 30:46

If they keep it low, then I think it could do really well just because people will want to renew their switch online anyway. If they're getting a game with it, then they could you know, keep the game if something is our collector, or if not after getting the DLC. It's actually pretty reasonable value if you play Tetris 99 if you're going to get the the online I know you won't bother awesome.

Al Struthers 31:03

No, I won't. But I'm just gonna renew my subscription and ignore Tetris. 99 which is it's a good game I like playing it don't want a physical copy of it. Why you got it for free. So

Anton Winters 31:11

I think for me, it's just getting the DLC because I've got that DLC for ages. It's nine pounds, which is a bit much for Tetris DLC, but yes, get a box in there. At least. That covers the cost for me.

Al Struthers 31:24

You guys are such mugs,

Mike Macdermid 31:26

as well. No one to know. Ah, Tetris. We've been playing it for 30 years old right to be a mug when it comes to something that you're passionate about. And it is the only thing that I do this with so I, I feel justified. Anton you're off the hook. It's fine.

Anton Winters 31:39

Yeah, you were in horde as much games as I want.

Mike Macdermid 31:42

You can you go to complete that we you collection after all. So one day, one day. Next up, then NAS online has added a new feature, which is quite cool. It's got a rewind feature, which is fantastic. Because then the next game I was playing on the sum of the games the other day, and oh my goodness, some of them are half they are brutal. So this is great. So we can kind of go back and go on a little bit again, there. There's a game actually, that's quite cheap. I think it's on the sale right now we're going to go on to Tokyo Tory and the first one I think is to on the store. And it's got a rewind function in the game itself is great because you need it. You really do need as a puzzler. So it makes more sense in the context. But I'm pretty happy that we're getting this little rewind feature for NAS online.

Anton Winters 32:28

Oh, sorry. Yeah, it feels a little bit less shameful than just like pausing, save. do two steps. Reload. Yeah. Yeah, but

Mike Macdermid 32:38

it is I mean, you know, you can save states and things on NAS online and as it is anyway, but this will just add another way of people playing and is probably just encourage people to go in and experience these games again, I'm generally

Al Struthers 32:49

very pleased but it's actually a really big deal for me, because I get I'm one of these people that gets really grumpy when I don't do something after about two or three times. Yes, I can be annoyed when you go back to old NES games you die just go back to the beginning level it just hi we often Yeah, I was I stopped playing games old ones. The fact you can hit a button go back couple seconds and try again. That is transformative. I will be going back and playing a whole other game yeah. And actually properly playing them. But without getting hacked off.

Mike Macdermid 33:12

Yeah, I'm with you on that actually doesn't make a big difference for me in terms of wanting to play the games and if you are wanting to play the games, there's a couple of new ones. We've got Donkey Kong three and Ricky FS Wrecking

Anton Winters 33:24

Crew the really smelly crew, Wrecking Crew so a couple of new news online games as well that you'll be able to wind if you if you decide that you're going to die for the for millions time on Donkey Kong three, which would be me. So that's good news to a couple more releases either. Have you played any of these? I've played Donkey Kong Country and not Donkey Kong Country. Just Donkey Kong free. You know? It's not It's all right. I told him to call I believe that was the one that wasn't like typical Donkey Kong like you weren't. You're playing you don't come Junior not one. It's okay. Yeah, sir. I feel like this week month in particular was like a kind of weak month because don't we usually get like three games per I

Mike Macdermid 34:05

thought it was a little bit on the stingy side with logic games that are reporting function. I'm not gonna argue. Okay, I'm not paying for it while I'm waiting for it. But I'm not paying the extra for Oh, I know what you mean. I'm just I think until we get snares games are in 64. I'm still gonna mourn a little bit but

Al Struthers 34:20

yeah, no documentary. didn't play it don't wanna play. The original Donkey Kong was good. It was fun. Yeah, but they didn't to remake it was the same game over and over and over again. It was

Mike Macdermid 34:29

that was what it was. Dr. Mario World is out. I saw this on my iPhone store on my app store the other day. Am I right in saying it's also on switch as well? Or is it No, no, it's just mobile,

Unknown Speaker 34:41


Mike Macdermid 34:43

But I saw where did I see an ad for it then that was tied? It was must have must you know, it must just be the fibres, Nintendo. I must have just looked at it and gone. I'm so in the mode of switch that Nintendo should be ashamed of their name on it. Frankly. Have you played it? No. I've read all of us going. I'm not gonna bother touching it with a bargepole. Not purchases. That part just isn't broken.

Anton Winters 35:01

I don't blame y'all. Sorry. It kind of when I gave it a goal. I was like, I'll give them a chance. Because I know we've been saying this for a while with when Nick showed off my old car and they showed off this workout. Like we'll hold our judgement we trust Nintendo. It generally feels like Nintendo escape awful. Like I am I feel like the Nintendo that came out and gave us like Super Mario Run and was like we're going to be fair, we're going to we're not going to be micro transactions. We're not going to be greedy about this. And similarly if Paki camp It was very a lot fair. This one feels like the whitfill Candy Crush normally, and micro transactions but calc ascetics torn just sell a

Mike Macdermid 35:41

to sell it for 399 as a one off and then then people might be more interested well

Al Struthers 35:46

it'll be interesting to see what the backlash is. It really really bombs and might learn the lesson but if people are dumb and play it then they will carry on joining the mode so do our message out there is don't download it don't play it. I did

Mike Macdermid 35:56

see on the surface I go I've gotten my first new iPhone and have it for yours because my last one just gave up last week and I've got the XR which is very nice actually in the battery life is fantastic but that's because I'm coming from a success but even though I had three replacing batteries, we're going every five minutes anyway I did see on the storks with all download some games and I just swiftly moved on to something else because I thought no I'm gonna do it. So yeah, hashtag boycott

Anton Winters 36:22

documentary. But here's my theory. I think I'm going to be getting a full fledged Dr. Mario on switch soon. Okay, typically how all these mobile games work is to promote the big switch or we use 3ds counterpart so I think we're going to just get like a nice solid camp almost like Tetris, Tetris. 99 sale material that isn't obviously free to play but counting that level of polish just straightforward. Dr. Mario?

Al Struthers 36:47

Yes, please take my 1999 right now right I'm

Mike Macdermid 36:50

going to fire through a few more of the new storeys then before we move on to some rumours and then the quiz so first of all furniture is getting a physical edition in America and Europe 29 $99 for is that the one was that on the Indies? indies

Anton Winters 37:05

Yeah, that was basically star too but you can't go into dungeons and it turns into biting of a sick Oh yeah. Yeah, that's that one looks really fun but pricey for me.

Mike Macdermid 37:17

I was gonna say I think for an indie that's that's that's top end 2999 and I assume I'll be pounds as well as dollars so go watch and see what people make of it. Next Level got Tesla grad which does get some pretty good reviews as getting a physical switch addition to September so another one the collection if you're a fan of the game, you can go out and buy I've seen some of the packaging for actually I think there might even be a limited edition Anton am I right? Hey, I think yeah,

Anton Winters 37:42

I think the normal edition as a limited edition I think that's how they're justifying re releasing it because it came out back in the VU early ps3 era IPOs more era so as Calvin remarkable that is getting a physical physical attention for your trip like you're going to end game and impressive. Well, yes.

Mike Macdermid 38:01

Well if you are a fan of the game and you want to pick up that physical edition, then it will be the September next up a game that I'm kind of interested in because I've seen some of the titles within this and I've got to say I don't think we really ever talked about these games and you'll see them pop up in the shop sometimes and you might just brush over them and go oh that looks terrible. And they're not they're very good fun it's the jack box party pack six is coming to Nintendo Switch and Tony 90 I'm very excited about this.

Al Struthers 38:29

Me too you know it's funny This is cropped up because I spent most of last night looking for the original first five packs to try and buy cuz I had people around

Unknown Speaker 38:37

I was looking for

Al Struthers 38:38

on the sale price. Yeah, we'll see on really annoyed

Mike Macdermid 38:40

so we're about to talk about the switch Summer Sale Just a moment. And that was the first thing I look for as well and the sale because I want to buy these games too because there's such great fun party games. Yeah, and we pack 333 I think three gets the best kind of reviews all around. But they think that six is going to be good there's a couple of games in there that people are quite excited about. And basically the way that it plays if you've never played them it's great because you can get anyone in the family playing you just need a mobile phone or a tablet

Al Struthers 39:06

or access to the internet

Mike Macdermid 39:08

all you need is great and you log in and then you can all play it and it's things like you know i don't know guess find out who's the the liar and in the room and quizzes

Al Struthers 39:15

murder mysteries and all kinds of fun stuff and

Mike Macdermid 39:17

and what's great about it is you can play with people that don't game you can be can invite people around and play with people that would never play a switch in their lives. And I guarantee they will have a fantastic night Anton Have you played it

Anton Winters 39:30

yet? Oh, it's my go to party game. I'm sadly I don't have the most gamer friends I put like Emily and like three or four other people. And most of my friends aren't gamers. So just having a game that you don't even need to explain the rules and they just so transparent. And there's no controls, you literally just you connect, go to a web page. You don't even have to download an app on your phone just goes to a website. And then it tells you what to do. So fun and so simple. Depending on what friends you can have, it can end in so many disasters. Oh it's so much fun.

Mike Macdermid 40:04

It's funny because I was down visiting a friend in Southampton that I see and he's a gamer and whenever we're done we try and play he's got two young kids we try and fit in some gaming but his wife's really anti gaming except jack box party facts she loves them so we got to play that for the whole night and it was brilliant

Al Struthers 40:21

science fantastic editor a couple of beers I'm a happy man

Mike Macdermid 40:23

Yeah, we did that one night it was really good we did not just the two of us there was a few there were more

Al Struthers 40:27

it wasn't just

Mike Macdermid 40:29

just the two of us right so it's summer

Anton Winters 40:31

Co Op sorry only going to sing the praises so it's we've never chatted about this franchise before we really good about it is it doesn't if you only have like 20 minutes to fill like if you're like million some people over to maybe like watch a movie or play or do something like that. Yes you can literally just do a 20 minute games which stuff like car scans humanity or board game or anything like that you have to say up this sleazy seems some Nintendo Switch Summer Sale sorry for jumping

Mike Macdermid 40:59

yes well if it wasn't if it was in the Summer Sale I would probably be jumping right on that and I am waiting for them to be on set I've seen them on sale before I know

Al Struthers 41:07

they're almost always on sale except when I won't go my

Mike Macdermid 41:09

yeah except for the last few months where I've wanted to buy it and have it anyway it is a switch Summer Sale 2019 there are some bargains to be had off the top of my head the one that tempted me the most was probably blood hockey because super blood hockey's on sales were nine pounds right now.

Al Struthers 41:22

I was 10 to a Mario Party it's down to 32

Mike Macdermid 41:25

and there's a few titles big titles that are down to reasonable kind of price if you just want to get the online is there any in there Anton that use

Anton Winters 41:33

water if you want a really cheap tile and I've been hanging out and literally can afford right I can get reflect. And it's kind of like you're almost like imagine if you're a trash can on a more cycle wheel and you're speeding and like sonic speed stolen level is two pounds 69 so you can use just some of your leftover money to buy it and and looks really fun. I've been hanging out for ages and of course when it comes out I'm like sitting here with no money.

Mike Macdermid 42:00

Yeah, that is the problem. And you know when I do have money I see there's a sale on I'm kind of tempted too often so I have to try and be sensible but the switch Summer Sale is on at the moment. I think it's onto the 31st of July if I remember. I think so don't quote me on that. That's just from memory not I don't have it written down in front of me. Now let's move on to some rumours. So lots that we've talked about in the news this week, so we'll just fly through the rumours because we want to do the quiz as well. First of all orange Island is a nice for the switch and maybe the NAS What's this about? It's literally

Anton Winters 42:37

a classic sale imagine your wonderful boys sale game with Kenneth pastel art sale and it's been designed as a nice game first and it's also getting a switch release camp like pure Stoller if you remember that game where it was a Mega Drive game that go on at ps4 release. It looks really cute and I kind of like it gets me real wonderful advice. So if you're up for kind of your classic Zelda to sail RPG looks like a lot of fun there.

Al Struthers 43:02

Yeah, and if you get on the names it's got a transparent I think pink

Anton Winters 43:05

cartridge looks gorgeous kind of cool.

Mike Macdermid 43:08

Kind of weird. That's called orange Island but yet the cartridges pink

Al Struthers 43:11

Well, I mean to be fair, I'm Coburn it might be an orange cards, but it looks pink to me.

Mike Macdermid 43:16

Oh, you're the only non colour blind member of the team Anton. So you have to keep us right. Next up. Pete Hines says it's clear that the Bethesda team is bringing new players to switch so what's this about then? sympathiser are are going to be doing more.

Anton Winters 43:31

Yeah, this was an interesting one. So Pete Haynes, I believe he's like, doing big bands and bass guitar for professor. Okay. And he's arguing that face that plays like a critical role and bringing known like Nintendo style gamers to Nintendo Switch. So people that wouldn't really be going out and buying a Mario old CD one but somebody who will be going out and buying Doom eternal day one. And what's your thoughts on that ferry to your fingers created? Or do you think he's just being a PR mouthpiece for the professed overlords?

Mike Macdermid 44:07

I don't know is the honest answer. I would I would like to see more games coming from the likes of pathetic to the switch anyway. So if if there's something in it then great, really?

Al Struthers 44:18

Um, yeah, no going to be only be a sceptic again, and he's being a pure monkey. I mean, I suspect they're not specifically bringing anybody over to the switch. But then being there, it's probably helping people come over to this, which is probably how to view it. So nobody's going to buy a switch because most of this game is on it. But they might think in light by a completely modern car can do this. And I can play Skype.

Anton Winters 44:41

Yeah, see, I find it interesting because I have one. Like, I wouldn't believe this normally. Because I know a lot of people it's like the by for brief the Wilder Odyssey. And then they may pick up Sarah, or find it quite interest because I have one friend who is bought a switch over the games, they own our own sky room. Again, they own Doom, they own they're going to be buying the Witcher. So I think there's a small bit of credence, I think maybe within the core Nintendo fandom, we may not see it too much. But I believe that or maybe players are just literally looking to find a way to play Doom on the goal.

Mike Macdermid 45:15

These games are now becoming the subject as well, you've got to remember that these are not these are games, all the titles you've mentioned, have now been out for six, seven years. So these are often titles that people might have been playing as a teenager, I know as a young adult are going, actually, I want to play that again. But I can play on the goal which suits my lifestyle better.

Al Struthers 45:34

Maybe fulfilling a very, very small niche there is it. My feeling on it is the kind of people who just want to play those games on the go, are probably playing them on a tablet, something like an iPad Pro or an Android tablet they already own. And you're never going to buy a tablet instead of an switch because a complete different price points, but they've probably got most important things. And I think we just played them on that instead of a switch. With a few exceptions, like the person Anton is talking about.

Mike Macdermid 45:58

I don't I think that if people are because I've got quite a thing about buying those games, too. And I played many of them as well. And I would like to play them on the go. I love the idea. I loved the idea of playing stuff on my iPod, for example. But it's just not practical. It doesn't

Al Struthers 46:15

wait until you go to Google know the streaming services and the controller page with it, which you can think

Mike Macdermid 46:21

of I just don't I feel Nintendo's heritage for a star as a gaming console instantly, especially handheld is one of the big appeals so you know that you're going to get an X before

Al Struthers 46:30

I bought you and me, but it will offer the kind of people I'm talking about. I

Mike Macdermid 46:33

know I disagree, I think Yeah. What do you think I'm

Anton Winters 46:37

Calvin middle there. Um, I think in the present, obviously, streaming is not quite liable. So I wouldn't really think tablets are taking a stab of all the current gaming landscape. And I think there is a thin section of people who are buying the switch for these have more serious games, but I feel like if they're really see Yes, a lot of those camp gamers might be going towards gaming laptop so like those on the bus a couple days ago and I saw some some kid playing Congress right connected to their phone. On their MacBook. I'm like, What is this? It was like not even a small laptop was like a 15 inch laptop. I'm like you mind giving handhelds kids play Congress, right?

Mike Macdermid 47:23

That's really funny. We had a guy the gaming PC thing. I guess that is still a thing you know? And

Al Struthers 47:29

I mean, the reason I'm saying what I'm saying was a podcast. I wasn't do cold text message was done by Bloomberg journalist called Nate Langston. He's taking guy anyway, he has an iPad Pro is replaced pretty much all his computers with an iPad Pro because it does everything he wants it. Yes. And he plays the sky rim at perfectly. You would never know locally on Nova Pro. These things got serious horsepower behind them. And if you've already got it, you're probably not gonna buy a switch. And I know he hasn't bought us which is cool. We still have he hasn't because he doesn't need it.

Mike Macdermid 47:58

Yeah, I don't know if that many people people are buying iPad pros, though in that way.

Al Struthers 48:02

Not for that. But the already a lot of these, the kind of people who are likely to buy just besides the games, for example, probably already own other captain, so don't need to buy switch.

Mike Macdermid 48:12

Yeah, maybe maybe I don't know. I mean, we'd have to see fingers to kind of decide whether you know, the people are buying both, or whether that the guy you're speaking about is, is an example of what most people would do. For me. I think I would always even about nine Piper and I could play on an iPad, probably still having as and you're right. It's because I have heritage with Nintendo. So it's hard for me to get into the mindset of someone who wouldn't do that. Because it's still rather play on a switch. It feels like it's designed for that. But no, I mean, either way, if they bring more games, then great. So bring your whole back catalogue be fine. be all right with that.

Al Struthers 48:46

Yeah, none of us are gonna complain. And we love our switch. And

Mike Macdermid 48:49

when I was on the app store yesterday, I was looking at all the good old games that downloaded in the past, because obviously re downloading a couple of games, because my new phone works. And unlike the old one, and I was watching three others by sitting in there, and I'm thinking to myself, why have we not got these on the switch? Because I play on the switch in a heartbeat.

Anton Winters 49:07

Yeah. And the sad thing is the work on the seat, the exact process or there wouldn't even be any port and we will just have to make sure there's like no, any button prompts are the main music Nice.

Mike Macdermid 49:18

Yeah. So you know, bring more, please give us more games give us more of the catalogues we were in. We're in this for a long time where we've invested in this switch thing. So anyway,

Anton Winters 49:29

right now, talking about the potential of playing more mobile games have it Have you seen this new Microsoft pattern that's happened?

Mike Macdermid 49:37

No, tell us about is this is a controller. So this is your So tell us about this.

Anton Winters 49:41

So they've essentially went ahead and they patented an Xbox controller with all the handles, let's split into two parts that has a middle piece that it connects into. So they've basically patented a joy con at the kill concept has a handles that you can kill add on to it to me Kenmore controller shaped or you can leave the handles at home and just have the two count main account that we get to go on but account rhombus shapes, cafe controller modules that can count connect on to a mobile device like a phone or tablet for either second screen or Kindle, primary streaming use cases. So basically, Microsoft joy colons that are specific to any particular hardware is what's been patented. Where, where where do you think?

Mike Macdermid 50:34

Well, I guess again, it's it sounds like something that could be used with several devices. And given that I think the landscape is beginning to change with the likes of the Google kind of hardware coming and you know, all the Nvidia stuff and the switch and all the rest of it is probably Microsoft going well, we'll get in on this and have something that's compatible or round, would you think that'll be where they'll aim it

Anton Winters 50:56

on? Yeah, I'm really curious, because at each free 2019, Microsoft announced that Project X clouds, their new game streaming service, will allow you to use your as well as using one of their consoles in their cloud. And you'll be able to use your own console as your own personal code that you don't even have to pay for you just buy your physical game, put in your console or download them digitally. And then stream your games from your console sitting in your living room to you on the goal or, alternatively one of their servers. So I have a weird feeling that Microsoft's path into the hands held landscape because this pen was done. And I believe like free or free or two months after the switch was originally released. And it's just recently been found. Yeah. So my theory is, is maybe with the new Xbox scarlet, which is coming out in 2020. Microsoft may be hoping to have a Modular Controller that you can name use, or x closed streaming on the goal. And then if you want a more traditional controller, you can buy their Elite controller, which is charge 420 pounds.

Mike Macdermid 52:01

Yeah, yeah, I think it's got potential, I think we are going to be gaming in a very different way in five years time, certainly in 10 years time. There's no doubt about that. And I think we get the infrastructure right, with our online service. And you know, things like 5g coming and all that will probably help towards that. I could see all tying into where it seems like it's trying to go it feels a little bit early at the moment, it feels as a lot of stuff going on which and if we're ready for it yet. I don't know if the infrastructure is quite there. I mean, you know, we've had we have we're now getting reasonably flawless Skype calls. But even that seems quite relatively recent, you know, and I think that that's the thing. It's like, I'm not sure it's there yet as a whole infrastructure. I don't feel ready for it. But I think you're right. I think this is like future proofing for Microsoft is like we're going to go in the future. You know, what do you think Elsa?

Al Struthers 52:48

Yeah, I think you're right. I think streaming will streaming the future. It doesn't matter what any resources think or see. But that's the way the industry is going. Technology is moving on at peace. And I suspect if you live in big cities, these the infrastructures were there, none of us. Anton said Brad was getting close, but it's still not sort of Manchester, London and UK and even in LA or New York now. Still in the protocol, or in the world. Yeah. backwater in the UK and the world stage. Yeah. But they're not focused. Their focus is to begin with, but it will all catch up eventually. I'm sure these systems will work very well.

Anton Winters 53:22

Yeah, I think Microsoft here is potentially being very ingenious because I feel like a lot of people, even though let's say for instance, oh, you can game and play Portal on your Nvidia tablet. Not many people are going to that because not many people are going to connect the controller up or have a controller that's like, compatible with your iPhone or something like that. Yeah. And so I think Microsoft's been really smart in the sense of, they're realising that if people are going to use their streaming service, they're going to need a controller. And people aren't going to go out and buy a 50 pound Xbox controller. But they can use with their iPhone with the dream or hope that streaming might be a sustainable, yeah, streaming service. So I think they're deliberately making a controller that is, like, transformative that they can include in the book. So everybody who buys an Xbox Scarlet is like streaming ready with that takes one year, day one or 10 years when the technology is ready for that region. And they've already got a controller.

Mike Macdermid 54:24

Yeah, no, I think you're right. I think you're right. Interesting times ahead. Okay, I'm going to fire through the last few bits of storeys for us to so we can move on to the curriculum notice that we did speak a lot about the light so we are we are getting to the the longer end of our podcasts in terms of duration of this one but that's all right. We got stuff to talk about we're going to talk about it very very quickly then panic button has started a brand new development studio called and during games that are making original games this is very exciting for me because like panic button are amazing. And they port games so well. Wouldn't it be great Anton if we got some original games from Yeah,

Anton Winters 54:56

just clarify it see it's not panic button that's the phone one cofounders a panic button.

Mike Macdermid 55:02

So this is one of the guys that started pointing button to be fair it's as good as it being panic button if it's one of the guys definitely because I mean the have done such a good job and there the lesson there the like they're the gold standard standard Here we are. Yeah, when it comes to putting games on the switch. So it's guys called Adam Creighton I think so. Yeah, and during games is the name and so we're going to keep an eye out for them I'm sure we'll we'll be hearing more about them as we head into the end of the year into 2020 I'm just going to fire through these just because I know that we are up against time. Next up we've got the cup head show it's a Netflix original speaking of speaking of streaming, original CDs coming to Netflix inspired with the animated animated styles of the 1930s It's a winner already for me. I think cop head looks amazing. I haven't played it because I'm too scared It looks so difficult but this the animations fantastic real classic, whole family can watch it

Al Struthers 55:54

Yeah, I love the look of it. It makes me soon as daunting and happy.

Anton Winters 55:57

Yeah, Anton I've never seen I've never had a video game adaptation movie or TV show and being like, oh my god that's gonna be amazing. But yeah, first time I can say feel hardly Oh my God. That's gonna be amazing. Usually I'd be scared of this idea happening but so excite

Mike Macdermid 56:12

What is wrong with the anime it's super mario brothers of the early 90s

Al Struthers 56:16

I own it on DVD I generally have a DVD of that and have Washington it's not about its remember what Super Mario Brothers

Mike Macdermid 56:20

Yeah, yeah, really gonna be

Al Struthers 56:22

live action but at the beginning was really awful. And an

Mike Macdermid 56:25

animation in the middle of the animated Back to the Future season. Have you ever seen that? I did

Al Struthers 56:28

use wash that we're going to say goodbye? I did. It was quite surprisingly

Mike Macdermid 56:32

similar. No. Because when we had the Real Ghostbusters and the Ghostbusters, there was two different CDs at the same time. Then there was a new Ghostbusters lyst Yeah, yeah, but the when the original ones came out very quickly. The Real Ghostbusters was the ones that then became like the films where you know, but there was another Ghostbusters, which was not related to that at all. So if you look up Ghostbusters, for the atheist, we'll do that afterwards. We totally

Al Struthers 56:54

do that. Yes, you gotta check that right in my mind. Yeah, very,

Mike Macdermid 56:57

very quickly in Super Monkey Ball, which is one of the world's most frustrating games were really good fun has been spotted on a Taiwanese ratings board. That was a trademark week. We did mention that a while ago back in May. But Super Monkey Ball it looks like we're going to be getting a super monkey ball game. Perfect for the switch Anton.

Anton Winters 57:13

So excited. I think the last couple we've had have been super gimmicky felt like we had one on the Wii. That was all motion controls. Then we had Yeah, we which was all motion board like the board controlled. Then the 3ds. I'm so excited to just have a straightforward nice to play easy. Just use them on looks like monkey Super Monkey Ball. So much fun. Give it to me now. Fantastic.

Mike Macdermid 57:32

Me too. I'm with you on that it's perfect for the switch, I would say very quickly trying which is a game which looks amazing. And I've played a bit of one and two, I think you're going to be able to get the four in one Ultimate Collection of all four games been announced physical and digital as well. So expect a high ish price point for that but you're going to get a lot of content with it as well. So keep an eye out for that at some point in 2019. now going to move on to the quiz Antonio, our host again

Anton Winters 58:01

indeed a fuse are already

Mike Macdermid 58:03

Alright, well, let me let me introduce it then it's time for the quiz.

Anton Winters 58:09

Alrighty, so if you are not familiar quiz How it works is I give a prompt again to our two contestants, and we have to guess what is and if they don't guess what game as we move on to the next prompt and then it's a battle to the death we have several games lined up and this is a Gameboy special this time around. Game Boys and Men who like it. All right, TR us ready? Yes, yes. I'm a action adventure game developed by Nintendo for Nintendo Gameboy and released a 1991 1991

Al Struthers 58:43

Super Mario World land

Mike Macdermid 58:50

action adventure on the Gameboy Castlevania

Anton Winters 58:54

Okay, this is a sequel to a game released on Nintendo Entertainment System.

Unknown Speaker 59:03

game by game by game boy

Mike Macdermid 59:06

so many games on the Game Boy Yeah. And I didn't have a game but we'll see. I did the original one.

Al Struthers 59:13

Well, I had a colour as well. I

Mike Macdermid 59:14

had friends that had nice play a lot but I never had myself My only one meeting down when

Al Struthers 59:19

they wouldn't be the original generation. Yeah, for the new ones. I probably have. I probably played with her bs adventure to know curves adventure. No, it wasn't called adventure. I just remember was cold but it might not be right answer.

Mike Macdermid 59:35

Kirby lon to

Anton Winters 59:39

the game had an unofficial remake at that which end development for Windows 2016 over the game had the DMC CAA take belt before in 2019 Nintendo released their own remake of this game for Nintendo 3ds

Mike Macdermid 59:57

3ds sequel action adventure. I don't know.

Al Struthers 1:00:04

I'm gonna go Kirby gonna go kirby's dreamland. Oh, yeah, that one?

Mike Macdermid 1:00:09

I'll go with no, I don't know.

Anton Winters 1:00:16

The clear. The clear controls the protagonists on a fictional planet ASR free HE the players advance for the game using blanks weapons to kill a number of enemies. The player is given direction on F sorry, yeah, there's there's your clip. Okay, I'm

Mike Macdermid 1:00:40

on a planet. So Metroid.

Al Struthers 1:00:44

Metal metal is on the Gameboy. Gameboy to

Anton Winters 1:00:49

you've got a mic Metra

Mike Macdermid 1:00:52

I don't know if I can really take that but is such a cheap. All right, then. I'll take it.

Anton Winters 1:00:58

Well done. Mike. Metro to return of Silas. Oh, yeah. Okay, God really great remake on the 3ds love. Excellent. Alrighty. game to release a 1990 an action puzzle video game produced by GM P. You'll call

Mike Macdermid 1:01:18


Al Struthers 1:01:22

Dr. Mario, you've got it.

Mike Macdermid 1:01:25

I was gonna say you're right. The other one.

Anton Winters 1:01:29

Two pieces of Taiwan. Oh, so that means we are up to Southern death. Okay, I'm ready. I'll search wild card if you prefer that name. This game was developed for Nintendo Gameboy and released in 1994. The game is both the first and a franchise but also the first and its own franchise. The character was an introduction of one of Nintendo most popular cast Super

Mike Macdermid 1:02:01

Mario World three.

Anton Winters 1:02:02

Boom, you've got to make guess that that the

Mike Macdermid 1:02:07

only remember? Because I know that. The Super Mario World Series. I know that they released one quietly into the Gameboy cycle of the original Gameboy and

Al Struthers 1:02:17

honestly, I didn't realise it was ever Super Mario World on the Gameboy.

Anton Winters 1:02:20

I saw Game Boys are land Super Mario Land sorry. YO land.

Al Struthers 1:02:24

Oh that's controversial.

Anton Winters 1:02:27

Controversial it's a world

Mike Macdermid 1:02:31

I meant to say land

Anton Winters 1:02:34

Why don't we leave it up to the audience on Twitter to decide whether or not my gets the point for Super Mario World free.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:42

But I was wrong. I just I in my head. I can see Super Mario Land three.

Al Struthers 1:02:48

Gentlemen, they call a tie. All right, let's do that. Chicken hands. Well done. Well done. Well done. Very good.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:55

Well done Anton great questions again. You know what, it's a shame because the game was funny. As much as I love Nintendo Gameboy was one of the counsellors that I didn't have. So

Al Struthers 1:03:04

I think I even had Mario and someone had wanted to to have three.

Mike Macdermid 1:03:08

Mario World. Oh, did you know I have better world. Well done, Anton. Thank you for that I will learn to play. I will try and get the right title next week. Alright, well, that's it. We've had a lot of talk about the light. So that has been a topic of the week. And I guess Until next week, if you are online, then you can check us out on Twitter. We're NS Uk podcast on Twitter Alster, we've got a lovely website.

Al Struthers 1:03:31

We do and the website is or you can email podcast at NSUKP. Dakota UK.

Anton Winters 1:03:37

Yeah, and Anton we're on Facebook as well indeed at you can go over there I believe it's just an issue k podcasts. And over there you get all the lovely information of what we're doing what we're up to, and we occasionally chat on there and we tried to be more active and things are growing and if you have any ideas for things you would like to see us do in future let us know we're open to tonnes of ideas and any amendments ideas for stuff we can add to the website yes greatly appreciate it. Absolutely always trying to add new features there and it's tonnes of fun and a few phones are super secret easter egg hidden in the website I was on a good old cease are sitting here on the right word or respect or handshake respect. We

Al Struthers 1:04:16

actually had no will find it yet officially telephone but not no one's told us they found this on the rise or stolen claimed No, absolutely no.

Mike Macdermid 1:04:21

But no, I said we are we are at the stage now. Where we're really thankful that we're getting getting regular listeners and we have you know, a good number of people who we know are listening in every week and the stats of back that up. So that's been

Al Struthers 1:04:34

under steadily claiming so thank you everyone who sees you're telling people about us and if you're not please do. Yes. And then when it's just find us and join us and is listening.

Mike Macdermid 1:04:42

Thank you. Yes, thank you for listening to the tender switch UK podcast. That's it for this week. We will be back next week. Until then, have a fabulous week. Bye Cheerio.