Hit & Re-Run? - Episode 38

game, play, switch, anton, mario kart, good, podcast, bit, ghostbusters, yoshi, week, reviews, released, coming, thought, buy, fun, title, star wars, great

Mike, Anton and Al are back with the latest news from the world of the Nintendo Switch! This week, we are talking about future releases Day and Night, Headsnatchers and Enchanted Portals, chatting about the new Mario Kart racing wheel from Hori, two new demos that have hit the Japan eShop and much, much more.

Plus, big rumours that The Simpons: Hit & Run could be getting a remake, more Star Wars games and further triple A titles could be Switch bound.

episode 38.jpg

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Transcription [BETA]

Mike Macdermid 0:13

Hello, and thank you for downloading Episode Number 38 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. I'm Mike, I'm out. I'm Anton. And we are back with more switch news and stuff to talk about all the stuff that's been going on this week pretty much and before we get into that, just a quick reminder, we are on Twitter. It's NS Uk podcast on Twitter. We have a website and an email out.

Al Struthers 0:35

We do. Yes, well the email is podcast@nsukp.co. uk. And the website funnily enough is just NSUKP Dakota UK

Mike Macdermid 0:43

Yeah, there's lots of stuff on there that Anton's sort of put together for us he's very clever is Anton Labs anytime. Is there anything else we forgotten Anton? Yeah,

Anton Winters 0:53

yeah, if you'd head on the website, you can find all the links to our YouTube Twitter's and Facebook's account be baller just Searching for them and all the different podcast sites were on customer. We're on all of them though it seems like yeah, we're on

Mike Macdermid 1:05

loads and speaking of that within another review this week, so we tend to get most of our reviews via Apple podcasts because it's quite handy bit there where you can leave reviews we've got we've now got 31 five star reviews, which is fantastic. So thank you very much for five star ratings. And in the reviews, we had a couple I thought were three last week we've got a new one this week. I'm going to read it because it's I think it's probably my favourite yet and that seems something because I've been absolutely loving all the reviews.

Al Struthers 1:31

Trump the tattoo review because I like to start to review that was

Mike Macdermid 1:33

good was very good. Well, let me read it. You can tell me so this was from not Friedman. Thank you very much to not Freeman for this. This is my best Fight of the year. So as a novice in Nintendo Switch world purchased in August, I have been trolling the podcast market to find something to help steer me in the right direction when it comes to getting the best out of the console. This is that in abundance and so much more three hosts who would definitely be the type of blokes you'd want to go for a pint with are knowledgeable and passionate about the switch. This translates well into a very entertaining podcast I have listened to a lot of switched switch focused podcasts. Trust me, this is the best as a person who lost to gaming seriously as a child in the 80s. I love the references to retro gaming, as well as the focus on the up and coming stuff. I think that's up there with my favourites.

Al Struthers 2:17

I think I'm willing off a bit.

Mike Macdermid 2:20

It is isn't Anton.

Anton Winters 2:22

Yeah, I love just how half of the reviews we get. It's like yeah, we know what games were like before like 1990.

Mike Macdermid 2:29

Speaking of that, I was at Comic Con, which is not something I've ever done before. But one of the reasons I went there were a few reasons. One was that Christopher Lloyd as in Doc Brown was there. The other was that they had a retro gaming section and I got to play a vectrix Anton.

Anton Winters 2:45

Oh lovely. The screens on them are gorgeous

Mike Macdermid 2:48

car I couldn't believe how crazily kind of vibrant it is considering how old it is out there was also spectrums and then receive 60 fours and there were Panasonic 3d O's and they were actually it was probably the best thing About the Comic Con because for me the organisation of the event wasn't great. And I was told by many people that actually This one wasn't a very good Comic Con as in their arrangements in their organisation but one thing I did love was going around and having a go at some of the the retro games that we had all the in a Mario section there was a sonic section Anton What should have loved Sonic savages?

Anton Winters 3:21

I'm envious of the first time you're done tonight. And Brian. I couldn't make it.

Mike Macdermid 3:25

I know it was typical. Well, I mean, I think play export was on this weekend as well down in Blackpool, maybe, maybe I'm wrong on that. But certainly there was a big retro gaming event happening this weekend. But this was a nice little taste of that it was pretty hard to get onto them because it was fairly busy and there weren't that many but it was it was definitely the highlight for me.

Al Struthers 3:44

That's cool. There's a lot of these things popular in their own country every every year there seem to be more and more gaming experts I lovingly

Mike Macdermid 3:50

Yeah, I think so. And I think that if you I think asking around as well. Finding out who's kind of involved in them is important. I think Comic Con Comic Cons are a bit different because There's so much that that takes in, you know, you've you've got so many different things that make up a comic con, you've got your retro stuff and your movies and then you've got your anime stuff and cosplay and all that. So I think that this wasn't a good example of that. But it was a there were certain things they did well. And I think the retro gaming thing was really cool. So anyway, I just thought I'd mention it as it talks as we were talking about the kind of the retro thing in the reviews. So thank you so much for that review. And to all the reviews as well, it really does make a difference. If you can leave a review for us. If you like what we do, then that will be fantastic. It's Apple podcasts or iTunes, as I still call it. iTunes

Al Struthers 4:34

podcast on iTunes, said that he has gone out and

Mike Macdermid 4:38

bought exactly so depending if you've updated or not,

Al Struthers 4:40

Yeah, why not? For you?

Mike Macdermid 4:41

Yes. So before we move on, Anton, what have you been playing this week? I

Anton Winters 4:47

haven't had much chance to play too much switch. I've been off doing VR with American Truck Simulator. So I've been sadly betraying the podcast. So just just briefly though, I am interested to know what that is like in VR. I'd say it's a surreal experience because that it really being able to end a game like especially in a racing game, most time efficient VR, you just flick forward, but that's actually being able to look down the corner and kind of see where the cars are coming from. It just makes it so much more natural and super fun and unique about a girl one time when you're down.

Al Struthers 5:18

I'm gonna channel my intro Jeremy Clarkson here and ask when you look down and you're driving a truck, do you have a big gut?

Anton Winters 5:27

You can look into the back corner of the chair breaks the illusion. I was gonna

Mike Macdermid 5:31

say, when you look down on DC FA Cup by Chris, No, I wasn't gonna say that you don't use paper.

Al Struthers 5:38

So many things. You could go with that. But I thought restrain myself,

Mike Macdermid 5:41

I'm going with the clean version. We want to not have to take that explicit box and when we upload our

Al Struthers 5:45

boys don't get sued or get death threats. And Buddha gets whenever he opens his mouth, but that's very true anyway,

Mike Macdermid 5:52

so you haven't had an awful lot of time with the switch. But Alistair, what about you?

Al Struthers 5:54

I have actually played a bit of switch this week. Nothing new though. As I was way this weekend. I was thinking a very, very nice Castle in the middle of Scotland It was literally the middle of nowhere there was Wi Fi just didn't really

Mike Macdermid 6:03

exist out your phone signal is that your August and autumn home

Al Struthers 6:08

It is yes my second residence so yeah took the switch had me and I literally had a card for Mario Kart with me and I had Pokemon let's go EV and that was all I had a couple of other saved on there but mostly needed an internet connection so I played Pokemon let's go and I spent several very happy hours sitting in the castle playing that was good.

Mike Macdermid 6:27

I'm sorry. Oh Anton.

Anton Winters 6:30

Oh no, I was just gonna ask how far are you free shipping playing late school for a decent bet now

Al Struthers 6:34

I'm not very far to click you can distracted by other things. So I'm probably I mean if I if I see anything to do this morning to you because you don't have you know, probably I think roughly halfway through have been for James I think the main man that's not bad.

Mike Macdermid 6:49

Yeah, I kind of flitted between games. This is what I do. Sometimes I sent sort of play a bit. Listen a bit of that. And you know, I guess there's no rules and how you do it, but I do sometimes think I just need to say Get through something so I played a bit of a game that I got a physical copy of the suite called Agha loss which is like a Wonder Boy type eight bit 16 bit type platformer which is really good. Gatto Roberto play a bit more of that as well. So you're gonna say something nice

Al Struthers 7:13

when you said Wonderboy. I now have Tenacious D in my head.

Mike Macdermid 7:16

No, no that one system. Also I played Ghostbusters, which I got for my birthday.

Al Struthers 7:26

Happy birthday, Mike. Oh, thank you old now.

Mike Macdermid 7:28

Yeah, I know. Well, you know when you get to 23 it's tough but so So anyway, so Ghostbusters I played in fact, on my birthday, I was in a hotel room with my other half and we had a bottle of champagne and peacocks busters, which was fun task stick on a big screen

Al Struthers 7:44

is living life to the max. JU I love that.

Mike Macdermid 7:47

And it's um I really like Ghostbusters. I mean, we know the game but I didn't get around to sort of playing it when it first came out and it does feel very much like you're playing the third movie from the original Ghostbusters from the 80s movie which

Al Struthers 7:59

was what the next one Who's going to be I believe,

Mike Macdermid 8:01

yes, apparently so or something going to lead on from that.

Al Struthers 8:03

It was a good game. I enjoyed that game. Sure, completely. I think I played a few and easy

Mike Macdermid 8:06

couple of tough Yeah, I'm playing on easy as well. And the reason for that is because I know there are a couple of frustrations on there and it's to do with AI not being very intelligent. And I'm going to come on to another game in a minute where I'm having frustrations to recruiters because I'm not a very good gamer. But anyway, so this one has a lot to do with the AI. They're not the best at responding when you've been down and and it's sometimes quite hard to figure out where they are. You know, when you're looking around you you can hear them shouting a little help. And you

Al Struthers 8:32

know, it was an annoying game, but I really do I did finish it. I just couldn't remember for a long time and and click the watch Daniel Yep, no, I actually met so I

Mike Macdermid 8:38

think it's about 10 hours in terms of gameplay on tone. And it's, it's one of those games that I think if you have a love for the Ghostbusters franchise, then you're probably going to want to play it and there are frustrations, but I think you'll just power through them eventually.

Anton Winters 8:52

Yeah, that's the thing I've been curious about because I remember when it came out a lot of the talk was like oh, it's the Ghostbusters free and Know that will mash Do you think do you think if somebody hadn't seen the film such as myself with find enjoyment in it or what this wait for the we just mentioned

Mike Macdermid 9:09

yeah I think probably Louise mentioned is going to be more history anyway just given that if you if you're choosing one or the other but I wouldn't write this off because it's well voice acted anyway because they are Hollywood a list actors are certainly worth the time they're not the perfect voice acting performances I would say that what's his name

Al Struthers 9:29

either way

Mike Macdermid 9:30

Yes, you're talking about Dan Aykroyd don't know the other one not done that great. Oh, Peter

Al Struthers 9:36

Bregman know the other learn will Egan's bail money. Yeah, that was Peter Bregman was

Mike Macdermid 9:44

just talking about the actors names of the characters. And you said Dan Aykroyd, right. So anyway, Bill Murray's performance is a little kind of like it's a bit like Garfield when he did Garfield. He's a bit like in that zone for some of it but it's good and it's

Al Struthers 10:00

storey doesn't really fall on so anyone can pick it up and play with

Mike Macdermid 10:04

the one it's set in 1991 it's set a couple years after the second movie and it has a bit of a kind of start picks up where the second movie finished but that doesn't mean you have to have seen the movies able to play it and the storey within it is is good as well. So I wouldn't write it off but I'd certainly say if you're choosing between the two probably let me just mention if you're not Ghostbusters fan is probably for the list that I also played on photograph

Al Struthers 10:27

Ghostbusters. I have a suggestion that I am hoping that whoever is one of the guys that develop frequently called develop the LEGO games and TV three years at TKEUT free Emily see when the new Lego new Ghostbusters movie comes out. I want a Lego Ghostbusters kingdom. Yeah, that would be lovely suggestion and wanted to go spread the word. Go to the forums start chatting. We won't go Ghostbusters. I think I could be a good one to have

Anton Winters 10:51

a human aspect. Also, I played

Mike Macdermid 10:54

What else did I play? I played a lot of things this week. A lot of a bit of games. Which was a funny way to do it but also played some oh yes two things I want to talk about both racing related so asphalt, which is three down asphalt nine, which is the free download all the micro transactions in it but Free to Play Actually, I said have no interested I downloaded how to go just just to in fairness to see what it was like and actually it's a lot of fun I really like it by well but I will say it is really hard to get very far with it without sort of you know, being forced into a corner of oh I need to really win this race or I need to spend some money on you know, micro transactions and whatever so but I would say if you if you download it and you enjoy it you'll probably get something from it and it's free so if you you know if you're not if you're not a micro transaction or which I think most of us aren't, then give it a go anyway so it's actually quite fun. And there's proper acceleration as well. It's not just go in and steer like on you know on mobiles Yeah. Amato turns out, so it actually has, you know, he holds, Zed accelerates. So that's cool. And it is it's good fun.

Unknown Speaker 12:08

Yes. Okay, if you say so I might give a shot. Let's

Mike Macdermid 12:11

give it a shot. It's arcadey It reminds me of like a burnout type thing. But it's not frustrating.

Al Struthers 12:15

Have you got to that stage where you you're pretty much back in the corner pink.

Mike Macdermid 12:19

Well, I'm not quite there yet, because I could probably just actually try and win the time trial that I'm on right now. But it's tough. No, it's getting tough. And I think any upgrades to make my car better. So that's where the thing is. The payoff is Yeah,

Al Struthers 12:30

it sounds that sounds. I don't like the sound of it.

Mike Macdermid 12:32

So no, well, I don't I'm not saying it's a one to go out and spend money on all I'm saying is if you want an hour of fun on a game with before it starts getting frustrating, then download and have a go order

Al Struthers 12:43

Mario Kart and forms dead yet I'm still playing and still get both and I'm not yet

Mike Macdermid 12:47

they're literally free. So try asphalt because it's free until you get to the point where you're paying and don't write good advice. Anyway. And then the third thing was crushed in racing. So I've been playing a lot of crap. Racing and getting so frustrated with it because the difficulty curve on medium which is where I would play most games, I would generally play it certainly racing games because, you know, I wouldn't feel like I should be on it easy for racing games. It just gets so, so tough and unforgiving. And the and the rubber banding that happens on Crash Team Racing is very frustrating because you know, one hit, and then that's it, you're you're in eighth place, and you're really struggling. The problem is with the weapons on there as well, is that you could be hit after you've been hit. So you could be hit like three times in a row. And there's nothing to kind of stop that happening. And you're just kind of stuck, you know, you've gone from first to eighth really quickly. And there. It's I'm at the point now where I'm at 26% through medium, and I'm so frustrated playing it. So I had to look online to see what other people said. And sure enough, this is the thing that people have talked about. Some people of course, say oh, no, it's easy mediums, no problem at all. You just need to put the time and effort and Well I'll tell you what, I don't think my controller TV or anyone within the vicinity of my storey. could take me playing on medium any longer. However, I went to easy and then easy is the other ways too easy, far too easy. So I think they've got it slightly wrong. And for me personally, I believe the original was somewhere between easy and medium. And that would make sense because I don't remember it being this hard. So that's my frustration crushing racing.

Anton Winters 14:18

What about you, Anton? Oh, yeah, that's interesting. Because I've, I remember, like, I came to crashed him racing a little bit after a fat house, like calculate free like original Xbox ROI, or members of rubber banding being an issue, and I think, I guess those early knock no adult games, they really will stick it to you.

Mike Macdermid 14:37

Yeah, yeah. It's just, it's just slightly too much. You know, I like a challenge. I think most people like a challenge is racing games. Because, you know, I would consider myself a reasonable amount of car. I can unlock everything and, you know, compete at 200 cc, no problem, but this is just so frustrating. I think that's the thing. It's frustrating, because you don't feel like you've driven badly you feel like you've raced well, but you're still not getting anywhere needed to unlock and stuff however someone listening is probably going nuts easy just need to do this this and this just learn to dress properly you know? Nevermind anyway, is that everyone's games anyone else getting?

Unknown Speaker 15:11

Indeed? I'm done

Mike Macdermid 15:12

all right let's move on then let's talk about this week's news so first of all just sidestepping on switch news strictly to start with and not strictly we're not getting strictly on the switch to Strictly Come Dancing although there's that there's an idea for it No, let's not do that Mario Kart tours. Mario Kart tour races to Tokyo metropolis. So this is the second round of of the game, isn't it? So this is the Yeah, they

Al Struthers 15:38

basically reset so discovered every two weeks or so they'll bring it a new tour and they will literally reset every single thing you've done with exceptional unlocking your characters but all your courses that you've unlocked all the extras and things they've got little bonus boxes that come along after you've earned so many stars, they all get reset and you start again which is actually quite nice because begin to get to a point where and it was getting quite hard. The races are becoming A bit frustrating, and no good to go back and start again and have fun. And I really like that approach this whole new tracks this whole bunch of everything's like a new game.

Mike Macdermid 16:08

Yeah, I've been playing a bit of Mario Kart to have you, Anton.

Anton Winters 16:11

and sell, sell holding out. I'm still sceptical of it. I saw the pricing for the new theoretical and DLC I'm like, Yeah, but Nintendo when I didn't believe heretics. Yeah, you

Al Struthers 16:21

don't need to play this game a lot. And I'm not had to spend anything I've known come close to thinking, Oh, I'm gonna spend spend money. I've been playing it constantly without spending a thing.

Anton Winters 16:30

But I do like the idea of rotating courses. And I'm curious how long they'll keep on rotating it like will it be infinite and like will be free years down the line? And we will have like, I like 12 courses or how many courses we have in that time? Or is it going to be like in a year's time? It's like, All right, we're back to the beginning. We're starting with London. We're going to Tokyo and it's going to be curious to see how much they expand on the game. Yeah, I

Mike Macdermid 16:56

think they'll probably do a fair bit to start with Then perhaps change it up slightly once we get into, you know, once they've done 468 courses or whatever but like an A grand prix a guest or maybe start looking elsewhere and go right. Okay, let's do something different now. Maybe themes, maybe they'll be a summer theme and a winter, kind of as a theme they've been First of all, it was New York and it was based around Odyssey This was Tokyo, which I've seen this costume before somewhere but can't quite place where Yeah, I got that one that capture.

Al Struthers 17:26

Yeah, yeah. So I mean, I'm yeah, I don't know where they're gonna go with it. But I think that's gonna, you're going to keep doing this for quite some time. There's a lot of material to draw from. And I suppose it comes down to how many people play how much money they're making for so long as they're making money. They will keep churning of courses. It's probably not that hard from today. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 17:41

I think people are unlocking stuff. I mean, I've had a look on there. I've seen other people playing and I've been playing a little bit and I think I'm definitely noticing that people are unlocking stuff. So the micro transaction route seems to be what only working because I don't want it to work. I don't want people to play is for free and then not pay a penny extra so the been that and then just give us like a good sauce on the switch or are if you're going to have Mario Kart two or charge 20 quid for as a one off and say right but for life you get everything that the game has to offer you know or even even 20 pounds which is an expensive expensive mobile game if you know you're gonna get a lifetime of gaming out of it and most people are going to be buying it then you might go for it but I hate the micro transaction thing

Al Struthers 18:25

Yeah, you know see Diddy Combs like 60 quid or something to lock in it saves things

Anton Winters 18:29

that that he Kong's literally the same course as Mario Kart eight on sweat just like 40 pounds is crazy. But a plane to fly just looking at this. I'm like, this looks gorgeous. And I hope like when BK or like Mario Kart 11 on the switch to it has like some of the throwback stages where they pull in like some snakes and Game Cube and they bring some of these games. Yeah, tables to proper switch game.

Mike Macdermid 18:52

Yeah, well, they kind of did that in Mario Kart seven on the DS where they had loads of old courses on there. And I think that that's one thing that I've never really understood, but now it Because obviously, they've brought this out but I've never understood why they didn't introduce more DLC for Mario Kart eight But yeah, I mean I think Mario Kart in the switch still the optimum way to play it but yeah it seems to have to say as a free game if you do approach it like that and try to ignore the transaction stuff then you can get some enjoyment out of this just don't you know, don't get carried away with it unless you want to be budgeted for it but I've done over not for me now. But decent game right let's move on them ridiculous games have announced day and night. It's a new block dropping two player puzzle game coming out October 22. don't know much about this scheme specifically, but you can never really get too many block dropping games because they are very addictive. Although if there is one I can't remember the name of it. But some some Russian guy came up with some idea in the 80s It seems to have done all right. Is there anything like this that that game that I don't remember?

Anton Winters 19:53

Yeah, I've heard that one's like a cone of luminous

Unknown Speaker 19:57

guys. Yeah,

Anton Winters 19:57

yeah. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't give it too much credit. uh but yeah 10 late It's interesting because from the trailer you look at and you're like wow that's sure it's some block dropping fun but you have no idea what's going on. Yeah, yeah it's um I picked up

Mike Macdermid 20:13

I picked up an import game and I can't remember what it's cold and it's a block dropping game from Japan it's somewhere between Tetris and ploy I guess but it's I still don't really have a clue what's that because with all of these block dropping games comes a whole new set of rules not the best for colour blind people let myself and I'll

Anton Winters 20:33


Al Struthers 20:34

ended up nice pattern on there. But frankly, life is too short to play book dropping games.

Mike Macdermid 20:38

I don't know the other good fun though.

Al Struthers 20:40

Tetris was good fun. And I enjoyed the also the target we're playing terror. Terror. Oh, no. Yeah. Anyway, that's good fun, because that's kind of it's quirky and very different. So your towers, yeah, whatever was Yeah, yeah. Most Baldwin games. Life's too short. Okay.

Mike Macdermid 20:59

I think there's Always a there's always an audience for this kind of thing and it's a huge is a huge market for Anton though.

Anton Winters 21:07

Yeah, I was just saying here I'm like why haven't we seen the columns franchise? That that yeah such an established rule set so many sequels that it's just disappeared off the face of the air. Yeah, it might come back at some point. I mean,

Mike Macdermid 21:21

I guess there's a whole as you said, there's a whole bunch of stuff in there from the columns games. That surely could be explored but yeah, I'll have a look at it. If it's getting rave reviews and people are competing on it then you never know why not have a goal. But yeah, it's coming out on October the 22nd. So not that long to wait at all. For that game. It's called day and night. Next up head snatchers has been announced it's coming out in November we had a look at the trailer Alistair and I just before we started recording, it's a four player party game and with lose a different game modes and 25 levels and it looks like you basically snatch people's heads and then have to put them in different sort of courses like nets like in a basketball course or like an American football pitch or something and it looks a lot of fun.

Al Struthers 22:08

It does particularly but we dropped something down toilet and flush it

Mike Macdermid 22:11

out one level like that. Yeah, that seems to be a lot of different game modes for player party game. I'm always up for a four player party game on what about you?

Anton Winters 22:19

Yeah, it's hard because there's so many party games and then there's so little moments when I have four people around to play with Yeah, I really liked the two reviews on this one it was hard to count. Get the to tell tale if it would be something that would like have that mass appeal in the trailer, but it definitely looks full of charming character so optimistic.

Mike Macdermid 22:40

Yeah, excellent. Well, that's coming in November. Next up and that is XIXOZZO How do we pronounce these team?

Unknown Speaker 22:49

Let's go with XIXO

Mike Macdermid 22:50

so these are fairly new game studio that have announced in chanted portholes, which is a new court platform or shooter inspired by cup had to say in spite Because basically people have been talking about how much of a clone This is. And we've I'd already seen this and I was showing, we're talking about an hour and you had a look as well and sure enough it is literally looks identical however, could you then go and argue that well cup head is a pastiche on just 1940s 1930s 40s animation? Yeah, yeah. But I mean, it's, but I know what you mean because it is a very sad thing, isn't it?

Al Struthers 23:25

Yeah. They've clearly been inspired by I think it's probably what you'd say. Because it unless you're actually making the exact characters Osceola can receive inspiration because it is drawing a established art style.

Mike Macdermid 23:34

Yeah, I mean, it's slightly different in the you know, as you said, the characters are different, but the art style is very, very similar. Anton,

Anton Winters 23:41

what have you, as a name, a calf going into the gameplay. Like, I feel like if you told somebody this was a sequel to cop head, they would, they wouldn't be able to tell because their way of the characters is a day to call with areas where you're like, and we had like, and cop heads up. I believe it's a plane button there it's like you're on a broomstick like the way and mechanic seems at for bait I'm almost like cup head and that say it's interesting because it's such a small studio it's a two person team so you want to give them the benefit of the doubt but it does seem a little bit and yeah it's ruthless

Mike Macdermid 24:21

yeah it's it's a weird one because obviously cup had has had such a successful launch on the switch after the Microsoft exclusive thing and it's it's kind of almost like no it's not exclusive because there's another game coming which is the same but we'll keep we'll keep an eye on it because it could actually be a really good game so I guess depending on your point of view, this might be might be good news and certainly looks good. So we shall see.

Al Struthers 24:46

Next up is Kickstarter as well as not it's a Kickstarter, so you can always go and check out the Kickstarter. Do you think it looks good? You knows backer?

Unknown Speaker 24:51

Yeah, yeah,

Mike Macdermid 24:52

maybe maybe half your money. I'll be going to the cup head team. By the end of it arcade archives. We've got a new one. It's the legend of page it's been announced and is it I already Anton?

Anton Winters 25:03

Yes indeed you can download it now and then yes Catholic then I believe it second interest still game like classic 1985 scrolling it looks it looks a lot better what we had last week from the arcade archives and minnows there might be some more golden there then we fall because last week we're really being a bit harsh on the RK target archives. I

Mike Macdermid 25:24

think it's the pricing for me again, you know, I've got to see 629 for me is a lot of money for you know, something later on arcade games are the real classics I would say that's fine, but for this, if it was 329 that might be a bit more palatable. Yeah, because at the end of the day, you could buy them free for eight belief hills eight pounds, you can buy Jim's to import and even like the original first to do sir, like four pounds. Yeah,

Anton Winters 25:49

it's a hard sale at six pounds, but I'm sure for the five diehards legend of cage fans. It'll be worth it.

Mike Macdermid 25:57

Yeah, absolutely. Next up dark with a que has been announced for switch and it's a surrealist horror platform. It is the month where we get scary spooky announcements and releases. This has been announced. I don't know much about dark Anton tell us about this one.

Anton Winters 26:12

Yeah, it's to be honest similarly it's a kill. It's a very colourful symbol MKL it's like a ascetic vaguely not not not as similar as a child portals but it's very stylistic Scott really feel Calif sound design to it it seems like him with a similar paint from Park and hard to tell here speed on steam for well reviewed on Steam as well. So this one's caught my attention and it's hard to explain so if you're up for account, another account Limbo and site sale game, give the trailer a look and see if it's something up your alley because I I present being a horror game. And we don't have a date for it right now. But I presume being horror and being the month as Right now it should be coming quite shortly.

Mike Macdermid 27:02

Well, I did wonder that given they've announced it given what month it is and the fact that this game is already out, I guess if they can get optimise and time maybe that's just what they're fighting against and maybe they'll, you know, maybe they'll get it out before the end of the month. I don't think they've got they haven't got a release date

Al Struthers 27:16

release date yet. Okay,

Mike Macdermid 27:18

well, look out for that one. It's called dark but DRQ Next up game, a Tellier and FDG Entertainment. The two teams who are behind the monster Boy games are teaming up for another game project. What are we getting next? Anton? Is it going to be super duper crazy monster man

Anton Winters 27:34

Oh, who knows but they've done sold suffer be very curious. And also they've done a couple of these monster ball games. Be excited to see if they did their own original project. And obviously they built up a lot of capital. So original one was like a very low budget like this is just for the fans for Kickstarter will cover it and then obviously they went on to self funds, and many many bigger monster project. So it'd be excited to see what they do next so

Al Struthers 28:02

purely for those listeners out there and not myself because I obviously know most of it is

Mike Macdermid 28:07

like a platformer kind of like like the Wonder Boy kind of games as well as the

Anton Winters 28:11

same franchise Yes, I'm back from 19 like the Master Master

Mike Macdermid 28:15

System is what I always think of when we talk about monster boy in fact the game that I've bought this week which is I mentioned earlier on the podcast and forgotten it already but it's very Aguilar it's called so it's very much based on that fact is it's it is like almost cup head rip off and not quite

Anton Winters 28:32

as Catholic, slicker, more modern version of Zelda to without the cowl great break and stuff if you think Yeah, but yeah, I played the miracle boy one on the Mega Drive and that was a fantastic tale. Great Adventure.

Mike Macdermid 28:47

Yeah, well, we'll look out for that. It'll be interesting to see what they do and if it is something brand new, how much they will change it from where it's been previously as well. Next up, though, the Horry mario kart racing wheel is coming to the UK for 59 99 that's quite expensive for me. I've got to say I haven't seen this Anton but is this we're going to have a little look No, actually but tell us about this kart racing wheel. So

Anton Winters 29:10

for clarification, it's not like your classic we just put your jewellery cologne in a piece of plastic as a proper racing wheel

Mike Macdermid 29:18

right? That's why that's why I assumed it was until I saw that price.

Anton Winters 29:23

Yeah, it's it's kind of bizarre. Were saying and especially for the title where it's tailored for us Tara for Mario Kart. I struggled to see who the audience for this is personally I don't know who's playing micro cards that wants it to be more realistic. And who wants like who's maybe playing grid all sport? Who would want to have a budget cheap racing wheel at Sam it's neither it's too expensive to be budget but it's not high quality enough to be premium at sir I'm sadly don't see that the market for this product yet. He's a great team behind it.

Mike Macdermid 30:02

Yeah, it's um I have seen and I've said this before, I've seen lots of people who do use the Mario Kart the wheel on Mario Kart and this one is an actual like it reminds me of the old school ones looking at it that you used to get for think I've had several these kinds of things over the years. Xbox and for PC and stuff, but it comes with pedals and purple wheel and sit on your table clamp on where you go. Yeah, I think that'd be quite tough. In my head I healing Mario Kart like doubling

Al Struthers 30:31

and tripling any racing game like that without a proper rigorous officer fitted to it makes racing games impossible cuz your pedals are slightly wavering on the floor and the squeals just the wrong height. You just

Unknown Speaker 30:42

you can't register them.

Al Struthers 30:44

You just can't unless you got proper setup.

Anton Winters 30:47

Like, yeah, the only people I could see buying this is maybe the younger people who are maybe getting into great ball sport and they'll regret it after they die

Mike Macdermid 30:59

like that. So you've now got a hugely high hopes for this one Anton

Anton Winters 31:03

know it just struggled to see the market for it and maybe on ps4 where you could maybe get for like a cheap Gran Turismo thing until you get a nicer wheel.

Mike Macdermid 31:12

Yeah, weirdly as well it seems like it's being released in January which I think is really odd given that the audience I think I agree I think younger audience three be going for you to thought in time for Christmas. But no, it seems to be January

Al Struthers 31:23

3 of January you can pre order it now. So you can give your your your kid a paper saying Merry Christmas, you can go on a few days.

Mike Macdermid 31:29

Yeah, our Santa could do it depending on if the kid really wanted it and wanted to listen for Santa Claus.

Al Struthers 31:34

Santa could do that to do you think Santa Big Magic can make his own ones? Yeah, well, exactly.

Mike Macdermid 31:38

He probably might come up with something equally as good. You never know. Next up Doom eternal has been delayed until the 20th of March 2020 on Xbox and PlayStation and then the dreaded later date on switch. So do maternal. We've heard a lot about this, and we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer. There's plenty of doom games out there at the moment. You can go and revisit though. If you got a switch.

Anton Winters 32:00

Yeah it's a real shame cuz I she's no Doom it's been two materials have been the beacon of Tripoli first person shooter coming to switch same day as the other Colin cells kind of a farce in that regard and it's a shame to see it get the like obviously the whole game is getting too late so they're obviously cut some corners but it's a shame to help get it get the kill switch sleight of hand

Mike Macdermid 32:28

thing Yes, it is a real shame. I mean I is I guess it's a lot for developers when you're working with different systems but it would be nice to see the switch, prioritise, prioritise, equally, occasionally and it did look like that was going to happen it's not the same at the moment, but I don't think I'll be that far behind but still, it's a shame there's a delay on there.

Al Struthers 32:47

Yeah, it is. But in the meantime, you find some other monsters to go and shoot and some other games. Many many we have one we have a nice certainly far. what's what's a good word for a lot of smorgasbord of Once again the plethora plethora of games English shoot people in the mobile space with its good

Mike Macdermid 33:05

next up evil and legendary addition is getting physical release through superior games coming out in 21st of October be 30 pounds so if you are a fan of that game they usually sell it quite quick with quickly with superior games but if you are a fan of that you want to go buy it then go buy it because 21st of October so not that long to go to keep an eye on superior games if you want that one. Anyone played that game? I have no missed

Unknown Speaker 33:28

it sadly. No.

Mike Macdermid 33:30

All right, let's move on then Resident Evil five and Resident Evil have got a few things to get through. I really do. I wasn't I wasn't being facetious about evil and legendary addition. I know that there's a lot of people love that game. It's just that we don't have experience I'll move on. So next up Resident Evil five which is still my favourite Resident Evil game. I don't care what anyone says. And Resident Evil six have got Japanese e shop demos at roughly 17 gig apiece i think is this not the also available on the UK store cuz I'm sure I saw a free demo

Al Struthers 33:59

for these Pearson a news article saying there's a free demo for I'm

Mike Macdermid 34:02

sure there is in the UK store as well. Maybe check that 100% sure, but I'm fairly sure. And also, I heard there were problems as well with the way it was running already, which is 17 gig is a lot for a demo. But then yeah, that was in the UK as well. Yeah.

Anton Winters 34:19

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Delightful. But yeah, it's 17 gigs. Like that's a half a switch. And I'm

Mike Macdermid 34:28

sorry, I was gonna say Resident Evil five. I know a lot of people don't like it as much as the other ones. But I really enjoyed it, but I don't think I'll revisit it. It doesn't feel like a game I'm going to go back to again.

Anton Winters 34:41

Yeah, I think with these games, being two of the more polarising entries in the franchise, that would have been nice to see them put together in a collection especially considering their health as well regarded an older titles in the Assassin's Creed collection. We have it say that, but you know, this is that we've seen Capcom has praised the other Resident Evil game so I guess we that's given them the benefit of the doubt.

Al Struthers 35:07

The only Resident Evil game I think I've ever played us too, and I got too scared and stopped.

Mike Macdermid 35:11

Well, this next one might scare you, but in a different kind of way Rocket League is getting a stranger things crossover. Thank you very much to mark round on Twitter, who actually sent us a message to the ns UK podcast Twitter page saying saw this and thought Mike would like it. You're absolutely right, Mark. I absolutely love this. I'm well, excited for some stranger things Rocket League.

Al Struthers 35:34

That's awesome. do get Dr. renderer Bronco. Also,

Mike Macdermid 35:37

that he probably gave you the kind of the cars and then you know, maybe they'll be a new setting for it again,

Al Struthers 35:43

maybe the Pontiac from a particular sport jacket. I forgot his name was the character's name. Shadow, no shirts and Bronco, the trends. I'm the guy I can't give. I don't wanna give spoilers away. I can't describe it. Nevermind

Unknown Speaker 35:59

doesn't My

Mike Macdermid 36:01

cool. Okay, so yeah, a belly

Anton Winters 36:05

belly. Thank you. Yeah. Okay,

Mike Macdermid 36:07

so so that's coming soon. So thank you very much to mark as well and Twitter he messages by the way there was a couple of other messages do we do we talk about rumble games last week? No, No, we didn't. So souls like gamer message to see there are actually quite a few rumble games. These are just a few including a strange to 600 Club and with some built in games I've never played only can only assume they're not amazing. And but I'm not I don't know, I don't think we did talk about this last week and I was trying to rack my brain as to what the context was. And I replied with who knew there were so many Rambo games to which songs like gamer replay, the Nintendo and Sega console wars are also the movie tie in generation. Which I agree with. Absolutely. Yeah, but I'm not sure the context. I don't know. Maybe

Al Struthers 36:53

we have around newcomers maybe met a random conversation because there's a new Rambo movie command to maybe we made some reference to it that we've all forgotten.

Anton Winters 36:59

I don't think We were chatting about the wizard so I'm wondering if we maybe got sidetracked talking about actor star

Mike Macdermid 37:05

or he's listening to another podcast.

Al Struthers 37:07

Well, there's also that either way, we're very good grateful for the

Mike Macdermid 37:11

ramble screenshots. You want to have a look at them at our Twitter page NSUK podcast. He sent them on there. And yeah, some interesting retro rumble goodness. Next up Super Monkey Ball banana Blitz HD it's got a Japanese shop demo. I don't think we've got this demo yet though. But I wouldn't mind the demo this though.

Anton Winters 37:29

Yeah, I've downloaded it and I'm quite excited to give it a go. So if you're curious about seeing some gameplay checks, check out the ns UK podcast I'll do I'll be doing a little bit we live streamers lyst Oh, excellent.

Mike Macdermid 37:43

Can you can you message me when you're doing it please? shall do

Anton Winters 37:47

so. Yeah, there's a couple demos so if you've got anything you'd like me play just give me a shout because there it's gonna be fun.

Mike Macdermid 37:54

Yeah, we're try and get myself sorted as well for that soon. Also on the way cat quest to is coming in Coming on October the 24th. We know that cat quest gets fairly well reviewed one of the decent games that's also available on mobiles, but it seems to be you know, people seem to have fun with it. So we're getting a second. The second one. Have you ever played them? No, I've just watched the trailer I didn't think about

Al Struthers 38:14

it. kind of fun. I never played or either. I keep looking at going like I gotta play that master play video games and cats. I know. I know. It's perfect

Mike Macdermid 38:21

fit. I have another cat RPG on the switch and I cant rember it's called for the life of me, but who would have thought there'd be so many. You also have a cat.

Al Struthers 38:29

I also have a cat whose dentures carrying well probably eating a normal probably think she's usually

Mike Macdermid 38:34

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. Anton Tokyo 2020. It's got Japanese, he showed the demo. Have you downloaded that

Anton Winters 38:39

as well? And yes, similarly have done with it. So if you want me Give that a week old commercial. I'm curious to see how the waggon controls work and a live stream but we'll give it a go.

Mike Macdermid 38:50

Just the just the Japanese demo give you any of the eight bit stuff.

Anton Winters 38:54

I'm not too sure. That's something we'll need to find out later. Excellent.

Mike Macdermid 38:59

All right. Next up is something we talked about last week, in fact, was one of the main things we talked about last week was Dr. Kawashima, his brain training was coming to Japan and we had a whole debate about whether it was coming to the UK and I think we all said yes, it probably will. Because it might introduce them to a new market. And guess what, it's within a few days. It's coming to the UK with the physical stylist as well, Anton. So this is not surprising.

Anton Winters 39:21

Yeah, it's kind of interesting. The thing that really caught me off guard I don't know if it for us is how the games are being markets between the two different regions where it seems like over in Japan is getting marketed as more like a new doctor Mishima game, whereas here is called very much this same brand thing is the last game Sammy set tech and it's really over here it seems like to be Harkening more so than the sole job which I felt quite interesting.

Al Struthers 39:46

Yeah, it is. Have you heard the full name of in Japan? No, no wonderful name. So the full name in Japan is Nintendo Switch training for adults with brain training supervised by Professor right who Cal Oshima bucket Minnesota coma Research Institute for ageing Medicine comma, the local university

Mike Macdermid 40:01

that's fantastic guess it must be some reason for that. One of the cool things I've noticed is that you can turn it on it you can do the kind of the What do you call it you turn the switch on its side portrait mode portrait mode landscape so that we're normally portrait mode so you can play it in portrait mode which which is cool with the stylist or perhaps a little heavy but I think for the light that could be really good but I'd probably still have a go of it just for the pure sort of uniqueness of trying it so yeah, that's coming on. We don't know when we got released it halfway

Al Struthers 40:34

no no no and Nintendo of America have made no comment on the game whatsoever

Mike Macdermid 40:38

because it doesn't look like we're getting there getting it in America yet. Which is interesting. We don't know the history there. I'm not really sure but what whether they had such a strong connection with it and

Al Struthers 40:47

America know be interesting to watch.

Mike Macdermid 40:48

Yeah, Assassin's Creed the rebel collection, physical edition, CS rouge being digital download only but only Europe's This is similar to we've seen has happened before we have a pack of games and one's a download only.

Anton Winters 41:04

Yeah, I imagine here they're just trying to boost up the sales of by now before it goes on clearance. Because that's I don't know about yourselves now I'm like, okay, I should probably buy it before all the fiscal ones end up their codes missing. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 41:20

yeah I saw I saw a deal for about 2999 to get it ordered pre ordered is that that's the the what's the release date on it's not that long as it Oh,

Anton Winters 41:30

I believe it's December. Okay. roundabout there. Okay. Yeah, so then also you've picked up Assassin's Creed three Do you see yourself rolling the dice on the fourth and yeah,

Mike Macdermid 41:42

yeah, probably I need to go back and get back into three I really liked the the one that was on the Vita that we now have on the switch this in that collection?

Anton Winters 41:51

part. Yeah. liberation, liberation.

Mike Macdermid 41:56

I actually really like that game and it runs really well on the switch right? Better than Assassin's Creed three does. But I'm going to I'm going to jump back in it just need to actually get through a few other games first. But uh, yeah, I probably will jump on this. I would have thought

Anton Winters 42:10

yeah, I would say if anybody came off considering this game to maybe just wait a day Coursera I know free originally run, okay on like that the constants that dead dead have some performance issues on switch, whereas I knew an old rock and four dead have performance issues on their existing console. So yeah, combining those two factors I would be I would be sceptical about pre ordering, maybe just wait for the reviews. Hello.

Mike Macdermid 42:39

Yeah, it's a shame that we have to think like that with such big titles that have been out for a while. But I would agree with you, Anton. I think there were major problems. Not major problem. There were problems but it's major in that this these are games that been out so shouldn't we shouldn't have

Al Struthers 42:52

things that should be fixed before they're released. But I mean, that's just not really that company operates. They never have.

Mike Macdermid 42:57

Yeah, okay, right. Let's move on. Then. We'll

Al Struthers 43:00

Before we move on to the words I got some news Mike going then can I talk about number? numbers?

Anton Winters 43:04

Because I find these quite interesting. But no, it's cool. It's cool. So you can have like an Allister with numbers quarter. Yeah, exactly.

Mike Macdermid 43:14

shooting for you. Okay. Well, it is data bit a bit

Al Struthers 43:17

number that's been done before. Okay. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it might be copyright. So what is your numbers thing that Nintendo, they've sold 10 million switches in Europe. Now it's 10 million switches. That's pretty cool. That's including the normal switch and the light together. But 10 million switch across Europe is not to be scoffed at. So what

Mike Macdermid 43:32

is that? How do you compare that then because we want to give us something to compete against and you can ask me that I should go into the band. So let me

Al Struthers 43:39

ask you a difficult question. Well, ps4 sold in total.

Mike Macdermid 43:42

Okay, that's a good thing. So yeah, ps4, it's obviously been writing but no, no, that PS five is on the way in 2020. So that's, that's probably the top end of the comparisons. How many have PlayStation four sold to date? And this is Europe we're talking about? Yeah,

Al Struthers 43:55

this is Europe. Yeah. Okay. Sales grew from But

Mike Macdermid 44:01

this is like real time pressure here is real time

Al Struthers 44:03

pressure Mike. So they have a lot, but

Unknown Speaker 44:08

it's not a good metric, Julia 2018, Playstation four and Europe sold 8 million.

Mike Macdermid 44:14

And then what about 2017? Cuz that's comparison to how long the switches be on the goal if you

Unknown Speaker 44:17

combine 2017 and 2018 Dave, so just shy of 16 million.

Mike Macdermid 44:22

Okay, so 6 million shorter the underdog system in a lot of ways Anyway, what are you going to say, Anton?

Anton Winters 44:30

Yeah, it's interesting with these numbers will say, I don't know about yourselves, but I'm me. I'll just remember I just think of the global numbers. I'm like, okay, there's 14 million we use. There's about like 10 million v centres here in the European numbers.

Mike Macdermid 44:46

It sounds pretty good. But when you compare it to that when you look at what you know, the we you did and the comparative failure in terms of sales. It's It's incredible how much it has worked. I think the switch will be around for a long time. I think you'll see this history they've also said this top 36 million Nintendo published games and that time and they got a little list of sort of the top 10 you know the last one it

Al Struthers 45:10

you probably seen this on the screen while I saw

Mike Macdermid 45:12

a title. I don't know if it was the last one. No, I have seen it.

Al Struthers 45:14

Well, I guess we'll ask Anton. Yes. Is it Marion rabbits? It's not Mary Roberts is actually not even on that list.

Anton Winters 45:21

Oh, yeah. Cuz up soft published that.

Al Struthers 45:23

Yeah. The the one that number 10 spot goes to one to switch. I'm amazed this or that many copies of that mini game came right at

Mike Macdermid 45:31

the start because it was one of the three or four titles that were available.

Al Struthers 45:35

I'm not gonna say rubbish. It just didn't look as value. That's how I'm gonna put it look good fun, but that was who paid 50 quid

Mike Macdermid 45:41

Well, I think people who bought it for Christmas presents for kids or bought or lunch title was more

Al Struthers 45:46

than a million or sold of that one game a lot. A lot of that one piece, which is anyway. I've also I've got a little bit Welcome to the rumours. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 45:56

yeah, I can go I can move on. Now.

Al Struthers 45:58

I'm bringing things with me today.

Mike Macdermid 45:59

All right. Okay. Good. Alright, let's, let's move on to this week's rumours. So first up we have from Aspire media Inc. The porting team behind Star Wars Jedi Knight to Jedi outcast and Star Wars Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy. Apparently more games in the work because the reception to the Star Wars games as they say it just blows our mind these are just our first two announcements we have much so much more coming. I noticed there's a few people complaining about the jet the what's the one that we've got the port from the PS two and the Star Wars games the Jedi assault is it? No Did I did I like to whichever is it wasn't it? I don't know whichever one we have people are complaining because you can't invert the axis for and there's no motion for shooting patch that but there's a patch now and say Yo patch so the

Al Struthers 46:51

problem solved

Anton Winters 46:52

EJO cast this one it's a right now thing Jetta Academy's first quarter next year, early next year. And I'm trying If any of us played any of the other PS two Game Cube era Star Wars games, so real old during that time,

Mike Macdermid 47:06

there were loads of them and I haven't but I must admit, I am tempted to jump in at some points of probably Jedi Academy. People seem to say that that's a pretty good one. So I'm tempted to jump in then or perhaps even pick up with the one that's out just now. G'day, outcast, as you mentioned. But I haven't

Al Struthers 47:24

Yeah, I've played I've sort of lost track. I've put a lot of Star Wars games over the years and I know have played a few that were sort of third person Star Wars, but couldn't tell you what either a console or game they were,

Mike Macdermid 47:33

I would love them to bring Knights of the Old Republic, because that's the one that next The Old Republic to I believe. They're the ones that were you can get them on mobile. So I thought it would be but the problem with mobile as is always the case for me is just to control the way you control it. I know either. There are ways around that I'm not talking about. But on the switch. I think it would work really well.

Al Struthers 47:53

I agree. I do. Everyone likes a good Star Wars hit.

Mike Macdermid 47:57

Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's great. They're going to be bringing more and maybe that extends to beyond Star Wars. You know, they just said we've got so much more coming they haven't been specific but yet What about yourself on with the headlines that interest you?

Anton Winters 48:12

Even even as somebody who's not like a Star Wars like I've never seen them but it's like I remember going over a friend's house and really enjoying that the battlefront games like the old school one. So there's a lot of potential and who knows even just from that generation alone,

Mike Macdermid 48:25

I liked spot front. I must admit, I did I did enjoy Battlefront. By the way, just on a side note, I watched A New Hope last night. The first Star Wars movie

Al Struthers 48:34

and give me I'm giving you a pat on the back right now. Well done

Mike Macdermid 48:37

good. I mean, I did watch it as a kid but I haven't seen it since then. So I thought you know what, I need to go in. You know, it's a very different experience now but it's still a great movie.

Al Struthers 48:45

Really good movie. Well, the new the new Star Wars movie coming out for an order and probably it's game is coming out in the switch in November.

Mike Macdermid 48:50

Is it okay, cool. Well, that's my plan is to watch them before the new one comes out so I can watch that in the cinema. Right next up, this is probably the most exciting room I think that we've had since we started this podcast because it's a game that we have talked about more than any other game. It's been mentioned, I reckon, as the one that we would all like to see again

Al Struthers 49:12

it is Alastair you have a drum roll sound effect. I do want you to add one in post production. There's no post production.

Unknown Speaker 49:21

Some sense hits I'm Ron.

Mike Macdermid 49:25

Yeah, we're very excited about the idea that this could happen. But it's not a surefire thing by any stretch of the imagination, but the producer has said it would be wonderful to remake the game and yes, it would, Anton.

Anton Winters 49:37

Yeah, he was essentially saying in an interview, it's like yeah, we just need we need to get like the powers out. Well, Nick, people who own the rights to kill greenlight it. But that's the thing is we've been sitting here like we spent a point in this podcast just being like, who even owns this game? I know somebody knows. And that's all we need. And we just need to sign the article right up to to the president of the air, and we'll get started

Mike Macdermid 50:00

Yes, I have a very excited if we got hit and run that would be a deal when

Al Struthers 50:04

somebody's given in President business and get them on it.

Mike Macdermid 50:06

Yes. President mocks burns.

Al Struthers 50:09

President burns Oh no. Oh, maybe no we don't president burns release it

Mike Macdermid 50:13

either way. Either way. We definitely want this game because the Simpsons hit and run is the one of the Simpsons game and there are a few I mean, the arcade one is great as well. There are a couple of games Actually, I wouldn't mind playing but

Al Struthers 50:23

I call it the MS symptoms game back.

Mike Macdermid 50:25

Oh, yeah, it was it was it was crap. I loved it. Yeah, I still like them anyway, because it's the Simpsons on a video game, but hit and run is still fantastic. And a nice HD remake of that would be lovely. All right, next up, then ESRB rating has been leaked for a switch version, potentially of the 2013 colon Juarez, gunslinger designer. If you ever played cola Flores are qualified as gunslinger. We talked with us because it featured one of Anton's quizzes. It did and I had colon Juarez on the 360 I want to say it was the 360 Yeah, I

Anton Winters 50:59

think it was about the And yeah I remember them can are very good for section and even when this one kept popped up I was like Oh give it the reviews in there outside of some framerate issues it seemed to get really good reviews

Al Struthers 51:11

yeah it's a good game actually I enjoyed golf one I've never finished it anything with cowboys is good.

Anton Winters 51:16

Yeah, yeah. This when I looking at it seemed like the one that the last one came out account called overshadowed by Red Dead which offside are completely different. That's that's like comedy cel shaded first person. Sure. And I feel like now on a cold console, there's no competing and coming out the seniors red roundabout, right dead. It could could have some Second Life.

Mike Macdermid 51:38

Yeah, I would agree. I think this could be a good addition to our library on the switch. So look out for that. If it does happen. It's just a rating that's been leaked, but we think that might be a telltale sign. retailer gaming replay have leaked to switch Metro Redux for Nintendo Switch which includes Metro 2033 and Metro Last night for 4499 US dollars or is that up? Heroes with the first of December 2019 release know you were kind of telling us about this because I remember the name being floated around I never played them, but we just have Luke and actually these look pretty incredible on

Anton Winters 52:11

yeah that they were the first person shooters released on the ps3 and Xbox 360 and even back then they were the most crassly 10 sec titles on those consoles. They're absolutely gorgeous even by today self centred, and they're called narratively focus yourself that bombs have went off ordinary reality and your count living and the votes of the count count post apocalyptic Russia and a new killer when Earth are going up to the surface and thinks of mutates and apparently has a from my recollection from reviewers a very good like narrative and storey and and count over the years especially on PC were at when you turn up the graphics, it looks stunning how these games have a very much cult following, and for 44 pounds gang to come up like super high bar triple A games on switch it'd be extraordinary

Mike Macdermid 53:10

I mean, excuse me I have to say we were just watching some great gameplay footage from one of the games and it looks incredible it looks it still looks stunning even though we're talking about again as a few years old now Alistair

Al Struthers 53:22

looks absolutely amazing if he can make it look like that and run as well on the switch which probably can because we know that most optimised for the switches become really impressive. Look at the Witcher three yeah if they can pull that off I will be seriously impressed I would right this

Mike Macdermid 53:34

is this is have Co Op until I

Anton Winters 53:37

think it's singer single player only sadly but yes I believe what really happened with this game is this was part done by THQ originally and it was when they're going bust sold the first one Calif came when they were struggling for money and they couldn't really market the game at all. And then the second one camp was like the Macy divorce child where it was half made it huge queue then handed off Another studio was settled up and comer but was able to finish up yeah and then it went on to make a hard game which did very well

Mike Macdermid 54:08

so it's funny because it I think it takes a lot for me now to really be engaged enough in a first person shooter I don't know but you Alastair but because there's so many of them around not in the switch. I mean, I know we're still early days with a switch but I have to say I'm watching this gameplay footage and going I want to play that.

Anton Winters 54:24

Yeah. And the finger the cafe I'm really hoping for us when make sure Redux he released this collection of the two first games 20 for free add last night on ps3 and Xbox One, where much it was like a 40, punk collection, etc, etc. But definitely you could buy the game separately for 20 pounds on those cards. So that's good. So good. Can you do a similar thing here? Because it means you can play the first one and give it a taste and see if you want to go all in on the second.

Mike Macdermid 54:51

Yeah, that's really cool. I mean, it'd be great if they could do that as well be something that we give people the option of, you know, you could always assault I suppose a lot of people would try one 20 and then if they're really liked it, they might even pick up the physical when it comes down in price as well and get the two games so yeah, good stuff. All right next up iOS Italian App Store have leaked an image of fortnite chapter two featuring a brand new map. So are we getting new maps? In fortnight?

Anton Winters 55:17

Yeah, it's, it's interesting holes are trying to, like build up the kill, make more anticipation, because also very, I believe our chapter at Camp season 11. And, obviously, once like a game goes that far, people start losing their engagement. So it's interesting how, just from a naming point of view, they're trying to drum up anticipation for a new, more fortnite

Mike Macdermid 55:39

Yeah, I mean, it's such a popular title, but I guess they've got to stay there. So in order to stay there, they got to try and come up with new ways to engage people. So fair play to, to whoever's kind of initiating this but I would imagine they'll be lots of people interested in that. It's not a game that I've played a lot of, but I have played a little bit and enjoyed it. So Good news if they're going to keep updating that then great.

Al Struthers 56:02

Absolutely. And speaking of maps, have you seen another maps been big this week? What the Pokemon sort of shield map has been leaked this week? Oh, right. Okay. Yeah. By accident by a guidebook coral coral guidebook in Japan images of mine and I've now got the whole map of the the new programmes orange shield holiday. It looks it looks quite big. Actually. It's a fairly sizable map. I don't know how varied it's going to be because it's it's really small, pixelated, but the map has leaked and it looks Yes, sizable. I think so. But

Mike Macdermid 56:29

YM there's a new download for Christian racing. I think we mentioned it before, but it's got some Halloween extras in there as well, just in case I didn't mention that earlier on. I did download it, if I could only get past that level of play as well. Right. So let's move on. To actually we've got some stuff to talk about here. So let's

Unknown Speaker 56:45

move on to this week's quiz.

Mike Macdermid 56:49

So before we start the quiz, Anton, we did a poll last week on Twitter. And we asked, Well, basically what we said was last week, do you want us to keep the quiz Do you wanted to change awkward you wanted us to get rid of it, because we had a couple of reviews which mentioned I'll read this to you after because also doesn't know that

Al Struthers 57:06

I don't know there's I'm on tenterhooks right now.

Mike Macdermid 57:08

So so the basically there were certain people that that had reviewed and left us really good reviews but said we don't like the fact that we're two people. So that's fine we do at the end, we always make sure that we do include everything first so that nothing's left off. That's why sometimes we run over the hour like we will in this podcast, because we want to get through everything. Do you want to know the results? Anton? Have you seen them yet? joined to read them?

Anton Winters 57:29

I have, but you've got the better presenter voice.

Al Struthers 57:33

I definitely wouldn't.

Mike Macdermid 57:34

I was more thinking of just literally got my phone in front of me so I can tell you. So as mentioned, this is what we're on episode 37 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. We want to get your opinions on the quiz ahead of season two, which will start in 2020. Please vote below. Keep the quiz, get rid of the quiz, change up the quiz. So with 52% of that, let's do this the other way around 17% of the votes. What do you reckon I'll stir, keep get rid of change up.

Al Struthers 57:58


Mike Macdermid 57:59

Get rid of 17% 31% keep or change up.

Unknown Speaker 58:05

I'm change up again it is change up, which means

Mike Macdermid 58:07

52%. We'd like to keep the quiz. Lovely, lovely. So I'll make that if you combine the keeping the change up, it brings it up to 83% of people saying that they still like the quiz in one form or another. So

Al Struthers 58:21

low rezoning. Keep it,

Mike Macdermid 58:22

yeah. Now, that doesn't mean if you don't have the quiz that will miss out anything because we want but what we'll do is we'll keep it at the end. We'll keep it brief. And we'll keep it as the last thing.

Al Struthers 58:30

So people go to listen to it, they can skip it, and they're not missing anything afterward. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 58:33

you will miss there won't be anything at the end other than us, just recapping on on on various things over the course of the episode, we might well change up the quiz at the end of season one, which is the end of 2019. So I think that would be a sensible time to then look at it so I think we'll just keep it as it is because I know that some people will messaged us as well. And I'll make a message say I love the quiz. Please don't change it. So great. You know, what did you think? Was it what you expected?

Anton Winters 58:58

Yeah. And you know, I was very curious. Obviously we did it on Facebook and we had very much similar account response. Oh yeah, worse. What was the Facebook? Yeah, Facebook was a four to one keep okay or get rid of And so yeah, it's sad. I'm glad I haven't been annoying us for the past episodes.

Mike Macdermid 59:16

No the thing is is valid point because obviously you're never going to please everybody with every part every piece of content but what we can make sure we do as I said is just make sure that we do it at the end we keep it short and we keep it as an extra so it is an extra before the end of the episode

Al Struthers 59:31

people obviously like saying listen guys when I'm while yelling in their heads, you idiot. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 59:38

well, that's fair enough. That's like my life. All right, Anton. What have you got for us this week?

Anton Winters 59:43

Alrighty. This first game is a Super Nintendo game from 1995. And it features a baby and pre rendered graphics. Painting Baby.

Unknown Speaker 59:58


Al Struthers 59:59

baby was a version of my Mary was a baby really was a baby Mary or something but

Mike Macdermid 1:00:06

only baby game I can think of and anyone from the 80s will know what I'm talking about jack the Ripper? It's not jack the Ripper, I would say is it is it is it just move on. I'll come back to I can't think

Anton Winters 1:00:23

the most notable thing about this game is the fact that is the first and our franchise, however, is also a sequel to a launch tail on the Super Nintendo.

Al Struthers 1:00:37


Mike Macdermid 1:00:39

a sequel to a lunch title by the start of a new franchise. I'm wondering if it's like a Paper Mario.

Al Struthers 1:00:46

Well, I don't know gum correct. So I guess it's not that either.

Mike Macdermid 1:00:49

I don't know. I don't know if there's any babies and Paper Mario but obviously not.

Al Struthers 1:00:52

I'm just picturing I can't remember why it was a baby. Matter of fact, you see Mary Roni with a big head and nappy and a big his hat on. It's gone from somewhere in the past. Dream you clearly know not to pass again

Mike Macdermid 1:01:05

yet pass for now.

Anton Winters 1:01:06

Alrighty. You play as an animal which is in the previous and trade and the franchise as a caliphate on

Mike Macdermid 1:01:15

Mario Kart. Maybe you age before that I'm thinking like Baby,

Al Struthers 1:01:22

baby, baby Yoshi Yoshi Yeah, a nice summer will be princess in a baby dude

Mike Macdermid 1:01:27

is okay carry on cuz I can't answer now.

Anton Winters 1:01:30

Alrighty, at the beginning of the game, a baby version of the protagonist from the previous entry froze from the sky and you must protect

Mike Macdermid 1:01:41

the state territory. It's a Yoshi game crashing late It's yo she's crafted world or something

Anton Winters 1:01:49

so close but

Al Struthers 1:01:55

I don't know which one you will yarns or the world is the other one. world's number one Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 1:02:01

but I can't I don't know what the 95 one was called. I think I'm live I care about no Yoshi when I was whatever age it was then she

Anton Winters 1:02:13

is a huge EU Can you give

Al Struthers 1:02:15

us him? Are we right on the right track your sugar?

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17

Yeah. Hundred percent Yoshi Yoshi.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:23

Yoshi is adventure.

Anton Winters 1:02:25

Sadly No,

Mike Macdermid 1:02:26

yo, she's really world Yo, she's, you know she's paper world. Yeah,

Anton Winters 1:02:33

we're gonna do she's your best for the final clue and I'll make it the other franchise games in the franchise are Yoshi storey your she's Island DS yo she's New York, she's Island you've got Hey, I'm not gonna Google your island because I think I had it.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:55

I just have a nice games. delay last month Did you Yeah, that's why I could remember. That's why when you said the baby falling from the sky I was like yeah, I played it. I literally played it. I couldn't remember. Yeah,

Al Struthers 1:03:08

there's Baby Mario and his napping as they kind of said I did I like

Anton Winters 1:03:11

Yeah. Okay. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 1:03:12

CY couldn't remember was the title because I've saw got in my head. Yo, she's really world and Yoshi. Yeah, you know, one done one points, Mike. Just I don't think I really deserved.

Al Struthers 1:03:23

You go there. I mean, it was maybe random chance but

Mike Macdermid 1:03:25

I did say Yoshi. So did you deserve that? Oh, well, okay. I'll take it. Thanks.

Anton Winters 1:03:31

Alrighty, the second game it's a first person hacking slash adventure game developed by Santa Monica in 2005. For

Al Struthers 1:03:40

2005. Santa Monica means nothing to me. I'm just gonna go somebody Devil

Mike Macdermid 1:03:45

Devil May Cry is gonna say.

Anton Winters 1:03:48

Sadly, nope. This title was released for the PlayStation two as an exclusive huh?

Al Struthers 1:03:55

Yes to hack and slash

Mike Macdermid 1:03:57

to have a PS to PS to 2005 was quite late. cycles net. Indeed. No,

Anton Winters 1:04:07

no clue. I think I'm like, all right. The game saw sequel on the PlayStation two. And then a first sequel and forth on the PlayStation three. And then our reboot on the PlayStation four.

Mike Macdermid 1:04:22

Wow, OK. OK, I can slash Ah, so bad game names right now.

Al Struthers 1:04:29

So Jonah never paid any attention you

Mike Macdermid 1:04:30

don't want to play a lot of To be honest I can slash yet. I don't want to do I still think I've played one for? I can't remember last night but I guess I am. I'm going to say Hopkins.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:41

I don't know. I really don't. I got to give us more clues on

Anton Winters 1:04:43

the game is based on Greek mythology. And you play as an Olympian gold taken down other goals of the universe.

Al Struthers 1:04:53

Is any familiar now but names coming to mind? Something really Oh yeah, we're gonna we're gonna hit yourself. Army people are going to be going.

Mike Macdermid 1:05:01

It's easy.

Al Struthers 1:05:03

It's going to be I should have a horrible feeling.

Mike Macdermid 1:05:06

mythos something No, no.

Anton Winters 1:05:09

Sadly, no. One of the selling points of this title was as you use your two blades on the lead, and chains to take down massive, larger than life balance. Yeah.

Al Struthers 1:05:24

It's got the Gordon Gordon title. It's not knowing me now.

Mike Macdermid 1:05:34

It does have the word Gordon

Anton Winters 1:05:35

does it

Al Struthers 1:05:42

on the tip of my tongue, I was so frustrating

Mike Macdermid 1:05:45

counting on

Unknown Speaker 1:05:47

all right, take a big chunk by now that

Anton Winters 1:05:50

the 2018 report was originally made with some controversy for how it Taylor down the hacking slash elements for more heartfelt storeys. Between this gold and the bar and deeds well played

Unknown Speaker 1:06:07

was me hitting myself

Mike Macdermid 1:06:11

You deserved that one. No, that was a

Al Struthers 1:06:12

good guy. I got dragged very very slowly in the back of my mind.

Mike Macdermid 1:06:16

I've never played any god of war games whatsoever. I haven't heard about a war but yeah, I had a ps3 a ps3 and Xbox 360 a ps4.

Al Struthers 1:06:23

I know a lot of people get very excited, but they got a waggon Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 1:06:26

but not me so much. But anyway, well done. Good. 111

Unknown Speaker 1:06:29

ultimately for Yeah, as always, is to be fair to

Mike Macdermid 1:06:35

us like it's like you don't torture until we get the answers anyway. Carry on.

Anton Winters 1:06:39

Going for the hard questions.

Mike Macdermid 1:06:41

Yeah, it's good. These are really good. I don't mind the hard ones. It's just obviously there'll be a lot of people shouting at us, but that's okay. Carry on. Next one.

Anton Winters 1:06:49

This is a wee game that was originally based on a mini game from Raymond Raven lap. It's TV party.

Al Struthers 1:06:57

Sorry, say that again.

Anton Winters 1:06:59

This is It's a small game.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:00

Yep. So we

Anton Winters 1:07:02

game based on a mini game from Raymond raping rabbits. Raising rabbits TV party for the week.

Mike Macdermid 1:07:10

I played this 100% I've played this is nothing new that your game is. Oh, it's it's frustratingly close to me saying the right thing here. This is a game that I think I wanted to. I think I fell it with it.

Anton Winters 1:07:27

No, like you almost surprised? Yes.

Mike Macdermid 1:07:30

Right. Okay, next clue

Anton Winters 1:07:32

are at this rhythm game was developed by Ubisoft Milan and Ubisoft Paris and released in 2009.

Al Struthers 1:07:47

It's, you should see Mike's face right now.

Mike Macdermid 1:07:51

He can't see my face. He's on the camera. Looking at what else can carry on unless you want to have a go?

Al Struthers 1:07:57

No, I haven't got a clue. I have no idea.

Anton Winters 1:07:59

Yeah. IK this game sees you dancing to pop songs,

Al Struthers 1:08:05

just dances it

Anton Winters 1:08:08

as Alster wins the game. Watch. How can it be just? Seriously?

Mike Macdermid 1:08:14

Just dances came from a rabbit's mini game.

Anton Winters 1:08:19

There was how many gaming TV party where you let she just dance. It's like the rabbits dancing to some like models on a TV. That's what I'm thinking of. That's

Mike Macdermid 1:08:27

what I'm remembering. And I'm going Oh, it's frustrating. Yeah, that was frustrating. And it wasn't that.

Al Struthers 1:08:33

I have learned something new today. I did not know that fair

Anton Winters 1:08:35

play. Random

Mike Macdermid 1:08:39

was very impressive because it's a game that's stood the test of time.

Al Struthers 1:08:42

So yeah, there'll be many, many too many of them frankly.

Mike Macdermid 1:08:45

That was very good. Well done. So well done. Anton great questions this week. Yeah. Great. Okay, well that's about it for this week. Just a reminder again, we are on the the internet. We are we are on the internet. That key we're on iTunes,

Al Struthers 1:09:02

Spotify, Stitcher,

Mike Macdermid 1:09:06

Twitter Google and SUQ podcast on Twitter.

Anton Winters 1:09:09

five star reviews pass you can get our RSS feed cast box Alexa Castro overcast podcast chaser Chinon Twitter, Facebook email YouTube everywhere.

Mike Macdermid 1:09:20

excellent excellent. You're gonna be doing some live streaming again on Monday the 14th of October at some point you know what kind of time you're gonna be dead?

Anton Winters 1:09:27

It would be probably later in the evening so kill past seven I would imagine Can you

Mike Macdermid 1:09:31

make it past nine so I can be there because I think of me

Anton Winters 1:09:33

days later. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for stuff you'd like to see me play at jumping a show on Twitter obviously will be playing the Super Monkey Ball banana Blitz. Maybe Mario efforts English friendly.

Mike Macdermid 1:09:47

I'm definitely gonna be watching that. I'll be good. I'll start I are going to get on the the streaming game at some point as well.

Al Struthers 1:09:54

We'll find finds a way to do it. Yeah, we'll figure out you can buy some kids. Up here. Hello.

Mike Macdermid 1:10:00

Anyway, that's it for this week. Have a fantastic week and we will be back for another episode in a week's time. Goodbye.