New Switch Owner's Guide Christmas 2019 Special
Anton, Mike and Al present a special episode where we explain everything you need to know about the Nintendo Switch. Perfect for newcomers to the console, we go through everything from the different versions of the console, to the peripherals that you may need to play your favourite games.
Aimed mainly at newcomers although we will also suggest games in different genres, explain some of the terminology that can get confusing and give our recommendations for parents who may be buying a Switch for their kids.
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:14
Hello, and welcome to the Nintendo Switch. UK podcast. This is our Buyer's Guide for Christmas 2019. I can't first of all believe I'll start that it's nearly Christmas.
Unknown Speaker 0:24
Oh, Holy moly,
Mike Macdermid 0:25
Santa Claus is coming to town downtown.
Anton Winters 0:28
It's getting a little bit scary, I'm hopeless at planning. So I'm so sorry, to my relatives
Al Struthers 0:36
I was doing today I was wrapping Christmas presents really,
Mike Macdermid 0:39
really well as we record this. So this is going to be on the 22nd. And we're recording this a couple of weeks beforehand. So that's actually I know I've given away the secret. And I know I know, Mike, you don't tell the world the
Al Struthers 0:52
intricate secrets behind
Mike Macdermid 0:54
transparency and you'll see why in a couple of weeks time when we bring you all the news of season two why we're going to be Hello everyone everything let's be honest about it. Anton's in a different room from us. But we'll talk about that in another ways. He is us
Anton Winters 1:07
getting annoyed with me
Mike Macdermid 1:08
until he's getting annoyed now. So what we're going to do in this episode is we're going to talk about buying a Nintendo Switch. So perhaps you've already got one but you're not sure where to go next for what you want to buy. Or perhaps you're thinking about buying one for for Christmas, or maybe after Christmas in the sales. Or maybe you've got kids and you're thinking about, well, what do I want to get what's important for me to get as part of the Nintendo Switch? So we're going to talk about a few things over the next half an hour is our Buyer's Guide. So we're going to start off with thinking about whether you approach this for people that maybe have haven't ever played the switch before and also those that are, you know, fairly seasoned, but want to know more about certain things that you maybe don't know about. So I think the first thing we should do, I'll start is talking about the different consoles that you can get because it's not as simple as just saying I want nintendo switch their different versions of the Nintendo Switch.
Al Struthers 1:58
Yeah, as we record this. There's a Two different versions. There's technically three different versions. Hopefully another one coming at some point next year. Yeah. But as we record it, there's this switch. There's the revised switch. And there's a switch light. Okay, let's
Mike Macdermid 2:11
take them one by one on first of all your bog standard Nintendo Switch.
Anton Winters 2:16
Yes. So this is the one you see in all the commercials. This is the one which you can play on both TV and handheld. And there's two different variations. You have the original one which has the only difference between them as the older one has slightly worse battery life for five leaves for our as rough.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
No Fault I was worse.
Anton Winters 2:38
Yeah. Where's the other one you can get closer to six hours with your back triple A games. And the way to tell the difference between these two ones is by the box where the normal one has the counter switch on a white background. Where's the motorman has a switch on a red background. I'll say if that they're functionally identical. It comes with your to joy cons which you can then disattach and use it as your own We handheld controller pumps up the dock and that's the one that we all personally on.
Mike Macdermid 3:05
Yes, that was the launch the one the one that is has been there since the very start other than the new iteration of it which is really hard as Anton says it really unless you know the boxes, you're probably not gonna it's not gonna make a huge difference to your buying for all intents purposes it's the same machine just one works a little bit better than the other because it's got a fancy new chip and it was talking about talking about it just last a bit longer. Yeah, and that's it and again by either either a perfectly good to buy and the game is that exactly the same. You're not gonna see any decipherable difference in the game so don't worry about that. Then we have the Nintendo Switch light which we had rumours of it forever and ever it finally came and it's a bit more of a bright sprite looking little console. I love the colours that comes in but on what's the difference for with a light and
Anton Winters 3:50
the switch light, as Ashley mentioned, comes in three colours so far and there's also a legend limited edition, sword and shield fair here and Essentially it's the same console however you do lose out on being able to play handheld wise. It has a battery life in between both the revised and the classic switch just to clarify there You said you do lose out on being able to play handheld wise but the other way around Yes, you could only play handheld wise Exactly. It doesn't come with football a doc in the box and the joy cons are permanently attached. But you can still play majority of the same experiences except for games like and can rank fit adventure and just dance unless you want to buy additional joy cons but yeah, we can discuss later
Mike Macdermid 4:35
and just very briefly the dock just in case for anyone that has never seen this switch before and there's a listening to this thinking about buying what it literally you take your switch you plug it in the dock and it appears on the TV screen but that's the standard switch that doesn't work with the light the light doesn't have that that functionality all stuck. That's
Al Struthers 4:50
right That's it gives it gives it away in the name light is just missing bits of the big big switch.
Mike Macdermid 4:54
Okay, let so we know the difference is now the light is slightly smaller, it's slightly more pocket size. You don't have the data touchable joy cons what what do you think asters the pros of getting a light over a normal switch? Why would people the major was a price
Al Struthers 5:07
it was cheaper? Yeah, because you got less functionality is cheaper. It's also smaller. So it's more portable. I suspect it's probably a bit more durable for you. It's not been out long enough for us to really know that. But it's basically designed for the small and you pick up checking your bag or your pocket and off you go. Whereas a big switch it's it's definitely portable, just a bit more bulky. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 5:26
I think as well some games on the light do tend to look slightly crisper on a switch light rather than a standard switch handheld not much, but there is a difference. And I think that's because it's a smaller screen. I think that literally comes down to the fact that when you've got loads of pixels, if you're on a smaller screen, obviously, it looks better because you're not seeing as much so you know, there is that too as well.
Al Struthers 5:47
Yeah, so there are definitely benefits to getting a light there are drawbacks to getting light in that you are limited. You can't you physically there's no way of playing on a TV you just can't do it. No. And if you want other people you can have to go out and buy extra controllers whereas the main Which comes with two controllers you can detach Yeah, they're your two big differences
Anton Winters 6:04
and deeds thankfully little at you do still have your local wireless multiplayer so you can play with people with other switches at both the switches are enter compatible with accessories, online multiplayer, and everything like that. So and beyond just having half the variations of what are you just want something is handheld only or don't care about having a console experience. And the main thing would be the price and the main switch retails for about what would you say to at you him. And usually if you're wanting to bundles with a game, you're looking at free 20 whereas the switch light retails for 200. And you can quite commonly find that bundled with a game at like a 50 pound title, which helps make that one a much more accessible option.
Mike Macdermid 6:52
Yeah, absolutely. And also should point out the games work on both. So unless you've got a game that doesn't allow you to play handheld And I'm trying to think if there are any I I can't think of any
Anton Winters 7:05
that you can't play handheld.
Al Struthers 7:06
Yeah, I think Nintendo have deliberately said you can't do that. Yeah, some games. At least,
Mike Macdermid 7:11
there are some that you can only play handheld. Few but not many. But not the other way around. So I think you can play free you can play every game regardless there's not there in the boxes don't say this is for the light and this is for the switch. They'll just say Nintendo Switch on them and they'll work for both consoles as well. So that's that's a good tip to know if depending on whether you're buying for children. We'll talk about that in a minute. Next up the peripherals I want to talk about all the extra bits because you've got the Official Nintendo stuff. There's other companies that make stuff. The big one is are the joy cons so the joy cons are the controllers that you get when you pick up your switch you can play not the light because the lights are built in so forget the light for a second the joy cons detach from the Nintendo Switch and you can use them wirelessly. Or you can have them plugged into the actual switch and you hold it like you would a traditional handheld console. So this is the joy cons you can buy different colours different styles, some really cool ones. I've got Splatoon style ones I think. No no I don't have a yellow ones are bright yellow
Al Struthers 8:07
12 different colours, there's tonnes of different colours in there, but they are expensive to buy set. So if you want to buy an extra set of icons, it's what about 60 quid you can be for full price for the special Nintendo ones they are they're very very expensive but they're drawn packed full of very clever little tech.
Mike Macdermid 8:23
Yeah, they do a lot. They've got little RF ID
Anton Winters 8:28
readers in them so so you can use all your meeples if you've got any from the wi and free DS I think probably one of the most popular accessories for a switch owners would be the Nintendo Switch pro controller. Yeah. Sort of yourself more familiar of an Xbox 360 controller or what wants something that's slightly more comfortable in TV plate. And that is a very solid product, I would would would say myself.
Mike Macdermid 8:53
Yeah, I think that's one of my favourite controllers of any console recently actually is the pro controller. I think it's a fantastic country. It's it's one that if you're into more serious gaming or you prefer to play with a TV, for example, I think this is one that you'll you'll you'll probably want to check out. Because if you're used to more traditional gaming consoles like PlayStation and Xbox, it feels like an Xbox controller.
Al Struthers 9:16
Yes. It's more ergonomic. It's got the weight behind it, it feels just like a proper gaming controller. But then there's other controllers out there. Yeah, I'm a third party manufacturers. We're big fans of a bit. Do we think that's how you pronounce them? Yeah. And we'll get into walk into switch online later on. But on the switch, you can play on new games, you can also be a lot of very old games. And there's lots of replicas of all controllers out there you can buy which if you're just playing Arnaz or a snares game from the past, you might want to invest or at least have a look at some of these things.
Mike Macdermid 9:43
Yeah, and also until you've got the Official Nintendo sort of NES style controllers that you can get which will come on to the switch online thing because you got to be signed up to that to get them to buy them from Nintendo I believe, but they're like the old school traditional Nintendo And again, system controller there, they're
Anton Winters 10:03
the same as on Nintendo Switch online. So typer as will discuss later, and you can get right close all the Super Nintendo and NES controller. And however Personally, I think it would be more recommended to kind of consider a lot of the options from the door. And they're about 20 pounds of pop. So if you're wanting maybe four controllers for and I don't know how to play a four player Co Op game, and definitely looking forward party and maybe the best way maybe keeping like one nice shiny pro controller for yourself.
Mike Macdermid 10:35
Yeah, you got the Megadrive style one from eight bit door which I think you really like and I've got the Super Nintendo style one I think I paid I think I got mine actually with a retro gamer subscription. bizarrely enough. That was the gift they gave us to sign up for a year. So it was 26 quid with the magazine for a year but you can buy them for about 20 pounds. And it's great. It's really good on and I know that you love your one.
Anton Winters 10:56
Yeah and they also to approve like s control. We're not sponsored by the way we just love their products. And but one thing that sadly, we don't love but can you talk about is and we meet, essentially you mean see yourself if you're very much a digital consumer needing to pick up a micro SD cards? Oh yeah, of course Yeah, from default the switch comes with about 32 gigabytes of storage. And it depends on your taste in games. Personally, I like a lot of Indies, which are and these could be anywhere from 400 megs to one gigabyte, so you can put a fair few games on there. However, if you're into some of the bigger games, like I think some of the triple A games can get up to that 27 gigabyte point. Yeah, so you can pick up maybe like a quick 128 gigabyte SD card for about 20 pounds these days, thinking it to 56 for about 40 pounds.
Al Struthers 11:47
Yeah, I go to 56 and my switch and it keeps feeling so I don't have just my pick the card or Yeah, there's a slightly smaller capacity.
Mike Macdermid 11:55
It's worth doing a bit research because there are certain cards that get really well reviewed. For being on for use with the switch. Now, that's not to say that others don't work, it's just that some get particularly good reviews. But even just sites like Amazon, you'll see deals quite often on on the SD cards, and it's worth kind of waiting for one if you don't need to use it. And remember as well, this is really important on the switch. When you're saving games, if you're not playing something, if you're playing through one game at a time, you can archive your game. So that leaves the space on your system so that you're not so the game is still there, you're safe. I'm not sure what the save file, I think I believe it still stays there. Yes. Yeah. But when you archive the game, you can't access that Gail's still have the icon icon on your switch, but you can't access that game until you reinstall it. And I think that's a really good way of kind of sort of managing what you do with your switch. And if you're only playing through one title at a time, you don't necessarily need to have all those other games installed. Yes, you have to re instal it's maybe a bit of a pain. If you don't want to rush out and by the first SD card that you find. I suggest doing that first.
Al Struthers 12:57
That's right and there are a few branded cards out there. So Do I have officially licenced some SD cards? You don't need to buy an officially licenced Nintendo SD card just by any RX SD card.
Anton Winters 13:07
I think a good tip would be if you go on Amazon and you go down to the review, but you can actually search for keywords. So I would recommend searching for some Nintendo Switch and seeing if that particular brand or model of cart has had good compatibility. And yeah, yeah, I agree. Yeah, there's a balance between class like speed of cards, where you don't want to get something it's industrial grade but you don't want to get something is too cheap. And just given that a lot of research, I believe if you want to get into the numbers, it's about a class 10 cartoonists,
Mike Macdermid 13:39
okay. Also another peripheral that we forget but sometimes that you may use if you play out one more come on to the ring fit in a minute cuz I know I was just doing the gesture and and it's a it's a very important one. But before that I was going to mention the portable batteries now, if you are someone that travels a lot, but you may be fine. That the switch battery of life for four to six hours isn't enough for you and you're going to be going on longer journeys and that might want to consider a portable battery just to charge your switch. I think it's anchor that make an Official Nintendo Switch one. I have one of the anchor batteries is fantastic. I think I get two full charges of my Nintendo Switch takes a good couple of hours to charge my one does but it allows me for for ages so if I was on a trip to Asia for example, then I would have enough to charge my switch two or three times. There are rules and certain flights about what you can and can't do. But as long as you stick to those, well worth checking those out as well. And you will get the deal on them occasionally too.
Al Struthers 14:38
Yeah, another thing that's worth bearing in mind if you're travelling a lot is actually investing in a case and a screen protector for that matter.
Mike Macdermid 14:44
Screen Protector really important. There's a couple of really really good ones that you can get and again on Amazon, have a look at the reviews but you'll find that they usually come in a pack of two or three and sometimes the first time you put them on it's a bit of an experience because they're not the easiest to put on. So one of the key tips I would say look for reviews. of how to Put on first and check that is one that people are saying yet it's not that bad and maybe watch a YouTube video
Anton Winters 15:06
one thing I'd like to say is this is coming from somebody who has never put a screen protector on my phone iPad camera whatever same this switch is the one device I do have a screen protector on to the fact that has a plastic screen sadly so it's a little bit easier to scratch but mainly because there sa I don't know if this isn't more earlier issue with the switch where if you put end to you can scalp Robert the screen against the account plastic walls of the doc and obviously that's just something you just want to avoid.
Al Struthers 15:40
Yeah, absolutely some point I wish you could get me some screen protector because I haven't got one of you not have a case but the screen so far it's got it's got what you'd expect the teeny tiny little micro scratches on it. Yeah, so it's probably worth investment protector.
Mike Macdermid 15:53
I've had a screen protector on since day one and I have to say I haven't even thought about it since because it's it's such a great screen protector that I don't notice it. On well enough, and that's the key as well is the installation of it, take your time with it, don't rush into doing it. And I shouldn't say as well on that they're not none of us have had the scratch issue from the dock thing is not necessarily a common thing, but it is something we would recommend a screen protector definitely just to avert that possibility.
Anton Winters 16:21
Let's say unlike having it on your smartphone where you see the calls from the camera and the microphone and then it's like doesn't go all the way the switch has a natural bezel so it lines up with the end looks fairly you forget Apple actually say?
Mike Macdermid 16:33
Yeah, I've even really thought about it since I've just kept on there. And hardcase I think that's well worth doing. Again, check out some there are some official ones you even get some Nintendo Switch branded bags like backpacks, which are kind of designed for the switch. The one thing I would say with that is that's okay, I think if you've got a kid I think that makes sense. But I think if you you might want to watch that if you are someone who travels a lot because it does obviously then advertise the fact that you have a Nintendo Switch in your bag. So Yeah, just Just a tip just, you know, I think they look great. But that's the reason I haven't bought one of I've gone for something different but so they've got Is there anything with Mr. peripherals Anything else? Well, we're caught. Yeah. So the ring fit. We're going to talk about is there anything else before ring fit that we have? I
Anton Winters 17:15
think that I think we've covered it.
Mike Macdermid 17:16
Okay. Ring fit then. So ring fit is reasonably new after you've played one, describe what it is.
Al Struthers 17:22
and simple terms. It's a tacky ring. It's a big ring. It's played by foot across, you slay the joy cons into it. And it lets you play exercise games. So it it's got sensors and little controller so it knows when you've squashed the ring where you've lifted the ring up when you're jogging. And it links to a specific game called ring fit. It's only come out in the last kind of a couple of months. We suspect although we're not sure it might feature a bit more heavily in some upcoming exercise that games for the switch.
Mike Macdermid 17:49
Yeah. And again, if you maybe have played we fit in the past maybe had a we in the house. This is kind of the next generation of where they seem to be going ring fit seems to be sort of taken over that from The board that you used to get and all the rest of it, it seems again to be a very solid piece of kit. So I think if you can get that protect potentially in the sale, I think that's something to look out for as well because they are quite pricey. I think it was 70 pounds 6070 quid with the game with the game though and the game has a lot of content. It's it seems to be well reviewed. You played a bit of it.
Al Struthers 18:19
I've left to people and you've left me doing it. So yeah,
Mike Macdermid 18:21
it's good fun, and it's a good workout. A lot of people have said it's actually James who's also on the podcast told us about how it is actually good. It's tough. It's actually a decent workout. So again, have a look at that. Right there. We were gonna say something on
Anton Winters 18:34
Tom. Yeah, just kind of on the vein of Kalfa game plus accessories. You may see these big boxes, sea level on them. Or slab Oh, yeah. Did we forget laboux a very unique one. I think if you're maybe buying a switch for a partner or an older teenager or something like that, maybe not your first choice, but I think a Kids Count five to be nine at least at would Be a tonne of fun but even beyond that, and I think there are people that will enjoy it but it's essentially you get these big sheets of cardboard and you get a little wee software that you put in your type your hardware and it goes through and it walks you through building stuff that goes from anything from a piano to a grand as a VR headset has it set software where you can programme them to do weird cool stuff as well so that you can go in there and count play them with some other tailslide cat the VR one especially works with breath the wild and a couple other titles and the racing one can be played with Mayra car and bought that one. I think if you have a maybe a kid that's come into hansy arts and crafts style stuff may have some fun.
Mike Macdermid 19:44
Yeah, and you'll see some different pricing on there as well. There's different things that you can pick up there's different kits you can pick up for level and I think you've played a bit of level of it you
Al Struthers 19:53
never tried yet. No
Mike Macdermid 19:54
one is James James is VR within labo as well you can actually get level VR which is It's not like buying a premium VR headset
Al Struthers 20:03
made of cardboard, cardboard,
Mike Macdermid 20:05
but it is fun and it might be something again that you know if you've got kids you might want to check out but we'll talk about that in a minute. All right, next up switch online so the way when the switch launched it You didn't have to pay for an online subscription but but you do know it's around about 1799 a year I believe for a single subscription but you can buy a family Park will check on the prices there you can buy family Park, which allows is up to five members of the highest
Anton Winters 20:30
five people. You can add them all in they get all the same benefits. And if you have some friends, I've got switches you could possibly divide up between them and I believe it's fairly five pounds a year. Yeah. And, and
Mike Macdermid 20:44
yeah, so with the subscription service, the main perks are as you get to play games online, so if you're into playing Splatoon to our Overwatch or Super Mario Maker at it can do that. It gives you an access to the contento entertainment system and the Nintendo Entertainment System which we can come back to just now we bet and get you access to some exclusive perks on the main Nintendo websites such as the Super Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System health replica controllers, as we previously mentioned, but you do not need this to buy digital games. No, I think that important clarification yes the shop but you don't require this to go into the shop and buy and download titles. That's not what you do need to do. However, there are some titles that do need this so you can't play them without it. For example, I play Rocket League Rocket League is a is an online game because that's the way you play and there's other games that like that, like Overwatch, for example. Or try to think of many of the other ones but also there are some games that come bundled with a subscription to Nintendo online, so Tetris 99 you can buy the game Tetris 99, which by the way, is a free title. If you already own the Nintendo it says it gets a bit confusing. It's a free title. If you have a subscription, you'll get to download Tetris 99 However, you can buy a physical copy. So that's an actual cartridge of Tetris. 99, which comes with a year subscription, but also gives you the extra downloadable content that you don't get for Tetris when you have the free version through your subscription. And that has a whole different bunch of other modes and actually, it can work at quite white good price wise if you can pick out for 20 pounds or thereabouts. You're essentially buying a game for a few pounds two or three pounds and then you're getting a subscription for your price of 1799 Super Mario Maker as well, I believe
Anton Winters 22:32
Yes, indeed. And I believe Overwatch also comes with free months of Nintendo Switch online. And if you have twitch prime and you can also they quite often give it away for free in there but I can I definitely think if you're buying at Nintendo Switch online just for yourself not thinking about going for the family plan pass. going and getting the Tetris 99 with the DLC would be your best resort. Worst case scenario, you can go ahead, get the game redeem your online. And if Tetris 99 and the DLC isn't your cup of tea, you can always flip the game and get a couple pounds off and you'll be cheaper all off. And you would have had that experience again to play Tetris. 99.
Mike Macdermid 23:15
Yeah, which is a great title, by the way is back to those a bit later on.
Al Struthers 23:18
Yeah. And I think we would all say it's worth getting a Nintendo Switch on mine. Okay, I think we all use and I, I don't really play online games, I mostly just have it because I like playing the digital, Nas and snez games that you have access to. That's the main reason we keep it so great.
Mike Macdermid 23:33
So let's talk about those things. So you get 24 no snares titles, and don't think of any nez titles that are now until we
Anton Winters 23:40
are getting close to the 50. Mark now,
Mike Macdermid 23:42
yeah, so these are the classic console, the Nintendo Entertainment System from the late 80s, early 90s. And the Super Nintendo you actually with the subscription, you will get access to, you know, 75 or two games from those two systems. And there's really good titles in there classic ones that you probably I've played at some point like Mario and Mario Kart, and Zelda and many other titles as well. And you can just go and go ahead and play them and they also get updated. So new titles appear on the system quite regularly. We just had four new snares ones to add to the initial 20 and it's a really really good way of playing played some retro games Alster
Al Struthers 24:21
it is it is I mean I'm I've I've enjoyed many hours now going back and playing a lot of games I played as a kid and it's not really cost me anything and they're always there at least there are for now. Yeah, so it seems really good Another benefit of the Nintendo Switch online is it gives you closed safe so if you have a switch then most the time is the saving games to your switch and if you break or lose your switch that's your game saves gone Yeah, if you have a Nintendo online account, you can save most games in the cloud and a CD or thing up there and if you end up getting used to it same back in you can download your games we're still getting saves. Yeah, doesn't work on every game but a lot of games do you
Mike Macdermid 24:56
just to clarify it will be the saves that you would be saving on the clock. The games themselves if you did lose your switch, and as long as you have your account details, you'll be able to log back into the E shop and download your titles. Again, it's just that the saves might not be there if you haven't. And
Al Struthers 25:12
if you lose a physical game, then it's also gone. And yeah, digital game you can re download.
Mike Macdermid 25:17
Yes, absolutely. So switch online. I think. For me, I think I would agree with all so I think it's, it's well worth looking at just simply from the point of view that it gives you access to these extra things. And I think there's a lot of fun in there. And also, I think that for most people, I know that there's, if you've got kids, and we'll come on to that in a minute, you might have some issues or worries about the online element, but rest assured, if you're paying for one of the other consoles, Xbox or Playstation, first of all, you're going to be paying more than you pay on the web. Yeah, yeah. And secondly, they have voice chat. And voice chat is not something that's very easily accessible in the Nintendo World. There is ways to do it in certain games. However, what's good about that is if you've got kids and we'll come on to that in a minute, that reduces the risk of, you know, children speaking to strangers. Yeah. Which is a Nintendo thing. Anton, you were gonna say so yeah,
Anton Winters 26:12
as well, Sam, obviously, I think we're getting in the minority or people who have grown up with Super Nintendos I'm mega drives. But even if you're not really into that era, it's very much the greatest hits are here. And you can rewind and fast forward for the game so you can skip past and if you're falling down the same pit 20 times you can just rewind the Gulf getting the hang of the controls, which is lovely.
Mike Macdermid 26:38
It's a great little extra that that's something that we never had to growing up playing those games so so it's a really nice little function. If you are new, completely new to that era of gaming or want to go revisit it and play it much easier than you did the first time.
Anton Winters 26:51
Like Yeah, it kept going on with the the mentioning of cats and the online stuff. A normal feature is if you are buying it for you Younger relatives, and or friends. And they do have a parental controls app available on Android and iOS. And on this, you can do everything from califf limiting their kind of, like level of online play. And you can limit game types. So they have an option for it. So you could say, so you're only allowed to play at two hours a day. And then once it's hit that tour Bell, Calvin come up with a big flashing thing that will maybe let them play for an extra two minutes before hard locking that
Mike Macdermid 27:32
I didn't know I actually genuinely didn't even know that. That's fantastic. That's really cool.
Al Struthers 27:37
Nintendo a very family friendly company.
Anton Winters 27:39
Yeah, yeah. And it's got everything and what's really handy as if you're very busy, you can't have you don't get the most time to hang out with your kids and your get home. And then you're just scalf haven't get the dinner on and get the wall, Sean and all that kind of stuff. You can actually go into the app later, and then see what they've been playing. So you can be like, Oh, yeah, like Yeah, you've been playing more Marilyn Monroe and rabbits Kingdom battle and like to get past that world or seen you've been going back to all the sudden you can kill fair?
Mike Macdermid 28:08
Yeah, are you continuing that game with me and you promise you to wait for me to play that's probably conversation I will
Anton Winters 28:13
actually lock it just a little space off you. You can just be like nah,
Al Struthers 28:19
your bite to beat my high score Nope,
Anton Winters 28:21
not in the back of the room and wait until they're about to finish the boss and turn it
Mike Macdermid 28:25
off. So harsh but but also very useful. So generally let's just talk about payments and buying a switch. We've talked about the pros and cons of the different versions of it. And I guess that a lot will depend on if you know, if you've got one child that wants to buy wants to play the switch, maybe a light is the ideal console, but maybe if you've got to buying two lights is expensive. Maybe it's more a case of going for a standard switch so that then they can play on the TV now and then and play two players and buying a second controller be cheaper than than buying two lights. But that's something that is going to be a case of weighing up the pros and cons I think for parents, the great thing about Nintendo is the same as it's always been with Nintendo. They are the family friendly console. These days, it's changed in the sense that they're much more open to games for all ages. And I think that's a positive thing. Because we have parental controls, we can control what people do and don't play. However, there are some really good games that I think you could check out as a parent that would be great to start off playing games with the kids. And some of them you can play together, which I know you're going to talk about in a minute, and I think I know which game you're going to talk about, and I'm actually playing it right now. I started last week anyway, in a moment Anton, what kind of games would you suggest for parents who are picking up a switch for the first time?
Anton Winters 29:39
I think one of the most popular with kids at the moment would be Minecraft is a good one to start with. Get for about 20 pounds physical and obviously you have your big health famous Nintendo tales, Mario Kart eight at Super Mario all the same Odyssey and you got a whole bunch what what about yourselves? Well, it's one The first titles that pops into your own announcer
Al Struthers 30:02
so it's probably worth saying this might sound a little dumb. But for those people don't know, video games are rated in the same way that movies and TV shows are. Yeah, so actually, if you look in front of a video game box as little Peggy rating, and that'll tell you where the game is suitable for whatever educates. I think we start to age three and then it goes seven, and they go up to I think it's 12. The next one. Yeah, so actually, that's the very first thing beware of games have age ratings, and actually quite a good guide for what is suitable for various stages. So I've got four year old I play Mario Kart with him. Oh, not a lot but he asked to play a lot. You probably pay a lot more if he could. He can't really control yet be enjoys
Unknown Speaker 30:35
Al Struthers 30:36
Yeah. So things like Mario Kart and Super Mario Odyssey are great ways of introducing kids to video games. But there's a lot of really good family friendly kids games out there. All the LEGO games. So Lego have been making games for years based on different IP. So there's sort of Lego superheroes in the Marvel Universe. There's Lego Jurassic Park, there's like a Harry Potter. Yeah, those the one I started playing last week. So those games are really really playable. And actually, you can play them with your kid. I know. lot of folks have done this. So you maybe have the grown up gaming, the gameplay and the kids running around having fun. As a great introduction,
Mike Macdermid 31:06
the great thing about the LEGO games as well as that you don't really die as such. So not a traditional video game, you might think of all the game the game is over, because my character is no disappeared off the screen, when your character disappears off the screen Lego when you lose your hearts, and it'll pop back up again. And you might lose some coins. But actually, you can keep playing that game and keep playing until you get better at it. So that's it. I think the LEGO games are a great show for that. You got any other ones you want to mention?
Al Struthers 31:31
Yeah, this one came out earlier in your your she's crafted world, which is a really really simple platformer and a great way to get kids playing games like traditional platform type stuff. It's very, very forgiving, very cutesy, very artsy. You know, it's, it's a safe thing to put in front of kids from three years old up. Yeah. So I recommend things like that. And as I get a bit older kids always going to they're going to want to start playing more and more varied games. And that's really where the rating thing comes to come back to. So a lot of party games right? There are another great way to get kids gaming that you can get involved with them doing. So things like Mario Party right there, we would highly recommend Mario Party for grownups and for kids. It's basically it's board games as little interactive mini games that you play is a really good fun, they get you and your kids up running around jumping, splashing your controllers around and just generally having a lot of fun. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 32:20
no, I think they're really good recommendations, I think as well. And if you go to the shop, online, on your switch, if you go down to the icon says e shop and you go and there's actual, you can actually change the search terms in there. And you can search for games that are suitable for children. And there's actually some educational games on there. And this is something that I've talked about in our regular podcast because way back when gaming started in the 80s, and became a household thing. There were lots of games that were meant to be educational, and they were maybe quite fun for a while for the kids and maybe it wasn't always fun, but there were there. And if you want to go and check out for example, I know that are several math schemes on the switch each shop that you can go and buy. They're only a few pounds each and it might be That you're, you're trying to, you know, your kids really working on their times tables. Well, there's actually some some games in the shop that you can buy that help with that. So it's worth checking those out as well and just have a really good look around. You know, it doesn't just have to be about all that fun, but I'll tell you the probably have more fun playing the math game on there than they might, you know, writing out says maybe it's maybe an extra incentive as well. So
Anton Winters 33:22
yeah, I definitely think even if it's for yourself, or for a younger player, I think having some good proactive games like hey, one, one game, I think is a really good one for just having to getting clear spanking would be super mario maker. And sadly, if you're in the position of our sales, we don't really have the time to sit down and make our magnum opus of a label. But I think just getting kids to have a chance to kind of go in there and mess around and do some creative stuff. At similarly with Minecraft and problem solve And Calif working around the limitation of materials you've got and game very accessible game count regard I think for a kid maybe seven and up very accessible and yeah and come back for a game for everyone at New Super Mario Bros you yeah fun cool fun singleplayer fun if you're like for a or for
Mike Macdermid 34:24
yeah absolutely no i think i think this is these are all really good suggestions and as I say he shot public on their for their titles do that research online watch a couple of videos youtube is a great place to see what these games look like and I think that gives you a good gauge as to whether it's for you go and have a look at some gameplay videos people actually playing the games. But notice the switches the console definitely for for playing if you have kids. Next up then cool up and party gaming. So talking about party gaming in the sense of it could be everyone in the room. So let's take the everyone in the room thing first because that's the fun thing. Let's say you've got a gathering of people Maybe someone in the room doesn't play video games. Don't you worry, because there is a way to get them all interacting and have some fun.
Unknown Speaker 35:07
We do this a lot, though we do.
Mike Macdermid 35:08
Yes. So tell us about Alistair.
Al Struthers 35:10
Well, you're you're alluding to a particular genre of game called dead jackbox. Yes, there's several copies of these games and was built on number six. I think it is. Yeah, basically collections of mini games a bit like Mario Party I mentioned earlier on in that it's a collection of Little League games. He played a good fun. J box is it Scrapebox is it is mini games, but they're interactive, and you don't necessarily on the switch. So that sounds weird. You use a switch, which guides you through the games, but everybody's playing is on a mobile phone or tablet. So you're grinding on
Mike Macdermid 35:39
an iPhone or an Android, you can play
Al Struthers 35:40
it and you don't have to be good at games. It's also word play and just people drawing pictures and it's just stupid fun.
Mike Macdermid 35:46
Oh, yeah. No, but I would say things like if you play Pictionary in the past, have you played to take a more extreme example Cards Against Humanity, which can, you know, obviously, that's very adult game, but you can go sort of between all of these kind of things. It's a Lot of fun you can have people in the room that have never been some of my friends you have never played video games no no interest, they will play the jackbox games because it's good fun. So there's a couple of party game suggestions on you've got some as well
Anton Winters 36:12
yeah, certainly like jackbox is basically the board game of video games. Yeah, and count our camp affordable ones after account up for if you've got somebody who's maybe played a little bit of gaming and overcooked as fairly entry level and it doesn't really matter if you're good at it. As long as shoes count it's all about just collaboration and count for yelling at each other. What just tonnes of fun
Al Struthers 36:37
Yeah, you will follow your friends I've tried playing now with with five friends so far I've managed to play it successful with one the rest of everybody else we've just lost a friendship over
Mike Macdermid 36:45
Yeah, I'm gonna suggest one as well before you do the next one. I'm gonna say snap Eclipse I was.
Anton Winters 36:50
I've got a hand rolling for the less seen what I played. But yes snipper clips you can get physically for about 20 pounds what the DLC originally launched tail and it's got tonnes of content it's fairly accessible from my experience playing it
Mike Macdermid 37:06
is really good fun it on to player mode is it's just a real blast and again it's one that if you're not a massive video gamer or maybe you live with someone that isn't a big video gamer, but you are you both have fun on it.
Al Struthers 37:17
Yeah, what else we've got, we've got Barbara man, which is really good catch up, and brute force,
Mike Macdermid 37:24
brute force. If you want old school action, kind of, you know, beating up everything on the screen with some really funny references to 80s and 90s movies. You'll like Broforce that's good fun. There's, there's a whole bunch of games on there. And I think, again, it's been surprising how Nintendo have really embraced sort of, you know, couch Co Op mode, which is where everyone's in the same room and I think that's something that's really positive and I know we play a lot. I've played it to play on other games like Resident Evil for example. So
Al Struthers 37:55
there's there's a game where you know, you got one lead character, someone else plays as well. Scary. So obviously, it's Adult game but you know you to you play play together and that there are it's definitely more Co Op coach cops only friendly and other consoles because it basically the switch songs you don't buy the light if you buy neural switch it comes with two controllers to start off with yeah and then if you buy another joy cons you've then got four controllers yeah so it is very very easy to get into coach course
Mike Macdermid 38:18
speaking of board games, there's even monopoly you can actually play
Al Struthers 38:22
guitar I'm just saying
Mike Macdermid 38:23
yes so there are board games on there too on
Anton Winters 38:25
and with that as well. So if you're looking for if you've got somebody who is absolutely the worst hopeless but really wants to play there are a couple games that count to what I like to call backs backseat gaming modes. An example of this would be some of my Odyssey or Luigi smash and free will give a separate joy con to a friend and they can count pork they can collect coins that can be I think and Louise mentioned for you can have a good good eg that can just wander around and just help you out with puzzles. It's not necessarily can Two separate instances of a player working for a label, but kind of a secondary player calling Same thing with the first player.
Mike Macdermid 39:07
Yeah, it's like, it's like the old Sonic two on the Megadrive. Anyone who's played games back in those days at Sonic was the character but someone else could play as tales. Didn't matter how many times tales went off the screen or die, they would just keep playing, whereas Sonic was the main character. It's a bit like that. Where do you get if you've got young kids? perhaps maybe that's too young to play. Maybe they could throw the hat and Mario for example, and be your psychic helper.
Al Struthers 39:31
Yeah, a good way to bring them along for the journey and they can have a bit of fun.
Mike Macdermid 39:33
Yeah, and enjoy the game because you know, games are not always we're playing some things a bit watching the story unfold and see where it goes as well and helping. Okay, let's move on. Then. We want to start we've kind of covered most of the main stuff, but I want to just quickly talk about some recommendations. So talking about single player adventures, if you're someone that is maybe coming from another console, you thought I'm gonna buy a switch. And you know, I've always been a PlayStation player. So we're talking about more experienced gamers now. We're going to single players player games for people that haven't paid any attention to the switch. What kind of games might you want to play
Anton Winters 40:04
on? Don't give us a recommendation? Oh, I think the first one and the less was very much the joke for the first year of the switch as it was the Breath of the Wild console. California might see that we wait I could sold 10 years for legend Zelda Breath the wild and that very much revolutionised the franchise. And thankfully, and this has come from somebody who wasn't a fan of breath, Ed legend Zelda games, or RPG heavily for that matter. It's fairly accessible to people who are not in the genre, I think anybody 10 and up would probably be a good frame for this. And it's called very naturalistic learning. And within all that and teaching you the mechanics very naturally, just simple stuff off. It has a wall. So you have to learn how to claim to get forward in the game and there's even puzzles online talking about having complete non non gamers Please breath while for the first time and hold the game actually teach you some. And I'll save that off. So that's one of the big ones. I've got several my Odyssey yes very beloved's and, and yeah, how about yourself house sir?
Al Struthers 41:13
I see the other one that the other major obvious one there's Mario Kart. Yeah. So there's played the three biggies from Nintendo themselves, but there's some great other games out there. There's one came out earlier this year which people non gamers and gamers alike seem to love unassimilated Corp. One is untitled newskin Oh, yeah. came earlier in the year. It's basically it's a controller goosey order and you cause havoc. That's pretty much it but in a really cutesy way.
Mike Macdermid 41:36
Also with Mario Kart if you haven't played Mario Kart, there's a lot of single player content in that as well. But it also has great Corp in the room its own and we should there should have been our first mentioned probably uncaught really, but it's also got great online multiplayer as well. It's just a great fun title. I'm sure at some point you will have come across it. But the new one is almost the definitive version, I would say. I would say recommend two different very different types of games for those more experienced gamers. First of all, I would say if you want a game but never got around to playing it the new Assassin's Creed double pack, which includes Black Flag and rogue, I think that's a good title. It's been really well reviewed, it's a stable. Another one might be Dragon Quest. If you're into more of a Japanese RPG type style game, there's Dragon Quest is on the switch and is getting great reviews too. And then totally different sort of genre. But games don't always have to be about action, it could be more story driven. So the Telltale Games telltale no longer exists, but they make these narrative games where you can watch a story unfold, and there's Batman. And sometimes you'll pick them up in the shop for about eight pounds with two Batman titles from telltale. The second one was a new company that basically finished it, but essentially it's the same kind of game. And then also Finally, Steins Gate. If you are a if you like visual novels or if you like reading stories unfold with less kind of interaction what you do, but having the occasion decision to make it's a Japanese novel. It's about 20 odd hours long, but it's a great engaging story got English subtitles. And you do have some really crucial decisions to make, which makes you know the game changes as you go along. But it's more about like us. This was one you might play late at night and read it as you go along. But there's so many I mean, I've just mentioned a couple of my favourites but there are so many Allaster that To be honest, we started off the big joke with the switch was as as Anton said is, it's a breath of the wild console because there's not much else on there. Mario Kart besides aside, no Alster. I think there must be is thousands of games
Al Struthers 43:36
there are literally thousands game spanning just but every genre you can think of your sports Sim, there's umpteen football games, racing game, we've now got tonnes of racing games. If you want a side scrolling platformer, we've got them we've got pointing click, there are just so many out there and we could wax lyrical for hours about what's out there. Yeah. We don't have time to do it. I mean, I think our recommendation would be if you're not after all these big days. We've talked about already just google Yeah, Google is a great place to get a pretty quick idea of what people like
Anton Winters 44:06
and if you like to look at one game go and have a look at a YouTube video of it have a look at a review of an independent review of it to Anton did you want to add anything yet and one thing to say as you can if you want the best place to look is on Nintendo website you can browse that the shop on there so that has all the games and one place you can fill are as pair john ra you can click on one game and then on the site I believe that has some recommendations of some games that are similar and one thing I'd like to throw some suggestions out there if you're looking for a more mature title cuz I know Nintendo does have its it's literally acetic which may not be for everyone. We've had a really good year obviously we've had the Assassin's Creed that you've just mentioned. We had what you're free, which is a monumental, the size game. Alien Isolation is looking very good. The Doom at the face has been really great with sweat with two Wilson same tails. And so just to clarify it's not just say your count miles and sell those because I know that's not everybody's cup of tea. Yeah, absolutely. Overwatch you can get it quite cheap now for 18 pounds and that only came out quite recently and obviously that's a big title that said, being a getting this became very polished as of now.
Mike Macdermid 45:20
Yeah, if you like football and cars Rocket League is another one. But you have to have an online subscription to play that. It's a lot of fun. I think not necessarily I will ever played a local. Okay, so yeah, if you're on your if you're a single player, you've really
Al Struthers 45:33
multiplayer in the same room,
Mike Macdermid 45:34
or multiple in the same room is yet is good. But definitely the majority of people playing are playing that online. But again, you know, another good title. I think what we should finish with is let's just talk a bit about terminology. So because people hear these words, branded about, you know, Indies, triple A titles, JRPGs, all that kind of stuff. And we'll talk about indies very briefly. So in these, there are basically games made by independent studios that are maybe smaller Generally the categorised as games that aren't one of the big hitting titles like it's not a Mario. It's not a Zelda it's not from one of the Nintendo it's not from another big studio. But there are some amazing independent games out there Anton. One of the ones that springs to mind for me is Undertale. And another one is west of loathing, I think in a two right there. But Anton, what do you want to say about indeed
Anton Winters 46:22
indeed very much these games are quite often a lot niche. But quite thankfully, due to them having smaller developers are quite often more focused, so killed. Some of the most popular indies that we have is stuff like Star to Valley, which is like a farming simulator know a big title. Similarly, we have whole night, which is kind of a throwback to count early ps1, Metroidvania. So games, and Celeste, which is a narrative sale platformer, and cuphead, which is an homage to 1950s cartoons. These are not the titles that appeal to everyone. But if you're, let's say, you've just the last question. You played was like a BBC Micro Sunday's made a game on the shop that is got BBC Micro inspired graphics all about those characters faith in those that we ought ball games that yeah be you intend people want but for you not to be perfect
Mike Macdermid 47:16
and audible title that I would recommend is Night in the Woods that's absolutely beautifully written game fantastic. Really well reviewed music is fantastic. There's many, many of these games and again, it's about research but on the shop, you'll see how many titles there are. So I think sometimes again, it's worth just checking these out and looking at some reviews,
Al Struthers 47:34
it's also worth pointing out the shoulder regularly as sales. So even if you're looking at the shop online just now and after we've just told you to go and have a look. Some of the games might look quite expensive on there. They quite often are on sale and you can usually get them cheaper just going to a physical shop or going to some website like a game stopper, like that. So don't get put off by the prices. Every game isn't it? 50 quid,
Mike Macdermid 47:54
no, it's sometimes you'll save 50 pounds on the shop but you will find a physical copy of that with cartridge for 2999 or less and look out for deals as well I was talking about checking for deals I think that's really important don't just always go for the first thing is it sometimes cheaper elsewhere often is I think apart from the big triple A titles they tend to retain their value so there's elders in the Mario's the Dragon Quest and that kind of thing.
Al Struthers 48:18
But we should also say it's there's no harm in buying secondhand games. That was unless you're buying digital you can always buy a physical cartridge and then sell it on or you can buy secondhand one because there's not really much that goes along with another completely saved on eBay or wherever you can go and buy a second and copy you probably okay
Mike Macdermid 48:34
what kind of terminology until might we see so JRPG RPG is a role playing game that's that's where you play the role of a protagonist and you want a big adventure JRPG is the Japanese version of that so it would have originated in Japan and it has a very specific style until well so yeah,
Anton Winters 48:50
I guess a lot of the terminology you'll find will be more so regarding Sean Ross. So obviously you got your FBI sees which would be count your first person games, looking for the A few of the protagonists. Usually they're shooting as well, you usually see finding
Mike Macdermid 49:04
a gun, and cast first person shooters. This is scalf. Similarly, kind of similar gameplay, but you're looking from behind the character at your platformers. It might sound a little bit obtuse, but that's basically your materials that can be either 2d or 3d, and point and click. And I think it's another one to point and click adventures in the 90s. It was very, very popular. And that's where there's a story and you have to literally find things on the screen to point out and click on it literally, as it says, and then you make a decision based on what you find you might have to combine an item with another item to find the solution. Lot of detective type games or mystery games Allaster
Al Struthers 49:43
Yeah, thank you for school, you got puzzle games, where you literally as they send you to solving puzzles quite often the that's big thing to a story. Look out for brain training that's coming in here as well. It's another one. There's a couple that we've covered lately, like roguelike for example, yeah, we have Allah and don't give the description because he sees or
Anton Winters 50:00
roguelikes are kind of like games where you're, you're one life, you have one life, basically. And it's the idea of making it as far as possible. Some games reward you for repeat place. Some are literally just a survival to the fitness fitness kind of thing. But it's comfortable making the game more intense. And quite often, you'll hear a lot of games, developers chatting about eight and 16 bit. And this doesn't mean so much these days. But it's essentially referring to the visual aesthetic, essentially going back to 85. We had kalfus eight bet sell games,
Mike Macdermid 50:34
that's your Nintendo's master systems that kind of Yeah.
Anton Winters 50:37
And then you have 16 bit which is graphics more in power of the original Sonic. And so it's more of a visually setec and a whole count fluid. The game players were eight but games are a little bit more rigid. And to 16 bit it's a little bit more fluid. And,
Mike Macdermid 50:55
yeah shmups
Al Struthers 50:57
shmups Yeah, there's a short way of seeing a She came up
Mike Macdermid 51:00
but you might hear that you might hear someone referred to is that you've got another one else. There's was hacking slash hack, which is
Al Struthers 51:05
literally usually a button Basha. That's where you just mashing buttons on the tool and just killing everything around you a sword or beat him up similar kind of thing maybe more
Mike Macdermid 51:15
targeted at thinking of trying to sort of get combinations of you know, moves by doing a combination of buttons.
Al Struthers 51:24
Yeah. And then there's the MMO RPG or just MMO sometimes, yeah, which there's not many of them on the switch, which basically stands for massively online multiplayer game. And you might have role playing game and then forevers mmo RPG, and that's basically you're in a big open world with a tonne of other people who are also playing and they're doing whatever they want to do. Yeah, I think like your World of Warcraft type idea.
Anton Winters 51:46
Yes. Yeah. I think that's pretty much it. Is there anything you want to add anyone before we finish up on our think gate? One one game I would like to include before shuffling on if you have somebody who's wanting to try a sugar but your account Little bit hesitant that made up for like an overwatch or some like a Doom or something like that I think a great tale to consider with be Splatoon to yes as Splatoon to as Sam essentially it's technically a fourth person. Sure. However, it's less about killing your enemies but router account covering the account level on the map with pain and it's an idea of who has the most paint on the map wins. Yeah, and with that it comes a little bit less aggressive, which is quite nice. And with it being tandel they've done a lot of quality of life things to make it a little bit more approachable for first time sure player. So yeah, for instance, you can aim purely from motion controls alone rather than having a
Mike Macdermid 52:42
motion controls by the way are when you can you actually physically move the controller to aim where you're going rather than using the buttons? Essentially right
Anton Winters 52:52
description eight. Yeah, very much like the we almost Yeah, which is a much more accessible way to play it and I think That's a useful one to keep in mind.
Mike Macdermid 53:02
Yeah, that's a very good suggestion. I'll start you you've kind of covered most things I think.
Al Struthers 53:06
I think we've done a pretty in depth dive there.
Mike Macdermid 53:09
Yeah, yeah. Well, I hope you've enjoyed the buyer's guide. I know it's obviously more aimed at people who aren't experienced switch players but I think the good thing is this is going to stay in our catalogue. So when people come to the switch for the first time, or you've got someone that's maybe buying and you're an experienced player, then perhaps you can send them to this episode and get them to have a listen because it's it's going to be relevant still in a year's time other than maybe some new game suggestions. So
Al Struthers 53:31
yeah, in Nintendo Switch Pro.
Mike Macdermid 53:33
Yes. Yeah, new
Anton Winters 53:35
versions of your your list looking for another game, some more games to pick up. At next week, we will have the Nintendo Switch UK podcast Game Awards special. Yes, kept running it on our favourite games of the years. And we have several categories. And so just tune in next week. Should be a lot of fun, and you can get a lovely teaser of what we enjoy. It's not
Mike Macdermid 54:00
Absolutely well look. In the meantime, check out Su Qi UK and if you'd like to leave us a review on Apple podcasts then please do five star would be lovely. Thank you very much. We hope you've enjoyed this episode. We are on Twitter as well as ns UK podcast. And you'll get us on Facebook. You'll also get us on any downloadable podcast app pretty much you'll get
Al Struthers 54:19
wherever you find this.
Mike Macdermid 54:20
Yeah, wherever you find this keep finding us that will be fantastic. Until then have a fantastic Christmas when it comes if you don't hear us again before then, which you won't know I guess. And we'll see you again soon for season two and 2020 goodbye. Cheerio farva