A Brief Intro To Season 2 Special
Anton, Mike and Al are here to explain our vision and plan for Season 2, which starts next week!
We've got all our Patreon details too and you can visit this page for more info.
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello, and welcome to a brief introduction to season two of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. Happy New Year owl. Happy New Year, Mike. Happy New Year Anton. Happy New Year, everyone. It's been so long we're back finally kind of kind of. We're going to be back for real in a week's time. And we're all very, very excited about season two. But just for a few moments I'll and Anton I'm going to ask you to sit quietly.
Anton Winters 0:38
Yes, yes. Teacher officer. Yes. Is this a job that I can't read? Oh, dear. He has gone to the parks podcast now.
Mike Macdermid 0:45
That's all right. It's fine. Alastair kindly wrote to Olin read, so I can't read it either, because I know he didn't, it's fine. So what we're going to do, first of all, is we've got lots of things to tell you because we've been talking about various changes for season two for a while now. You'll know this. If you You've been listening to the podcast, but we've been working away over the Christmas holidays. And we're ready for the big reveal. So the first thing that we want to say is that absolutely nothing is going to change at all. So that's unless you wanted to. But we're still going to produce the same weekly podcast, exactly the same as we've been doing for the last year with the same segments and the same length. And it's still absolutely totally free of charge for everyone, nothing changes. We started out trying to keep it to 45 minutes. So you probably notice if you listen to us regularly that most of our episodes tend to end up around the hour mark, because basically, we can't fit everything into 45 minutes, or certainly not what we want to talk about. So the main message here is that nothing changes to the main show. It's still there, it's still free. Okay, we've got that, by the way, but here's the message that we want to really talk about. So we want to talk a little bit about the production of the show and the costs involved in making it because we've repeatedly said since day one, that we make the show just because we love the Nintendo Switch and we genuinely enjoy putting it together each week and we are eternally grateful to each and every one of you for listening to us that said, there are costs associated with doing this. So for those that are interested, we've outlined it in huge detail, like bang on detail right on our website. And that's live now. But basically, after we pay for hosting of the podcast, our website and email services we're spending around about what is it Alice, there's about 200, and something pounds 250 260 pounds a year, so 350 360 pounds a year. Now, we want to keep on doing that. We're happy to keep on doing that. But we'd be even happier if we had some support in covering those costs. So that's why we've started discussing the idea of starting a Patreon for the podcast. Now I'm sure many of you will be familiar with Patreon, especially if you listen to other podcast is a fairly common service that you will have seen, or certainly have heard the word in other podcasts as a concept, but for anyone who hasn't come across it before. Patreon is a web service that basically lets creators of content like us, receive money from supporters and give those supporters back something Return. And it's become a very common platform for podcast to generate some money. And it's also used by lots of other content creators, like musicians and painters and pretty much, pretty much anything you can think of really. Now we figured that if we could get even a few supporters, then it goes a long way to help cover our costs. And if by some miracle, we actually end up receiving more than our costs, then we can use those funds to buy games to review our prizes to offer to listeners in competitions, and we might even buy a real trophy for the quiz. Although we decided on that 100% Oh, the thing about the the podcast is that we absolutely love doing it. We want to keep doing it as long as we can. So we've decided to create two tiers of support and those are both live now on Patreon if anyone feeling that they'd like to support us wants to go and check those out, no, they are there. It's set up to only charge subscribers when we publish a main episode so that if we miss a week, you won't get charged nor will supporters get charged for any bonus content. So like, for example, last year, we did for direct specials, I believe,
Anton Winters 4:03
I think for for to write 10. Seven specials overall
Mike Macdermid 4:06
was as many as that Well anyway, yeah, they all are just as bonus content. So if you are a Patreon you will not be charged for any of those. The other option was to set up a monthly set subscription. But since we know that we can't commit to getting a show every single week, we didn't feel that this was a fair way to charge patriots. Having said that, we do get shows I would say 90% of the time,
Al Struthers 4:28
yeah. One or two weeks a year.
Mike Macdermid 4:30
Yes. So this way, no show no pay. Basically, Patreon bills Subscribers get billed once a month, and only for what has been published by us. Sadly, all works in dollars, which makes it a little confusing, but I'm sure we can all get around that. patreon also take a fairly hefty chunk that works out as a little over half of what you pay, but we're happy to get a bit of something rather than all of nothing. So we thought long and hard about what we could offer you as extra value content that you made. Be willing to part with your hard earned cash for. So based on the feedback that we've received, it seems that a lot of you quite like it when we actually digress down random tangents and talk about all manners of off topic subjects, which is something we're all pretty good at.
Al Struthers 5:14
Worrying a little too good.
Mike Macdermid 5:16
So we thought maybe we could do something with that. We also thought that you might find it useful to have a regular update from us on games that are about to be released. Now, we do try to cover some of that stuff in the main podcast, obviously. But there are often just too many releases that we can't squeeze them all into a standard show, or it would end up being several hours long. So with these thoughts in mind, we had a few bad ideas along the way, we decided to create two tiers of Patreon subscriptions for anyone who wants to support us. So the first tier is a little bit self indulgent, will admit that, but we got the idea from other podcasts that we listened to, and we thought, what the heck, let's copy them. So the end of the day, the best ideas are quite often borrowed. So it's what we're calling our nest here, as in new excellence. supporter there's also a Nintendo link in there somewhere, I believe. I don't know where that Yeah, no, no, it's just $1. And it's for anyone who doesn't necessarily want to fork it for additional content, who maybe doesn't want additional content but enjoys the podcasts and just wants to say thanks to anyone who signs up to this tier, we are genuinely so grateful because it probably means more to us than you're willing to give us your money that for that for nothing that you're willing to give us that money for nothing extra than if you subscribe to the higher tiers it is a huge deal for us to get people to sign up to this and we really genuinely appreciate it if if you do. The second tier will bring in more money to help the show so we definitely want people to sign up to that obviously, but they're both there you know, there's the second tier it's called the snares tier like what does that stand for? New Super excellent supporter now super you excellent sports are like it yeah it is yes, it's it's not the new says it's the
Unknown Speaker 6:57
super new excellent supports it now.
Mike Macdermid 6:59
That's Where it probably gets more interesting for you, if you like the sound of what we mentioned earlier on. Now this tier is set at $3 per main episode, but in exchange for your money will be recording and sending out a separate segment every week called last call. And that's just basically does what it says on the tin. As in it's our last chance of the week to get some more random chat from us for about half an hour ish we reckon 15 minutes, half an hour that kind of time.
Al Struthers 7:28
Yeah, we pitched it ourselves as the pub chat bit.
Mike Macdermid 7:31
Yes. So basically here we just talk about some random topic each week it might be still gaming might be music might be a movie might be TV show, maybe another console, who knows, it could be anything. It might be something we discussed in the main episode, and we wanted to delve into further we'll take each one as we go. Now we don't know yet either. But we'll figure that one out as we go and addition to the show, Anton and I also will put a fortnightly podcast that lists and talks About every game that we know that's due to be released in that period, or certainly as many as we can fit in in that fortnightly podcast. And then we'll give our initial impressions based on trailers and reviews that may be out. And if we can start to get our hands on some review copies of games, we'll get into a bit more detail there as well, as well as in the main show. Now if you sign up to this tier, you'll get a custom RSS feed address that you just stick into your pod catcher of choice. So whatever you normally use and the normal show and all bonus content will come straight to you, you can delete the original feed from your app and then you're good to go. patreon will handle all the billing for you and you can fix any technical difficulties you may have or we can try to help if you get in touch. There's a couple of other things as well we have on those two tiers on the next tier to go back to that as well as our eternal grateful gratitude to you you will also get a shout out a big shout out Whoo hoo is we're calling it a shadow whoo
Al Struthers 8:48
but only tell us not to you don't want us Do we want
Mike Macdermid 8:52
exactly so if jack from Devon signs up we can go jack from Devin, thank you so much. Whoo or we can say thank you anonymous from Anonymous if you prefer the snez tier, which is the $3 one that is as well as the stuff we mentioned there so you've got our eternal gratitude you got our show tech Whoo hoo will do that for you too. You'll also get our fortnightly show euro, which is our last call. You'll also get our fortnightly roundup of some not fortnight the last calls every week but fortnightly for the interviews that previews and what's coming at releases episode. You'll also get our show notes early as well exclusively so you'll be someone will get to see what we're going to be talking about. And you'll also get this is my favourite bit our friend codes. Yeah, you can stop what we've been playing or not. So embarrassing because people see a really good chance to game this is a bad idea will also see some of the terrible choices they make when gaming which is great. So you'll get all that stuff in there as well. So that's that is this a fair bit in there for what we think is a fairly low price now. That's pretty much it. But we didn't want to make things overly complicated, so have kept it to two tiers. And it's there for those who wants to help us make the show and for those who are happy just listening to the free show and leaving us reviews, then we'll keep publishing that every week and everything will see exactly the same so you don't have to sign up to any of those. If you don't want to, that's absolutely fine. We'll also name check every supporter for tears which I mentioned there unless you ask us not to. And Anton has created a page on our website that explains all and links through to the Patreon page so you can head over to sukp.com at UK know and check it out and maybe subscribe.
Unknown Speaker 10:32
That would be lovely.
Al Struthers 10:33
I mean, we're not expecting floodgates for people to come and do this. No if you do if you'd like listen to the show enough that you think I want to give these guys a bit of money to support them and help them do what they're doing. That just means the world to us
Mike Macdermid 10:44
just very quickly so obviously we're talking dollars here because Patreon works and dollar. So what's our two tiers and what's the equivalent in payments just to cover that again.
Al Struthers 10:52
So the basic gear the the we just want to help you because you're awesome, dear. So $1 which is about 77 pence Shane and the $3 to the snares tier works at about two pounds 13 episodes to you guys.
Mike Macdermid 11:05
Okay, and you'll get all that extra bonus content extra bonus content really 30th episode yeah and yeah and Anton of course we were talking about our costs of the things that that we have to pay for on a yearly basis so in our first season we have had to pay right about 400 pounds Olin probably in terms of costs I reckon. So what so what does that all cover then? I'm done so what's
Anton Winters 11:28
what we've been paying for so far? Yes So outside of Calif hardware, software and calf just time anything else we mainly yearly costs at the biggest of the free would be campus bro, that's our RSS post. So that's where we put up the episodes. That's where we named them put the logos on it at the deliverance to have delivers episodes over 12 different podcast platforms and that costs about 187 pounds a year. And secondly, we've got the website which has all the information on it and all the episodes count the front end four episodes and everything like that. And that comes to about hundred and 71 pounds 60 a year. slightly smaller and sad thing that we do have to buy because everything it's a run for it somehow as a our web mail, so count the email, which yet it's just email that's count. We use that to talk to all the other services that we use. And that comes to about 66 pounds and 24 pence per year. And then we also have the kelp the actual domain itself NSU kp.co.uk, which comes to about 10 pounds a year. Yeah. And obviously this all adds up and then at the end of the month, you're like I'm doing quite well. Oh no.
Mike Macdermid 12:42
Yeah, and the thing is that you know, obviously all our time and all our experience that we've had on editing or from doing the the art style stuff that Anton does with the website stuff, all that stuff. All comes you know we do all that because we enjoy it but that's not the aim of the picture. On the Patreon, the aim of it is to try and cover the costs of the external stuff, the extra stuff we have to pay on top of our time. And that comes to about reckon about 40 pounds a month would be would cover it right,
Al Struthers 13:10
I think that should cover our direct costs were owned by that level. And if we make any more great means we can put it back into the show and do cool stuff, like we said, As Mike explore,
Unknown Speaker 13:20
exploring the idea of cool stuff.
Mike Macdermid 13:24
So the good thing about having x if we got to a point where we had extra, and at the moment, that's not what we're looking at, but let's just let's just say that we got the cost covered. We had some, you know, because we have some amazing people that listen to the podcast. We know that because we talked to them regularly. But if we got that all covered, some of the things we could do, like we're running a competition at the moment, for example, we could do more of those where we actually
Al Struthers 13:47
tell us about the competition. Okay, let
Mike Macdermid 13:49
me do that. Let me say that, because if you want to win a physical copy of Tetris, 99 plus 12 months Nintendo Switch online membership, it's on our Twitter page right now you have to follow us retweets before Wednesday, January the 12th at 5pm. So that's from now a week in three days. But depending on when the podcast this one goes live, it might be slightly less than that. And then we're going to announce the winner on season two episode one, which is on the 16th of January, I believe. So is that the right is that is that a Monday? 16 seems like a weird day. I think I looked at the wrong calendar. So it would be 13 to 1313. Yes, for some reason, I managed to get typo and the one tweet tweet that I didn't actually, I really shouldn't have got a taper with but there we are, I must have looked at last year's calendar. Either way, though, on our first episode will announce the winner so there's still time. So you can you've got to head to our Twitter page, which is Anton
Anton Winters 14:45
ns. UK podcasts. That's
Mike Macdermid 14:47
the one Twitter so we could do more of those. We could do things like invest in copies of games that people want us to review, for example, hopefully we'll start getting some reviewers on board. That's another We're really going to look into So Michael and marketing to try and get more listeners in which again, increases the amount of things we can do the extra content, we can do all these things, but will be very open about how we're getting on with the Patreon. I think that's quite important for people to know what's coming in and where the money's going.
Al Struthers 15:16
Yeah, I think actually, if you go to the Patreon page itself, there's actually a little tracker on there at let you see how many supporters we've got. I think somewhere that we can actually tell you how much money is giving us we want to be completely open about this. We don't want anyone to think we're trying to fleece anyone we don't be taking the Mickey with genuine to be very honest. And we just want to cover our costs. Yeah, because it helped us doing it.
Mike Macdermid 15:35
Yeah, that's it. It's a contribution, isn't it? I think the thing is, we you know, we are we're keeping doing this as long as we possibly can. You know, life is expensive no matter which way you look at it. And this is an extra cost that we can try and those base costs before our time because we're time is something we're happy to give. But those base costs if we could cover those then it would be fantastic. So yeah, just a quick recap before we start talking about our thoughts and see too because we are going to, we're treating this as our tests for season two a couple of technical things, which we'll talk about in a minute. But any What else do we need to say? We said everything on
Anton Winters 16:10
Yeah, I think just the main thing to keep in mind as to the best way to look at and lease my ISIS. It's like by buying us a cup of coffee after a podcast. And all three of us sat around and we share the same cup of coffee
Al Struthers 16:25
we have one each every week.
Unknown Speaker 16:26
Yeah, exactly. We
Al Struthers 16:28
don't get that then I get a cup of coffee.
Mike Macdermid 16:30
Or then again if three people by is then we all get a cup of coffee and then we're better Yeah, and Su Kp code at UK please do head over to the websites got all the details there. If you want to go direct to Patreon Can you just search NSU Kp on Patreon I'm assuming Yeah,
Al Struthers 16:43
you can go into Patreon search NSU Kp or find us. And of course, if you don't want to pay us or if you don't have the funds to pay us. We still want you to listen to the show. Yes, reviews. Reviews are just as helpful as people give us money.
Unknown Speaker 16:55
So we're on 39 five stars on Apple podcast right now. We've actually had a couple over the Christmas period which is fantastic. Thank you so much for this no more reviews. I know your screenshot and send them to us and I get so happy when you see a screenshot and I know
Unknown Speaker 17:09
it's always under review. Well, it's
Mike Macdermid 17:10
great. It's always really a great moment. I really want to get to that 40 before this first start of season two, so we've got another week to go but this
Al Struthers 17:17
This episode was a first Oh, come on guys. Nice one
Anton Winters 17:22
and a five star please five don't don't give us last because it would
Mike Macdermid 17:27
be honest be you know, if you don't if you don't want to go
Al Struthers 17:29
if you think we're rubbish, give us your stars. actually feeling rubbish. Don't give us anything. Yeah, please just give me good also give us five stars.
Anton Winters 17:36
I think if people didn't like us, they would have left by now we've been we've been jabbering for a fair wee bit. I mean,
Mike Macdermid 17:42
yeah, absolutely. Well, look, let's talk about Season Two then because it's just a week away. 2020 is here. 2019 is over. I'm very excited about this year and switch. And I know we're not going to talk about the switch too much this year. But in terms of the podcast, what things aren't on are you looking for
Anton Winters 18:01
Oh, it's gonna be interesting. I'm hoping this is the year we finally get the the we porce. And we've called that and as well as that this is seems to be the year where I have a theory. I think the rumour Mills really going to heat up for switch Pro.
Mike Macdermid 18:15
Yeah, I agree. I think switch Pro is happening in 2020.
Al Struthers 18:18
I think I'll well, I think will be announced in 2019 or 20 or 2020. I think we're losing 2021.
Mike Macdermid 18:24
And it's going to come this year. I do and I think it will come with new Zelda
Al Struthers 18:28
2020. I said is the oldest committed this year. And I think it is coming.
Anton Winters 18:33
Yeah, I think that that leaker that's always on top the ball. Say the Kings is confirmed. It's happening. And I think in the original trailer had just a vague 2020 I think so I don't
Al Struthers 18:45
think you're I think we will tighten the release too much there.
Mike Macdermid 18:48
Well, there's no confirmation 100% from Nintendo that Zelda is happening this year. But
Al Struthers 18:53
the proof exists.
Mike Macdermid 18:55
would say we're likely to see by the end of the year, I think well at least know as you see So that's exciting and that will add a new element to the podcast because what my worry is are we going to have probably are going to have certain titles eventually that are going to be Oh, it's a pro only or you know, and that's that's the whole conversation for an episode
Anton Winters 19:14
will be our willows. They just brought it to me. I just
Al Struthers 19:17
won't. Yeah, well, that was these are all the talking points we have to look forward to in 2020 I know there will be lots and lots document. Oh, I missed one. I think it's probably more exciting to me. Yeah. I'm just talking about we ports. I'm we're excited beginning in 64. Online.
Mike Macdermid 19:32
So I don't know I suspect it won't happen. There's the rumour that the mini and 64 is coming soon. Yeah, but if that happens, it will make it the online the year after Yeah, be probably the Europe but the mini and 64 would still be very cool.
Al Struthers 19:46
They will be it's still the best console ever.
Mike Macdermid 19:48
Yeah, it's certainly up there. For me, I'm looking forward to balusters quiz.
Al Struthers 19:53
Oh, don't be because
Mike Macdermid 19:55
it's the year of the Alister I mean, I don't know why you've got the whole year. I mean, I'm not saying you do because I only had six months in Anton had six months so technically it's just till the summer
Al Struthers 20:03
well we'll see how far I get with this the format or come up with
Mike Macdermid 20:05
so I know so it took because we will come into the quiz in a moment because I think we're going to do a little test yeah Ron yeah okay but before that Anton you've you've gone out and change some of your setup because
Anton Winters 20:18
I find that funny literally the parcel arrived maybe an hour and a half ago and I was sitting there looking at my like phone just been like come on please arrive and yeah whole brand new setup and new back I believe they're called a new mixer new microphone stand that's kind of too late to stand.
Al Struthers 20:36
There's a very cool arm. No, sir.
Anton Winters 20:39
Yes. like ours. Yeah, we have. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 20:43
We have three hours between us. But yes, that's great. And so yeah, it'll be interesting to see because you're going to send me because of the way that we this is the episode to tell people I guess I we do. Yeah, we do so. So Alistair and I are mostly in the same room together or if James is here, he's in the same room. Anton and when Emily's on the podcast to would be Anton side recording and what's interesting is when Anton and Emily are together you share the microphone and you send the audio to me if it's just you or if it's both of you. And then I mix it afterwards post mix it and then the music.
Al Struthers 21:19
Little vino mix head pops a lot,
Anton Winters 21:21
a lot. Just no idea.
Al Struthers 21:27
I love it. I love it.
Mike Macdermid 21:28
I love it even more if we get some we
Al Struthers 21:31
got let's see little no glitches, just technical bumps.
Mike Macdermid 21:35
The normal thing that anything with audio with art with internet any of these. It's just sometimes when you're trying to hardly get out in a Sunday night and it's getting late. It's getting to nine o'clock you're thinking I just want to go and watch TV for an hour before I go to bed. That's when it gets frustrating.
Al Struthers 21:48
And that's exactly when everything doesn't sync up and you've got to cut and move things by fractions of seconds to me.
Mike Macdermid 21:54
Interestingly then on does that mean that your little mixer that you've bought doesn't have a sale mic input.
Anton Winters 22:01
Essentially the setup I've went for is I wasn't actually wanting upgrades and because I was looking at and the costs like the microphone I wanted, like I had my heart set on this one particular microphone. And, and I was looking at the cost and I was looking at like getting the the future proofing like audio wise and getting the gear that I want. And account was looking at just the numbers weren't at an auto scanner, but too much. And then like two days ago, before we're going to record this, I go into Facebook market and I see some date and they're moving, they're in a flight the next morning. They're like I just need rid of it. So I ended up getting a really cheap one channel mixer, man, which may have a little bit of noise on it. Well, it's technically five but it's one XLR port and which is actually chipping off, work it flip it when I'm done. So the plan is as there might be a little bit of noise with this one, but I've managed to get the mic in order to ankle set up. So hopefully I'll be upgrading that and then eventually down the line looking towards getting a second or who knows how many more makes thanks slynt good stuff. So well be interest because, again, people I don't think people listening would ever really notice any of the noise that might be on some of the what we try and do is try and use things like filters and gates and things to try and make it all sound quite similar. Magic.
Mike Macdermid 23:14
Yeah, I mean, it's not my magic if
Al Struthers 23:18
you presumably quite a lot of money for the software, but you use it in your day to day.
Mike Macdermid 23:22
Yeah, I'm a songwriter. So I have a studio so I'm lucky in that sense I can use that stuff to make it Yeah,
Al Struthers 23:27
it's very nice near there's there's actually seven betting panels on the walls. There's all kinds of fancy gets a little vocal believers and yet there's a little song Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
Yeah. And I like to call your cupboard but
Al Struthers 23:38
really, it's a proper studio.
Mike Macdermid 23:39
Yeah, I mean, if it was in a bigger room, and I made it look a bit more fancy than it would be but you know, it's because it's in my house. It's in the
Al Struthers 23:44
small room. So basically, we're as good as we possibly can sound a nice door so neighbours
Mike Macdermid 23:48
are you sound fantastic. Nothing to worry about. So that's good. So that's great news. So so that's a bit of a change for you. So this is a test episode for
Anton Winters 23:58
any problems. Hopefully have them Hi. ironed out because I literally got like 30 minutes ago and there's tonnes of what we knobs and switches that I can pull cat. So yeah, I'm sure Mike's gonna skill me and let me know what I shouldn't shouldn't be doing as long
Mike Macdermid 24:10
as when I get your audio and we play this out for real as long as we can hear you, then we're fine because this is only this is only the brief introduction to season two. Did you
Al Struthers 24:22
notice to remember the name of the episode?
Mike Macdermid 24:24
No, I was looking for the Mac. But I think it is a brief introduction. I was trying to go on the Bill Bryson books, you know the brief history of time and obviously
Al Struthers 24:31
time isn't Bill Bryson. That'd be Stephen Hawking.
Mike Macdermid 24:34
Oh, no, no. Yeah. What was the brief history of
Al Struthers 24:36
almost everything I've ever seen.
Mike Macdermid 24:39
Stephen Hawking. Yes, of course. So so see. So that's you. That's a
Anton Winters 24:45
good one. Let me think before shuffling on as one of the reasons why I've been angling up as when I've previously been doing a live stream so far in that YouTube channel. One of the problems I've been having as a I don't actually have any audio of what's going on in the game. So knows this new mixer, I will actually have some games that require all deal being most of them will actually be playable. So I'm hoping to do a little bit more live streaming over there on our YouTube channel, which has no URL because they won't give us one. But you can get an issue Kp cool. So if you've got anything is would like may play a game show and potentially get me over and do all of the video games. Yes.
Mike Macdermid 25:23
And we're going to try and add that to our setup this year as well. So I'm going to get some suggestions from Anton as to what to some point we will all get in the room and play Mario Kart it is going to happen. Yes, yes, at some point 2020 we don't know when is the year. I really, really, really want to talk about the games we've been playing over Christmas, but we're going to save that we're going to save that till next week on many games. I mean, I yes.
Al Struthers 25:45
So many games. Yeah, you've been playing them. I've been playing been playing tonnes of games.
Anton Winters 25:50
It's been I've been playing more than I usually do, but not as much as I should say there's a middle ground in there
Al Struthers 25:56
where I look forward to season two to hearing all about Yes.
Mike Macdermid 26:00
Okay, so yes, season two for me very excited about your quiz looking forward to that
Al Struthers 26:06
limit to those expectations Mike,
Mike Macdermid 26:08
I'm actually really looking forward to doing the our last call as well. I think that's going to be quite fun because in last call we can kind of you know, we can go off topic a bit and I'm go off topic in an episode, let alone in, in a in a sort of pub chat style thing. You know,
Al Struthers 26:25
it's gonna be dangerous. This isn't because we'll never share. Yeah, but because people get to know us a bit better. I think. I think we come across as ourselves quite a lot on this podcast, but people really get to know how geeky and awful we really are. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 26:37
yeah, that's okay. Sorry.
Anton Winters 26:39
I'm quite excited. There's been a there's been a fair few times when I've been making the podcast notes. Let's take one say half like Alex was announced. I'm like, Is there any way I can count contort this to fit into the podcast? Because we don't get to really chat that often outside of podcasts. So, and yeah, careful. There's been quite a few times where I'm like, Well, I put this at the End of the podcast notes and hope nobody notice I'm like no This doesn't offend Nintendo podcast
Mike Macdermid 27:05
and also I think sometimes there's just stuff that we talk about when we're getting ready to record that you know until it'll tell us something he's been up to that week and we go off on a tangent talking about it will be able to kind of talk about those things and the people don't want to hear it or hear it as long as it's interesting when I give interesting but I mean it will be also being real but you know, we are real the podcast but we're obviously very switched focused.
Al Struthers 27:25
Yes, this time we can be more focused on your cat.
Mike Macdermid 27:27
Al Struthers 27:28
some random game on the PlayStation five Yes.
Mike Macdermid 27:31
Or even something on the switch the
Al Struthers 27:34
new Ghostbusters movie? Yes Oh yes. Yes, there's some trailer I watch a lot of movies over Christmas we can talk about
Mike Macdermid 27:40
joy actually watch Empire Strikes Back and Batman from 1989
Unknown Speaker 27:45
well done
Unknown Speaker 27:46
good job. Yes. Well the devil in the pale moonlight
Mike Macdermid 27:50
Yeah, so I wish that I wish both of those the other night when I'm working my way through all the Star Wars to get back up to date so I can watch the new one. Nice. Anyway, that's
Al Struthers 27:57
that's cool. Yeah,
Anton Winters 27:58
yeah. taster Oh my
Mike Macdermid 28:01
I know and what have you asked what anything else you're excited about? I think you've kind of
Al Struthers 28:06
covered everything yeah, season two is going to be just be really interesting because it's basically still the same sure we're not changing up massively. I was gonna try and do some cool extra stuff I'm gonna
Mike Macdermid 28:14
I'm quite interested to see who does follow us on Patreon
Al Struthers 28:20
we don't know who's gonna be know people, one person
Anton Winters 28:22
20 people we don't know. And it's fine
Mike Macdermid 28:25
either way, because we know people are listening.
Al Struthers 28:26
We know roughly how many people listening. I was really
Mike Macdermid 28:31
surprising. I mean, in the best possible way. I'm shocked at how many people listen to our podcast regularly and how many listeners we have. So listeners are not are there more than just the listens there that what they reckon their algorithm records is how many people actually regularly or assumes that people don't get an iPhone and they're also downloading their iPad and something else or two or three downloads a guest per person as well, I guess it seems Yeah. If we got 10% of the people that listen regularly, signing off on one of the two Yours for either $1 or $3. We will cover our costs. We cover a cost. Yeah, that's, that's incredible. So.
Anton Winters 29:07
So somebody's going to be curious to see if we get many people just going and just chipping in and like helping us out with the nice cure. If people really want their bonus content, it's there.
Mike Macdermid 29:16
Some people just like a shark tank. I mean, I'm like that. I've done that for podcasts in the past what I've just I'll just sign up, it's only $1. But I've done it because I like the show. Take that
Al Struthers 29:25
sheet. That's a really good point. We should also say that if you're subscribing to Patreon, you're not subscribed for life. You could literally do it for $1 a month and go cancel. Yeah, but you can do that. That's fine. If you want to give us $1 will still give you a shout out we're stopping very grateful for very much.
Mike Macdermid 29:38
That's it. That's it and we you know, we won't keep that shoto bit. You know, we won't keep it going for ages to annoy the people that don't sign up either. They'll be
Anton Winters 29:46
it'll be a little list of we'll just sit
Mike Macdermid 29:48
right here on this. Thank you sir. Patreon is Baba.
Al Struthers 29:51
We should set a goal and each month with one more patron than we started.
Mike Macdermid 29:55
Yeah. So that'd be a cool get end of the year with 12 a big started Yeah. Really nice, cool power. Okay, so that's season two. We're all very excited about it. So we in a week's time will be in our first proper podcast question for you answer. Do you want to do a test run of this quiz?
Al Struthers 30:11
do a little test on this to trial it. See how it works partly to us think of it okay hardly see what the listeners might think of it, if you think is
Mike Macdermid 30:18
what we get Alster to run through how his quiz is going to work because I think he's changing up.
Anton Winters 30:23
Yeah, to be honest, I've absolutely forgotten what the new format as I don't think we've ever really been working on this for a while now getting all season to the Patreon ready. Say it's all fresh to me now.
Mike Macdermid 30:35
Yeah, I mean, I don't think we even talked about what your new we've not we've
Al Struthers 30:39
just, we've just said converting over and I'm gonna change it because you guys have kind of exhausted all of the games out there ever. So trying to do a quiz on the same format?
Mike Macdermid 30:49
was going to be difficult. Okay, come on that how does this work?
Al Struthers 30:51
All right, I'm making an idea from someone else.
Unknown Speaker 30:53
Good. Guys, listen to nationalism. I made
Al Struthers 30:56
them thank you very much to the sceptics guide to universe I'm nicking your good friend. podcast By the way, very good podcast. I'm Nikki no format or science or fiction, okay, if you've never listened to that podcast, they basically do a show where they read it. I think it's three news items. One of them is a fake into the real. I'm going to take the same idea x, I'm going to give you guys three video games. Two of them are fake one was real, and you're going to tell me which is a real video game. And how do you choose who goes first each time?
Unknown Speaker 31:22
turnabout doesn't make a big difference. Okay,
Al Struthers 31:24
obviously we turn the boat and if we end up with a drugs, it's just a drug. I'm gonna keep track of you over the year until the end of the year.
Mike Macdermid 31:31
Okay, well, yeah. Okay, I'm up for that. Sounds good. Yeah,
Anton Winters 31:33
I've watched a lot of things during the year that would have been brilliant.
Mike Macdermid 31:38
I think I did. It was about 18. Three to me overall with Oscar.
Unknown Speaker 31:42
What doesn't sound right.
Al Struthers 31:46
I'm sure that's what it was. So God give us back. Yeah, let's try see how this goes. So too real. Not to fake?
Anton Winters 31:52
No. Oh,
Al Struthers 31:54
good. Start right to real one.
Anton Winters 32:01
One thing ready?
Mike Macdermid 32:02
Have you actually made a mistake and you've got to fake in one real?
Al Struthers 32:04
I've got two real here. I've got one fake. And that was wrong. We're in
Mike Macdermid 32:07
nice, right, isn't it? Because Surely, we're trying to figure out the fake one.
Al Struthers 32:10
Yes. But what we can do is other way around so that I could make as many fake ones after they wanted to that exhausting list of real games.
Unknown Speaker 32:17
Oh, I see.
Al Struthers 32:18
Well, what you could do. That's right. just test it this way. Yeah, we'll run this one. So this one is got okay to do one trick and we're trying to find the fun fake.
Anton Winters 32:24
Yeah. Okay. You ready to fake? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 32:26
There's a theme. There's a theme to this week's one.
Al Struthers 32:30
I'll tell you afterwards. All right. There's a theme. This week's theme is soft drinks related video games. And is there's three different rounds eek No, just three games for you. And you've got to talk your way through and figure out which one they got. Right. And you can confer with each other. You can just one goes first and then you tell us he was right. All right. Okay. This was actually inspired by if you remember when Anton did his quiz. One of his answers was happy.
Mike Macdermid 32:52
Yes. Well, I was hoping you included that. No,
Al Struthers 32:58
no, sorry. Not that easy. So Here we go game number one the Coca Cola kid game here apparently the Coca Cola kids teacher is kidnapped and you have to defeat enemies to riskier by inexplicably kicking people and randomly create randomly placed crates and form boxes and you reach for Coca Cola every so often to refill your health. Okay, that's game number one. game number two, Dr. Pepper presents what's the worst that can happen on the PlayStation three and this one it was absurd one of those causes much damage you can't your character can the games player tries to inflict as much damage on their character as they can during a series of scenarios collecting bottles of Dr. Pepper will refill white bar to let the carnage continue for as long as possible. Okay, game number two. And game number three cool spot on the Megadrive players controlled cool spot the seven up mascot and had to release fellow spots and cavities captivity by throwing soda bubbles and collecting as many red spots as they could. Right so we're trying to figure out the fake which one is the fake one. All right, he's going first. Michael Kors
Mike Macdermid 34:00
okay so it's difficult going first because Well I suppose it doesn't really matter cuz so cool spot is a real game. I'm sure of that. So I'm ruling out number three Coca Cola kids are Dr. C Dr. Problem is Dr. Pepper in America is a huge huge thing over here not as much but in America they've got the whole Dr. Pepper so misunderstood adverts. So I think I think on the Game Gear though, because Coca Cola what was Pepsi? I want again, I think that the Coca Cola kid is the fake one. You go Cool,
Anton Winters 34:42
cool. Good. All right, Anton. Alright, so I am actually similar to Mike I remember and I think I've played Seven Spots seven up game. So that one's real. And there was a 1994 a limited edition Game Gear. Coca Cola logo on it. So I'm going into the Coca Cola games real
Mike Macdermid 35:04
as well. I see I was very torn between the other two and realistically my instinct was Coca Cola but I just felt that because we had Pepsi I thought is it too obvious that we had Pepsi on one system and then Coca Cola and the other so I went Dr. Pepper is so cool. I went Cool. Cool as the last you've gone Dr. peppers, the lyac on Coca Cola good.
Anton Winters 35:23
Yes. All right.
Al Struthers 35:25
Well, let's take was an artist you both agreed on cool spot being real game. Yes. I remember that one is indeed a real game. Yes, it is. It was 1993. It was published by virgin games, and it was initially Megadrive and snares, and then it got ported over to a tonne of other systems. It was on the Master System, the Game Gear, the Gameboy Amiga and then dos. didn't know that. I knew it was on the Mac.
Anton Winters 35:46
Yeah, I think it was the snares version. Hey, I played well leave
Al Struthers 35:50
the snares version was ranked 88 on the complexes best to bring Kindle games of all times list, right? It got really
Unknown Speaker 35:56
well. During the game. I was a decent game. Yeah,
Al Struthers 35:58
yeah, the graphics are pretty good for this. Yeah it was really cool and it was a fun trivia fact here in Europe the end the beginning of it had a little cool oh seven a bottle like surfing and and and the Ustream version there to remove that and make it generic because they didn't want the spot being associated with seven up in Europe because over here the mascot was that if I do remember if i do
Mike Macdermid 36:20
i do and i that's funny you say that because it took me a long time I played cool spot as a kid and it did I didn't get the seven up connection for a while but why seven up in this? Yeah, but of course because the American
Al Struthers 36:30
School was American over here we had to find a way to that weird cartoon squiggly guy. Let's try so. So that was the one of the fakes. The question is which one was that was the real one was the other one. The other one was the Coca Cola kid. Yeah. Michael Ginga. So did you remember that day I'm done
Anton Winters 36:47
seriously. And I remember there there's there's only two limited edition Game Gear. So I believe there's midnight blue one, which is for some sports game. And then there's a right Coca Cola one exclusive to Japan I believe,
Al Struthers 37:01
wow, So was this game and never made it past Japan? Oh, I see. Yeah, it was the embodiment of proper capitalism the 1990s it was it was Have you ever seen any footage of this game? No, no, I looked I was doing a search for this and they could not possibly wedge Coca Cola into it more if they tried and the game looks absolutely bizarre. Bad. Bad. Yeah. Which of course means that Dr. Pepper presents what's the worst can happen isn't even fake. Yeah, but I really want to play I was basically had in my brain to remember on the PlayStation TV was a game called pain where you master catapult and you'd fire a character across various things and try to cause them as much damage as you could. Yeah, it's hilarious. It's great that I had my brain so don't beverage was marketing ideas. So misunderstood. So misunderstood. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 37:45
Wow, that's good. I like this format. I think this could be a lot of fun.
Al Struthers 37:48
Yeah. Are you gonna do one a week? I'm gonna do one every single week. Yeah, it'll be the same format, but I'm trying to have 111 real one, one real one you fake. You got to figure out which one is the real the real was otherwise I will run Games pretty quickly yeah not that many obscure random weird games at it no absolutely okay well more than I thought it might be interesting their search for okay so you've got enough to keep them for a
Mike Macdermid 38:08
bit though yes yeah cool cool i like it I'm telling thoughts
Anton Winters 38:11
yeah I'm enjoying it I kind of like that we're not sitting there for like five minutes being like I know what I've seen it a play that annoy some eyes like we've cut all that which I think some improvement
Mike Macdermid 38:23
yeah I also quite like it reminds me of pointless on the TV you know when they when they're done to two of them and one has to go through the final person goes through the pointless answers and goes well that's that because that's that and but the you can't do that the first time because you give away too much to the second person Yeah, so it's a bit like that
Al Struthers 38:40
i guess i guess it is so layers to this.
Mike Macdermid 38:42
So I so normally if I was answering that first I wouldn't have said well cool spots a real game because you know if I was trying to find the fake one because I wouldn't want to give it away to Anton exactly what I was second. I'd go through the board.
Al Struthers 38:52
Yeah, yeah. So there we go. new format. Hopefully people can enjoy it. I can try and make it a little bit slicker next time now that's fine, too. Because that's a good question name of the game platform was on and a brief description that were for you guys.
Mike Macdermid 39:06
I wonder if maybe we should do it without the name of the game.
Al Struthers 39:09
Just maybe just the description I can go with just a description
Mike Macdermid 39:12
because I'm just wondering if because both especially for me to give me a chance because Anton knows every game in history so I'm wondering I'm wondering if you give the description of the game and then at the end go right this was this game this was this game this was this game and then you might get the reaction of us going Oh, that's a good idea. Well, do you think Antoine
Anton Winters 39:30
Yeah, it's far for cold you know these first like first month with the podcast we can fiddle around like also next week were doing at to fix in a real we can see we'll see what we think of that we can use just a description just the title and we can fine tune it and get it how we like it. Also say to
Al Struthers 39:45
help me out guys, if you come up with any really random games you've heard overplayed in the past or you'd make up your own one. drop me a line email podcast at NSU Kp
Mike Macdermid 39:54
Dakota, UK because me and Anton don't read the emails correct? You send it to us correct.
Al Struthers 39:57
So email me podcast at NSU Get Paid Okay, I will pick it up and I will try and use
Mike Macdermid 40:02
it cool. That's good. And then if you become a net snez to your member you can you can tell them on
Unknown Speaker 40:11
your gamertag although I don't know how you do that there's not yet there's no like coming to my big game it might be a
Al Struthers 40:18
new quiz guys kill we never actually come up with a name for it. Yes, it means to the quiz but
Anton Winters 40:23
big quizzes a year. I don't know. I'm thinking of it else like a toy barn from Toy Story.
Mike Macdermid 40:34
House quiz barn.
Al Struthers 40:35
Welcome. Oh, the name?
Mike Macdermid 40:36
Yeah, well, I think maybe more than the one second we've got right now. Yeah. So that's it. Hopefully, the that what you will take away from this is that nothing is changing for season two. That's the first important thing. And the last important thing to say is that nothing's changed. We're doing the the season the same as we did last year with a couple of tweaks, like the quiz and things but you will still get every episode as normal from your podcast,
Al Struthers 40:57
same length, same content,
Mike Macdermid 40:59
all the same. But you can sign up for more. And if you want to support us, you can do that too. It's gonna cost $1 or $3, depending which one you sign up for. And that's about 77 pants and 250 something, isn't it? An original will vary depending on the exchange rate. Yes, yeah. So it's very, very, very small amounts we're talking about but, but it doesn't matter if you don't. It's all that's absolutely fine, too. Yep. Awesome. Alright, well, look, I think. I think that's it. Is there anything else either you want to add before we say adios and get ready for season two?
Al Struthers 41:30
I want to come up with some be smart and funny right now.
Anton Winters 41:33
Yeah, I think the main thing is just yeah, if you want all the information, it's at NSU ki p.co.uk. forward slash support bash us. And while you're over there, you can go back view the back catalogue with a couple of specials. moomer count winter break. We did the awards one week that this new switch buying gate so if you know anybody who's picked up a switch, send them overnight episodes and you can get links to all of the socials including the mythical YouTube, which hasn't given us a URL, sadly.
Mike Macdermid 42:02
And then one last reminder as well just if you want to try and win that physical copy of Tetris 99 in 12 months Nintendo Switch online membership you've got until Wednesday, January the 12th at 5pm. All you gotta do is head to our Twitter followers and retweet it. I've just it's our pinned tweet to on our on our page. So it's the first thing you'll see. But if you just retweet it and follow us, you'll be in the draw automatically. And we'll announce the winner on episode one of season two next week and then we'll announce on Twitter just after that as well. So you want we'll get that posted out and it's open to anyone worldwide.
Anton Winters 42:35
The whole world's
Al Struthers 42:36
it is I have no idea how to post a copy of the game to the moon way.
Mike Macdermid 42:41
If you if you live on the moon you're I'm afraid it can be. So until next week, have a fantastic last minute. last few days of Christmas and New comes out. Everyone be back to work. Yeah, I know. I'm trying to suck it. Yeah, I mean, definitely in a few years time everyone's about to work pretty much to be fair. Yeah.
Anton Winters 43:00
Either way, we're winners and we're having you happy. No. Yeah, we planned it to be part of the morning community as part of our big idea. Not a total coincidence.
Mike Macdermid 43:09
Until I will be back next Sunday for season two episode one. Have a fantastic week and we will see you then. Goodbye.