Dig Dig Goose - Episode 32

game, anton, switch, play, people, reviews, overwatch, bit, collection, good, sale, bought, add, big, nintendo, called, storey, rumours, week, sells

This week we've got so much Shovel Knight news to dig in to that we could have had a podcast just about that alone! We're also talking future releases like Untitled Goose Game, Spice and Wolf, Mega Man, Aladdin, The Lion King and more, plus of course the game everyone is talking about, Astral Chain.

We've got a bunch of rumours too, including the Overwatch one that won't go away, Doom 64 and more, plus we have the weekly quiz!

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Transcription [BETA]

Mike Macdermid 0:13

Hello, and welcome to episode number 32 of the Nintendo Switch. UK podcast. We are back once again. I'm Mike,

Anton Winters 0:20

I'm out. I'm Anton.

Mike Macdermid 0:22

And we have an action packed week. In fact, that has actually been a very, very busy week after seeing last week, we missed one and had two weeks to fill. This week's kind of been like two weeks because there's a lot of stuff been happening after

Al Struthers 0:34

there has there's been a lot of announcements. So again, coming.

Mike Macdermid 0:37

Yeah, we're gonna, we're going to talk about those, Anton. Before we do, I've got a couple of reviews, I will one one review from a listener. And I've also got a couple of tweets. So we're going to move on to those before we do. Just a quick reminder, if it's the first time listening, you can leave a review on our apple podcasts page, which is like iTunes for podcasts, I guess. Great description, isn't it? And what else can you do? Oh, you can go to a website. Also.

Al Struthers 1:02

You can we've got a website, which is www.if you want to click that button? Yeah. And ns UK p Dakota. UK Yes. Similar email address, which is podcast at NSUKP.

Mike Macdermid 1:12

And that is that is that is managed by Alastair he looks after the I do the emails. Very good at it. You are You are? You're not with it. You do keep on top of it. You're not good at Twitter, though. So that's what me and Anton do.

Al Struthers 1:24

Yeah, I'll leave it to you guys.

Mike Macdermid 1:26

So we'll move on to just before we get into what we've been playing this week, just very quickly, thank you to MC on Twitter, who said, Man, this week's show should be packed astral gene talk a lot in Lion King with all the versions, switch light user reviews. And then Chris added Chris groaning added also hadn't time coming soon that we might just talk about some of those. Alistair?

Unknown Speaker 1:48

No, no, I don't think so. No, Anton. No. You know,

Anton Winters 1:52

Astro chain. Not enough. Haven't got quite round two yet. But I've been looking at the reviews and it looks beautiful trust and fail. Well, we might

Mike Macdermid 2:01

we might pick up on that in a minute. We might. I don't know, we might not bother. But we might when we get on to the news. And before we do that, just a quick review as well on our apple podcasts we had from Chris FTD. And we got a five star review which was lovely as the review said excellent. Excuse me be working my way through the back catalogue of these and they're really good nice to actually have some UK Nintendo content good feedback on games and use a thank you very much to Chris it does actually make a huge difference getting these reviews. I know we say it, but it really does.

Al Struthers 2:31

Yeah, yeah, we really appreciate it. Kind of why we do it really, isn't it? Well, I think so.

Mike Macdermid 2:35

Certainly don't do it for the Prophet. Anton What What have you been playing this week?

Anton Winters 2:42

Oh, this week, I've changed off splurge and bought another game that I probably shouldn't have managed to finally pick up your legacy of the chilis and it's hokey been destroying my life. It's a nice, mindless game that you can play at the end of the week. If you've played any of the other you go games it's just straight cut and dry. No gimmicks just simple play the card game on the goal on the switch like nine fouls and cards. There's content for days and I can even imagine getting through all of that I've been quite enjoying that I have to say at the moment Anton that sale the sale online at the moment for the switch is ruining my life I'm having to try so hard not to buy games I did buy one or comments that in a minute but do you agree is it not? It's just been constant yeah cuz I think it's Nate and tech leaf went ahead and described a bunch of their stuff you've got a lot of cat con refs and evil sales soft bear some decent like triple A games on sale for good prices. Like I think definitely Christ like around about the 10 pound range here is incredible. And have you had a look at yourself Alster. I have

Al Struthers 3:50

looked but I've not bought anything I have been to be honest actually I've been watching a lot of TV this week so the only games have played Oh been Pokemon let's go and I have discovered and really no to the game. are you

Unknown Speaker 4:01

liking it? I did like

Al Struthers 4:02

the game I still do like the game but for some reason nobody seems to told them about thing called all to save

Mike Macdermid 4:08

oh really have you for ages and ages

Al Struthers 4:10

know you could actually manually click a button and go to save it doesn't do itself which means that when you've turned the game off and you forget to save it you lose the hours of gaming because you forgot to say but

Mike Macdermid 4:19

I'm a habit saver. So I'm out of the habit so you know I still do it anyway because I freak out that that obviously was going to put me back a little bit so I am always I save everything all the time. Well I will show was like you I mean that's the first time that you've said that. Also over again. Ubisoft Ubisoft have got a sale as well. They've got loads of games in the shop that are on sale at Mario Roberts and Assassin's Creed and Riemann light Rayman Legends which is like dirt cheap at the moment if you're if you want to pick up things like 899 or something

Anton Winters 4:50

yeah, that definitive edition as well has a lot of content on it's born and it's so polished like such a good game.

Mike Macdermid 4:57

Yeah, there's loads of games on sale right now in the shopping is a well worth checking out. I caved because Stranger Things three is on sale. 799 to buy it. Yeah, 50% haven't played it yet. But before we

Al Struthers 5:10

leave tonight, I need to I need to pick up I need to see it. I want to see it.

Mike Macdermid 5:15

I mean, it gets slightly mixed reviews. But I'm not that worried about that because I kind of I'm not expecting a huge amount other than just the fact that it's in Hawkins and it's you know, I've got that world to explore. It would be so cool. What I did find out about it, which I thought was really cool is that there are places to explore with certain characters. See, if you have you can only get into certain areas with certain characters. So it's got that kind of exploration. I can

Al Struthers 5:39

see that it was full on the season. There were various characters going different places. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 5:42

exactly. And it is very much that old school kind of 16 bit kind of feel to it. So um, yeah, I've picked up only because it's 50% off. I believe the phrase here is gigging, giggly indeed giggly indeed. right then. So I think we should move on, and get talking about what's been happening because there's a lot to get through Anton. So let's start with this week's news. And first off the title that I think most people have been talking about this week on the switch, certainly online, it has been getting rave reviews, Anton, which I'm really pleased about. And it's Astro Ching.

Anton Winters 6:17

Yeah, you know, another fantastic game from platinum. I don't know why. There's some dough about Platinum making brilliant games, but they came out and they've done another fantastic title. And I've been really almost like, I knew it would be good, because also they do big fan question, all that sort of stuff. But people are like, it's the best action game in a decade, which is such an incredible claim to me. I mean, if any,

Mike Macdermid 6:43

it is an incredible claim to me. And and whether or not that was the true six months down the line, or whether that's the initial hype of the game. But certainly I have to say a lot of people that I'm friends with online have seen that they've kind of gone into the world and then stayed there for a good six, seven hours, immediately. So it's obviously got something to hook people in. And it looks great. It looks really impressive on the switch, I must say,

Al Struthers 7:09

yeah, given the fact is running on switch hardware, not on a ps4 Plus or Xbox One X. Yeah, it looks amazing. And I'm actually wondering how many gamers this might actually drove the platform?

Mike Macdermid 7:21

Yeah, it's a good question isn't Anton because this is the type of title that you know, when people when people traditionally talk about switch this talk talk about it often about being a sort of secondary? people's eyes? Yeah. And and Actually, no, I don't believe that's the case. Yes, we're missing a lot of triple A titles, but we're starting to see a lot of them. And this kind of title can only strengthen the position, right?

Anton Winters 7:47

Yes, that's a very interesting one. Because I think a lot of people at when it comes down to these Platinum sale games, they're almost like an accidental game, you symbol cross, and then you're like, Oh, my God, this is amazing. So, um, I think this will become like a cult following game, but I'm not too sure what this first title how many people who and, and it would be great to see that kind of change. So I know a lot of people like shadows of almost look it looked at the cell games made by Platinum be like, oh, they'll be not really unsafe investment. And I think with bigger budgets. And the team behind this game could do really fantastic things. Yeah. And have the fantastic things already.

Mike Macdermid 8:32

Yeah, it's exciting. And I haven't hadn't had a chance to play it. Yeah, I know that you haven't either asked her. But certainly from the stuff that I've read about it. But so far, I've been really impressed. And actually, it's a lot of the reason I haven't bought it is because obviously backlog of games. But just also, you know, it's an expensive thing to go out and buy a full price. Triple A title it

Al Struthers 8:52

is, but I'm going to give it a bit away here. I'm about to go and get some birthday money. And I might go get it because you complete in court mode. Yes, we're certainly kind of cool. I'm intrigued by that. Well,

Mike Macdermid 9:01

this is the thing. And that was what I was about to say was that even though you know, justifying a full price title is often difficult. I think actually, this is the type of one that might just persuade a lot of people to part with their money. So

Al Struthers 9:14

yeah, the reviews suggests that it's worth doing so. So yeah,

Mike Macdermid 9:17

we'll be keeping an eye on the progress and see whether or not people still feel this way after playing through the game. And the corporate side of it. That sounds good to know. Mario Kart tour has got its first official trailer, and a release date the 25th of September Anton, I saw somebody online say we need to have this on the switch. I don't think we do doing.

Anton Winters 9:38

Yeah, it's interesting. Where as of the current, and Nintendo mobile games that we have gone, are almost like a secondary or smaller experience, or some variation of the experience as like a carbon copy of this is Mario on an iPhone. It's like a play on it. We're with Michael quarter, it looks like they just went ahead and made a full blown bio card game for a phone. Interesting.

Mike Macdermid 10:07

So that's the quote that that begs the question, then Anton, do we want to have a version of this on the switch?

Anton Winters 10:14

Personally, I think get it doesn't seem like at this level, there are going to be compromises to be made to make it more mobile friendly, most likely in the controls department. Where much that would as just a pure gaming experience would want to switch on this as well as that we don't want to competing with Mario Kart eight and we don't want to have a where games are getting made to tailor to both platforms are not perfect for either platform. I think having them as separate experiences, optimised for each counter play spaces where where things would work out best. And have any of us had a chance to check out the trailer for yet I've looked at the trailer.

Al Struthers 10:54

Also you have seen the trailer as well. I mean, it looks fine. I agree with Anton though I don't think this coming anywhere near the switch anytime soon. Nintendo. They've got different streams, they're developing the switch or they'll develop for mobile. And Anton said we've got Mario Kart eight already on the switch. I can't see them porting over the game has been designed to be a mobile game. They didn't do a Mario runs which, but they give you Mario crater. Yeah, I don't think I can do that anything different with a we look

Anton Winters 11:22

motorcar again. It would be too much of a rest, I think for people who are maybe not as technologically inclined are aware of where these games are positioned in the market. And they may just think, oh, why would I pay 50 pounds for this? like Mario Kart eight, when I can get this free one on the exact same console? Yeah, that would be a very risky situation to get. And then I think with when you've got maybe fallout shelter and follow up for on the same console, you don't have that. But I think with a game like this would be detrimental for Nintendo on the whole.

Mike Macdermid 11:56

Yeah, you're probably right. I don't see how many other to be perfectly honest. Moving on, then as of September, credit cards cannot be used to add funds on systems in the Nintendo 3ds family or we use console. So if you are still buying something in the stores of either than credit cards won't be an option. I mean, I did see that they do still Anton have some sales now. And then. Yeah, so there are some bargains to be had if you are still playing the 3ds or the VU.

Anton Winters 12:24

Yeah, like I've every now and then I'll add my 3ds or router to DSXL, or whatever it was called. And that's just looking on their games for two free pounds. It's a really nice budget constantly, you can fit in your pocket, which also with especially around the corner, who knows how and tastes nlb. But it's almost I don't know about yourselves. I'm a bit sad about this, because there's there's the old 3ds Digital game, and I'm like, Oh, I should maybe try and download that before I lose the chance. How about yourself? If you ever the Jews ever bothered downloading stuff digitally on either of these consoles? And no, I had

Mike Macdermid 12:58

both. But I never really particularly bothered digitas lemon switch has been the first one from Nintendo. I've really, you know, changed my way of buying games, although I'm still very much physical first in terms of games. Just a quick question on the Anton. So credit cards come to us is that specifically credit cards? Or are we talking debit cards on just any sort of, you know,

Anton Winters 13:18

PayPal? or? Yeah, I believe it's both credit and debit cards like that ATM to basically manage the EU and specifically, okay, I can't be used at I think it's something to do with new EU law laws and Calif, where we are with Brexit kill from modelling up things, and it's just not bringing in enough money for Nintendo to update their

Al Struthers 13:40

system. Okay. Okay. And you can still add funds, they're just changed the way you do it. You can still add funds using your credit card just not through 3ds. And you will you you've got to go online, do it through your Nintendo account. So add money to your account and

Mike Macdermid 13:51

then transfer it to your so correct. So you can still, you could technically still get it. It's just not as such a direct way, which I guess is a shame

Al Struthers 13:59

you need another two place to add the funds to account right and then spend the money.

Mike Macdermid 14:03

There's no doubt about it that the 3ds and the we you are no longer really in Nintendo's radar for the future. And that's fair enough. And we're at that cycle point anyway. I think maybe just briefly touching on the switch. What do you think that Anton with all this and with the amount of games we have now on the switch in the store? Is it time that we had a bit of a revamp of the store to make it easier to find things I don't mind the store? But personally finding games a lot of games I forget or even in there because once they're lost unless the featured it's very hard to find them?

Anton Winters 14:35

Yes, as an interesting one, because I remember, I must be like 15 episodes school, there was a rumour that the store was going to get this whole rebrand and version something and it never happened. But I think when those rumours and calculus going out into the general public, a genuine interest and maybe having a more intuitive and explorative east or where is easier to find. Yeah, it's more good because I don't know about yourselves. Looking for new titles to play on the switch. It's either syphon fruit, all of the recent releases, where there's a lot of just not fantastic stuff in there that you don't really want to look at how dare you or you just go to the best most recent and there's like the big titles that everybody's aware of like you just go to the curtain sale.

Mike Macdermid 15:20

Yeah, I mean, I tend to go sale future releases recent releases on a Friday I know there's going to be a whole bunch of new games added so I check recent sila check daily pretty much which is a terrible terrible budgeting decision. And it's very hard to resist temptation but yes, I think there has to be there has to be a point where they say right we're ready now to revamp and World War Two and a bit years in know two and a half years in almost the switch. I think we're probably nearing that point. Elster

Al Struthers 15:48

possibly I'm trying to think that we used or any point? I think we did, didn't they have to do cycle load the updated the we use store.

Anton Winters 15:56

So they'll do a switch? Yeah, they had a big update, like midway through the we use like for the like sped everything up. And they tweaked a bunch of stuff. Yeah, it's interesting with the switch sword because it almost feels like the end the early days of the switch. It felt like it was a way of showing off the game, the few games that they had, yeah, law and make it seem like there's a lot more content than there was but know that we've got all the content as a lot of just repetition of seeing the same games and the the sale of the best selling the feature. No, no, I mean, there's

Mike Macdermid 16:27

so many games and things like fire watch, which I still plan to get and it's never been on sale in the UK wasn't America annoyingly. But that's a game that I want to get in it was brilliantly brilliantly reviewed by you. I haven't seen it on the store other than if I was to specifically search for it since probably two weeks after it came out. And there must be other games that people have in there that you just forget. But unless you know it's there, you just forget about or

Al Struthers 16:51

you added to your watch list,

Mike Macdermid 16:52

which I do as well but then that gets crammed as well. And it's not that easy to access your watch list is not like that should be somewhere in the homepage. For me that should be really obvious because that's your that's the stuff that you're interested in.

Al Struthers 17:04

Got a suggestion for you right to Nintendo and say I can redesign your UI and see what they say

Mike Macdermid 17:08

I thought you're gonna see write a list next time and keep it on a piece of paper which is a much more sensible suggestion and more likely that Wally okay. Like I'm still like paper diaries. I

Al Struthers 17:18

thought I had a really good idea though you smacked me down.

Mike Macdermid 17:20

I'm not gonna design can you imagine if I designed it probably be a

Al Struthers 17:24

nightmare. Oh, you must have united by committee you

Mike Macdermid 17:26

really do know all the colours just a collection horrendously like our clothing right? Next up, Rocket League has just started its 12th season. I have tried to think about ever paid for a season you know, like how you can on Rocket League, you can pay to get more unlocks and things in a season or you can just pay you can just play it without doing that. Generally, I play the free Rocket League because I just appointed me paying for things. But if I was playing regularly, I probably would buy I play it regularly bit that regularly. Jeremy?

Al Struthers 18:03

I think so.

Mike Macdermid 18:05

It's the start of the 12th season, which which is which is cool. Have you played Rocket League? Much Anton.

Anton Winters 18:12

I played it when we first launched it back in the ps4. And when it was part of like PlayStation Plus

Mike Macdermid 18:19

is a free game. Yeah. Yeah.

Anton Winters 18:21

I feel I feel bad because I'll say no, it's a game you love by personally never go into it.

Mike Macdermid 18:27

It's easy to play. Very difficult to master. Hmm,

Anton Winters 18:31

yeah. This is an interesting one. I wish I could get into it, but it just never came around. But it's cow cereal that we're getting all these games rolling on to like such a late season because when it's like 123 it's like okay, it's going on. But that's like fortnight's up to season 10

Mike Macdermid 18:48

to 12 broccolis been on the goal since 2015. So it's it's you know, we're talking four years old now and on the switch less so But yeah, I still love broccoli complete as much recently

Al Struthers 18:56

I keep seeing on my switch because I've got an aborted and it just sits the end of my game list and then keep going. Yeah, I might play football today.

Mike Macdermid 19:04

I play it I'll play an online game play one one or two games but problem is I don't play one or two I stay on end up like 10 or 12

Al Struthers 19:11

where's my problem is I'm just terrible. I'm not much better. This is true actually. You're quite rubbish. It isn't what you play it

Mike Macdermid 19:18

Yeah, it's just it is but I honestly think with Rocket League you know, I can go online and win games and score a few goals and all the rest of it but as soon as you make that jump up to the kind of top leagues it's just you get people are unbelievable but they are putting in you know, some of them are putting in five six hours a day it's not like you know picking up and having a casual game let me

Al Struthers 19:36

there's an Esports league

Mike Macdermid 19:37

yeah massively Yeah, it's a huge thing. Right next up overcook to is getting new DLC called called Carnival of chaos. It's coming out the 12th of September. Great. There's another way for me to get angry. Want to throw my switch? Elster?

Al Struthers 19:49

Yeah, it's a good game. It's a very good game isn't very frustrating. I'm nearly finished the first one.

Mike Macdermid 19:54

I finished the first one. The second one on cool.

Al Struthers 19:56

Yeah. Yeah. So I've been playing with my neighbour actually.

Mike Macdermid 19:58

It's really one of the best court games out there, actually. And it really does take a lot of patience. But I'll tell you what, don't play it with someone who's got a short temper.

Al Struthers 20:07

No, I mean, there is a swing button in it.

Mike Macdermid 20:09

Just helpful. I mean, I think I broke it. Or you played Anton?

Anton Winters 20:14

Yeah, it's the only purely Well, not the only but one of the few only caught games like ball and it is absolutely fantastic. There's a way to break your friendships like people always say like, Oh, my own party ends friendships. Now, it's over coach, you have to yell and interact and work with other people. far worse than working against

Mike Macdermid 20:35

yell and then someone takes a fence at the yelling, being a little bit too enthusiastic. And then it just turns into a big argument unless you're Alistair, but he's far too nice.

Al Struthers 20:45

Well, you know, never played this game Mike.

Anton Winters 20:47

I was a good job

Al Struthers 20:48

of not playing together. We no longer be friends. I dare you to play it with me right next

Mike Macdermid 20:51

up with spice and Wolf. We are launching fifth of September. What's this all about? Anton? Oh,

Anton Winters 20:57

remember a while back when we had that dedicated VR game announce it was say one about I believe it was like a girl that turns into a wolf. And then some Oh, yes, I was not. I caught that muddled up. And I still don't know what she's the right way. But yeah, it's finally launching. And it's a it's kept curious, because I don't think we've had another dedicated level VR game launch adults are launching yet. So it's truly one of its kind.

Mike Macdermid 21:25

It's coming out on the fifth of September. It's pretty well reviewed as well, I've got to say it'll be interesting to see how level VR copes with it because I know there have been mixed reactions and reviews to it. So I will definitely be checking out the reviews of this because I'm yet to be persuaded to part with money for level for the VR, but

Al Struthers 21:47

but we'll can maybe convince James to come back because well, Jason's got it. Yes. Is he got the game or just the headset?

Mike Macdermid 21:54

And this just isn't got the game but perhaps he will be buying

Al Struthers 21:57

on Steam and various other BR platforms or while

Mike Macdermid 22:01

Yeah, and well. Yeah. So that's once again, it's kinda on the fifth of September. So just a few days to go next up a game that had everyone going a little bit crazy when it came out. And it's it was a while ago, since it was announced. One of the Indies directs I think maybe the first first or second. untitled goose game was a second. untitled goose game Hannah has a release dates the 20th of September so not long to wait, we're getting it this month. And we'll be getting a full set of mech to get get alongside the game mirror. I thought that was March. Looking at going is this like have they made it like so he's like a he's got like some body armour and stuff the goose so that was

Al Struthers 22:39

amazing. I don't see a giant goose covered in metal plates. Like Godzilla.

Mike Macdermid 22:43

It's definitely not that it's March I did think it might have been March but anyway tell us about first of all what the March is going to be

Anton Winters 22:50

like when Phil on with the March is all very high quality MF your you're interested in it almost just works as almost like some urban first self fashion. It's a it looks surprisingly good. And I think the fact that there's been so much attention going towards this game, and the fact it's got marriage, it's like, oh, this is gonna be one of these days. I think it's just going to blow up on YouTube. Yeah, is it seeming interesting? A lot of people are excited for this game, so and what some good reviews and those might pick up Yeah, I don't know about yourself. Well, if nobody

Mike Macdermid 23:22

if someone hasn't seen it yet, if you have not checked out untitled goose goose game yet. You literally play a goose

Al Struthers 23:29

you do I've always want to be a goose so it's a perfect game for me. I'd be a goose walking in the world by liquid just solve problems and do stuff. You are a goose and you have a gander around the you did there.

Mike Macdermid 23:41

Anyway, I think this will be fun. I think this will be fun. I really hope it's well reviewed it Yeah, I'm excited to see what the reviews are. I'm not going to rush out and buy I didn't share the same excitement as some although I do love the idea that you can play as a goose in the game

Al Struthers 23:56

is from a developer called hypes. I mean that's a cooling for development it

Mike Macdermid 24:00

is it's like how spit WE is good

Al Struthers 24:03

executive. Everyone loves it.

Mike Macdermid 24:05

Yes, that's very true. Says the guy says the guy that sells houses. Right next up, Xavi have no got a Legend of Zelda collection fashion collection. So speaking of fashion, a little bit different. You can't really go wrong though. If you are going to sell a fashion collection at Legend of Zelda that's that's pretty up there with with you know with ways to make sure it sells

Al Struthers 24:29

through some creed Suzanne, we've got this but my Facebook feed is full of people selling the legend merchant Legend of Zelda clothes. Says maybe it's just a different strand of it,

Anton Winters 24:38

Anton. Yeah, this they've got a lot of nice designs, and there's looking good and I believe they've got a deal of us are interested in picking up and they if you think you spend over 25 pounds, you get like a Legend of Zelda poster. And so yeah, I'll recommend it. It's got a lot of old school art. We like some like clean tidy looking good on T shirt. So I'm curious. It seems nice. And not sadly not the biggest Zelda fan Yeah, I love breath the world if you're like up your fake fan picking stuff up, but I we do know people on this podcast that would probably be going all over this marriage. So I Emily's

Mike Macdermid 25:15

a big fan of Zelda.

Anton Winters 25:18

Right? NTO will only get KR opinion on it because they're like the connoisseur of Zelda.

Mike Macdermid 25:24

Yeah. And I know that you are very keen on kind of early and you're going to be picking up the one that's coming out soon.

Al Struthers 25:33

Yeah, the remake of MC Yeah, links awakening, but I am not pretty interesting to emerge because I know grumpy and old. Okay, you know, I yeah, no, I'm not gonna go down this road. It's

Mike Macdermid 25:42

no point because we've been there before. I know going

Al Struthers 25:44

down the rabbit hole. It's fine. It's cool. So there I'm sure people will buy it. It's awesome.

Mike Macdermid 25:48

Yes, good, right, that's a positive sound bite and have to keep that and have like a button. So anytime you start morning analysis.

Al Struthers 25:53

It's awesome. It's awesome. It's awesome.

Mike Macdermid 25:55

Right next up we've got I'm actually gonna do that, you know, Next up, we've got some notes friends. We're going to put these all together for you. Thank you, Anton for thinking of that's a really good way of doing it now. Trying developers frozen might have surprised announced and released their newest game. Born was it boreal blade is how you pronounce it indeed. And it's an online team baseball. So this looks interesting. I did have a look at this. I don't I didn't know much about it beforehand. But it's team based.

Anton Winters 26:22

Yeah, it's all the kind of games I would expect from Frozen by E online multiplayer mainly game is really interest like not what I would expect as almost if you took a third person Sure. online and then just took away the actual shooting. But yeah, and give people It seems strategic. Yeah. I could see this either being very hard or count just fun button foot mashing madness, but not to share here and I'm excited. And it's interesting that they've with a lot of multiplayer games now. They just can't release somehow nowhere.

Mike Macdermid 27:00

Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's cool. I mean, I think it looks looks really good. And I'm not sure if it'll be my thing. I actually love the art work of it. I think it looks really stylish. I'm interested to see how it plays. I'm liking a copious meant to read the cover to people when you smash them with your weapon. Oh, yeah, that's right. Next, another announcement which got me very excited when I saw this announced but I must admit two games I remember from childhood thinking these are so hard and played them so so many times on the Mega Drive you played probably them the stairs. I had a legend I never

Al Struthers 27:35

have. I hadn't. I've never believed the other game. Mike

Mike Macdermid 27:39

was the other game. Okay, so there's the classic games a lot. And then the Lion King have been announced for the switch 29th of October both digitally and physically. And it includes the Sega Genesis, Gameboy and super Gameboy releases. I didn't know that we're doing that too, as well as the Lion King Super Nintendo version. And the trade show demo playable for the first time I watch motor museum or basically it's got everything seemed got a room doc should remind me in a minute to talk about rewind optional, but something else is something I want to talk about.

Al Struthers 28:03

All right, Mike in a minute.

Mike Macdermid 28:05

Yeah, we're all in doctrine. Okay. Thanks, Anton. You are a bit of a Mega Drive kind of era. sort of fun. I know. Yeah. So this is quite interesting, isn't it?

Anton Winters 28:16

Yeah, I was. I'm kind of like, I'm very excited for this. Like, I only played a little bit of the Aladdin and the Lion King and member finding it super hard. But for those first levels, I have so much in the soldiers.

Mike Macdermid 28:29

To me, too. I remember, as a kid playing, I

Al Struthers 28:31

think I completed 11. I made a lot of attempts, but I'm pretty sure I did complete a lot. And I don't think I don't think I ever did. But I did play a lot.

Mike Macdermid 28:37

I can remember the music clearly the first level and I have a funny feeling. I played it relatively recently. And

Anton Winters 28:43


Mike Macdermid 28:44

do you know it's quite interesting about these announcements are that they're not games that we would have expected. And they're from an era that we have seen a lot of releases from the Genesis Mega Drive snares era on different packs and things. And these are games that have seen read on really, very often. And I think that the switch is fast becoming the console, where you can go and revisit eras, you know, throughout history and actually think that's a great thing. If we can get more game computer games and get more Dreamcast era and snares. And that's, that's a good way to go. I

Al Struthers 29:18

absolutely completely agree. This, this whole title, it it's, it feels a bit odd, feels like somebody walked into an archive room, grab the whole arm cool stuff, I went, let's stick this in one game. We I've never played this game on any other card console. So I don't know what the difference is between the different variants.

Mike Macdermid 29:36

I remember the demo, because the demo was a big thing at the time, because I think I'm trying to remember how you got it. But I remember I had a demo of I think it was Lion King. I don't think I had the even maybe even did not full game a lot. And I definitely had the full game because I played that. And I can maybe teach I don't know. But it's an interesting package. Because as you see, you got this you've got the Gameboy releases and the Super Game by release. We were the level design is the same or is it just artwork? I've no idea what you're getting the same game over and over again, completely different games.

Anton Winters 30:06

Yeah, I think I think back Lana was completely different versions between Nintendo and Sega close. But the code and the hardware was so much different. So yeah, but it's great to see this because this is what we want. Yeah, these are what four megabyte Rome's, they're selling on a cartridge. Having all these together. It's fantastic. It's a great if we had this with like a Mega Man collection where there was Gameboy games that went alongside it.

Mike Macdermid 30:30

Yeah, I'm fascinated by that, you know, because I think, you know, even like, if you think was Sonic, the Master System version of Sonic and having that in a collection was great. And I think, from what I remember of that, you know, because it was a bit like, even before that, you'd have the spectrum spectrum, Commodore 64. Amstrad, basically, it's the same infrastructure in the same idea of the levels. So they'd have the same initial design. But then as soon as it went to the developers making it for the snares, or for the Mega Drive, that's where it started to differ because it would depend on what could be done. As far as remember, I think the Mega Drive versions were slightly reviewed slightly better than the snares versions on this occasion for those two games.

Al Struthers 31:06

Very interesting. Do we know how much it's going to cost? I'm sure. Do you want? I'm

Anton Winters 31:11

not sure I imagine with it being physical. We're probably looking at the 2530 range. And let me consult Google. Okay, consult. Oh,

Al Struthers 31:21

what's Google saying? I've consulted Google. Yes, Google says 25 pounds or $30? Yeah, so actually, you're pretty much spot on there. I would I pay 25 quid for a game for a collection of games are that old?

Unknown Speaker 31:33

Yeah. 15. maybe

Anton Winters 31:39

ask for two mega tracks.

Mike Macdermid 31:42

I probably realistically I'm probably not going to spend that money on it straight off. But if I picked up a physical copy of it cheap, then I probably would would jump, you know, perhaps to be sub 20 pounds, I think.

Al Struthers 31:54

Yeah, definitely. I feel live overpriced personally, if your prices but then you've got which tax and Disney tax. And so

Mike Macdermid 32:00

yeah, we'll see how much actually, if it sticks around that. I mean, the Ghostbusters game I've seen that between 20 and 25 pounds physical, which is good. So you have to say, and that's a much newer game as well. I'm not saying it's a better game time, you know, different times in life? Because it's the Ghostbusters. Well, that's another storey what was going to say, but I noticed they've got a rewind option here. Have either of you played the end of the NES games? Since they've added the rewind feature?

Anton Winters 32:27


Al Struthers 32:28

Yeah, no. I've not had a chance.

Mike Macdermid 32:30

I played the vice game that we talked about last week. Was it called again? Vice?

Al Struthers 32:37

Yes. Everybody knows what you're talking about. Yeah. Carry on. Last week.

Anton Winters 32:40

Yeah. Smooth. Good. So

Mike Macdermid 32:43

they've added the rewind option now. And it's the first time I've tried it on the NES games. And what a difference it makes. Because the NES games are so flippin hard, that it means that you can actually play it. And rather than having to start the level again, you just go back a few scenes. And I know it's cheating. But I don't care because those games are. No it's not. I'm not playing it to try and

Al Struthers 33:03

we are ordinary, or reflexes or slower. This is just to play. Yes, I am. And I'm for you, you old man. This is what we need to play these games. It does make a difference on.

Anton Winters 33:13

Yeah, you know what's even crazier with this destiny collection here and see this watch more difficult here. Basically, what it does, is you get to watch a legit play of the game. So if you don't play, but you get to jump for jump in wherever you want. Oh, that's basically they've added a tonne of weight at a fast forward button to all of these old games. So if you're like, Oh, I remember the ending. But I don't have the reflex to get there anymore. You can just skip ahead. Which is? Sure. It's an interesting way of doing it, isn't it?

Mike Macdermid 33:48

I mean, yeah, the thing is, depends what you want from your, from your from your game. I mean, I'm playing a visual novel, right? No stains gate. I'm not doing anything. I'm occasionally I'm just citing what's replying to text message. But apart from that, I'm just reading a great storey. And

Al Struthers 34:05

well, I suppose it's not dissimilar to Telltale games don't do much with them. No bed. You do. And they're great games.

Mike Macdermid 34:10

Yeah, that's what I'm say. I think it really just depends what you want from it. Especially if you've gone back in time, and you're revisiting games that maybe you grew up with. Maybe that's the way to do it, and experiment a bit where you feel like having a goal and also gives you the opportunity with these kind of games to see how to actually do it. So you could always do it. rewind it. Have a good yourself. So I think that's I think it's like it's like a history of the games in a in a cartridge. Isn't it? Really?

Anton Winters 34:33

Yeah. Talking about telltale or any of us here at the big news this week? Yeah, we're talking

Mike Macdermid 34:39

about this all stars. This is exciting. I'm kind of hoping we get back to the future.

Al Struthers 34:44

And I'm hoping to get Batman so I can finish it. So what's the news after Delta or back? Yeah, if they've been bought, their IP has been bought. And the people who bought them said, they're going to sort of rerelease some of these older games, which is very exciting. So

Mike Macdermid 34:56

Back to the Future was one of the first telltale ones I bought in that was same 2008 2009 that kind of time, and I bought the ps3. And I was it was just so great. Because if you're about the future fun, what you know, there was issues with the game. It's the world probably one of the worst designed Telltale Games because of Come on a long way since then. But it was also incredible. And not a bad game by any means, but just bit clunky. But if they could bring back some of those, I'd be delighted and switches perfect. Again, switch is perfect. Let's put the Batman games on the switch. I haven't done that.

Al Struthers 35:30

Yeah, I think there's quite a little team people might possibly still be involved. I think we've managed to encourage some of the old stuff back good, probably under better terms in our business. because let me tell you one thing under a bit of a cloud, but yeah, it's back in this is wonderfully exciting us very happy with this, Anton.

Anton Winters 35:45

Yeah, I think the situation as as some new management, who are account veterans in the industry have bought up the IP and all that sort of stuff. And then to anybody that's lost their jobs working at telltale, they're offering contracts to bring them back in. And which you know, I think just swapping out the management and added keeping the count talented staff that they did have seems to be the best way moving forward to keep that Yeah. to count bring it back to its former self and partly they're going to be a lot more safe and their health investments. Can we have another

Mike Macdermid 36:18

season of Game of Thrones, please? Because I love your last game. Yeah. It was really good. Yeah,

Al Struthers 36:23

it's a happy little storey. This is a really good news storey for them. Yeah, yeah.

Mike Macdermid 36:26

Nice. Okay. Shovel Knight. We have loads and loads of shovelled a new is I know you're a fan of Shovel Knight Anton. It's been on my list forever. But we have Shovel Knight show down it gets his proper read through the stuff first and then you can talk about Anton because you're the one that's going to have the most I think to see on this but we shall see. So Shovel Knight showdown gets its first proper gameplay trailer that it says here ninth of April I'm thinking that's a typo unless its ninth of September

Unknown Speaker 36:55

maybe is it? That's very possibly a tape Oh, yeah.

Mike Macdermid 36:58

Otherwise, we have to go back in time and that's not gonna happen without a Back to the Future. DeLorean Shovel Knight dig has been a nights for switch created by the team behind bomb chicken shovel like King of cards gets its final trailer and it's currently 100% finished as well. It's going to be the biggest shovel night game yet. And owners of treasure trove will get it as a free update I did see this this is an incredible addition if you've got that and it'll also be sold separately as a standalone game. It's listed as coming soon but expected to launch in December still more Shovel Knight to go they've got an evil three pack that launches this December featuring boom tech plaque Nate Lyft Lord Spectre night sorry if I pronunciations are off our ultimate supreme King night. There's a lot of Shovel Knight in there, Anton.

Anton Winters 37:41

Yeah, this is like we knew we're getting Kingdom carts and children but now that we've got dead coming along, it's like, oh, shovel nice back, apparently. And yeah, so if you are not familiar, and understandably so because there's been so much trouble night recently. Shovel Knight showdown. As a shovelling fighting game sells come to the dock to sell gameplay but made into a fighting game with all the different characters for the treasure trove, count weaved into it as different playable gameplay sales with different moves and stuff like that. And that one looks to be launching soon, or has launched depending if I've gotten that date right or row. And shovel Nate deck appears to be a platformer where you constantly go down and you're like, destroy what counts destroy vironment. They

Mike Macdermid 38:28

like steamrolled dig kind of vibe.

Anton Winters 38:30

Yeah, has very much that sort of a buck count with more platforming focus.

Mike Macdermid 38:34

Great game, by the way, steam world like, Oh, yeah, you really like it. You dig?

Al Struthers 38:40

it like digging, digging.

Mike Macdermid 38:42

I think two is better. I'm not played to a played one at two is much better reviewed. But it is it's so addictive. You think you're you think you're done and then you'll and I'll just tip it more digging. Really good. It's I know it sounds ridiculous. But if you haven't played it steamrolled, in fact, it's on sale right now. In fact, world dig, I think is like few quid on the store, and Tuesday at 799. And there's heist as well, which is a totally different kind of game. So steamrolled think I think it's maybe 299 on the store or something but definitely check that out. Anyway, sorry. Carry on Anton show

Anton Winters 39:16

no worries. Finally, we're getting shuffling cards, which has been development for two years and I should say free to anybody that has Shovel Knight the treasure trove it's a new campaign and an account classic Shovel Knight sale. And, you know, coming from there, I think they've done three or four Shovel Knight games already will be solid and even if it wasn't, you're getting it basically for free if you get the treasure trove, which is our reasonable price to begin with

Mike Macdermid 39:42

the treasure trove seems like the one to go for a few if you want to just dive into everything it seems to be a really good value.

Anton Winters 39:50

Yes, I believe it's when I bought it it was when the switch just came out and it was 18 pounds and I think they're they're up to Shovel Knight free like that. I think it was spectra Night Live we're up to and they just keep on adding these nine pound DLC slash whole new campaigns to the game and just adding more content. So to be honest, the first game has so much content, and the fact they've been adding and getting bigger with the content they're adding it's incredible value

Mike Macdermid 40:18

is amazing. So lose a shovel knight announcements another night and spin which confuses me because I'm not a Megaman player, and I'm imagining Megaman zero is different. Let me run to this and then Anton you can quantify megarounds zero was that x Legacy Collection has been next for the switch digitally and physically from the 21st of January next year and includes Megaman 00203040 X and Zed x Advent now we have a Megaman collection already don't we? Yeah, we got a couple Yeah, we have to cuz we have the ones they're the ones that will

Al Struthers 40:49

make them an exploit That's right. So

Mike Macdermid 40:51

think several of both of them and then we have the megaman game which is a separate thing as well. Am I right? The newer one

Anton Winters 40:56

yeah, we've I think we've caught the legs collection part one and two x collection part one and two and then we've got 11 and so the franchise is a bit all over the place but can you summarise this one at the zero games are continuation of the x franchise and Spirit are far more storey based on take place hundreds of years later in future and the zero games were Calif were kept picks up from the X Games on the PlayStation. But on the Gameboy Advance and then the set X Games are not same franchise but on the DSIC. That's

Mike Macdermid 41:37

why I don't know so much.

Al Struthers 41:38

If you want to really run trivia in Japan is known as a rocket man. There was a rock Man Zero. Really? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:44

So you've learned something? You? Excellent. Well, thank you. You're welcome.

Mike Macdermid 41:46

Thank you for that. That is actually quite interesting. Yeah, this is great. This is great news. Again, I love these collections coming to the switch because it just adds so much value. You know, when you've got a collection thought big. If you're a Megaman fan, you've not visited the zero side of things. This is your chance to jump in. And I would think at a reasonable price because even if it's 2999 or 3999, or whatever it comes out. And that's a lot of games.

Anton Winters 42:12

Yeah, I think the former collections we've got interval been eight pounds each and on sale. Usually, maybe I think there are 13

Unknown Speaker 42:21

regularly. Recently, yeah.

Mike Macdermid 42:24

So we're not going to be anywhere. I wouldn't have thought we're going to be up to the full price. I would think so.

Al Struthers 42:28

Yeah. Look while you're on Mega Man, kind of similar style undiscovered or rediscover something awesome. From my childhood. I completely forgot about this one. If you ever heard of the Samurai Pizza Cats,

Mike Macdermid 42:36

and I've got to say no, but it sounds fantastic. You

Al Struthers 42:39

need to go and Google several pizza guys going on YouTube is one of the best animations from 1990 I've ever seen. It's just it's got better with age. Go and Google it. It looks like cats meets Megaman meets summarise It's awesome. I'm already excited for this the most of our casting director you will ever meet. Excellent. Same repeat tickets go and do it.

Mike Macdermid 42:58

Right. Okay, that's on my list. I'm going to fly through the rest. Just because we've got some rumours to go and then we've got the quest. So next up very quickly, Ashton Ashton has been announced for switches a third person Co Op adventure game is launching on December the ninth I know that this gets great reviews and it looks really good as well as there

Al Struthers 43:15

It does. It looks beautiful, doesn't it? We are styles. Yeah, it's stunning it that's a really good word for Anton it is stunning.

Mike Macdermid 43:21

What's the kind of vibe of this Anton for those that don't know because I've only seen the screenshots I've only seen a little bit the trailer. What's it all about? Yeah, it looks

Anton Winters 43:31

it looks like it's got a degree of creepiness to it but it's called watch I don't know how creepy can be of course I'm not 100% sure about with the quality of graphics getting on the switch with good reviews. I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on this one It looks looks have a lot of potential here.

Al Struthers 43:49

It has been well reviewed and other platforms came out back in December last year on PC I think an Xbox yeah really really good reviews that sort of looks like describe it sort of. I'm gonna say Viking esque and some very big monsters and vertical fight. Excellent a beautiful style sounds good.

Mike Macdermid 44:07

All right, next up override mech city brawl has been announced for switch launching later this year. I saw you watching this earlier. Alistair What is this game

Al Struthers 44:17

that basically you get to be what looks more like transformer than a mech and you get to beat seven chains I'd rather Max

Mike Macdermid 44:24

XM Corp Do we know or just

Anton Winters 44:28

fight against their I think okay, I think it's online multiplayer account. Almost just looked like they made a Pacific Rim a fighting game where you just fight that to robots and none of the big creatures.

Mike Macdermid 44:41

It does look very Pacific Rim I get and get that

Al Struthers 44:43

Yeah. What's your distractible environments which makes sense for Transformers

Mike Macdermid 44:45

Titans? And Okay, next up we've got another game kind of the switches is Lamu Lana one and two hidden treasures is that how units it

Anton Winters 44:54

yeah I think so. And yes an old classic we were game are coming selection of them very well regarded from the time of the bear. We were games and also we've lost all those games as a recently. And they're making a return switch. They don't look like the best games in the world. But I imagine for the few people that do have fond memories of it. It'll be great to see that these games aren't lost to time. Yeah,

Al Struthers 45:17

yeah, they're all fashion platformer type things.

Mike Macdermid 45:20

Yeah, it looks it reminds me of like if somebody made a game on the Zadek spectrum No, but made it you know look a lot more kind of you know, it's like it's like kind of got that retro vibe to it but done in a modern way so it looks looks looks pretty good. But Indiana Jones Indiana Jones is exactly what I was like. Okay, so that's what I want and then finally in the news section to the into the dead to have announced the first person storey based zombie that's been announced as a first person storey based zombie survival game launching on the 25th of October I've seen bits of this and it looks looks kind of fun It looks like you're playing the Walking Dead

Anton Winters 45:57

Yeah, so as an interesting one, it would be really teams can't get everybody's opinion on Twitter poll this one because it looks really as nice to see a game whitelist on switch and forcing on such a sec. Oh, that's impressive, but I I'm not too sure. And the wider gaming scene What are not it looks promising to you guys. So let us know your opinions. I would be curious to hear

Mike Macdermid 46:19

Yeah, coming quite soon as well. So it's just as well just under two months time 25th of October. Okay, let's move on to this week's rumour. So first of all, then power a have listed and overwatched an overwatch themed Nintendo Switch case officially licenced by Nintendo Blizzard Entertainment is one of the worst kept secrets because it's not official, but it's one of the worst kept rumours is that Overwatch is coming to the switch, isn't it? Anton?

Anton Winters 46:47

Yeah, I think where Overwatch has right now where it's it's not out of relevancy, but it's it's not as prevalent in everybody's faces as it used to be bringing it to switch. They've seen good results with the Diablo collection. I feel like Overwatch and switch would be a great taste and I feel I think both Nintendo and Blizzard are smart enough to not let this at not to have made this case when there weren't making the game.

Mike Macdermid 47:13

Yeah, if you know what i think i think it's going to happen. I mean, it seems like we're getting to that point and when we have politicians, which a lot of people compare favourably actually to Overwatch and there's kind of chicken and egg thing of it. Which one came first? But Overwatch coming to the switch Alister

Al Struthers 47:31

got a funny feeling it's a bit late I might be wrong it might bring some people back to the game switch but it just feels like it needed to be there year two years ago which launched

Mike Macdermid 47:41

it probably did but I think know that it is coming that's not a bad thing. I think we'll probably see a resurgence because it will be a switch title that you know is one that

Al Struthers 47:52

people in other consoles in the first person worldwide that'd be not moved on things like pop G and stuff

Mike Macdermid 47:58

no I think it's a massive me massive Overwatch community still massive I think Anton What do you Yeah,

Anton Winters 48:03

I don't think the the entirely compete and I think there's still a lot of people out there looking for a good shirt on the switch. And I don't think a lot of people and a lot of people who maybe have just been really like to call the jury by now or a battlefield

Mike Macdermid 48:20

Yeah, where's the war? Gears of War I would take a Gears of War just to have that fun that old school fun of teaming up with friends and and then just going on last thing stuff last things are Time Splitters up Yeah, can we bring Time

Al Struthers 48:33

Splitters, please? Well, I mean there's a company kind of working on it I know

Mike Macdermid 48:37

that but i mean that that I do feel it we missed that on a lot of things that Paul does a great but they're not the same as a four I like I love that thing about there's something about four of you in a team Halo online things that Halo, you know, at all?

Al Struthers 48:51

Well, you never know. Forget this Microsoft screaming on the switch. I feel your

Mike Macdermid 48:54

dreams might feel like Gears of War in Halo or more likely that kind of game might be more likely just from where we've gone politically with sorry, was to say politically, politically with Overwatch and politically was Microsoft I should say. We're more likely to see Halo and and you know, Gears of War perhaps

Al Struthers 49:16

either way. It's no bad thing getting over Washington, which is no bad thing if we assume it's coming.

Mike Macdermid 49:20

Yes. Which I think we will assume but let's not assume. Next up. Xena max online studios game director Matt fryer has said that we thought about switch. But Elder Scrolls Online is an enormous game. And it just will not work. I did read him saying this. He said it would love it for to be because I love the switch. But it's one of the largest games ever made. And it just will not fit on the switch. And he was talking about streaming being the only way that they could do it I think as well. Is it a big mess? Is Elder Scrolls Online. Something that your general switch player is going to care about Anton

Anton Winters 49:57

it's an interesting I'm not too sure. Because we have had a few MMOs on the switch ready? Yeah. Fantasy star now we call and DC online. And I'm these claims are interesting from a lot of shooters. When I see a game that looks like the Elder Scrolls Online looks like a be like, now you're just you're you just can't be bothered pouring it or chemical or don't see the value and risking the money and pouring it. But this is the faster and they've been fairly good beforehand. So I guess Sam, there's more to the style games. And

Mike Macdermid 50:32

I think I think it's not so much the graphics or the processing so much

Al Struthers 50:36

as the actual instal file. I mean, if you download the PC version, the instal file once it expand this 170 gig. That is I can see why they're saying they can't make that in the switch hundred and 71 it's an

Mike Macdermid 50:48

82 gig download did need to come with an actual SD card, specifically for it.

Al Struthers 50:54

Yeah, it's insane. sighs I don't know how that can be that big because I always assume that most of these MMOs are just effectively running from afar. And all you had was basically a browser.

Mike Macdermid 51:05

But the whole infrastructure side. Wow. But But yeah, I think you're right, Anton. I don't think it's going to be as such a case that they can't run the game. I think it's more just the physical size of how big that game is. So it's a shame because we want everything on the switch if we can get it but you never know. You just never know what the next thing is going to be. And perhaps there's a way that they'll be able to do it with servers or something in the future.

Al Struthers 51:29

I can live without it. To be honest.

Mike Macdermid 51:30

Doesn't bother me personally. No, I'll go to say but I know it will book a lot of people next up Doom 64 has been spotted on the Australian classifications board. I think we'll probably get this there was rumours about this when all the other Doom games came Doom 64 I'm up for that. Bring on another Doom game? Do games are great. And if we can get some retro Doom games, and they price it at five or seven pounds, which is kind of weird. I think it might sit given Doom three was 799 and that's only two dozen folder whatever. That could be good. I'll stir

Al Struthers 52:00

Yeah, got not much more to add to that damn 64 it was pretty good game when it came out. Yeah, I think and me briefly owned it from memory can't remember. Anton will you be

Anton Winters 52:09

fun? Yeah, I'm all on board with this. You know, it's interesting that this one count is trailed behind the other ones a little but you know, great to see it comes to switch add I love having insects for games on the switch just like completely normal control.

Mike Macdermid 52:23

I want the Simpsons hit and run on the switch. Which was I don't know if I've said that before. But I just started thinking of a game cute games and that, you know,

Anton Winters 52:34

you never know if there's any rereleasing old games though you do on The Simpsons now, we can dream that will be so good WD one for me. I didn't

Al Struthers 52:41

realise the Simpsons, but it was make sense. at Fox over here. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 52:45

In fact, there's a sketch about it and one of the recent episodes.

Al Struthers 52:50

I've seen some dozen years and all this growth topic. I haven't seen the Simpsons about five years,

Mike Macdermid 52:54

I would say that one in every two or three episodes is really, really decent again. Wow. But then, as you know, I'm quite easily pleased. So I don't know if a connoisseur like yourself would enjoy it, but

Al Struthers 53:08

I've never been called a connoisseur before I could take that

Mike Macdermid 53:10

sentence Coursera there's a difference right next up very quickly, then fortunately, Kurds have said that will get smash catch a review on September the 12th. That's within two weeks, and it will be a female character. They claim she is not a demanded character and will disappoint a confuse a lot of people. Who are we talking about a beer, guys? I mean, was it like Minnie Mouse? I

Anton Winters 53:30

fear I think I think it's going to be one of the less popular Overwatch characters all of you are getting Overwatch. And like, I think it may be an overwatch character that is not tracer.

Mike Macdermid 53:42

Okay, so yes, one of the one of the others. I mean, I don't know many of the Overwatch characters, but one that basically people don't really care much about.

Al Struthers 53:50

I mean, there's a lot of female characters and video game here there. They could be a friend anything. Yeah. To be. It was not demanded. I mean, yeah. Could it be something from from like, astral teen. I mean, it could be literally

Mike Macdermid 54:04

it'll be a crossover with something that's either coming to the switch, or is it already?

Anton Winters 54:08

Yeah. And it's going to be march from the simpson head. remaster that was essential. I'm sorry, I kept the secret. I was alone on our channel. That would be so fantastic. Right. Let's move on to this week's quiz.

Mike Macdermid 54:26

Now, Anton, we know you've been struggling with questions because you we've basically made you be quizmaster for a while now and and there are only so many games that you know we might get but basically we

Al Struthers 54:40

see this coming my way soon as you get this how

Mike Macdermid 54:42

you're going to be getting up you are but not yet. We're not yet we'll save it a little bit longer. Anton quizmaster, Anton we all know how to play if you don't know how to play. Listen to last week's episode. No don't because we said this last week listen to two weeks ago. But it's me against all let's go for I reckon. So you can do you see who can lose was the worst.

Anton Winters 55:01

This first game was released in 1980. And originally had the Japanese title of Pac. Man,

Mike Macdermid 55:09


Anton Winters 55:11

and D. Wow.

Al Struthers 55:16

That was a stretch of the imagination.

Mike Macdermid 55:17

If it hadn't been Pac Man, I'd have been. I've been asking about some sort of trademark copyright issue there.

Anton Winters 55:26

Soon as I say Pokemon, I was like, Oh, this this was the worst clue together in the universe.

Mike Macdermid 55:31

I don't mind because I got it first.

Al Struthers 55:33

I don't mind because just Wow.

Mike Macdermid 55:34

Okay, question number two. All right. Hey,

Anton Winters 55:39

this Super Nintendo game was released in 1992. Is that the whole first clue?

Mike Macdermid 55:47

One of the pivotal year his first Super Nintendo game,

Al Struthers 55:49

Mario Kart one

Mike Macdermid 55:51

Lion Lion King.

Anton Winters 55:53

Alrighty. This was one of the few games that used to Super Nintendo mouse perhaps peripheral

Mike Macdermid 55:59

not even a

Anton Winters 56:01

Oh, I think we're gonna have to go to another game and have a type. Yes.

Al Struthers 56:08

Good. Yeah, actually. Did you own that? I had it.

Mike Macdermid 56:10

I always wanted it and I can remember having dreams about having Mario Paint and never get to

Al Struthers 56:15

it was great for an hour and there was rubbish after that. Really? Oh, yeah.

Mike Macdermid 56:19

borrow it for an hour.

Al Struthers 56:20

You still got it? I do not know.

Mike Macdermid 56:21

Okay, so that's that's a point each then so it's two one. Alrighty, although I feel bad. That first one sounds like Pokemon

Anton Winters 56:35

Sony this next game was originally developed as a Macintosh exclusive before be important and bought by Microsoft for the original Xbox eyes of the beholder.

Al Struthers 56:50

Not blew past

Anton Winters 56:52

this. This first person shooter was developed by Gears of War

Unknown Speaker 56:57

or by Bungie.

Unknown Speaker 57:01

What's a cold? Oh.

Unknown Speaker 57:06

I can see the characters. Ah, Sergeant. What's a cold?

Al Struthers 57:13

No, I'm not moving on this cuz I know the name. And I know

Mike Macdermid 57:15

like Haley. No.

Unknown Speaker 57:17

Oh, you've got it. Thank you

Mike Macdermid 57:19

use Halo from the second you started freaking out. I can't see because I wasn't allowed to have more than one guess that's

Al Struthers 57:25

the rules of the game.

Mike Macdermid 57:26

But it's a tie up so it makes it easier to do. Yeah. Did you have a bonus one? I do

Anton Winters 57:31

this. Is that the tiebreaker? On to here? right which is Colonel?

Mike Macdermid 57:35

Colonel I think I can't remember it's a long time. But did just to clarify for the bonus one. Are we just list is it just the first day we get one guess each year? He is just one

Anton Winters 57:45

guessing the tiebreaker? Just the usual way.

Al Struthers 57:47

Right. Okay, awesome. Go for it, man. All right. Hey,

Anton Winters 57:50

I have Rockstar game released in 2006 for the PlayStation two.

Unknown Speaker 57:57

gta three bully

Unknown Speaker 58:00

Darn it. Oh, you've got a winner

Al Struthers 58:06

on this podcast,

Mike Macdermid 58:07

because I love bully. It's one of my favourite games. And there I know that they're making are there. I don't know they're making. There are rumours.

Anton Winters 58:15

They're making new flavour information. You know, I know.

Mike Macdermid 58:20

To say that, man. Did you know that many many years ago this is a true storey when GTA the first one. And London was on the go so late 1999 2000. Before we got GTA three, I actually had a meeting in rock star up at some of our games, some of our songs and they said oh, we're making another game. So if you've got the song you want to finish it off. And myself and the person I was working with. We kind of were a bit lazy. Really. I finished at some point. Turns out it was one of the GTA games. It would have been three Wally Yeah, I've gotten Saints Row eventually but I never got into TE did

Al Struthers 58:56

a some type of Grand Theft Auto because you certainly interviewed last Lord. It's something I did.

Mike Macdermid 59:00

I did a call show a co presenting show with Laszlo from GTA on the radio who

Al Struthers 59:05

is I think that mean that it was always a station I listened to do in that game was laughable because he was hilarious. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 59:10

he was on my show and his his jokes were a little bit more on the edge of the mind where it was in GTA so it was low to be so don't deny when you're dead. Don't you? Fabulous? Wait,

Al Struthers 59:21

wait, wait, that means you've won, I think several times or Bruno does it. What do you think so? It's, it's your turn your smoke base.

Mike Macdermid 59:30

Everyone says listen, I'm not doing anything. It's just my face. Anyway. Well done. Oscar. Good game.

Al Struthers 59:36

Well done. Well, Anton. Thank

Mike Macdermid 59:38

you, Anton. Yes. Good questions again. Okay. Okay. So just a quick reminder, if you haven't already, leave us a review that will be lovely really does help. Things like Apple podcasts reviews. They're really good at five stars. If you can, that would be lovely, but obviously, only if you think we deserve it. But we do this because we love doing the podcast and loving Nintendo Switch. We don't make any money from it. But we do really enjoy Allaster. You can get us on the website. You can NSUKP coda UK and Anton we are on Twitter.

Anton Winters 1:00:06

Yes. At NSUK podcasts on Twitter as we do all the tweeting and fighting over there. I see.

Mike Macdermid 1:00:16

Yes, it is. It is it is like old man speak for Twitter. Now. Thank you very much for listening. Once again. We will be back next week. And until then, have a fabulous week. Goodbye.

Al Struthers 1:00:28
