Nintendo Direct September 2019 Special
Anton and Mike chat about the most recent Nintendo Direct that took us all by surprise. From Overwatch to Xenoblade, we cover every single announcement in detail from this week's Direct.
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Nintendo Direct September 2019 Special
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Mike Macdermid 0:13
So Hello, and welcome to our Nintendo Switch UK podcast September direct, special. We are very excited to talk in more detail about the latest Nintendo Direct, which happened this week. And I'm joined by Anton Hello, Anton. Hello, make it's
Anton Winters 0:30
it's like Christmas came all over again, we have so much to talk about this week.
Mike Macdermid 0:35
It really is. And the funny thing is, I've seen some people say that they were disappointed by the direct I don't think you can be disappointed with this one. What do you think MO?
Anton Winters 0:47
It's a weird one, because there's a lot in there that that it's really exciting in terms of the switch in general. Not much that I would actually spend money on sadly, but I will work for it. Milk health just talked about each of the individual announcements. It was quite fun this time. So we're, we're not many rumours this time around which
Mike Macdermid 1:06
I think what I loved about it was the fact we didn't know about it until the day before. I think that for me was the thing that made it so exciting. We didn't have a clue, really. But actually, as it happened, there were a few announcements. I think that we kind of expected but they were confirmed and a lot of the time we get these rumours and then it's never actually confirmed. So it was interesting that we had so many of those things that were there were you know, we're supposed to be happening beforehand that are definitely now happening. So yeah, well, we'll work let's work through them then we'll do an order of the directs. And we'll just take each item as it comes and have a chat about it because I know that not everyone will have had the chance to see because of 11 o'clock at night, which was which is the first time they've done it so late for us. I know in America it wasn't but it was a late one.
Anton Winters 1:52
Yeah, I was just looking for a slightly closed eyelids that was telling me
Mike Macdermid 2:00
absolutely. I thought I was dreaming. Like right let's let's go through them. Let's start with the big one. The one that started off the directs that we kind of knew about In fact, we spoke about this in last week's episode. We are now getting Overwatch the legendary edition and it's going to be available on the 15th of October so we're getting it very very soon not a huge surprise but a big deal for a lot of people I think
Anton Winters 2:22
yeah i was just kind of surprised like they started with it because it's such as like a you could really hype it up and but not they're just like it's happening. You're watching the trailer you could just smell all the money blizzards going to make this is going to be so popular I can just tell and and it's kind of a funny whole camp over Watch yourself. And a little bit of a low with like fortnight's count been big for quite a while now. But I'm just looking at this, like, whether this is going to be popular. What What did you think?
Mike Macdermid 2:51
Yeah, same. I think it's going to be hugely popular. I'm going to wait and see what people I mean, I don't really need to wait and see because I know Overwatch is a great title. I've played a bit of action having played a huge amount. It's not the perfect game in that style for me personally, but I think the it's going to be such a big deal on the switch. And it's one that I can remember, you know, maybe a year ago people say oh no, that'll never happen. We'll never get Overwatch and the switch can run it anyway. And no, we're getting the legendary edition motion controls the law. It's all very exciting. It's happening within a month. There was when there's Rumour has it a couple days ago there were two games that were rumoured that was Overwatch and it was more of a leak than a rumour because there was a listing for Overwatch appeared somewhere but also a listing appeared for plants vs zombies their new game that they're doing on the ps4 and the Xbox One and it appeared as a switch listing however we never saw any sign of that and I was really disappointed because if we'd had that I would have been just that would have been me set
Anton Winters 3:53
yeah I think the fact that the new plants vs zombies as in comment switches can have a sadly put the nail on coffin for me being hopeful for EA switch ports. I feel like it wouldn't be such a perfect game for the console but I really is
Mike Macdermid 4:08
there's a huge there's a huge petition online for the previous instalments to come to switch as well i i'm not sure though, because I know if I kind of had to do a bit of a U turn on it I know we're not gonna talk about this in great detail now because we're talking about the direct stuff but I just wonder if we will see it but just not yet. Perhaps because it you know if you look at Overwatch that's been out for a while now. We're now getting on switch for getting the full pack as well. So maybe maybe it's one for the future. But either way Overwatch big deal started off strong. I mean what are we to start a direct?
Anton Winters 4:39
Yeah and calve from one team to another we call a little bit more of Luigi is mentioned free and it really seems like they're beefing up the content let's take so know when they did number two it was just like yeah, we're just doing Luigi is managing a game but this part one looks like a completely different game
Mike Macdermid 4:58
yeah I was interested by the the multiplayer mode as well because that looked quite interesting. I think it kind of reminds me of the kind of party game thing that you might actually want to play play with friends you know I kind of I'm quite excited about this I really hope it is as good as I think it might be
Anton Winters 5:16
yeah and I just love how it's a Louie TC then Bullard making different models it's just eight different versions of Louie that was
Mike Macdermid 5:24
quite funny actually sure sure fire by
Anton Winters 5:26
yeah the thing that really brought me into this essay how every single floor slash level of the game is going to be theme sold pirate themed dark days or feelings which I feel like with the previous games It was very much like every floor it's just a variation on the spooky match and theme this Calif really gets a degree of refresh this looks a little bit more unique and caps gifts the game a little bit more right you what you felt last games are lacking
Mike Macdermid 5:55
and that's the kind of thing that might bring someone like me who's never played a Luigi is mentioned title to you know to actually part with my hard earned cash and buy it because I am interested in it it's just whether I'm interested enough to buy it so having those extra more time and a bit of variety in there is a big thing and it looks like they're really going to put a lot of the have been putting a lot of time and effort into it judging by what was the second item on the the direct the third one's really interesting though because this is actually you can download this now I have downloaded it I haven't tried it yet super Kirby class now the key word here free to start and start is the key word there because I'm assuming it won't be free the further you go with it but have you had a look at this yet
Anton Winters 6:36
yeah I went to to download I haven't had a chance to give it a go but it's it's interesting where I think the only other time we've heard Nintendo use this kind of phrasing of free to sorry it was with yeah Super Mario Run where it was like yeah you can play like a world and men eight pounds for the film game it was more like a long day mo Where's What's with this one at Pier shift by James looking at the micro transaction options you've got there which I'm scared that it said they're deceptive way of trying to make a free to play Kirby and no I'm ready to start game
Mike Macdermid 7:14
I I do worry about that as well I worry about the free to start thing I hope this isn't the start of Nintendo going down a rabbit hole of micro transactions within games and making you pay to play you know when you rather than just unlock the whole game in the first place. I would rather pay a small amount and on the game or just know what it's going to cost up front I'm not a big fan of games we have to pay you know as you go but having said that I don't know because I haven't really had a chance to properly have a goal yet and I will try the free start point and see what it's like and you never know if it's good enough it might it might proceed it looks interesting I gotta say it doesn't look doesn't look bad
Anton Winters 7:54
yeah I think in one regard with it being off Centre Court game and and i think kill for critiques of the last Kirby game on switch where it was a little bit short and content maybe having it so you're not paying so much money to get it because paying 40 pounds for a Kirby and especially when there's so many of them can be something a little bit hard to swallow so who knows maybe if it's balanced well monetary monetization wise could be really good to play it myself thought to myself fully judge
Mike Macdermid 8:24
Well, I'm gonna have a go this week. So perhaps we can we can see if we can even get a chance to jump on together and see what's quite interesting. It's a four player game I don't know much about it just yet other than what we saw in the direct but it is available to download no free to start so go and give a download and see what you think. Next up trials of mana HD remake the snares game we're getting a full remake on switch it's coming out April 24 next year and it looks pretty gorgeous to me to be honest.
Anton Winters 8:53
Yeah, I think this one's I assure hit we've had off say the other two games remake them remember start looking sharp that the bass trail of mana game is very beloved by its fans. And I think just combining those two assets we've got another great game coming switch. And it's I think I've only played the first secrets of mine I haven't gotten to the other one. So I'm a little bit far away from the third game. It was one
Mike Macdermid 9:20
Oh, I'm miles miles behind having never really played them. And so I think I've had a goal of one but never got into them particularly but anything that's remade well is is good in my book because there's so many brilliant titles from that era that still are are just you know, classic games in fact will be coming on to that a bit later. Right next up this looked very, very interesting. I've got to say I kind of I like anything that gives you something totally different and the art style of this, which saw out there that it kind of got me so so want me up while I was half asleep washing the right it's called Return of the Oberlin it's a first person time travelling. Black and white dot matrix inspired game about discovering the downfall downfall of the Oprah. Oprah din What did you make of this Anton?
Anton Winters 10:08
Yeah, that's what was interesting. Like when it first popped up the tarot cards. It's like oh, we're getting like an Oregon Trail sale game and then it was completely different nothing like it. And I I'm kind of curious about I love the art sale. And I love the premise where the the concept of the game is where you're trying to your own abandoned ship, and you're essentially trying to figure out how it fell down. You can use your time to to travel in time and piece it together. I wonder how much game there is oarfish? purely narrative? And what's interesting,
Mike Macdermid 10:41
they reminded me a bit of Sherlock Holmes title meets where in the world time is Carmen San Diego kind of combination of a little bit of detective work with a kind of point and click element. The art style, though is so different. And you really have to go and look at this to see what we're talking about this black and white dot matrix inspired to style and it really is. It's It's interesting. I've got to say that it did catch my attention. I'll wait for the reviews. I'll see what it's like. Well, hopefully we'll get a shot of it early on as well. But it's one to look out for anyway. It's certainly different. Next up little town hero. We've known a lot about this. It's been under the working title tone for a while now. It's going to be available really soon, actually next month and faxed and in fact, they did show some gameplay. And one of the interesting points was the music is by Toby Fox who made under tail which is great in my book because the music and under tills, fantastic and really well done. I'm not sure I'm kind of like I was really I was the one defending this in the first place and saying yeah, I'm really excited and I think I'm less excited having seen a bit more of the gameplay i'm not sure
Anton Winters 11:48
i think i think the thing is is the the shorter often I didn't have a take on it seemed very just like scraped together. And then it was like okay, this games like maybe two three years away. nuke so so from a Game Freak, they're probably going to be putting a lot of time in it. And then they showed off more but sales just kept similar Folsom, like, is looking to come together there's a little bit of grass in areas where it looks a lot but barn and and then they're like, yeah, it's coming out next month. I'm like, Oh, this is this is a field game.
Mike Macdermid 12:19
Yeah, that was what worried me as well. I think it's a lot it's going to come down to the storey and the gameplay and all those things and we expect those to be reasonably good. Will might we might forgive it. If those parts are are really really top drawer but yeah, I'm with you. I'm surprised it's so quick considering with non very little about this up until last week.
Anton Winters 12:42
It just it looks a little bit under bait, I think would be the way to put it is just simple stuff. Like there's areas of the map that just looked have a single, like texture, just covering a big area of the ground with no 3d telemetry on the ground. It's just completely flat for areas and I think with the concept of the game being in one town, you would expect that town to be off higher quality than a big open world game, especially even comparing it to sword and shield, which has a massive world and it's by the same company that you can tell this feels a little bit like a be project. Yeah, yeah.
Mike Macdermid 13:25
Well, we'll keep an eye and we'll know soon enough because it's out in a month's time so I suspect we'll be seeing more between now and October the 16th Next up a few Super Smash Brothers announcements will run through these first and you can just make a give us your thoughts Anton because we kind of know kind of where this is going to go but we're going to get so I don't know we've got ultimate banjo kazoo ultimate ultimate logic if I suppose you could almost call him ultimate bungee because he because he's in he's in Smash Brothers old tests and you know looks
Anton Winters 13:54
gorgeous and the art sale?
Mike Macdermid 13:56
A really does. I have to say that was the one thing I was. I was very impressed with obviously not being a smash player. Next up, Terry Burkhardt this announcement, right? Did you do the same as me and go, Oh, it's going to be a Virtual Console of something or we'll come on to something similar later on. And then suddenly it went? Oh, right. Okay, it's Neo Geo on that it's terrible guard. Did you get the same confusion as I did? Or
Anton Winters 14:18
a completely that especially considering both on the Wii and the we had a the Neo Geo Virtual Console like that? Yes, few virtual con, third party departure consoles we had. And we've had also all of the snip MSNK games on switch house like, Oh, this is so kill, they're going to come back to the NES online. But you know, new to online, I'll take it. But yeah, terrible, terrible card. And it's interesting, where I'm probably one of the few people that played a lot of SNK games. And I'm just like, Oh, this is cool. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 14:55
it's not it's a good announcement. I think it was just such a big grand entrance for him. They threw us a little bit because like you I was thinking we're getting the new collection, or we're getting those SNK games or, or whatever it was going to be and and maybe that's down the line. You know, maybe that was the whole point was to get us into that frame of mind and teasers with a bit but hey, listen, we're we're happy enough with that. And if you're a if you're a Smash Brothers player, then you that's another option. And it's more more DLC, and it's how you do a game, you know, you're giving us more and more and for that as well. And they've even said there's more DLC in the works at the moment, too.
Anton Winters 15:31
Yeah. Which I'm kind of glad about because I know that there's some really good characters and the challenger pack one offs, a banjos a highlight and there at the Joker, obviously, I feel like Terry and the hero are very specialised and won't appeal to quite as many people so similar to so again, some more characters down the line. We know how many people want people, people people want on Smash. Of course. So so much good stuff to come there, I think.
Mike Macdermid 16:02
Yeah, that's it's great to see, you know, developers putting that effort into title. It's already out there. I think that's to be commended. Now next up, The Legend of Zelda links awakening. We're getting an amoeba and you can make your own dungeon No, I'm not 100% on I can this fight. This must be one of the moments where I was really struggling. Because why? Because I'm not a super smash brothers ultimate player. I was really struggling. I woke up in a moment. But tell us more about this one.
Anton Winters 16:28
Yes. So the dungeon makers interesting. It's not the Phil freedom of control, then I think a lot of us were hoping when this was Captain, the rumour mill, and router. Essentially, once you complete a building, each screen was off site. It's like old school at top down RPG and safe. And then you can make mix and match them to make your own levels and a linear sense. I'm kind of curious to see if this almost becomes like a kill proof of concept for a Legend of Zelda maker. I don't know. For me, personally, I feel like not having that finite control. And only, there's only so far and how much enjoyment people may have with that. But yeah, I think for adding content to such a an old title to be able to charge 50 pounds for it. That says kind of the little we failed touches. We need to bring it up to that calibre and top of their obviously remastering process.
Mike Macdermid 17:30
Yeah, absolutely. Well, I know there's a lot of excitement around that. So that's good news. If you are going to be getting into the Legend of Zelda links, awakening, the switch version, which we're all very excited about another game, which comes out very soon, you can get the demo right now. And while I mean, if you've got the demo right now, it's 10 hours worth of content in there already. But Dragon Quest, the free DLC that we're going to be getting is coming on September the 27th. So that's I think that's release date as well. Yes, indeed. So that's really, again, fantastic. And and it looks I mean, what, what a great amount of content to get for a new title.
Anton Winters 18:07
Yeah, it's almost interesting. And it says a weird one. I feel like they were just reminding us that was happening. But you know, I imagine there's a lot of people excited and just hearing that there will be even more content on top of the definitive edition, top of everything else. Just I'll make some people stay. So I guess it's good to get to include.
Mike Macdermid 18:26
Yeah, absolutely. And it's extra content, which again, as I said, you know, you can't really view if you love a title been extra content that isn't going to cost you anything is always always welcome. Next up if you're a GRPG found this might be of interest to you, because Tokyo Mirage sessions, FE encore are getting new content, and it's available on the 17th of January 2020. So again, it's not a game that I know an awful lot about but I know there's a huge following for it.
Anton Winters 18:53
Yeah, this was a FFU scalp for Colin about this tale. This was back in the VU era, they announced our Fire Emblem persona crossover, which is so crazy think that something people would make and it's absolutely just ridiculous. GRPG there's no country RPG it's like part revolution game. It's ridiculous and insane. And as a we you collector, thank you for bringing down the prices are low.
Mike Macdermid 19:20
Yeah, absolutely means you can add it to your collection without breaking the bank. So that's what next up this was a surprise because I think this is an exclusive but we're getting Deadly Premonition to a blessing in disguise in 2020. But also Deadly Premonition origins is available. Now I remember deadly premonitions coming out on the ps3. I never played it. But so I went back and had a look at some of the gameplay footage after the direct. And it's available. Now you can get things like 20 odd pounds, or thereabouts on the store. And I've got to say, I think I'm pretty tempted by this. It goes really well reviewed. And we're getting the second one, which is a new one coming out next year as well.
Anton Winters 20:03
Yeah, it was such like a cult following the franchise. I remember when it first came out a lot. The reviewers were like, Oh, it looks like a PlayStation two game. And then I played it and they're like, no, but if this was a PlayStation two game, it would be the greatest game of all time. Yeah. So it's
Mike Macdermid 20:19
it's funny you say that because that was my because I'm looking at it going. Sure This was ps3, but it looks kind of PlayStation two kind of era. And then sure enough, I did the same as you and you know, kind of delve a bit deeper. And sure enough, it seems that it was hugely well received.
Anton Winters 20:35
Yeah. I'm kind of curious. I remember when it came out. I was kind of what looks a little bit date. And I'm paying full price for it. It was like that's for a game that's looking a little bit rough around the edges or maybe pass but no with a rerelease and and kind of knowing that, how it's insured over time with its fan base. I'm like, you know, it's the original origins package, or the remake of the original is available now sort of gives a good entry point. And
Mike Macdermid 21:07
yeah, absolutely. I'm definitely interested in it. I just need to get to the backlog of games. It's a regular thing that I say but it's true. So I can't really help that. Next up Divinity Original Sin to definitive edition. It's available now this slightly pass me by.
Unknown Speaker 21:22
What did you did you take anything from this? To be
Anton Winters 21:25
honest, I'll say I just can't look like standard fantasy stuff. From the offset, I presume, to fans, there's a lot more twit not being familiar with it. And none of none of it calc quite grabbed me sadly.
Mike Macdermid 21:44
Yeah, yeah. All right. Then Next up, we have one that we all knew is coming. Pretty much. And sure enough, it was confirmed November the 22nd. Doom 64, which I'm hoping price wise is around five pound Mark VB 799 like Tim three S's basically around there, but it's it's definitely coming.
Anton Winters 22:06
Yeah, I find it funny. I think the Nintendo doesn't even know they were going to release doing one, two and three, because that was just what the making such a big scene about this one was like, Oh, they had no idea or they would have made such a big hype if they were familiar with that happening. But you know, it's great to see. I feel like the face that was just like, Oh, you want us to show this off school? So we can everybody knows who's coming?
Mike Macdermid 22:30
Yeah, yeah, it's, it's definitely going to happen. And yeah, it's great. Another one to add to the collection. Next up, this was very interesting. It's from high res, and it's rogue company. It's a five and five shooter. It's going to be coming in 2020. But what's really interesting about this is it's cross play supported multiplayer, so it's going to be on ps4, Xbox One PC and switch. I don't know much about this, but I'm kind of intrigued by it.
Anton Winters 22:55
Yeah. There was there so it will depend on how the day and how much depth as to whether it's a good game, but at high rez has done some good stuff in the past. And as a multiplayer game on switch, it looks like probably outside of Overwatch, probably one of the most highest quality ones we've had so far.
Mike Macdermid 23:14
Well, they're also saying, and I don't know how legitimate This is, but this thing is going to be 60 frames per second.
Anton Winters 23:20
Wow, that's for those who have graphics because I know it's been confirmed that Overwatch will be running at 30 frames per second. And yeah, which was fine. Yes, it's doable. But at with the art sale that Overwatch has compared to roll company, I feel like real companies are much better looking game. And it's impressive to see a run at those frame rates.
Mike Macdermid 23:41
Well, that's what they say. I mean, I'm not sure how confirmed that is at that at this point. And that could change of course. But if they can get that title cross platform running it 60 frames per second five and five shooter, I tell you what, there is a market on the switch for that as much as we're getting Overwatch and we've got a few others out there The moment I think that that could potentially be really, really good, especially if we're going to get it around at the same launch time as the other platforms, you know if it's going to be around the same time.
Anton Winters 24:10
Yeah, I'm going to be curious to see what the price is of it because they didn't mark it as a free to play game. But from my experience with other high rise games, they like quite often to free to play games like with rarely and non outrageous Catholic boxes or anything like that. They're from my recollection. I'm not I'm not the number one fan of all their work, but I'm curious to see what they're going to be doing with that.
Mike Macdermid 24:36
Yeah, well we will keep an eye on that and watch with interest at least for that was one the first almost part passed me by but since having looked a bit more into it certainly certainly seems interesting. Next up Pokemon sword and shield news. We're getting customization we're getting the Pokemon camp and of course the thing that everyone's been talking about, it's become a bit of a meme and carry on rice.
Anton Winters 24:57
Yeah, they're really going all in on the curry feature. Let's you know, after all these games ago, he had everything from the kitchen sink we need everything in this game. But yeah, it's we can't know everything there is to know about this because I think we've had to Nintendo Drake sport socialising on this so I think it's just around the corner so and I think if you're picking up you know who you are.
Mike Macdermid 25:22
Yeah, it's I think a lot of people will have been interested in that it's been quite funny seeing it I've seen a lot of YouTube videos this week from YouTubers and anyone that's talked about it that's been the top comment pretty much have carry on race that's all people are asking you know, but yeah, if you're a Pokemon sword and shields player you're going to be then that's def definitely good to see a little bit more about what what it's going to involve also getting new Pokemon as well we got to see a couple of new ones
Anton Winters 25:52
Yeah, we had the new port port tks guys and which is like some blog thing that lives in a teapot then we've got Cramond which just seems to like to eat fish and then for enemies which I don't know how many put him on there is no with after all the generation so they're having a thing called the box and I like the T one he seems skill.
Mike Macdermid 26:15
I did like the T one I've got to say that was that almost persuaded me to you know, go and do a bit of research and maybe even get the game just because I really liked the DE was great Bachmann next up Nintendo Switch online. Now. We are getting one of the most talked about updates since online launched. I have been playing this today, actually. And we've got a whole bunch of snares games. In fact, it's 20 Super Nintendo games and that are available. Now you've got to go into the online membership bit there to download the app for it. There's some new features as well, sorry, the same feature set as when we got the new online stuff, its launch with 20 games, and D one we're not going to be getting every month. This is something to talk about the next episode as well. We're all going to be getting new games every single month. They'll be kind of sporadic, and we're getting an exclusive snares switch controller as well. I was playing them today with my eight bit do eat bit door, whatever they call themselves at snare style controller. And it was so authentic, frustratingly authentic, because it's a snares game. They're soaked up sometimes. But it was really great. And we've got 20 games, and they're right there is if you've got online. There's some classics in there too, Anton.
Anton Winters 27:32
Yeah, definitely. It's a it's kind of amazing. Looking back, the Caliph also the evolution between, let's say, the ps3 and ps4. And looking back at getting super nintendo games, yet, there's probably five years worth of difference between those games last five years, make such a difference and making them as friendly to play now. And I think even as somebody who grew up with a Mega Drive, and not being that far off the couch Nathan Master System. At these games, I feel just a lot more accessible. And for players who have maybe only grown up with like a PS two, I think being able to get a game where you can tell what things are in the graphics makes all the difference. And we've got a fantastic selection games here like
Mike Macdermid 28:17
yeah, it's a really good selection of games. I mean, you've got you've got a couple of curvy ones. You've got the the the Mario titles you've got Zelda and how to how to golf probably half the games of movie 10 to the games. I played a little bit off today. Not not obviously huge in depth. But yeah, just really great games and great memories as well as that, you know.
Anton Winters 28:41
Yeah, it's To be honest, Celeste, they've gotten there. It's, it's basically every Super Nintendo game I would really want. Yeah, I'm really happy about less. I'm excited to play f0 with Colt, and they're always at trimming, Chris. And they're super metroid, like really fantastic games on all of these high native saving and film, which is nice or isn't like your money complete no one or
Mike Macdermid 29:05
you've got rewind function, which I talked about being so useful on the NES games that comes as well the one with the snares games, and again, really helpful, especially for some of the tricky platforms.
Anton Winters 29:17
Yep. So I think it's official we want Nintendo fans we just need start complaining about and 64 games now. The next one,
Mike Macdermid 29:23
that's the next maybe a little while. But you know, we'll we'll be pretty happy with us at the moment. But certainly, yeah, it would be great to see that evolve. Next up Tetris 99 2.0. We've got some new modes in there, the Invictus mode, which is basically for pro levels, if I don't think pro level players, I don't think you can actually unlock it unless you get to a certain level anyway. Daily daily challenges you get tickets for those as well. They can be swapped for themes, a new player icons and new DLC as well, which you can buy that's available knows. So if you're a Tetris 99 fan and you play a lot of it, then again, a bit of good news, not something that particularly bothers me because I'm not good enough to be worried about Invictus mode. And I don't know if I'll probably bother with the multiplayer mode at the
Anton Winters 30:05
moment. I'm just happy. The main thing I saw on this was Oh, the pro players consult like, being me everything they can play over there. And I can just like pretend like I know how to play Tetris. Yeah, absolutely.
Mike Macdermid 30:18
I think I'm good. And then go in there. And I'm like, Nope, not good. Okay, next up Mario Sonic at the Olympic Games. He saw more of this. And we saw some of the a bit more as well, which looks I've got to see this looks really great. There's some extra sports in there that I didn't expect coming out in the fifth of November. I'm kind of interested in this now. You know,
Anton Winters 30:37
yeah, I think I know you are. I've might roll the dice on this. That's been a I think I only played 2008, which feels like a millennium ago. Yeah, I remember not loving it. But I feel like this one, it just looks and feels to have so much heart and soul compared to some of the previous entries where it just felt like they're adding the number on there. And chef and location. I'm curious. You have to want to go especially that 1960 sports.
Mike Macdermid 31:04
Yeah, it looks great. It looks fantastic. Next up DMX McKinnon. We have a new demo available today. And Co Op in there too. And not some. I mean, I played the first demo, which was like the working title one. And it was all right. It was not my thing, really. But this one looked a lot more polished.
Anton Winters 31:23
Yes, it's really starting to come together. And I feel like they're going to have a little bit of a hurdle to get over cuz I'm I think there's a lot of people that look at mixtures and are like, Oh, that's crazy nonsense explosions over the top. And I think they're going to have to break down those barriers a little because it says seemed to be a little bit more higher budget than your average make sure. But at a demo, especially a second demo is a good way to go. Because as you say that first one was very much a work in progress, so can get people's a better taste of what they might be buying Star Wars
Mike Macdermid 31:57
Jedi Knight to the Jedi cast port. It's going to be coming September 24. I don't really know this game originally.
Anton Winters 32:05
Yeah, I remember processes. Like one of the era. I grew up with gaming a lot. And I remember people loving this and I've never you're going to hate me know, but never watched Star Wars. I'm not familiar with it. Sadly. It's all right.
Mike Macdermid 32:22
I'm playing catch up on Stein. This is actually terrible. I mean, Alistair would be having a fit if he was here right now. But, um, yeah, no, I'm kind of in a similar boat. I've watched some of them, but not all. Not all of them. What what console generation to this coming to
Anton Winters 32:33
leave? This was a ps3 and Xbox. And okay, see?
Mike Macdermid 32:37
Okay, so we're looking at a Star Wars game that should have a reasonable amount of depth to it in terms of, you know, just the era. So I'm curious to see what people make of this. I might go and have a look at some gameplay from the ps3 era and will be interested again, to see how much they've improved it as well as that's always the question. I think
Anton Winters 32:56
that the same thing have to come from here. If you're not a Star Wars fan, as this combined with the announcement of Aladdin and the Lion King collection. I think this is a sign that then Disney understands the value of their back catalogue of games, even though they're not a developer anymore. Yeah, and we should maybe kill 10 or expectations towards seeing a little bit more of them and their fingers crossed, we get Simpsons hand run, because they all know
Mike Macdermid 33:25
let's talk about that in the next episode, because please, me too. It's a classic. Next up the Witcher three Wild Hunt complete edition is coming October 24. I just don't know how I'm gonna actually find time to to get to it. It looks incredible. It's been really well. People have reviewed the early gameplay over that they've had a chance to play really well. And it looks like it's going to be a very good port very excited about the Witcher three.
Anton Winters 33:51
Yeah, I'm very excited but similar to you, I don't know where I'm going to find a tank. So I'm sitting here I'm like okay, cyberpunk comes out like next year. Yeah. If I can find the name in their
Mike Macdermid 34:02
soul so much. Okay, I'm going to move through the rest of them just so that we can fire through all all all the rest of the titles that were announced because obviously this is our special will be looking a bit more in depth at one or two the titles in our next episode. Assassin's Creed the rebel collection, it's exclusive to switch off not really exclusive because the games are available elsewhere. But it's an exclusive collection. We're getting Black Flag which Alistair will be delighted about and the other one was the other one. Is it wrong? Is it wrong? Yes. And that's a newer title
Anton Winters 34:32
as well as an M somewhat it was. It's a very underrated I hear from what I've heard is one of the best. Assassin's Creed games were much it came out the same time as Assassin's Creed Unity, but only in the last gen consoles also kill opposed to a lot of the other games in the franchise where they are trying to push the franchise and make it bigger and better. Apparently Brooke is just a really cool a game and you don't actually play an assassin and what just a deviation from the franchise and apparently shows really high quality in California of the pinnacle of the ps3 and Xbox 360 era of Assassin's Creed and yeah we're getting all the DLC so up from what I've gathered he has not been officially said it's going to cost around the same as Assassin's Creed free collection yeah and then you know so much content on the switch and it's great to see Ubisoft bringing this because this is the collection at least this exclusive to switch so yeah hold our fingers crossed for the the other games to make its way over.
Mike Macdermid 35:32
Yeah, I'm really I'm I love Assassin's Creed having only really ever played the sort of the early ones and then I was I with them for a while but I've played three and what's the other one that comes with
Anton Winters 35:43
three liberation?
Mike Macdermid 35:45
Yeah, and I really like liberation. It's actually one of my favourite titles have played in the Assassin's Creed, saga or CDs. So I'm, I think I'll probably end up getting this To be honest, because I love Assassin's Creed as a title. I hope Ubisoft make a little bit more effort in just porting it that's my only concern because there were a few issues sound issues on Assassin's Creed three, not so much on liberation because obviously that coming from the Vita and actually runs really well on the switch but I think with three couple issues there that they could have tightened up on so hopefully they've learned from that experience and this time it will be a bit more flawless because I'm excited about that. I'm excited to try it to try rogue actually I'm a black flag I've played a bit of so rugby the one that I'm really really keen on.
Anton Winters 36:32
Yeah, I think it's interesting warfare for definitely because obviously free was a purely ps3 and Xbox for sexy. Wearing what for was cross generation between the ps4 and PS resorts health. And they have a lot of different optimizations they could do they could take bear textures and then turn down different stuff like lighting stuff, so I'm curious to see what you approach and how it turns out.
Mike Macdermid 36:56
Yeah, well, there's no excuse anymore, because we've seen the Witcher three running really well. So I'm afraid you know, Ubisoft have no comeback if they don't make here. Right next up dauntless dauntless. We're going to co op boss fighting actually does this what I don't know what I actually missed this completely.
Anton Winters 37:14
Kill has like Paladin faves meets Monster Hunter meets a little bit of, I guess that role company game. It looks like a multiplayer online, at Sure. And I think it's going to be free to play. But don't take my word on that, sadly. Okay, I think we would need to look into this a little bit more before we get any feel form opinions. But I believe it's been on PC before and it's getting a lot of optimizations from what i've saw in the news. Yeah. So have you played before? Definitely Let us know your thoughts on an issue key podcast
Mike Macdermid 37:48
on Twitter. It is free to play I've just checked. And it is, you know, I think I think again, it looks good. As you said it's got that pollens kind of vibe to it. So yeah, let's wait and see what that's like and no complaints about that coming to the switch. If it's well reviewed, and it's been well ported, so we'll keep an eye on Okay, so there was a we then had a montage of a few titles together so I'll run through these and you can pick a couple because there's a lot going on here so a couple of releases that we're going to get that more than a couple Just Dance 2020 is common fifth of November grid auto sports common September 19. Farming Simulator 20 December the third Nino Cooney is on the 20th of this month. NBA to K 20 is actually I don't know it came out yesterday by the time we're recording call of how do we pronounce this again filler get the loop Yeah, that's October the eighth then we've got the outer worlds which I'm extremely excited excited about and the Devil May Cry to which a lot of people will love that's the 19th of September which is not long at all and then vampire again interested to see how that turns out on the 29th of October what is incredible right now is we are getting a lot of really top triple A titles coming to the switch this year. And it's it's almost going to be impossible to sort of have time to play them all so yeah a lot of titles in there which one caught caught your eye
Anton Winters 39:12
I think personally for me it would have would have to be Devil May Cry to mainly because when the we know the first one at Capcom were like yeah we're just in the first one we know there's demand for different we cry but you know they're basically saying we don't think it's my cell good enough to warrant poor in the trilogy. And here we are as the second one world the corner so it's all about being all these big to dwell first invest in making games or switch Yeah, so how about yourself make
Mike Macdermid 39:41
well the two worlds I mean we knew about it so it was a shocking shocking surprise what's really interesting is it's so soon it's only in a couple of weeks time so I think Am I right in saying that comes on all platforms at the same time. Sadly not
Anton Winters 39:55
they've just announced their side work on the switch port and but the other ones are coming soon but I'm concerned I'm thinking considering their health promoting the switch version and tandem with the full release.
Mike Macdermid 40:09
Okay, so the two worlds isn't coming September the 19th just Devil May Cry it okay that's just in my notes that I've picked up wrong I did wonder because I don't remember seeing anything seeing it was coming that soon so we'll get after the other platforms which again I don't really mind because of too many games to play through anyway.
Anton Winters 40:26
Yeah, it's one of those ones that scales like that I think our worlds coming out help layer half of this year and kill fighting for time with the Witcher free and pay a cyberpunk is just like oh I don't know where I fit all these in
Mike Macdermid 40:42
vampire was one that when it was first announced we had a lack of those type of titles coming to the switch so I was quite keen on that maybe slightly less so just because we've had so much a known since then but I will be looking at that when that comes out and that's only well it's less than two months time this end of October so that's probably the other one in there. Grid artists hope that m is as good as some of what we saw Luke term I'm sure that could be quite popular for a lot of people
Anton Winters 41:07
yeah and I think it's kind of interesting I don't obviously just go out and look at farming simulator every day but it's health nice to see whole graphic graphically and price of the games came over the moon stuff came out a decent way and again imagine this on the goal again like this could eat up so much time
Unknown Speaker 41:27
yeah absolutely right
Mike Macdermid 41:28
well fires it to let the the rest and we'll leave the biggest one for the end or the biggest the other biggest one for the end it was at the end of our direct next up Animal Crossing New Horizons we had some more info on that looks really good. This is going to be huge third of March we're getting that
Anton Winters 41:44
yeah look at Calvin the presentation was mainly just a summary of the free to write which Yeah, they helped put in a small informative video because I think for a lot of people who are big Animal Crossing fans would maybe not watch an Nintendo treehouse event so and you're looking really good at a fever Animal Crossing
Mike Macdermid 42:01
know it's something that I think my my other half will probably be quite keen on and I To be honest, I probably would I just I don't know if it's it depends where I'm at with other titles at the time but yeah, I mean it does look looks great. And I think this will be a huge title a huge seller
Anton Winters 42:23
one of the highlights of the stream was showing off their they've got one screen multiplayer so you can just dive in and have a feel for it. And so I'm hoping cuz I know quite a few people that are picking this up to maybe just casually go over and hang out and play some Co Op and give the game a taste.
Mike Macdermid 42:42
Yeah, absolutely. All right, we on the Japanese direct only there was a couple of announcements that you might have missed because we didn't have them but we had moon the anti rag
Anton Winters 42:52
RPG Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 42:53
yeah is that is that RPG is not having not seen it.
Unknown Speaker 43:00
So that's a
Mike Macdermid 43:00
typo. And then I did see a little bit but this actually know that because I remember seeing the the anti RPG side of it but tell us a bit more because we didn't get this office so it was on
Anton Winters 43:13
1216 bit RPG on the PlayStation so it had a lot of weird graphical effects and looks kind of bizarre and to say it's almost like an under tail before its time at it's even less coherent I would say it's really interest I don't think it's ever been done an English before. At but this was kind of one of those bizarre ps1 games. There's quite a lot of them from that era like fab Robin etc. that we have all both experiments on the PlayStation one because for the first time game developer was cheap. And with this space media back land, and I think this was like one of those games that just always looked cool but was like last time they're never going to do anything with it. But here we have it on the go on switch and there. I'm just hoping that as well because I think this is such a bizarre gamified love to give it a go in English.
Mike Macdermid 44:01
Yeah, absolutely. are also in the Japanese direct only Dragon Quest one two and three are coming to switch playable 27th of September. This is one that surely we want over here.
Anton Winters 44:12
Yeah. And the amazing thing with it is, and the Caliph they had a screen cap showing off all the feature sets of it. And they include English dialogue. Yeah, it's not releasing over here. I
Mike Macdermid 44:21
did see that. I did see that. And that's a real shame that we're not getting over here. Because I think especially with for being out, but perhaps it will, it will come later because Dragon Quest for as you know, is such a big deal on that same date.
Anton Winters 44:34
Yeah. And I think that the one thing I am sceptical of is I'm wondering as obviously they're they're selling nays family club games on the same console of the nasal nine. And I wonder if the reason they're not releasing it over here is due to the fact that for people who may have not grown up this franchise, charging money for it might be a bit too much to ask. But let's hold our fingers crossed, because essentially distribution if one person buys it, give me It made the made up your time.
Mike Macdermid 45:04
Yeah, absolutely. And then finally, the last one that we got, which was a definitely a biggie and it's one that a lot of people have been asking for since we got the second game in the series, but ZW Chronicles definitive edition, it's going to be a remade version of the first unibody Chronicles and it's coming 2020 and this is big news for switch players.
Anton Winters 45:26
Yes. And it's great to see a week game come over and let's hope this Come come some more stuff. And let's just hope this as a showcase of a Nintendo being able to port games say to offset the odds Nintendo exclusives and I think for a lot of people, we just need to get as you know, braid Chronicles X on the switch and then yeah, the switch is a perfect console for Xena blade.
Mike Macdermid 45:52
And x was we wasn't it?
Anton Winters 45:54
Yeah, we it was help their futuristic one much sell to this day. It's a very graphically impressive game, especially for the console. And then yeah, I'm looking good and fingers crossed, we get more we games around the corner.
Mike Macdermid 46:08
Yeah, the screenshots from what we've seen compared to the the Wii version look really, really solid as well, as seems to really sort of tighten that up a little bit. So again, that's a huge one. In fact, having only played a bit of two I'm almost tempted note because of so many games anyways to wait and try and play that one first. And, and, you know, try and pick up the storey from earlier on, I guess you know, so yeah, it was a it was for me, it was a very interesting to write they were long periods of time. Just very quickly to recap over a long periods of time throughout the direct where I was kind of going right, come on, I want something else that I'm really interested in, because we started so strongly and ended so strongly. But I think overall, I was pretty happy and I see is up there with one of the better directs for me.
Anton Winters 46:52
Yeah, I think there was a really light sprayed in here. And I think sometimes for Nintendo that works to their their benefit and they're negative where there's no always something. It's not all something one person with love. But I think overall, this was a very good triple lay featured one as compared to some directs where there's like the one or two nd games psych models and learn. They're like, how was this thing here? This was all fairly premium, high quality stuff in the headline stuff you want to be showcasing.
Mike Macdermid 47:22
Yeah, absolutely. Well, that's it from our Nintendo Direct special for September 2019. On the Nintendo Switch UK podcast, remember, we are on Twitter, it's NSUKP sorry, NSUK podcast on Twitter, the websites NSUQP. Dakota, UK, you can email us there as well. or you can leave us a review on Twitter and leave us a review on our podcasts apps as well. So that's where you get us on all your normal podcast download or download type apps like iTunes and all that. Well, we'll be back for our next episode. Just shortly because we're going to we're going to do to this week, Anton just a final final word on the directs. Are you happy are we getting another one soon? What's the What do you think?
Anton Winters 48:07
I'm not too sure. I think we're going to be waiting a wee bit I think maybe in October November time,
Unknown Speaker 48:12
but I think overall
Anton Winters 48:14
solid one and it says a real good summary of a lot of the games are going to be headlining this Christmas season I think stuff like Mario Sonic we've got obviously put him on a lot of the big sellers here and itself. It's just nice to see more third party stuff like this Assassin's Creed come along. It's great time to be playing switch.
Mike Macdermid 48:32
Yeah, it is absolutely. All right. Well with that enjoy playing some of the new games that are now available enjoy the snares games because there's 20 of them there for you to get started with and they're great fun. I'm We will be back for our next episode soon and until then,
Anton Winters 48:46