Enter Sans, Man - Episode 33
Anton, Mike & Al are back for another episode of the Nintendo Switch UK Podcast and this week, we're talking about all the post-direct news! Al gives us his thoughts on the direct as he couldn't make the recording of our Direct Special, telling us what his highlights were.
We discuss the announcements that came right after the Direct, including those extra Smash ones that have the internet talking.
Click here for the The Nintendo Switch UK Podcast Nintendo Direct September 2019 special.
We've also got Plants vs Zombies news, Astral Chain, Shovel Knight, The Sinking City and much more, plus rumours and the weekly quiz.
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Enter Sans, Man - Episode 33
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello, and welcome to episode number 33 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. We are back once again. I'm Mike.
Unknown Speaker 0:20
I'm LM, Anton.
Mike Macdermid 0:22
And of course, the big talking point of the week was that slightly somewhat surprising intend to direct we're going to go on to talk about that in a minute. Because we have a special, which you can go and listen to, if you want to listen to and tonight, chatting about everything and going through everything in order from the direct and go and download that it's available at the same time as this podcast as well. Are you're not on that one. So we're going to get your thoughts in a moment. I know you're excited about that. I'm very excited. But before we do, let's just remind people how they can listen to the podcast, how they can download us and how they can interact. So if you're on Twitter, we are NSUK podcast is that right? Anton?
Anton Winters 0:57
Mike Macdermid 0:58
Yep. So Anton and I are on Twitter, and will reply to well, we try and apply to everything really. You can also email us our
Al Struthers 1:06
new can or email us podcast@nsukp.co. uk. had a couple of emails through this week, actually, which is quite nice. Excellent. Come on. Nobody. Yeah, you've been chatting to people. We have been chatting to a couple of people. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 1:17
excellent. Good. Well, hello to you. Also, you can leave reviews on your podcast download place, the probably the best way to leave a review is actually on the apple podcasts app. Really. We had a new one this week. So once again, thank you very much to mad props. 666, who give us a five star review. So great guys great content, you all need to come up with a logo and I can tattoo it on you all. Now I'm assuming that mad props 666 is a tattoo artists and not just someone who is going to start doing tattoos when he tattoos our logo on us all I'm just saying we have a logo. We do kind of it's like yeah, I mean, it would take a long time because it's it's a lot of it. Well, it's a
Al Struthers 1:54
negative space to be painful.
Mike Macdermid 1:56
It's black and white. Really so far. I'm not sure if I really want that. So maybe we need like a simplified a little bit before we go get in touch.
Al Struthers 2:05
I think Antonio should volunteer you to get the today. Oh, thanks. So this
Mike Macdermid 2:09
is like impractical jokers or something
Al Struthers 2:11
that was just democratic wouldn't take a vote.
Anton Winters 2:13
Yeah, I mean, there's, we can leave it to the audience of just a Twitter poll. I mean,
Mike Macdermid 2:20
there's three of us. I feel like you might be going off with me here. But anyway,
Anton Winters 2:24
so had tattoos on our hands. And then it's like, we line them up, and it's like, makes up the logo. links up yourself.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
I'll be lovely. To me.
Al Struthers 2:33
That's like probably one of my favourite reviews we've had yet so far. It was just it was funny. I liked it
Mike Macdermid 2:37
funny and random. Yeah, thank you very much. Keep those reviews coming. And the five stars as as we've mentioned, before we do this because we love the Nintendo Switch. We enjoy talking about it. We don't make any money from it. And we just genuinely enjoy, you know, chatting about it. If you liked the podcast, please leave us a nice positive review, basically, so greatly
Unknown Speaker 2:54
appreciate. Yes.
Mike Macdermid 2:56
Right, then lots to talk about. So let's start with this week's news. Now, first up, the big topic of the week was that surprise announcement of the Nintendo Direct that we got. And we had the direct as well as at 11 o'clock and direct 11pm. So pretty late, which meant that some people might not have seen it. So if you haven't seen it, or you just want to recap and Anton, a nice thoughts go listen to the other available podcast this week, which is our direct special. But I'll you couldn't make that one. So we're going to get your thoughts on it. Give us your overall feeling of it and give us your highlights.
Al Struthers 3:34
Right. Yeah, sorry, I couldn't make the recording another All right. We're all slightly out of sync, by the way, because we're recording this in the wrong day. This is messing with my
Mike Macdermid 3:44
ear. We should probably be doing this a day early. Aren't we on?
Anton Winters 3:47
Yeah, it just kept trying to fill in the gaps were not too disconnected from the direct. But we can still talk about all the stuff that's going on around the
Mike Macdermid 3:55
this is the thing. I mean, Anton and I will often jump on post direct on the evening. But first of all, it was 11 o'clock at night. I made it difficult. And in the UK. Yeah, thanks for that. And secondly, it was such a surprise that I had such a busy week that there was no way that we could actually
Al Struthers 4:10
you're seeing things and presenting things are all over the place. So
Mike Macdermid 4:13
normally we've got like a few days to know Oh, we've got a heads up that there might be something coming. So it was very,
Al Struthers 4:19
yeah, it was literally by the way in about six hours time. Come and join us. Yes.
Mike Macdermid 4:24
What were your thoughts then? Okay,
Al Struthers 4:25
so I came away from it at what nearly Monday thinking wow, that was really, really good. I came really buzzed. And I think most of my buzz was probably about the snares on mine. Yeah, that was made my day. I mean, it wasn't unexpected, but it's made my day. And I should have learned something. I've learned something about how Nintendo's subscription works and purchasing of that very special snares controller. Oh, yeah, yeah, one of our listeners actually messaged me about it, which is why No, thank you very much, Jim. Did you know if you have a family membership, you know, we can spread out as many people do? Yeah. Only the person who organises it membership qualifies to buy that special Nintendo NES controller. The rest of you will have to go and buy yourself something from somebody but dope.
Mike Macdermid 5:07
Yeah, well, I've got the switch controller, the arm, there's a controller for it's a Bluetooth controller, but it works with the switch and it's in the style of the snit you get the Mega Drive one, but I've got the snares one. And I was using it with the snares games today. How to go first time I've used the controller at all What a perfect way to start trying it. And it's fantastic. It's a really good controller. It's solid. It's easy to set up no problems with that. So I recommend that highly it's eight bit door I think or eight but do it or not. Whether it's
Al Struthers 5:35
he's been very genuine. I literally walked into the building to record the podcast and the very first thing you said to me was, I've been playing with this controller and it's great. Yeah, yeah. So he's being honest.
Mike Macdermid 5:45
And they are they've got a good reputation, Anton.
Anton Winters 5:47
Yeah, I've got their Mega Drive when it's even compared to like the Saturn controller, which is my favourite controller of all time this this Trump said. And to compare it to those original ones in Calgary on that bar, flawless, absolute fantastic, highly recommend any of them. They've even got normal controllers, like they've got like a standard pro controller account based on a Super Nintendo controller. But it's a weird mix, but highly recommend it especially for these NES games. So my question to
Al Struthers 6:15
both of you is have you tried the snares online with a normal controller? Or have you
Mike Macdermid 6:19
tried it? No, no, I've tried it with both doesn't work well. Yeah, it's great it's it's very solid, the games you've got the options there you can do your CRT type effect you can do pixel perfect or four by three i think is the the other ratio and it runs really well the games play brilliantly they're just as difficult as I remember them. I was never a snares player. So I often will be someone else's house I would have played the snares kind of Mega Drive. And the her They're really good. And yeah, with the controllers I actually tried the controller with Stranger Things three which is a kind of old sort of vibe about it obviously been the game but it's a brand new game. I tried the eight bit controller with and it works really well too. So yeah, I think I think the snares collection is fantastic. I'm a little disappointed that they've announced since that we're not getting monthly titles being added like we have been for the NAS but we are going to get them it's just going to be a bit intermittent as what they're saying I can live with that. I mean, they're
Al Struthers 7:17
they're it gives us a while to get used to them as a lot of games are to play.
Mike Macdermid 7:20
Yeah, there's 20 games Anton, how do you feel about about it?
Anton Winters 7:24
Yeah. Regards to them doing it at quote unquote, randomly. I'm curious to see obviously Only time will tell what is their their definition of randomly and that whether it's going to be weight evenly among the console's if you know, who knows, it might be every two to three weeks or maybe every one to two months. Yeah, and obviously, not the hopefully not the latter, but overall, well, I fantastic slashing games. I think that there's not many more games you would really want from a Super Nintendo collection. And if it was just for Hi, there.
Al Struthers 8:01
Yeah, typically sorry for everybody who went down in Boston as many men as men, you know, I like me. I'm glad you
Unknown Speaker 8:05
Al Struthers 8:07
The multiple consoles now, which is kind of cool. But I didn't know can now play them all to you. And I'm very happy man. Yeah, I think
Mike Macdermid 8:12
it's great. I'm delighted and don't feel sorry for me whatsoever. I would have done it anyway. You still call me control console. Exactly. Exactly. And you know, I think this is you know, the switches my console. That's what I play more than anything else. And probably more than any console I've ever owned. Probably maybe barring the Mega Drive I would say and that was because at the time I was a kid and I had more time on my hands more than anything but but no, it's great and delighted that we've got these 20 titles really solid start to it. I'll be interested to see what they do add and as Anton I mentioned in the direct podcast or special one that you know we know need to start harassing them for the N 64 stuff.
Anton Winters 8:50
Al Struthers 8:51
yes, but let's give them maybe six months grace I want to join us to six months time yes six months we'll start harassing them
Mike Macdermid 8:56
so you're happy with this new stuff out there. But what else? Were you pics?
Al Struthers 9:00
Okay, so so as it came away from it very, very happy. Then I went back and looked less than one and then went back and looked at the list in depth and thought Actually, there were a few highlights in there. There's a lot of very good stuff in there. It just doesn't necessarily appeal to me so it was not a bad direction anyway, really liked it. My highlights are probably Louise mentioned three which we knew was coming. It just looks it looks so much did
Mike Macdermid 9:21
you like the multiplayer stuff
Al Struthers 9:22
that you really like the multiplayer it looks frantic and fun and desperate looking forward to playing that. And oddly, I think probably my second favourite game from the whole thing is Sonic and Barry with the Olympics. I was not expecting that. But that gameplay just look fantastic
Mike Macdermid 9:36
is something that I said because I know that Anton is a fan of the earlier titles and we'd probably was considering any we're looking at this title and I wasn't but now having seen it the same as you I thought Alex Greece
Al Struthers 9:48
stole the minigames. I mean, if you take something like football, I'm not vaguely interested in FIFA or prove or any of these things I used to play on was younger but I don't watch a sport don't play the sport doesn't really interest me but Mario vs. Sonic soccer that I was so
Mike Macdermid 10:02
chuffed that was in there. I couldn't believe it was a football,
Al Struthers 10:05
basketball and all kinds of cool so I'm really looking forward to playing this but it looks like you can a game you need to play with friends in the room. Yeah, and that's the game I love. Yeah, I love playing on my own plane and mates. You and I are gonna be playing this. Yeah, absolutely. Invite Anton up from Edinburgh. He's gonna play it.
Mike Macdermid 10:18
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Anton Winters 10:20
Yeah, I'm curious. It's got a storey mode this time around what chair? I'm hoping it will kill offset as you see what's these health games etc. Get the whole family together and like, accidentally get your ground for remote this screen. Excellent. This single player, my screen can say in fact, it sounds like it's got more value this time around.
Al Struthers 10:41
Exactly. And can we just point out EA football and the storey mode?
Mike Macdermid 10:45
Yeah, yeah, I know. I know. Don't get me just my thoughts on that. We will speak about EE a little bit later. But yeah, now to answer to that city one favourite favourite spot
Al Struthers 10:56
grid actually looks surprisingly good. I presume that the sure this was actual in game footage for the grid daughter sport look beautiful. I did
Mike Macdermid 11:03
call that then Anton. Yeah.
Al Struthers 11:06
Yeah, like a good racing game. And the last one was the Assassin's Creed bundle. Yeah. I mean, black flag is hands down my favourite sign of wind I remember that
Unknown Speaker 11:15
fight you get that
Al Struthers 11:16
plus all the other games was the three games and one
Mike Macdermid 11:18
was to get is it wrong is the other one but they've got all the DLC for both. Yeah, rogue is very happy rogues that one that Anton told us in the direct special that was really same time as unity but it was for the previous generation of console so it was kind of overlooked a bit but
Al Struthers 11:33
a lot of people love it. I think I may be buying that. So those are my highlights. I I'm quite happy with that direct I was just a bit disappointed there wasn't a Oh and one more thing at the end. I was so used to them doing them
Mike Macdermid 11:42
I think there's no bleep Chronicles was the one more thing because that's such a huge title to is such a huge title and to get a remade version of the first one, but they didn't drop in Steve Jobs. I have one more thing Yeah. Every single day right since they started the switch. They didn't do this I'm gonna feel a bit letdown Where's Reggie when you need it? Maybe he wouldn't. You
Al Struthers 12:01
know don't remember it because we got better by just cool.
Unknown Speaker 12:05
Anyway, should we move on?
Mike Macdermid 12:06
Are you happy? Well, you said that you just told us what disappointed you really say Oh, yeah. Thank you. Awesome. Well, let's move on to the other news this week. And first of all, before we get completely away from talking about the direct there were some post direct stuff Anton which got a lot of people talking to you.
Anton Winters 12:26
Yes. Okay. Once they went for an announced banter and all that good stuff at the notes the stream where they're going to be like yeah, Sacra is gonna just like show you a tutorial how to use banjo because he bought tour surprised surprise he actually announced some stuff in there and outside of just telling some like nice funny storeys of him working with and just hanging out with Toby Fox, and he announced a couple new costumes for the game for the Wii fighters. And we had mescal Ninja, which is very much a throwback in 64
Al Struthers 13:00
what will will will just stop I've missed all this I've just I saw the words Mystical Ninja there and I just I didn't grow that impression because I have so much love for Mystical Ninja I thought it did vanished as a thing. Oh snap there was snares game and there's an N 64 game it was basically a kind of cutesy but really difficult Japanese Samurai RPG but not massively RPG just slightly off the grid game I loved it but never completed it it was very hard to Konami I think made it I've documented
Anton Winters 13:29
Yeah, cuz like I remember essays for us basically, you had either that or quest 64 and that was your RPG. And so Scott like a really colourful and so it's great to get this little bit of representation and smash a cult
Mike Macdermid 13:43
following that the head of the fan club disaster apparently.
Al Struthers 13:48
Very, very much so it's another game we had a conversation before we recorded but this particular game over and expecting to appear in the quiz ever since we started and never has this is another game I expect that appeared in the quiz and never had and I'm
Mike Macdermid 13:59
glad because is another one that I would never get. To be honest. I've never seen it
Al Struthers 14:03
take note Anton Please don't
Mike Macdermid 14:07
there were some other stuff as well wasn't there?
Anton Winters 14:08
Yeah, so I some more Mega Man stuff. We've got pro man and zero and which you know, they could have been alternate skins, but I guess costumes are good as well as Pokemon Team Rocket. And the internet literally exploded when this happened. It was trending on Twitter for two days. sands from under tail, especially
Mike Macdermid 14:28
in Smash. I'm really chuffed about that. Sounds is awesome. So well happy about that.
Anton Winters 14:33
I'm happy to see him by so where she was a full character, but I'll take what I can get. And it's just great. It's like I'm trying to think this must be the ND a scheme. That's n Smash.
Mike Macdermid 14:43
Yeah, yeah, surely surely would be. I can't think there's a lot of, you know, throwbacks and cult following ones, like you said, but I don't think there's anything else that's quite as indie. Yeah, so that's cool. Very exciting lately. So that was the point direct stuff. And I think just you know, at that point, I was asleep. But I think a lot of people would have stayed up, you know, how to not be in the week that I had this week, which was probably the busiest week I've had all year, and doing stuff I don't normally do as well. was just, and I've got a broken tour. But that's a whole other storey.
Al Struthers 15:15
Yeah, I did the same thing at the end of the directors. Right. Right. We'll have to go to sleep wake up.
Mike Macdermid 15:20
Yeah, yeah, that was it, I had to stay up. And I was actually set my alarm for a minute till 11. Because I thought I'd drop off and I did it. I had it waiting on YouTube. And then when I heard the music start and my alarm went off at the same time with
Anton Winters 15:32
Molly come awake. So
Mike Macdermid 15:34
next up, then more news. Outside of the the director or the director got most of what happened this week. But there was other some other things. And there were some other things going on. And first of all, I want to talk about this new peripheral that we're getting for, for this, which which is the weirdest looking peripheral. I've seen in a long time, it's the ring, or ring hardware as what we're getting, we're going to get more and more. At the end of this week. I'm thinking this is going to be like a we fit type of thing back potentially. But could it be using other applications? Or could we use it for driving games? Maybe? I don't know. Anton, what do you think?
Anton Winters 16:11
Yeah, it's interesting. So those unfairly essentially just dropped this trailer on our YouTube, maybe a day afterwards, right. And it just showed a bunch of different people from different backgrounds and ways of life and just kind of being bolstered by this ring controller and then using it and it seems to be like a fuse remember those exercise things that you can't squeeze and then felt that resistance synthesises that size as I can play on motion controls were wider and having zero resistance the resistance of the ring and how you squeeze it and stretch it as almost fatal for however this mystery game works. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 16:52
I think this could be a potential system seller if you do it right, you know, because at the end of the day, the ring idea of having you know, something fitness wise, I can understand why that could work. It's an odd looking thing I gotta say, but I think it's I think this could do quite well you know,
Al Struthers 17:12
what is the reason that we did well in the first place so yeah, it's it's a genius idea from Nintendo but it does look like I said, it looks weird. It looks like looks like somebody went back to 1980 phone someone who worked in a sci fi shop who was building a spaceship or a space station for an 80s movie in space nicked the ring bit and made it into a top
Mike Macdermid 17:32
it's the steering wheel from flight of the Navigator
Unknown Speaker 17:36
I mean, I don't know bizarre but
Al Struthers 17:38
yeah, it's it actually could do very well from 10 to open the whole open them switch mark up to a huge huge potential market they have been tapping so far.
Anton Winters 17:45
Yeah, and I think a lover or here stuff like we sports and we fit they are super valuable franchisees and assets for Nintendo and and some form at the white take advantage of killed capital. They're going to have to count revive and modernise it for Cal non we hardware before almost becomes like a throwback, or retro.
Mike Macdermid 18:11
Yeah, I've still got the VU and one of the reasons is because it's got we fit and you know, sometimes it's it's a good way as good away as any to get a bit of fitness and do something a little different. So if this is done, well, potentially could be easier to set up. And that's one of the downsides. Are we physically at the border and you're going to
Al Struthers 18:30
I mean, my my 70 year old and has her we for the same reasons. I mean, one of the reasons I was a huge market for the week, it was nothing to gamers at all. It was bought by the health care industry. Yeah, sort of retirement. Are you seeing them all the time videos? No stuff. You can now see them all going buying switches?
Mike Macdermid 18:46
Yeah, seem real. And I think it's a really interesting way to, to sell to a new audience. And I really hope it does do well, because that was something I wanted to bring up was how do Nintendo keep that going? Because we haven't seen any of that yet. In the two years the switch has been here. So I think it's a bit of a masterstroke this you know,
Anton Winters 19:04
yeah, and I think if the dead just released a waggon game and 2019 they would be the laughingstock the talent, so much hate So Cal put in the spin on it, I think, generally, because I don't know whether it be we are the we have the problem is as there's no resistance, it's like, and I think just having that is completely new for gaming, and they could do exciting stuff now. I'm curious to see if that gets us outside of this. Well, one magical software they have in mind,
Mike Macdermid 19:34
can you say that as well? I'm just starting to think No, but music type games as well, you know, your rock bands and things like that this could potentially open up a new way to do that too. And that could be a lot of tambourine band
Unknown Speaker 19:48
music too.
Al Struthers 19:52
are either of you planning on buying it?
Mike Macdermid 19:54
Potentially? Really? Yeah. Because the the fit side of the fitness side of it, I mean, I got the gym all the rest of it, but actually if they do well, and it gets well reviewed, and it's a way to do bit fitness at home in the winter when it's freezing and I don't want to go inside then you know I don't see any reason why I wouldn't be interested price point you know, dependent. I mean, if it's 150 pounds then no I won't be buying you know as well price then I can't see any reason why I wouldn't consider it
Anton Winters 20:20
until Yeah, I think for me personally, I would need to include the hardware. Yes, agreed for it like to include the hardware for maybe 50 pounds it unless there is promise, and it's a showcase of being careful for mobile pieces of software. I think if I sort of went off to for one more piece of hardware, there's there's only so much I could pay for that. Sadly, yeah, yeah.
Mike Macdermid 20:46
Okay, let's move on to some other news. Next up we mentioned this and then intend to direct briefly because I was very very upset and and excited at the same time. So I saw y'all I'll tell you what happened so early in the week I saw this rumour about Overwatch being on the switch now we know No, it's on the switch. That was the first announcement direct but combined with that rumour it all came about because there was a listing had been leaked for it but it was also listing leaked for plants vs zombies battle for Naperville, which is the new plants vs zombie game which is coming to ps4 and Xbox One I think me be PC I'm not sure I'm actually But anyway, it's not coming to switch we thought it was and the basically it's not appeared as a listing for switch they've announced on the other consoles but not the switch and I'm really disappointed. A couple of reasons. First of all, there's a petition online already quite quite a lot of people signed up to get Plants vs Zombies the Garden Warfare games on the switch. And secondly, it's the perfect console for it and and that's a D one purchase from me because I love love love that game.
Al Struthers 21:48
You really did you loved it so much encouraged me to buy it. I think I only put it twice, maybe three times. It was good fun. I just never really got into it, I think I think it's because no one else and you played it other than you and euros were too busy to play it
Mike Macdermid 21:59
now. I'll be available when if you get it this time get ever get on the switch. But I'm holding
Al Struthers 22:03
you to that promise. This
Mike Macdermid 22:04
is an ear game. And this is this is Anton where he, you know, I have a theory that they will bring it to the switch. I just wonder if they're holding off at the moment because I think we've done a U turn. I genuinely believe this. I think when they said all this stuff about, you know, we're not that bothered, but the switch and then they said well, actually no, we're still looking at the switch. I think when they realised the backlash to it, they've gone. Okay, let's take a look at this. And I think give it six months, we might see a different approach.
Anton Winters 22:31
I think when I heard this, I kind of always I was kind of like, you know, they turned it around a little. But for me, this has just been like not we he that said he is not doing games on switch. And yet as a smart move. And I think it's a perfect game. I think whoever's in charge there. I don't agree with how they're running the business. But I think this is the direction they're going and they're not committed to doing games. It's just put the nail in the coffin for me, I think in the dead brightness, which I would maybe reconsider. And we're ES and yeah, I think it would be broken a switch. And I think the fact that they haven't brought switch has just kind of gave up for you. were all given their own thing.
Al Struthers 23:20
I'm going to play defendant have you here just for a second? Because someone asked if I was well, yeah. Okay, so we're might be making a very, very similar point there. At the point when when is or was the new American new consoles?
Mike Macdermid 23:32
Well, this, so it's kind of very soon. I think it's in the next series.
Anton Winters 23:37
Where did you say? It's about 40 days away? Okay.
Al Struthers 23:40
Yeah. Okay. So on the backlog that the U turn of EA was What about a month ago? Less than that problem? So I think you're exactly right. I think in six months time they might answer because he will physically not have a time to even get halfway through a port.
Mike Macdermid 23:54
It could be as well that this early stage because
Al Struthers 23:57
there wasn't developing it. Maybe you we all know they were not developing have no
Mike Macdermid 24:01
no doubt.
Al Struthers 24:02
But I think you're right with their with their turnaround, even if they started doing it to two weeks ago. Yeah, you're not going to see on the switch for another six months, I think you're spot on.
Mike Macdermid 24:11
I just have this feeling I know what you mean, I know exactly what you're saying, Anton. And I do agree to a point that, you know, we've been so disappointed with his contribution so far to the switch, especially with titles like FIFA, where you know, they're giving us basically half baked versions of what other consoles are getting when there's no real need for that. You know, it's it's games that can run on the switch Plants vs Zombies is definitely a title that could run on switch and it would be perfect for it. And I just wonder if they've, if there is a slight change in direction with where they're going. Maybe this is wishful thinking maybe this is just you know, pie in the sky. I don't know but I just have a feeling that we will see a different he approach in 2020 and right now they're not committing too much because they're sitting back trying to figure out how they're actually going to do it because they know people are not happy with them.
Al Struthers 25:01
I mean, spoiler could come back to the point that you made a couple of episodes ago somebody made a couple of shows ago about ears engine being a very very hungry engine and maybe I should have this game built on that engine which still is not my switch Yeah, it may be that they can't physically do it yet. There isn't
Mike Macdermid 25:16
entirely possible so it could be an engine thing where they have to go and re you know
Unknown Speaker 25:19
re engineer whole thing Yeah.
Anton Winters 25:22
Yeah, I think and I agree with your stance on he would definitely have not have had the time to pour it I just kept the company he is in the management leaf had recently with half and guests and they are Alex is running the company that he used to be the former head of EA Sports Yeah, I don't know how much I believe their claims of turnaround and I think it was more I how I perceived it was less of them turning around more of them back health almost protecting their image because they know that there'll be a couple people that will buy FIFA 20 the counsellor with all the features trip tell and they just want to stay in their audience good late because as they know at their their users to own multiple councils Yeah, and they don't want to shoot themselves in the foot and annoyed their fans too much. Yeah, well I
Mike Macdermid 26:16
can see that point of view and I hope you're wrong. Just because the game Yeah, absolutely. All right, then next up bit of Overwatch update for you since we know that Overwatch is coming the physical version of Overwatch won't include a game card but will include free Nintendo online so in other words, you've got a box for your collection, but you'll be downloading it anyway. Which doesn't surprise me particularly. But it's gonna upset it's gonna upset a few people isn't it? It's
Al Struthers 26:44
gonna upset me wasted plastic Stop it. Thanks so so frustrating
Anton Winters 26:49
because I even on the PC where the PC use lately usually has the bigger ports like file sizes is only 15 gigs on PC. I'm curious if they just all the cost of printer cartridges are like yeah, we'll just run some online for that.
Mike Macdermid 27:03
Yeah, yeah, probably some sort of deal we've got because it is an online title that you know they can get they can do a deal with Nintendo to do the online subscription. I think that's great. They get the free and Nintendo online but i don't think i think the game card would have been a nice addition. It could change of course, but at the moment it doesn't look like we're getting the game card. Sadly. Exactly. harrumph indeed next up astral chain is selling really well speed so well reviewed. And as another title that I really want to go and have a go but cysts you know, it's just on the list, but it looks like it's going to be their first at Platinum Games first the UK number one, Anton
Anton Winters 27:38
Yeah, and that's a KX finally BOB and Layla and I think just this combination then Putnam games have always done better on Nintendo and this is powerful sense them working together obviously they were can we use this discount Nintendo's first console that really suits a platinum game and I really wish there was a dialogue that said what reviews it's not a game I would have bought normally same with the nice thing about all that Oh, yeah,
Mike Macdermid 28:04
yeah, it's exactly the same as you haven't said that. I've seen a few of the sort of you know people have shared some photos and some short gameplay on Twitter and places like that and I must say it does look good looks really really good for
Al Struthers 28:15
for gameplay I've seen kind of mingle but reviews me and go Yeah, I only as visually does something to watch this is not necessarily good me but I get an impression it's a really good game to play.
Mike Macdermid 28:26
Yeah, well, I'm will will at some point i'm sure one of us will get ready to play astral chain because it is fast becoming one of the big titles on the switch. Now next up we are just very briefly we get a gold Shovel Knight Amoeba that sounds kind of nice Santos that sounds like something you would want
Anton Winters 28:44
I do love the shop shopping night franchise haven't gone too crazy on the amigos yet there's just too many games for gold one
one day
Mike Macdermid 29:00
one day when we when we win the lottery perhaps but yes, it's it's it's going to be available anywhere we're going to be getting a gold shovel night. I'm going to
Al Struthers 29:08
presume it's just painted gold. It's not an
Anton Winters 29:11
immediate goals. It was pure gold. Incredible
Al Struthers 29:15
pure gold for 1985.
Anton Winters 29:19
fields like when they did that gold played we and it just costs thousands and thousands they've had like a GPA
Mike Macdermid 29:26
anyway. Thanks, right? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, it's I'm pretty sure you're probably probably not really cool.
Unknown Speaker 29:31
I want to painted Gore. I don't think that's an exact quote.
Al Struthers 29:34
Yes. I mean, it's very, very bad impersonation, of course. Gorgeous the bursary
Mike Macdermid 29:39
Oh yes, I saw in the cinema years ago. Right next up the sinking city is going to be launching 12th of September so just a few days ago. I'm surprised that so quick. It seems like only yesterday we got the first sort of teaser trailer for it come to the switch Anton.
Anton Winters 29:55
Yeah, it seems like a lot of these developers know where there's kind of starting to see the benefit of FR not the biggest game in the universe like what mate Troy Dora Zelda people will forget about their game if they announced it too early and kill this new kill like a year to six month developments not development cycle but a marketing cycle seems to be where things are moving and I think it's quite good
Mike Macdermid 30:18
Yeah. I'm writing saying this is the one that is already on. Yay came out on ps4 etc In summer reasonably well reviewed as well people seem to like it so yeah, a great good title good solid title on the switch. I'll be keeping an eye on what people are saying about the port before I jump in I think
Al Struthers 30:36
Yeah, it looks really interesting. It looks a bit scary
Mike Macdermid 30:39
it does I think you when you were like I don't like next up this is an interesting one Do you remember way back there was a text based game that was like in the silent spectrum that kind of heroes out the one that
Al Struthers 30:52
had the programming languages so yeah, so they had
Mike Macdermid 30:54
this little backdoor which meant people could go in and you know basically break the switch and you get into the was the kind of
Al Struthers 31:01
tend to go beyond happy but it
Mike Macdermid 31:02
well because he announced it on Twitter. He said he was sorry, but this guy's pitch you don't just just keep this quiet. But you know, and of course they found out and I'm surprised he's been allowed to have his game back on the switch. But it's back on the switch.
Anton Winters 31:14
Yeah, I wonder what hoops he had to jump through. Because there's been a while was it doesn't look like it was just him wrapping a little bit of the programme. Oh, it looks like he's had to, again the good books with Nintendo again, but this is probably give this game so much marking. Oh, yeah. I wonder if it's tactical. And
Mike Macdermid 31:35
maybe maybe but it's such a great storey anyway. And and I was already interested because I liked text adventures way back in the arrows. You know, I like books. I like a man using my imagination. And you need that for these kind of games. Because obviously it's it's simply text. So yeah, I'm interested, I might go and have a look at it. I'm not sure if I'll jump in terms of the price. I guess it's not the most expensive game on the store.
Al Struthers 31:57
Probably no,
Anton Winters 31:58
no. It says interesting, because I think in this new version, they've added a director's commentary, which I'm hoping he talks about the storey of for sure. He will nice to see the the behind the scenes as a court what which I don't know how that works. But I was
Mike Macdermid 32:14
curious as to how a co op mode works in a text adventure, but maybe you're in different parts to start with and you meet maybe
Al Struthers 32:23
I asked if I had even thought about how that would work with
Mike Macdermid 32:27
me, I wouldn't I must be online Corp rather than local because local.
Unknown Speaker 32:33
Anton Winters 32:34
secretly, what you do should just play it on one console and pass it from one person to another. Yes. Very old school Co Op. will prompt
Mike Macdermid 32:43
I'd be interested I asked him Maybe we should find out what the co op is move. Should if it's not too expensive. We should maybe try this I think I really think we should just because his imagination will have different visions in our head as to what's actually going on a little bit. And then us
Anton Winters 32:57
fight when it doesn't work.
Mike Macdermid 33:00
I mean, I'm playing Stranger Things three is well right now between that and this is like proper retro old school like, you know, feeling like I'm in the 80s is great. All right, next up, then galaxy champions TV is a smash TV style. top down shooter saw this and it's going to launch on October the third.
Anton Winters 33:17
Yeah, there's like tonnes of fun if you've never seen smash TV as an arcade classic. I think it was like 94 or something. Yeah, I remember. Well, I would I don't even know who owns it. Because it's like a game every couple years. We see it every day trying to revive that magic. And I'm just wondering who owns this original franchise who said a lot of people are seeming to look for something in that vein. But yeah, you know, I believe this games will be 799. So a nice pack up and play and the price and especially when you once you put a sale on that that could be I could see like climbing the ranks up if it's a quality. Hmm, yeah.
Al Struthers 33:56
Remember smash TV been winning? No. I don't have no memory that being you. completely missed me.
Mike Macdermid 34:01
Yeah, it was a big time. I don't know. It was a big following as well at the time. So
Al Struthers 34:05
it was just a rumble. rumble
Mike Macdermid 34:08
Yeah. Yeah. Essentially.
Anton Winters 34:10
I think it was, at least Nair's. But I think
Unknown Speaker 34:16
anything into web 1990 arcade game by Eugene Jarvis and Mark term now, it looks like I claim we're actually one of the developers. So they may still haven't a clean
Anton Winters 34:27
acclaim little business 2003 Wow. Knowledge
Mike Macdermid 34:31
Anton has.
Al Struthers 34:32
This boy is a just a genius.
Mike Macdermid 34:34
He's like you you're likeable. You're like, developer Wikipedia.
Al Struthers 34:38
Yes. Gaming Wikipedia. Right?
Mike Macdermid 34:41
Yeah. I think this will, again, have a good a good audience because it is from what I've seen of it, it does seem to be very reminiscent of that style. And that's that era. So yeah, galaxy champions TV. It's going to be October the third. So less than a month to go from that. Yeah, not.
Anton Winters 34:57
As far as I'm aware. I think most of my claims catalogue is on by ear. And I don't see a making a note or smash TV, especially non switch i doing our previous conversation. Do not think so next up Pokemon Masters has hit the 10 million downloads is that the phone from mobile one is about one. Yeah, that's the new one more traditional Pokemon. And it's done by it's not done by dna this time around, I believe it said on the way it's done by DNA. Okay. Yeah, this one seems to be taken really well. And it's again, another more heavily monetized one What? What we want
Mike Macdermid 35:36
disapproving size from the
Al Struthers 35:39
phones and grumpy noses.
Mike Macdermid 35:41
Next up, Reggie, if you wonder what he's up to these days, he's not actually lying on a beach somewhere. He's now doing lecturing at Cornell University and in New York, which is imagine that imagine Welcome to lecture and
Al Struthers 35:55
strategy. I wonder I'm ready to walk in and go Who's that guy? Most? Cuz, knowing how awesome he
Mike Macdermid 36:01
is. Yeah, exactly. And that's the thing is that, you know, if you know, you know, but I suspect a lot of people don't know. That's an interesting one. I'm assuming it's games related. So most people should know. Yeah. Maybe they'll be marketing business.
Anton Winters 36:14
Yeah, I think it's business. He's maybe doing right. Because obviously, uh, he wanted to, he was like, in charge of Pepsi before, right? Yeah, of course. Yeah. And but yes, it's almost there. Must be paying for him. Why is he chosen a beach?
Mike Macdermid 36:30
Why? Well, I guess you get bored. I mean, you know, people do people do get bored. I mean, there's only so much mosquitoes you can drink
Anton Winters 36:40
and then you move on to a party or something. I don't know.
Mike Macdermid 36:44
This is the retirement their guide to retirement according to hell. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 36:48
Find many cocktails. Preferably ones in the 1980s
Mike Macdermid 36:50
Don't lecture University. Well done. Reggie. You got any job? So? I'm not sure if you need it, or no, I'm suspect Probably not. But anyway, the new switch is sold out in Japan I'm surprised none of us have gone out and sold our switch and bought the new one to get that extra battery life
Al Struthers 37:04
I don't need it. I've never run a battery never never even come close.
Anton Winters 37:09
I think I only have time to like maybe on the golf play like two or three hours obviously. Yeah, most Yeah. And there's no dock
Mike Macdermid 37:18
it is and the stuff that I'm playing on when I'm playing handheld as well. It's stuff like like the visual novels the last four hours you know if I'm playing a game generally I'm not playing a hugely intensive games the bigger ones I'll play on my TV anyway. So yeah, it's not an issue for me but well done on selling it in Japan. That's not surprising given how successful it has been. So
Al Struthers 37:39
yeah, it'll be a different storey when the programmes on Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 37:42
that's well, that's a whole podcast in itself.
Al Struthers 37:45
It is. Let's move swiftly on before we get bogged down in the audience.
Mike Macdermid 37:48
Well, speaking of moving swiftly on, let's move on to this week's rumours.
Unknown Speaker 37:55
First of all,
Mike Macdermid 37:56
we might be getting a fortnight split tune correct crossover Anton and I think a lot of people would be keen for this.
Anton Winters 38:03
Yeah, this is a really odd one at say uncovered if it was going to happen it was a popular kill fortnightly card which is apparently leaked a bunch of popular stuff and up a bunch of the previous collaborations. And he's found references to like squid kid and sweat carolling kept going squid mode and it would be very interesting how this could be managed because I'll see fortnite is a massively cross platform game. Yeah. And it would be interesting to have a little split tune character on your Xbox or ps4 but have you
Mike Macdermid 38:35
also have you had a good format yet on the switch?
Al Struthers 38:37
I have not no yeah, I would die within about three seconds well
Mike Macdermid 38:41
I lasted a bit longer than I expected had a couple of years when it came out and lasted while I was in the top 30 or something which is
Unknown Speaker 38:51
pretty good.
Mike Macdermid 38:52
I mean, I was mostly from running it wasn't from shooting people particularly I was just like I've
Al Struthers 38:58
never played I am I'm kind of would quite like to give it a bash just to see where it's like even though I know it'd be bad I'm
Mike Macdermid 39:03
not great coordination This is the building part that throws me yeah
Al Struthers 39:08
that's why I think pop geez possibly more my level but um yeah even still I'm still dying yeah two seconds so you're gonna get was a splat night who needed for tonight?
Mike Macdermid 39:17
I don't feel like the spotlight spotlight. I suspect it might just be splitting character.
Al Struthers 39:22
Yes, but we need to name the event Sputnik
Mike Macdermid 39:24
for tune. I like that one better for today. I know that sounds like it would be like But anyway, Antonella you into for night.
Anton Winters 39:34
You know, I'd be curious to see what the level of integration would be like. And I think it would be incredible if you could actually have gone into the ground and had NK and all that kind of stuff. I hope it's just not a cosmetic thing.
Mike Macdermid 39:48
Yeah, like paint black. Man. Well, interesting. We'll keep an eye on that. And I suspect a lot of people will be very happy if that does happen. Next up, there's been a new joy icon patent phone does this we're getting new fancy icons. I hope so.
Anton Winters 40:02
Have any of you guys seen the concept for this?
Mike Macdermid 40:06
And I saw it briefly on Twitter and meant to go back to have a look but no, I haven't seen it properly. I don't have a look at it.
Anton Winters 40:12
It's really interesting where I'm watch the toy con it's almost borderline split in half, where the second half top of it tilts down to Cal get the joy cons on the whole facial controller shape. seen that here? Normally, I'm seeing it sort of looks like he's lingering. Yeah, yeah. It's almost like you flip the switch upside down. It would look like a folding chair where the top half would be folded up. Yeah. And it seems interesting. I don't know if it's something they would pursue. It seems a little bit federally. But who knows, it may be features like Lissa would make a switch pro distinct enough to release
Mike Macdermid 40:55
the leukaemia actually I think that'd be quite comfortable
Al Struthers 40:57
on the phones hinged as well. Because it is hinged. Yeah. It's not queued up a fight. If you want to do yes. Maybe planning on doing with it. The only reason I think you're doing this, they must have a game or specific use in mind.
Mike Macdermid 41:06
Well, I think I think you might be onto something, Anton, just with the pro in mind that you know, potentially it could be something that might appear if it does ever appear because you know, patents get, you know, get registered, and then nothing happens. But I do suspect that it's more pro related. Looking at
Anton Winters 41:24
it. Yeah. And even then it's like, as a standalone product, I imagine would be something new, maybe comms package with a new switch plural, but can be bought separately. Yes. Yeah. Look at that success of the Xbox elite controllers were like on the model two and most things sell surprisingly well. Like I remember the first one was sold out upon a release. So I think for certain users, they like the choice. Yeah. No more choice the better.
Mike Macdermid 41:52
Really, definitely. And then one more remember for us this week on the call of duty website. This is interesting. You can no link a switcher count. Rather than a we you account that is that's interesting.
Al Struthers 42:07
That is interesting. I'm
Mike Macdermid 42:09
trying to process it just because I don't you know, I haven't heard an awful lot. There have been a few rumours that we might be getting, you know one of the call of duties we had them on what do we have on we you we had
Anton Winters 42:23
Austin Black Ops two,
Mike Macdermid 42:24
right. So potentially we might see the switch you know, maybe maybe it's just a case again if they've seen some of the other games and other titles and Overwatch and all these other titles and gone Yeah,
Al Struthers 42:36
marker there but move this let's make some money.
Anton Winters 42:39
Yeah, Coach a scandal find a state of a very turbulent time where it's almost like trying to redeem itself was this at this remake of modern warfare. And they're surely probably want to kill keep themselves in the good books. And I've heard a lot of things in their previous years with at thumb releasing Modern Warfare, reboot, remakes and OR remastered trailer, where they've apparently been releasing them purely to help save the college sales are continuing to go up for their investors. Okay. And I think them diversifying. And I would say don't let us just get a port that would be nice to have. It makes sense for our franchise sets. Caliph, the publishers need to justify to their investors. Yeah,
Al Struthers 43:23
yeah. And I mean, they've got a hardcore very dedicated audience out there. There's a lot of, we're going to call them 16 year olds play very unfair, but a lot of 16 year olds, two year olds out there who will only play Modern Warfare, some kind of cold Duty game. So opening that opportunity for them on the switch do on the go.
Anton Winters 43:39
Yet another smart move.
Mike Macdermid 43:40
And in all honesty, that era, the Xbox 360 was dominated by those type of games, you know, the gears of wars and the call of duties. And actually, I think if we get a decent Call of Duty title, if it's a remake of a modern warfare, whatever, I might actually be interested. I mean, the
Al Struthers 43:56
number of drama you guys, the number of conversations I have with people only go Oh, you're a gamer. You play and you see I've got switch, oh, I play a lot of Call of Duty and FIFA. And that's the only two games a lot
Unknown Speaker 44:06
Mike Macdermid 44:09
probably taken in there. But it is and I think that's it's just baffles me that, that we haven't got those titles yet considering and I think maybe it was an underestimate. Then there was a bit of a lack of understanding of what the switch could do by the likes of EA and I think they maybe didn't realise the
Al Struthers 44:25
underperforms that we UP.
Unknown Speaker 44:28
Yeah, yeah, there were sceptical for sure for sure. But
Mike Macdermid 44:30
I would be quite interested I think if if we got a decent Call of Duty title but yeah, it's interesting. I think it's I think the fact they've changed it to switch account rather than a we Yukon is telling them
Anton Winters 44:44
massively so yeah, yeah. And that's the thing. It's got me hopeful as activations always there is camping again, we brought up a couple times when charitable AF, there's money to be made. Yeah, horse will be made. And they needed some really Kell Brook like, twisting the arm around the back and bending over backward ports off like culture in modern warfare free. You have told those sort of games on the weekend, the DS, especially the DS of which was not capable of it. Were compared to switch is definitely capable of playing Walter and triple A games absolutely overboard with this short. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 45:20
absolutely. I just one other release that I spotted last week, which I wasn't sure if they were going to do this again on the switch or not. It's Football Manager 2020 is now confirmed to be coming to the switch. It's the touch edition, which some people are disappointed with. Because you have the full fat version, you have the touch, and then you have the mobile version. So we're getting touch on the switch, which is the same as last year's one, which, for me, I love the game, I felt that the interface needed changed for the switch. So a lot, it's going to depend for me on what they do with the interface on the switch for the make it easier to navigate, then I'll buy it
Al Struthers 45:59
was not a gamer you nowhere because I don't play, presumably, the name touch would suggest actually it should work very well on a switch. So not
Mike Macdermid 46:06
just a tiny little touch screen. The problem is because it's spreadsheet kind of base, because it's a management type simulation is quite small, a lot of texts or if you're a screen, it's
Al Struthers 46:15
an iPad or an Android out so many tablet, there's so
Mike Macdermid 46:19
much. And also I only played the mobile version, which is a got a lot less information on there. So easier just for the touch elements. So it's more to do the loading screens were a little slow. You know, a lot of people played it for hours and hours. But I think I i've maybe put 20 hours into it. And in the last one I did more in the first one on the switch. But I think for me, it's going to need to re design of the interface. I'm not sure they're going to do it for the switch but we will see what happens with that. Right then will we move on and do the quiz? What do you reckon Alster?
Al Struthers 46:52
I think we should I look forward to being beaten again to beating you.
Mike Macdermid 46:55
I'm sure you'll win this time, averages and all that.
Al Struthers 46:58
I think we're pretty much level Thank you. I think we're well balanced. This is good.
Mike Macdermid 47:02
It's very close. Which is when Anton isn't a contest and we know that we've got a chance basically is what we're saying. Right? Yeah. All right, let's do this week's quiz.
Anton Winters 47:14
Alrighty, so if you don't know the rules, go back to the previous episodes in the previous episode. In previous episodes, you'll pick off fairly easy you will are us ready for your first game please are alrighty this game as a 3ds platformer released in 2015 by how laboratory
Al Struthers 47:35
I don't know anything about the 3ds because I never owned one I wasn't paying attention
Mike Macdermid 47:39
platform or the 3ds I'm Oh, I'll pass in the moment. Not sure.
Anton Winters 47:46
The players play QB a square shaped character who can produce a string of connected boxes. Box boy I know you've caught
Mike Macdermid 47:57
I was gonna say its box by isn't it? How's good
Al Struthers 48:02
thanks. I was random only because of the switch. So thank you switch.
Anton Winters 48:06
Yeah, yeah, that was gonna be my last four or five guesses down. Alrighty, well ready for top. second game?
Mike Macdermid 48:15
Anton Winters 48:16
Alrighty, this is a farming simulator role playing game star Valley
Al Struthers 48:21
farming simulator. Ha
Anton Winters 48:22
no go. Sadly, no. Whoo. This game was released for the Super Nintendo in 1996. And warfare and release later in North America in 1997.
Al Struthers 48:34
Nearly farming anything back then were Harvest Moon.
Mike Macdermid 48:41
Animal Crossing?
Anton Winters 48:42
Sadly, not to the game. The game has been commonly cited as an inspiration for Star two, and has scenes called the sequels on practically every Nintendo console following
Mike Macdermid 48:56
I know what this is. And I can't think what it's called. There was one fairly recently and I think it was
Al Struthers 49:03
whoever it was though. I
Mike Macdermid 49:04
think there's a version on the switch that was badly reviewed. And a bit of a lazy lazy title
Unknown Speaker 49:11
was badly reviewed. And it was lazy.
Anton Winters 49:15
Elster Oh
Al Struthers 49:18
yes. Oh, it's only 1242242 Yeah, well, it doesn't often happen. Oh no, you can snatch victory from from the jaws of defeat.
Mike Macdermid 49:25
Yeah. And it was Harvest Moon because Harvest Moon was badly reviewed on the switch
Al Struthers 49:30
on the Game Boy colour. Yeah, I love that game. I should That was great. Balan.
Mike Macdermid 49:34
Yeah. Well, fairplay towels there. He did you do actually get it earlier, but awesome. You obviously did not see it with enough conviction. We love to hear so two nil, which means this is the bonus one, which essentially means if I get this I get to win the round unfairly. But yes, I guess the game is fine. And but this time, we only get one answer each and you can
Al Struthers 49:57
so we basically baiju songs.
Mike Macdermid 49:58
Yeah, we really know rather than Berkeley. All right, go there we go. Alrighty.
Al Struthers 50:04
Anton Winters 50:05
this final game is a game developed by rare Studios and published by Microsoft, in the first game and the franchise was released in 2006. It was like gardening simulator.
Unknown Speaker 50:27
So close on the tip of my tongue. We're
Al Struthers 50:30
looking at each other and he was the first person to get the name. We both
Unknown Speaker 50:34
played that a lot. I really did. Yeah,
Al Struthers 50:36
yeah. A lot. Probably almost as much as your wife did.
Mike Macdermid 50:40
VOPR toss.
Al Struthers 50:42
Island love that game. The second wasn't as good. Yeah, the first one was that
Mike Macdermid 50:45
we were both great titles. But the first game is a real kind of gym. It was just,
Al Struthers 50:51
it was a proper joy.
Mike Macdermid 50:55
There was a TV series as well and a whole TV series spin off which was Yeah, completely 10 episodes or something. It's actually really good.
Al Struthers 51:02
I might go and seek that out. In fact,
Mike Macdermid 51:05
mineral you're here we won by actually like that.
Al Struthers 51:08
Okay, right. Well, I could definitely go and seek it out. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 51:10
I'll put your top and Jada Island
Anton Winters 51:12
and you know with CalFresh and Microsoft playing nice FIFA opinion of remaster or just even a port would be fantastic on switch it's the
Unknown Speaker 51:22
perfect I stopped going to work. I don't gonna
Anton Winters 51:25
work that it would just be
Al Struthers 51:26
happily creating. So
Mike Macdermid 51:28
where do you work out Kenyatta Island yourself?
Unknown Speaker 51:32
really well done Mike. You want? Well, yeah, it's a whole it's a whole victory though is a well
Al Struthers 51:37
deserved victory. I'm proud of you my friend. Thank
Mike Macdermid 51:39
you appreciate I'm proud of your two very good early guesses. I like the little theme there as long as Harvest Moon Viva Pinata. What was the first one again?
Al Struthers 51:47
o box YO, yeah. Thank you, Anton, a wonderful quiz. We get boxes
Mike Macdermid 51:53
to put your plants in bad stress. Boys and girls can plant stuff in you box by box girl and then they grow planting by plant they're very go
Al Struthers 52:06
to scratch.
Mike Macdermid 52:08
Okay, so that is it for another episode. Remember, just if you haven't heard our take on the direct Anton I did that on on our direct special which you can also download this week too.
Al Struthers 52:19
And I'm going to go listen to it and then tell you why you're wrong.
Mike Macdermid 52:23
That's for the next episode. In the meantime, a reminder we are on Twitter Anton at NSUK
Anton Winters 52:29
podcasts and we've also got a lovely website@nsukp.co.uk and if you add podcast that you can email us slash in brackets, Alister and let us know everything
Mike Macdermid 52:45
Yes, you can do that. And you can also tweet us We're also on Facebook but we've also got our review bit on Apple podcast that's quite a good place to leave reviews if you want to leave us a nice review that would be lovely. We will always name check you if you give us a review you are at least will read out what your your
Al Struthers 53:02
neighbours Exactly. Or you can send a message via any trend and more Jewish Ferris pigeon goat, therefore they'll find us
Mike Macdermid 53:09
Yes, but then they will live with me because because you are animals the better.
Al Struthers 53:13
Yeah, doctor do this. Send them to my dog. Listen to me. If you send me I'll eat them.
Mike Macdermid 53:16
Well, that was that was horrendous. We will be back next week. Have a fantastic week. enjoy playing all the games that are now available on the store that weren't before. And until then. Have a great week. Goodbye. Cheerio.