Outer This World - Episode 29
Anton, Mike and Al are back with another week of Switch news, reviews, releases and chat! There's loads of new releases this week to chat about, including a huge triple AAA title that is coming to the Switch! We've got all this plus loads more, including a SNES special quiz hosted by Anton!
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Outer This World - Episode 29
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello and welcome to episode number 29 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast we are back for another summer episode we can still call it summer because it's still quite warm outside and actually warm inside the studio we were recording as well. Joining me in the room with me right now is Alistair Hello.
Al Struthers 0:29
Good evening like yes, it's a slightly less sweating here than it was last night.
Mike Macdermid 0:33
Well, that's not hard. And also joining us via the wonders of technology from all the way from Edinburgh. We have Anton Hello, Anton
Anton Winters 0:43
Hello, say it's great to be back for another episode we're getting so scarily close to fair, a but real soldier on
Al Struthers 0:51
past 30 already.
Mike Macdermid 0:52
Yeah. He lists all the things we should do before we turn 30. But this certainly gives us about a week because that'll be next week's episode, so it will have minigames can we fit in between now and then before we start speaking of games, I'm going to ask you what you've been playing this week. And before I do that, actually, I'm going to mention a couple of people because we've had a couple of reviews. So thank you very much to Lakey 49 for a really good review that we got on iTunes or Apple podcasts, basically saying loving the podcasts. And he's been a gamer since the 64 area and the Pioneer tone here, which is fantastic. So that's really good to hear. So thank you very much also said that he loves the sound bites into the sections which
Anton Winters 1:31
we did good. We did good little bit of pride. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 1:34
Yeah. That was really good. So thanks to lucky for tonight and Golden Boy 87 also says solid switch pod in a world with not that many good switch pods Keep up the good work. So
Anton Winters 1:44
very nice. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. Yes, just that casual shades for the other podcast.
Mike Macdermid 1:50
That was that was their words and ours so that's it gives
Al Struthers 1:53
us a warm fuzzy feeling inside doesn't
Mike Macdermid 1:55
know it's very nice. And uh, thanks as well to everyone who's reached out on Twitter this week. We do try and reply to as much as we can. Sometimes it can be fairly busy, especially in the summer. Everyone seems to be here there and everywhere. Speaking of that, Anton Have you had a chance to play your switch this week?
Anton Winters 2:07
Yeah, I've been trying to get a little bit more on top of that keep it consistent. So during my lunch breaks I've been being able to plot for the Super Mario Maker to campaign is surprisingly feel of a campaign It feels like they almost wanting to just make a new Super Mario like Deluxe, like switch game. And they were like, No, we can't be bothered with that. We will just make another maker game and throw in the campaign for free. Really fun, very creative. It's been a lot of fun. And that's kind of been the highlight but I overheard ML Sir, you picked up a new game this week. Then you did a splash the cash. All 89 Benz of it.
Al Struthers 2:46
Yeah, but you gave it to be fair, I just bought it this afternoon. Yeah, the I think we mentioned it last week or week before in the podcast somebody recommended that we went to get at some temperature so yeah, so played a couple of shift couple of shifts and the game seems pretty good so far.
Mike Macdermid 3:03
Yeah, I've got it as well. And I played very good on my phone was I played far too late at night when I was quite tired. And I wasn't wearing a headphone. So there's a couple of issues and I think it's better with headphones because it's all about the the audio is very atmospheric which is good.
Al Struthers 3:15
Yeah. And certain bits when people call in you need to sort of judge what the singing wasn't always going in the background. So the audio is quite key.
Mike Macdermid 3:23
Did you play like a demo tutorial? level? Yeah, I tried that. I think I have to do again though. Just to get my head around it.
Al Struthers 3:28
Yeah, it was it was really easy. To be fair. Actually. I didn't do them. I watch my partner do the demo. And then I did the level afterwards. But it's pretty much the same thing. I'm guessing I get the question is easing me in. Didn't seem too frantic or too hard yet, but I can see it's going to get stressful. Yeah, we
Mike Macdermid 3:42
think so. Well, anyways, I think it's still on sale I spotted.
Al Struthers 3:46
Yeah, I bought a couple of hours ago. So if you presume will still be on sale by tomorrow, which is when this podcast will come out tomorrow being Monday.
Mike Macdermid 3:54
And if you like it, if you already have played it, you can get all the expansions and everything I think it's like pounds at or something for the whole lot. And there's loads of content in there. I've just done the same as you have gone for the 18 mP men game because it seems big enough. For me this week, I've been playing doom. And I finished the first serve. As far as I remember from Doom, the very first Doom it's like split into four sections. And I finished the first sort of, you know, section. So that took a little while. It's been a while since I played it. And I've also played about an hour and a bit of doom three, which is is really, really good. And I would recommend if you like for Spanish first person shooters are survival horror type games. It kind of goes between the two of them I would say I'm actually very atmospheric it looks amazing on the switch. And it's I think it's running at 60 frames per second, but it's certainly it feel and maybe not handheld, but it's certainly playing very, very well and it's an HD as well. So as you mentioned last week, Anton it's not just it's not like a rerun, or it's not like a straight port of the original speed up.
Anton Winters 4:57
Yes. Surprising. How will that game cold soap for like 2004 I believe it came on it looks fairly solid camp talking about face the first person shooters any abuse and download the Wolfenstein demo.
Mike Macdermid 5:10
I went to download it realise it was 22 gig and thought oh, maybe later.
Al Struthers 5:15
Just not interesting because they don't really play first person shooters. Really?
Mike Macdermid 5:18
Yeah. What did you did you get a chance to
Anton Winters 5:22
have a storey for us here. So here we go. 22 gigabyte demo. I had just 22 and a half gigabytes. I'm like, fantastic. I can try this out. This is gonna be great. Yeah, first person Sure. panic button, call eight on switch. Exciting. I download it. I'm on work. So I don't have Wi Fi on the switch. And it's like, okay, I'll give this a week will not break up. It's like, Oh, you need to sign into your professor count. Oh, yes. No, keep in mind buffets. Let's had pure security, and have dogster fold 76 players. So, if I hadn't already had an account, I would have just been like no, I'm like, that's okay. I travel home finally get a chance to play it boots up. It's like saying in after like go for my phone and all that kind of stuff. girlfriend. It's like, yeah, you need to be invited by somebody who has a buddy pass in the game. I'm like, I've just downloaded 22 gigabytes and sing them to your horrible service that just boxes their players every now and then in this and then they do that
Mike Macdermid 6:26
it's just not how you do it. It's just got it all wrong. And and then they have a little bit with do one two and three as well which are fantastic games. I know it was a mistake or so they say they're saying that now. But making you sign in wet to play do one from 1993 is just although they have said it's a mistake, and we're gonna come on to a better way of doing it. Potentially just a few minutes not not Bethesda but Nintendo. But before we do that the other game I played this week is Phoenix right. So I've been playing a bit more Phoenix, right. So I'm getting my way through the first of the CDs and that
Al Struthers 6:58
well I've actually spent a time playing games this week. I spent quite a lot of time playing worms and WMD Oh, yeah, that was really good. Fun played that with quite a few people. And I'm slowly remembering all the weapons, but I'm still playing through golf storey. We played in handhelds the entire time. And for the first time I've turned on why new switches docked application. boy does that game look bad on a big screen.
Anton Winters 7:19
It looks great. And the screen is brilliant.
Al Struthers 7:21
Put it on a big screen blow it up wide.
Mike Macdermid 7:24
I don't actually think I ever did.
Al Struthers 7:25
Yeah, I don't recommend doing it.
Mike Macdermid 7:27
No, I don't play but it wouldn't. It's not the kind of game you would want to play in a big screen. Oh,
Al Struthers 7:31
it fits perfect on the handheld mode. Just leave it there. Lovely. Good.
Mike Macdermid 7:35
All right, let's get on with all the stuff we want to talk about this week starting with this week's news. So you mentioned there Anton about a bad way of doing things with Bethesda making you get someone who has a past a certain kind of pathetic the past to let you play and it just sounds like a very convoluted way of playing a game for free. Here's another way to do it. You could be Nintendo and you can give you a chance to play Mario Tennis for free for a few days.
Anton Winters 8:00
Yeah this is like came out of nowhere I think the first trailed it in Japan with a what was a captain's tours where you get to play it for a week if you have Nintendo on line at a know over here in the West we get a chance to play Mario Park and not Mario Kart, Mario Tennis he says you see it just for a week at know 10 days rather. It seems like they're going in there trying to make Nintendo and land a little bit better without just giving away free switch games. Yeah. Cody's field sis like Lou UN or do you think they're just kind of giving away a glorified demo?
Al Struthers 8:33
only did this before
Mike Macdermid 8:35
data weekend. There was a free weekend. But it was limited to do in fact, I think it was online. focused. I think there was a kind of practice mode. The correct me from wrong, Anton, but I'm pretty sure it was it was quite limited. And I think this one, you're you're actually allowed to play as much as you like, am I right?
Anton Winters 8:52
Yeah, if you like that, it's a little bit less like focus with my micro tennis Where's count online. So focus. For instance, if you call the captain towards game, you could go ahead and complete the game. And that timeframe, if you were so willing to grind it out in that 10 weeks, 10 day span. So feel freedom to do whatever you want, you could possibly hack it if you really felt that inclined. I mean, never ever
Al Struthers 9:16
recommend doing Now,
Mike Macdermid 9:18
having said that Captain towards so the Japanese switch online subscribers are going to get Captain toward for free between the fifth which is tomorrow as we're recording it and the 11th. And actually, if we got that I think I probably make some time to play it and try and get
Al Struthers 9:33
through it and the fact that they're doing with this online trials have played free what I call it got an input, you can download the game play for ages. And then if you do buy it, it's 30% off. Oh, that's great.
Mike Macdermid 9:46
And I think this is what switch online needs. I know that it's a bargain compared to other systems. So I'm not complaining in any way. But I think there are people who are a little bit uneasy with it because they don't feel that we've got value with Justin as games. If you're are in for the nostalgia, then there's not been a huge amount, although you get to play online. So this is a really welcome extra I think and I think it'd be great to see them roll this out to other titles as well. And I'm trying to think of other ones. But but certainly any kind of Nintendo title that like Kirby, for example, might work quite smash smash smash will be a really good way of introducing people like me.
Anton Winters 10:22
Because I think this works really well for the switch where much a lot of people who own sweat chiefs or maybe know avid, it's like buying consoles every five years count people that might be like the first time we picked up a console maybe five years and for those gamers, I feel like getting a chance to play these big 50 pound titles and maybe getting their tools wet. Might be like a more better way to get them encouraged by games without just handing out though we damn well it sounds really exciting.
Mike Macdermid 10:48
Yeah, it's great. I think well done Nintendo for doing that. And it's
Al Struthers 10:52
now you go from the seventh to the 13th to play for free and then you've got up to the 20th to buy it for third off
Mike Macdermid 10:57
Yeah, am I going I go check it out you know, because I I was really up for Mario Tennis before it came out and then for whatever reason I think I was on holiday at time and I just went off at some point and I know there was some updates that improved things as well so
Al Struthers 11:10
yeah, I mean, I want to go back and play it I've only played it very briefly at a friend's house I'd love to go back and try and bit more depth and I'm hoping he might appeal to me because I left the old ones back in there as a surprise
Mike Macdermid 11:24
for all right let's move on to Fire Emblem three houses and the reason we say that we know this is out but the reason we say this is that we had a tweet this week saying what call yourselves a Nintendo Switch podcast and not talk about the Fire Emblem three houses game What are you? What even his life actually that's not exactly what they said I'm paraphrasing
Al Struthers 11:43
too many characters for Twitter's and Oh
Mike Macdermid 11:44
yeah. But no Fire Emblem three houses a game that has a huge huge following. And I know I know a lot of people this is a system seller for a lot of people having this on the switch. I don't know an awful lot about Anton you've done a little bit of research though. Yeah,
Anton Winters 11:58
I've tried to like okay, the main reasons why we never have talked about is none of us are quite the biggest fire and boom find sadly, at yet count we would love to get into it and you know, can't even just like looking up reviews have no idea about what's kind of going on so we wouldn't want to give that fair unfair coverage and, and for you. For you people who are interested wish you the best of luck at it seems to be getting good reviews, it looks to be people who have picked up seem to enjoy it. And we just don't like count, give it the fair treatment and not understand what we're talking about.
Unknown Speaker 12:33
I'll tell you what, you know
Mike Macdermid 12:36
what might be quite a good idea Anton know what we might do is for the person that tweeted us and I don't have Twitter open at the moment to check but for the person that tweeted us or for anyone else listening, if you want to do a review in see two tweets or three tweets to us and if you send it to us what we'll do is we get a review of a game that we've never mentioned or a game that we should be checking out will read the review out and we'll get our thoughts on it and we'll do a little bit of checking of the gameplay before how so that we can get an idea of what it's all about and see if it's something that might interest us because it's all very well as telling everyone else to go and play games but when there's a whole franchise that we've missed, because none of us
Al Struthers 13:11
are there who know a lot of stuff Yeah, pooled resources absolutely
Mike Macdermid 13:13
you tell us so give us your reviews on Twitter Twitter's probably the best but you can also email us as well you can yeah drops an email which is podcast@nsukp.com uk and we will credit you if you want credited and you want your your Twitter handle
Al Struthers 13:28
your name tags or if you want to be anonymous just let us know that's
Mike Macdermid 13:30
fine too. Yeah, but yeah, we will I am going to go and have a little bit of a look at the reviews seem to say that it is really good and the cut scenes that I've seen are beautifully done really well done so just just know our style well it's not even it's not my style it's just I would have a big learning curve getting into it and I think so many games to get through and to work out already with you know, I'm I got learning curve from Doom from 1993. So I'm not sure how I get on but yeah, I'm assuming that what you read though was positive Anton yeah
Anton Winters 14:00
it seems to be getting a count good reviews that seemed said one of the selling points really seems to be count the fat does go back massive battles that count tells a storey camp up like across a big massive region with clamp different like factions I believe all battling each other as seems to have a really large scale to a storey which definitely sounds up some people's alley.
Mike Macdermid 14:22
Yeah, okay, cool. Well, let's move on to some releases. It looks like we're getting new super Lucky's tale borrows on to Nintendo Switch this November very good. So super Lucky's tale I always think it's super lucky lucky lucky tails the name of the character Brits super lucky is the name of the character right and it's the tale of super lucky I've
Al Struthers 14:45
always felt I gotta go Yes.
Mike Macdermid 14:47
Because you know the region of the reason it's just I think a tales Yeah, it's like it sounds like it doesn't but it's not it's it's a whole different game but it looks good.
Anton Winters 14:55
Yeah, cuz i think i think Yeah, look Lucky's the character. Yeah, he's on the team. And then they made it super an Xbox and then we've got the new one here it's it's an interesting one it's been for a lot of transition this franchise sorry Office of VR only count platformer. But you know, 3d platformer is are far and few between obviously we're getting a little bit better in that regard with a few more trickling out but you know, bring on seems to be not to aggressively price it seems to be fairly entry level from what I've seen on other platforms and with it being a kind of auto release. I think for a good price this could be a nice pickup especially with a good sale on top and remember
Mike Macdermid 15:35
good time as well because they'll be a lot of games coming out before the Christmas rush this might just miss that might be a little early for that so it might find a space
Al Struthers 15:43
think I'll go check it out. Yes make nine or 10 on Steam so that's a pretty good indicator of a good game.
Mike Macdermid 15:47
Yeah, and also I quite like the art style it reminds me of the a little bit of the kind of Mega Drive snares era but done in a way that's obviously modern. It's got that kind of cuddly feel to it currently
Al Struthers 15:58
been disabled kazoo East
Mike Macdermid 16:03
Anton Is that something you'll check out?
Anton Winters 16:04
Yeah, I am. Oh, it's an interesting one as Sam and I'm curious about I feel like it's coming to a really good time for potentially maybe being like a weekend budget title for kids getting maybe their first switch to light or whatever it may be. I think personally I may pass on but it's exciting again because this this I believe public like Microsoft's involved in it in some way. What just being involved. Cool.
Mike Macdermid 16:32
Great. All right, next up we've got another kart racer to remember when we didn't have any apart from Mario Kart and we were all like, Oh, come on. We need some competition. We're getting another
Al Struthers 16:40
word. Oh, like that. I I'm quite happy to just Mario Kart wrestling.
Mike Macdermid 16:44
Too much Mario Kart I played hundreds of hours such thing No, I know but to good. Anyway, I can choose for yourself because we've got a new racer is Garfield, Garfield, Garfield furious, furious, Racing's been an answer switch. And it's coming on the seventh of the month in Europe. You'll get it slightly earlier on the fifth of November in America I believe but I'm a Hey, what's this? Hey, od What's this? What's Garfield called? john
Al Struthers 17:10
john. Yeah, so they got that little annoyed me. Hey, john,
Mike Macdermid 17:14
can I have some lasagna? Oh, john. Not Yeah, I love Garfield.
Anton Winters 17:19
Garfield. If you hadn't bought a sweatshirt yet? I see no reason why you shouldn't with Garfield coming.
Mike Macdermid 17:26
It looks alright though. From what I've seen.
Anton Winters 17:28
Yes. Their their second attempt at a kart racer. They did one on the 3ds and it's like a Garfield racing I believe it was. And apparently on the 3ds it was a fairly solid game for somebody that's played like Mario Kart seven today. It looks fairly solid. But also we've got so many kart racers. We've got new racers we've got Sonic we've got crafty
Al Struthers 17:50
Hello Kitty. You know what we need Hello Kitty woody battle of the comics we need Garfield versus Snoopy racing.
Unknown Speaker 17:55
Oh, that would be amazing.
Al Struthers 17:57
That would be great. I would buy that oh by the straightaway I think
Mike Macdermid 17:59
I might be Garfield though depends on the pricing of course but it's certainly something that I'm not going to rule out
Al Struthers 18:05
many card games do you need
Mike Macdermid 18:07
all the cards all of them I don't have them all only three or two because Sonics not a car race everything you need to get your kid here isn't unless you're done that I took because you are a big cat fan. I am a huge cat fan. Yes. Oh
Anton Winters 18:18
you have so much choice I know for me racers are vehicle for Garfield. She's not cats wisely. Speaking
Mike Macdermid 18:25
of cats I was working at the amount of money I've spent on my cat this month because she needed some new stuff I worked I could buy three full price which keeps
Al Struthers 18:34
you think this much money could have been this many games Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 18:36
Or 520 25 games 100 times on nice.
Anton Winters 18:40
I would love love to see you as like a politician the country in terms of switch games this
Mike Macdermid 18:47
country needs to be buying more switch games we get about 4 million of them had we not spent at all and something stupid like a statue I don't know if we build a new
Anton Winters 18:57
car and say it's country don't get your mic. don't convert the current say you don't like figure out the compare the rate you just be like how much just a switch game of course in this country. sandwiches like one set for a switch game. All right. No,
Mike Macdermid 19:15
no, it's with Well, this is one sixth of the switch game right here. I'll give you that. I'll give you some change. Hang on. Anyway, let's move on to Kirby inspired whip see. And the last the last Atlas has been an extra switch. I've actually had a look at this. I really liked the art style of this. This looks really good Anton
Anton Winters 19:30
Yeah, it looks gorgeous. It looks like it looks fun like a mindless platforming game where you don't have to get stressed about playing it just has really fun like like it just feels like a game you can just play and just have fun not try it's like a game you play before bed if you know what I mean.
Mike Macdermid 19:47
Yeah, I'm just double checking on that title because we're trying to kind of pull up some of the screenshots for now but yeah, we're seeing the last Atlas I think it is
Al Struthers 19:56
Mike Macdermid 20:00
Yes No wonder we couldn't find an excuse me find it but we're just having a look just know so it's just not seeing this yes he's just having a religious no and yeah, no, it looks really cool. Again, I think I saw that the price point for this was quite cheap I correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's about five pounds kind of mark
Anton Winters 20:17
Really? Oh that looks something
Mike Macdermid 20:20
don't don't quote me on that fact maybe also you can check out and see if there's a price for the switch because I'm sure the reason I checked it in the store because I thought I thought it look good I might be confused
Al Struthers 20:31
with no I think you're confusing because there's no price on there's no place for on Steam either. So it's just not gonna practice okay.
Anton Winters 20:38
Yeah, Park Calif everybody listening to the audio. And Kevin Imagine if you had a game kind of like Kirby with the ark sale of the new Wonder Boy games were rather than swallowing and beating people. And you can use like, almost like a good bit of your back to swing on things nice orbit. looks cute and fun.
Mike Macdermid 20:58
We find a website which does see what I thought it for 99 but Alastair is not convinced he thinks that maybe, maybe it'd be more but I think it is I think it's a budget title. So
Al Struthers 21:07
you're probably just not entirely convinced that websites know 100% I care but let's go for 99
Mike Macdermid 21:12
we said when I said a fiver and it said for 99 so maybe
Al Struthers 21:15
so you've never been wrong your life so let's go with that.
Mike Macdermid 21:19
Does never NASA PC building simulator coming to switch so tell us about this Anton?
Anton Winters 21:26
Oh, this is so much fun.
Mike Macdermid 21:28
This is this actually building a PC
Anton Winters 21:30
Yeah, it's quite so amazing. Even has like the official parse. Like real life parts for computers with the specs and everything up get people you get clients the shoot they're like, I'm going to be using a lot Photoshop I'm going to be using fl studio was actually that
Mike Macdermid 21:47
sounds quite fun. I was hoping
Anton Winters 21:48
for about 700 pounds and you buy with real life human parts that you can buy in human life to build a PC. I think we have to like make sure everything runs smoothly. No, it's just you know, building
Al Struthers 22:00
a PC is the most frustrating, few infuriating process in the world. Because you buy all the bits you put it together then something doesn't quite work or find something is not quite compatible. It's annoying in real life.
Anton Winters 22:09
Why would you want to do it again? Oh, you're crazy. Alice. Sir.
Al Struthers 22:13
I even joking around the same time, as I'm saying is I love building PCs. I've always built my own PC. I don't want to gain we're building my own PC. You know, I never
Mike Macdermid 22:20
do in real life. I think I do. And again,
Anton Winters 22:23
I see I think it's so fun. It's legal for adults. And no
Al Struthers 22:26
no no legal for adults is Lego.
Mike Macdermid 22:30
Unknown Speaker 22:32
Lego Lego
Al Struthers 22:32
candles? No, like, Where's that
Anton Winters 22:35
I agree. I'm just like, so excited because like, you spend so long researching parts to build a PC. And then you build it. And then you forget all of it in six months, like six years later, you have to relearn half of it. So now I get to actually use half of the knowledge that I've wasted hundreds of hours my life learning so
Mike Macdermid 22:51
I'm assuming that they'll make it so it's a proper simulator. So it's very accurate with what actually would be compatible because otherwise you can get a lot of hungry people you're going to make it in the game and then go didn't work. So I'm assuming the quote be fairly accurate.
Anton Winters 23:04
Yeah, theoretically and this game close. It's all real life parts and real like brands and licence. You could go ahead and build a PC and the game and play it like taste it because it has like KM you can do benchmarking within off the game. Yeah. And then figure out what kind of PC you would need in real life just kind of educational. Almost Yeah, it's like first person sure you just like point and click you have to order the parts on Amazon.
Al Struthers 23:31
Wonderful keep up to date as new processes, graphics cards, hard drives and all this stuff. It all comes I wonder if you can just bring Oh, I thought there would be surely
Anton Winters 23:39
it's been on steam for a good year and a half and so far from what I've seen. They've been really good at keeping up to date like it's got all the RTX and I believe we've got some of the newer MD stuff so
Al Struthers 23:49
who is also the overclocked edition, you know brings in overclocking, we can tweak all that good stuff how we
Mike Macdermid 23:56
are JR overclocking your switch, but you're not really because you're doing it within a game however
Unknown Speaker 24:01
mind bending
Mike Macdermid 24:02
All right, let's move on Dragon Quest, which I'm fairly interested to see how how this is I was very excited when it was announced about 17 years ago because it seems like it's been forever but this is really interesting. We're getting a demo so I did not expect the all the titles that were coming to the switch. I did not expect a Dragon Quest demo Anton.
Anton Winters 24:21
Yeah, you know, I think and this was all because kill RPG don't usually lend themselves well to demos because they're such big games sprawling kill, like was so many integrate mechanics but you know, this is tonnes of fun. It's kind of a nice way of count getting chucked into the deep end getting on that we taste her for the combine and what that kind of stuffs like before having to like wrap your head around like the like hours of Loreto probably have before the beginning of the game. Yeah, I'm done to get this one to go.
Mike Macdermid 24:54
I'm gonna try. Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna down to the demo because it's one that was on my list. But I'm, my question is I'm assuming that you can then carry on because you'll probably unlock the game if you get the demo and then purchase it and probably unlock it. But I'm assuming that you can carry on for your demo left off, because it's quite a lot to do in an early part of Dragon Quest, or does it just throw you into a random part of the game? Pam? I'm not
Anton Winters 25:17
too sure. They haven't commented too much. From my understanding. I think it's just like it's happening and the games coming out. Be happy. I'm happy with square unit.
Mike Macdermid 25:28
Yeah, that's cool. Great. Ghostbusters. We know that it's coming. It's coming on the fourth of October which is nice and early. And in time for Halloween. Actually, I saw online there was one of the websites I can't remember what it was but they were selling on the switch for 22 pounds. So physical it's all the version on the ps4 was 1999 so was about two three pounds which tax which is yet yes,
Al Struthers 25:51
that's pretty good. And get your ghost busting fix all up to Halloween. An angle by Louise mentioned do all over again. Yes,
Anton Winters 25:57
exactly. Yes. taming gets you planting to play?
Mike Macdermid 26:01
Yeah, absolutely. So look out for that fourth of October for Ghostbusters, which I'm very excited is a very funny thread when they when they put it up on. I think it was one of the hot UK deals website or something that was on put up there. Or you can get Ghostbusters, the remake. They've redone it for 22 pounds and everyone kept going oh ribbit remake of this one the original and then they're putting on like screenshots from the spectrum Ghostbusters. Which is not the remake we're talking about. It's the one from the ps3 era. 2323333 Yeah, ps3, and then there was the Wii version, which was a different animations. Totally different. Same game, but similar game anyway. Right. So there we are. So that's fourth of October. Next up we've got big pharma, which has been announced for switch for q3 2019. What's Big Pharma?
Anton Winters 26:50
Oh, yes. So it's kind of a game. It's a very satirical take on the the pharmaceutical industry. And it's all about Caltrain have to balance like actually kill putting out stuff that's like good for humans and being a good human and making medicine. But also try and get rich in the process. Wow. very relevant for our stage. In reality, it's like all about building conveyor belts and count all of the source count very efficient. And it looks interesting. It's kind of similar to that MO shift game that recently got announced. Oh, yeah, recall that one. It seems interesting. I personally, me I feel like it looks like a slightly cheaper version of that auto ship game where it's like all about the conveyor belts. But I like it satirical take on the pharmaceutical industry. Very capitalists and diva Yeah, one
Al Struthers 27:43
of it comes complete with conspiracy theorists.
Mike Macdermid 27:46
Free conspiracy theorist if you buy the physical edition, Big Pharma has been announced for the for q3, so we'll expect that sometime later in the year. Next up Zombieland double top road trip is coming out on the 15th of October. any interest in this?
Anton Winters 28:03
Oh, yeah, this one's an old one that Sam obviously Are you familiar with the Zombieland movie? Yes. You know loved it obviously Calvin time with the new sequel we're getting account tie in top Tim game account looks I believe it's for their quote. It looks similar in the vein to I don't know almost like a top down life or dead gauntlet with zombies yeah but with no budget Okay, and we lose a little bit rough around the edges five only had a small clients that and
Mike Macdermid 28:36
looks a bit like Kim police storeys, which was the one that just came out recently. Did you see that? It's like, to me that's my initial impression but
Al Struthers 28:42
but with zombies. Zombies. Yeah. Yeah, they were brain eating.
Anton Winters 28:47
Yeah, so well, will you be getting it Anton? Now I think this this tubers a busy mom with a Ghostbusters and Louise match and so I think I may need to pass there but it's kind of nice to see kept tying games coming back click the kill Dido button just opened me the ones are coming back or just called at least Yeah, its capital franchise type of time that kind of reminds me of when we had the Scott Pilgrim game so long Yeah, it was it was the best time games ever and it's gone forever sadly, sales on the Xbox Live Arcade but they haven't released at all. Oh,
Al Struthers 29:24
so be on the internet somewhere I'm sure you would find it here
Mike Macdermid 29:26
you'll see something on YouTube is probably about your lot maybe I don't know. So next up Sniper Elite three Ultimate Edition is getting a physical release and we talked about this previously and actually it looks quite slick. And again it's one of those games that I would probably try but haven't yet but certainly gets reasonable reviews but if you are a fan physical release is coming so that's good Captain toward on the switch is getting level VR so let's hope that that goes well because it's been a mixed bag so far with the
Al Struthers 29:58
funny feeling that might make that game now I've not actually played Kevin dough but I've played you know the mini games of Oh yeah, Mario World. That was really cool. But I imagine actually physically seeing in 3d would make the game easier because they're trying to do 2d plane you're actually seeing that
Anton Winters 30:13
yeah, it can't but it's a game that lends itself well to just almost being like an unnecessary God looking down at the world like looking down Chris like you have to look at all the little crevices of the map. Yeah, it seems interesting essentially What's this? It's like Captain toward but the whole level wraps around you so you have to look around and there's like a lovely train tracks going from island Island. Yes. Surprising one.
Mike Macdermid 30:39
Yeah, very surprising. But we will see how that's received and what it's like the next one's also surprising and I've I've got to say I'm quite interested in this and kind of shocked that it's coming to the switch it's Obsidian Entertainment are bringing the outer worlds to the switch in partnership with virtuous now if you haven't checked out two worlds go and have a look because I think it'll surprise UU don't think Anton. Oh yeah,
Anton Winters 31:01
this is like one of my highlight announcements of the year no longer say and a big triple A game coming from Obsidian Entertainment and if you are not familiar of Obsidian Entertainment, and their most famous count works as they were account founded by Calvin placed over staff from the old team that used to meet the account first to follow games. And then the later call Parolin to do Fallout New Vegas, which is one of the best recorded phone games and forced ambiguity and count moral ambiguity regarding counsel. And there's no good right or wrong answers in them dialogues, there's no good or bad guys and all of your actions have close to the negative consequence sees and it's like they've taken that mechanic and cow poo at the centre with cows or worlds where you're on the new colony and looks fantastic and it's a Microsoft exclusive which is crazy to think of a first person Microsoft explicit comment to switch
Mike Macdermid 31:58
Yeah, it's it's not one that I know knew much about until I saw the announcement this week. And as soon as I saw it, I did that immediate thing that you sometimes do because there's so many announcements on the switch I kind of went Oh yeah, cool. Another title comment. And then when I saw people talking about I thought Hang on a minute I gotta go I gotta go and actually check this out and when I did I was blown away by the potential of what this could be like if they get it right on the switch. That is the thing else there.
Al Struthers 32:20
Absolutely. I mean, it looks like it's a pretty beefy game I'm to see how well it works on the switch and if you need to do anything for which we style to it to to deliver it on the on our hardware,
Mike Macdermid 32:30
if it runs well on handheld, then that's that's fine but it is one that could lend itself well to the big screen as well. So we do want it we want to see it be steady if nothing else across the two two ways to just wonder how long have to wait for because they're not giving us a release date yet no. comes out on all the other platforms and the 25th of October so interesting to see how long we're going to wait.
Anton Winters 32:51
Yeah, but it's it's interesting because I don't think we've actually seen a game portrayed by virtuous before and certainly people handling the foetal frame of bail if I'm not mistaken. Oh,
Mike Macdermid 33:02
I don't know the name. I mean if it said bank button that I've been that Okay, cool. Got it. But I don't know. I haven't seen their name up here any other
Al Struthers 33:12
name I recognised but then I'm probably not as clued up. If Anton doesn't know they're probably Yeah.
Anton Winters 33:19
Shadow they don't exist. I've never heard of. Absolutely right. one
Mike Macdermid 33:22
more bit of news then there's another game coming late in it's gonna be an extra switch in 2020. I said late because in the title didn't mean to say late under night in birth. XE late control our
Anton Winters 33:35
Yeah, have any of us heard of this game? is really beloved fighting game.
Mike Macdermid 33:40
Yes. It's a fighting game. That's all I really know. It looks very bright.
Anton Winters 33:45
Yeah, very bright and very manga esque. Yeah. So essentially, it was like an arcade game that came real. Like we've said this the last couple of I've said this, I've said this the last couple of weeks account very late in the arcade scene like 2000, and seven. So not a very popular time to be releasing brand new dedicated arcade games, and called ports of the ps3, ps4. And VR just came gradually. And it's getting portrayed by the people who helped make a blaze blue. If you've ever heard of laughing game Yeah, yeah, it's just kill. Apparently, it's a very accessible paying game, which really excites me because I can get into fan games. And however, I find a lot of them like Street Fighter, for instance, can be kind of a little bit intimidating when you have to learn so much about it. This is your camp jumpin blaze blues count, just button mashing your finger your way through. Yeah. And then you can gradually learn the controls by button mashing
Al Struthers 34:41
my fighting style.
Mike Macdermid 34:42
You can I think blaze blues a little like that as well. And I think I was surprised watching a review of I think it was that how easy it would be to pick up and play. And I think that's what unlike you, Anton, it just puts me off, you know, having to learn a whole system, you know?
Anton Winters 34:57
Yeah. And it's kind of it's called apparently amazing cut scenes, as the characters are partly very engaging. And, you know, it's great to have seen one of these games last count. Weird, quirky Japanese games can't get on to Fletch close, like being released on the ps3 MV and I believe it was a late ps3 game, it never got too much attention. I believe the ps4 release came kind of recently. And that one got a little bit more attention. But you know, it seems to have getting a have a really Beloved, like cult following. So I'm excited to Calvin maybe give it a go over Scott demo.
Mike Macdermid 35:31
That'd be great. Absolutely. Now, before we move on to rumours, Nintendo have actually reported a drop in profits after
Al Struthers 35:38
the half. It's not, it's not dramatic. It's the end of our news is I mean, 10% so they've reported 10% drop in profit this quarter, which is kind of a pretty big deal. He told me the numbers Nintendo are dealing with. So I mean, quick run through it. So imagine most people listen to this probably aren't particularly interested in the business of Nintendo. Maybe they are. And effectively last quarter the is a total sales of under 53 million, which sounds like a lot, but it was down 50% on the same day last year. All right. There have not changed their four year there, sir. Their full year forecast. There's blaming the difference not in sales sales it up. Just on that pound, pound yen currency conversions. Alright, so well done. Financial Markets, apparently Your pardon my French Oh, you have to beat up Mike.
Mike Macdermid 36:24
Yeah, I know. I know. Yeah. So though, yeah, no, no, no, what you said. So yeah, so there we are. So there's a reason behind it. Basically, there's
Anton Winters 36:33
a reason behind it,
Unknown Speaker 36:34
supposedly financial markets. Alright, let's move on then to this week's rumours.
Mike Macdermid 36:40
So first of all, just a quick look at kind of leading on from that we're talking about 3ds I guess the the big rumour in on this part is that you know, we're not going to see very much more on the 3ds but visit the seals of depth to 200,000 units last quarter, which still seems quite a lot of 3ds sales if you asked me about yet. It's not really.
Anton Winters 37:00
Yes, it's it's almost remarkable how well Nintendo's tanked the launch of the Nintendo white just where the 3ds as in its life. There's like one or two enemies trickling out the sales of our account really headed map you know, when it gets to like the hundred thousand mark boss when you start discontinuing console sets of amazing home at timely the switch lights came along and encounter whole and total the three guests has been during
Al Struthers 37:27
that console has been around a long time.
Anton Winters 37:29
Yeah, like 2011 so that's almost a decade that is very impressive, especially when it was kind of our underpowered out of the game compared to the VO
Mike Macdermid 37:38
Yeah, of course. Remarkable. Well, that's what the switch is around for that and more because well, savers have changed all the music for the podcast again. So just a quick game game announcement as well which I think is confirmed but Lego Jurassic World Now interestingly enough and if you saw that it was on the telly last night Jurassic World and I watched it
Al Struthers 38:00
I'm sorry.
Mike Macdermid 38:02
Anyway, it's coming to the switch in Europe on the 20th September and in North America on the 17th of September so you're getting more Lego which is cool i'm i'm not going to stick on that very long but anyone gonna buy that
Anton Winters 38:14
picked up for the VU and I still haven't gotten around to it but I'm really interested in going back to this title like it's no it's kind of the the sequel to the last movies count past Yeah, it's kept making me wonder like are they just kept putting the bat category and if so, is there any old Laker games you'd love to see pour it over?
Mike Macdermid 38:32
I'd like to see the well I think we're getting Star Wars anyway aren't we? Yeah take a look collection yeah that's fine that's that's the one I would probably really wanted of all them
Al Struthers 38:46
and I was I never played the Lord of the Rings ones I don't it's already on switch might be on switch already don't
Mike Macdermid 38:50
think so? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, I would like to see Lego underground to
Al Struthers 38:58
oh my god that would be fantastic. Oh, very cool.
Mike Macdermid 39:01
Yeah. Because I like wondering and obviously the port to the switch. Slightly buggy. It's a way you title
Al Struthers 39:07
Lego Back to the Future do it. Oh, yes. The Doreen exists in world Lego exists and mega dimensions does make me do it. Do it Do it.
Mike Macdermid 39:18
Okay, well let's move on crushing racing. The next update it looks like you're going to be allowing people to buy one buy coins with real money or should I be concerned
Anton Winters 39:29
Well, to me this is like full on warning signs apart lives are not changing the like the cards right you'll soak it all at the same rate. So from your experience make art as it countless scares family you have to grind for and they're just like this was like maybe something they plan for Do you think they're just adding and for people who can't be all are playing the game
Mike Macdermid 39:48
and I'm trying to think I don't think it didn't feel like a massive grind it felt you just have to wind things and I think the the difficulty curve on single player on crushing racing is quite hard. It's quite high. It's quite a tough you got to really be flawless in a race to win. So I suspect as you get further on I'm not far enough in I think if you get further and it probably does get more difficult. So yeah, and I guess if you want to unlock more stuff, and if they bring more stuff, you know, it's fine if it's an option and it doesn't affect the game you don't need to do it then that's fine. They can do that if they want but I'm just I'm not really into the whole bio. It was real money thing. Yeah.
Anton Winters 40:24
Curious to use frankly, the almost just like removed this, just so they could get some good reviews. And then they're like, All right, we'll just let people like pay it to one another the reviews are Oh,
Mike Macdermid 40:34
yeah, it's a moneymaker. I don't see any other reason why they're doing that other than just purely money. I don't think people are really clamouring and emailing them every day and going come on. We really need to have the money. Yeah, I don't think that's happening. But you know, what, if they've kind of almost earned it in my book for putting out probably one of the best No,
Al Struthers 40:54
not no game. No quality game should ever ask you for more money. Unless it's a proper DLC. Not to go and buy an in game currency that is just that
Unknown Speaker 41:03
slippery slope. Free to Play.
Al Struthers 41:05
Yeah, just like
Anton Winters 41:07
if you're paying full money for a game. You shouldn't have to put an extra money
Mike Macdermid 41:10
yeah, you're probably right. I'll try to move I do not like I still great game though. By the way. We're not going to Christmas card for me anymore. Still a great game. Ubisoft have announced a Chinese themed rabbits crazy rabbits adventure party. That it's quite interesting. We think this is probably going to be a china exclusive which is I mean, considering now that we've got the switch in China as well. That's interesting for a china exclusive. That'll be will become a real like collectible over here.
Al Struthers 41:38
I'm probably Yeah, I suspect glamorous collectors be clamouring for this. Yeah,
Anton Winters 41:42
just fine. Thank God who's not we've not got region locking on the switch. But yeah, it's I imagined this game is gonna be a really big deal cassette for Chinese audience. I imagined this will be the first time they've seen like, one of the big game companies make a game tailored for their market, which will be very exciting. And it's also nice to see the rabbits back. As a franchise. I don't yc go anywhere too far. It's a shame. It's a party game. No. Yeah. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 42:11
I mean, it's party games are great. And Roberts a great, I'm just not sure. But we'll see. We'll see. It might be the best rabid party game in the history of the world. And we can't get access China only. So eBay. Well, yes, please. All right. Now this is annoyed me this week. So EA, the CEO has been talking about bringing Sims four to the switch. And it's not just Sims four, we're talking about every game, the fact that we're getting a slimmed down rubbish version of FIFA on the switch this year, the fact we don't have Madden on the switch is so
Al Struthers 42:41
many factors treating us like a second rate console.
Mike Macdermid 42:45
Well, what they said is we've had a lot of data that would suggest that a great many switch owners also on a ps4, or an Xbox One or a PC and will often choose to play the games that we make on these platforms, even though they have a switch and enjoy a lot of great content on the switch. I'm sorry, but I don't know who they asked. But there is there are many many people who only on a switch who previously might have wanted a ps4 but then have got rid of this ps4 because the switch is so much more convenient. And I don't know if they've got the wrong target audience I'm not sure what even
Al Struthers 43:14
then is Stephen fit says we've got data to suggest that people on these consoles and very often they choose to the games. How can we choose if you know
Mike Macdermid 43:22
that was the point you can't we there is nothing from EA that is of the standard required on I can think of off the top of head you may be correct because any games out there but I honestly don't mean FIFA 18 I have a fever 9518. Okay, it's all right. It's not as good, but it's missing heaps of features, FIFA 19 missing loads of features, things that could be done on the switch if the optimise it properly. And I honestly just think it's this is just laziness on the RV. And I think they they're looking at it purely from the point of view that well, we don't know if we're going to make the money. But I honestly think it's a mistake. Because Yeah, there are so many switch owners that would want to play EA games Sims being what I mean. Talk about game that lends itself perfectly to the switch.
Al Struthers 44:03
No touchscreen. Yeah.
Anton Winters 44:06
It's a no brainer. You know, the funny thing amazing about this is they're like, yeah, we've asked our players I'm like, the people you've asked are probably people you've just sold your like horrible port or FIFA 18. To Yeah, or play battlefield or something nice. Like, I understand why you wouldn't want a poor battlefield or something like that.
Al Struthers 44:23
Or how did you do it via some online thing that's access via PlayStation or Xbox? Just? I mean, of
Mike Macdermid 44:30
course, of course, there are people who have a PlayStation four and will choose to play certain games on the ps4 and others on the switch. I get that
Al Struthers 44:38
I have a ps4. Yeah, I don't put I play switch.
Mike Macdermid 44:41
Yeah, and and there might be the one title light red dead too, because that's on the ps4, and you bought it. But honestly, I think any game that I can have on the switch, I will play on the switch for other consoles, unless the quality difference is so huge, that it's not playable. That's the only time and you know, that's what for that's what that's what you're doing with the likes of FIFA.
Anton Winters 45:02
And the fans. They've ported unravelled to to switch which was a perfect fit for the console. So it's clearly like seems like we have a small understanding let's turn games work on the switch and certain games don't. And I think they're completely dropped the ball was sense for I think it'd be a marvellous fit for the switch. And I'm almost kind of curious that maybe they're just hesitant about the switch because the online infrastructure as an account, doesn't give them enough avenues to exploit the their users in terms of micro transaction and monetizing. I
Mike Macdermid 45:39
don't know if you look at rocket legal you look at fortnite or you look at what's the other one we've got politicians or any of these I mean that that's what they do. And it's cross play, so you can play against other systems, and there's plenty of
Al Struthers 45:51
opportunity to monetize it. Yeah, and if they all do it yeah, they're just gonna pick one really good game. actually do it properly for to oversee what happens. Yeah, yeah.
Anton Winters 46:01
Yes, it's so frustrating because you think like Sims four. Apparently, it's like it suits the iPad and it suits the PlayStation four but it doesn't say anything in the middle there. It just doesn't make any sense.
Mike Macdermid 46:12
And I'm sorry, but please just give us a hockey game. A nice hockey game because we've been playing Super blood hockey whoever is which is a retro gaming. It's fantastic. I love hockey games or modern or something. Anyway, EA no Boo. Boo to you, sir.
Al Struthers 46:30
That's our official statement.
Mike Macdermid 46:33
to you sir. And team
Al Struthers 46:35
we have nothing further to add
Mike Macdermid 46:36
nothing else right. Next up pass the punch has been announced for switch. By similar Digital's a TD beat him up and it's coming at late 2019 we think and it's based on Saturday morning cartoons from the 80s and 90s. You know, I watched this morning with my other half.
Al Struthers 46:50
What did you watch? Fraggle Rock? Oh, I love Fraggle Rock. I got a DVD of the
Mike Macdermid 46:55
first ever episode of Fraggle Rock and it was marvellous and then I watched another random Jim Henson another random Jim Henson creation from the late 80s which was like a hint Jim Henson storeys and add puppets and it was fantastic. And so anyway, back to Saturday morning cartoons he's got my sidetracked on that. But yes, please This sounds good.
Anton Winters 47:13
Yeah, it looks gorgeous almost like look slightly health to cut paid turn the internet beat them up and then can keep it a more modern Ascetic. Yeah, I wouldn't compare it to cup set put on the same levels compared. It's great to see some a digital camera expanding the on doing just licence keys, such as Sonic racing games, and characters going out on their own legs and help doing something a little bit more unique. And I wish them the best cassettes. The more developers out there, the more games we get. And I'd love to see what this team can do because they've done amazing stuff in the past. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 47:42
excellent. Next up, Nintendo are discontinuing the Nintendo Switch game factories in America. I think, if I'm right, and remembering that really the value of these weren't, they weren't amazing. And maybe it's just not work the way they did. They thought ours is just a tactical thing.
Anton Winters 47:58
Yeah, I think it's maybe just some noise selling well, and they're only really good value if you're buying to Tripoli games. And a lot of these Tripoli Nintendo games, a lot of people like to buy them. Because, you know, they're single player games, you might want to return them afterwards. And because I'm surprised it failed in America and not here. And because we're keeping them for on on definite, undisclosed amount of time. And, and were traditionally and historically, at more count, choose to digital distribution, some surprise and a market where digital solutions fries a lot more em that field. And very interesting there.
Mike Macdermid 48:41
Yeah, I think the value of them probably didn't match up. For me, I think the same can be said in the UK. I think the value is as you said, it's good if you're buying a couple of triple A's, but generally, there's just too many
Al Struthers 48:52
actual stores out there where you can go and buy a physical game at a discounted price in their own seals, Amazon, Amazon or target only single states just tonnes of Walmart. You can pick up $50 title games there for $40 so it kind of makes it online voter
Mike Macdermid 49:06
redundant and then you sell it and you make a bit of money
Al Struthers 49:08
but I wouldn't be surprised if it disappears here quickly as well.
Mike Macdermid 49:10
I am surprised it's still there
Anton Winters 49:12
to be on To be honest, I think this programme would have worked a lot better if they had maybe tears of it. Because I think this programme will work to the 10 pound range maybe like 50 pound voucher and you get to buy or like even at 25 pound Voltron you get to buy like free like 15 Pong games. Yeah. I think that the big level and just like that's too much of a commitment to ask people to put like 100 like what's it over here? Like
Mike Macdermid 49:38
a 90 pound stones expensive and then especially if you don't know necessarily what you're gonna buy with it, you know, that's a big commitment ahead.
Al Struthers 49:46
It's been a binding so if you guys got about 9000 pounds kicking around?
Mike Macdermid 49:49
Yeah, actually if you go down to the kitchen in the desk at 10 there so there's nine grand and
Al Struthers 49:54
there's a bargain game has just been sold. I know it's not really switch but Have you guys heard about this Kid Icarus?
Mike Macdermid 50:00
I saw this. So tell us Alistair explained
Al Struthers 50:02
very recently at auction an unopened copy of get across from the original NES game sold for just over 9000 pounds which is insane I mean
Unknown Speaker 50:15
there's a lot of switch games makes a lot of switch gameplay. It's like
Mike Macdermid 50:17
102 hundred switch games. I think kickers is
Al Struthers 50:21
available for free to play on
Unknown Speaker 50:24
you don't own the minutes
Mike Macdermid 50:26
until you the biggest threat of all of us may do a bit of Ashley meds collecting but but you're the biggest collector was that you that bid that money?
Anton Winters 50:33
Of course halted you know but you know it's great at sat I love seeing just see I've more of these just count like games head in an attic just get uncovered. So you find some really unique stuff like we didn't tend to World Champions cart going out a couple years ago and as fun as its investments why invest in gold when you can buy k decorous for the NES? Absolutely well done to them first and the right then it's that time of the week where we look at and focus on the quiz.
Mike Macdermid 51:09
Anton, I think you're a quiz host once again, am I am i right in saying that?
Unknown Speaker 51:13
You are correct.
Al Struthers 51:16
One of these weeks he's gonna say no and you're not know what to do. And I'm going to go over
Mike Macdermid 51:19
the quiz this week is how, who's going to win next week?
Al Struthers 51:24
Pause recording.
Mike Macdermid 51:26
Really go and do some research. Okay, then Anton. We know how we play by now. And if you don't know you'll pick it up. But basically, we myself and Alastair will go head to head we get one guest per round. Until is going to be asking the questions. And if if it's two nil then Anton got a kind of a chance for the person on nil to win the game at the end. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it at
Al Struthers 51:45
one gets per question, I guess. Yeah, rather than
Mike Macdermid 51:49
just get one and that's it. But anyway, until let's go on. Let's get game one.
Anton Winters 51:53
Yes. So exciting week. This week, we've caught a Super Nintendo special.
Mike Macdermid 51:57
GY was a Mega Drive player.
Anton Winters 52:01
Next week, the Mega Drive is up.
Mike Macdermid 52:03
Unknown Speaker 52:06
We love Zika here too.
Mike Macdermid 52:07
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Okay.
Anton Winters 52:09
Two parts of our Sega player. So yeah. Yeah, but anyway. So this first game is a fighting game developed by Capcom, and originally released to boom, nice. We would finish the question. I will I jumped in your latest. Yeah, I know. Oh, well done my good job. Yeah. Which is only because he
Al Struthers 52:29
flinched when I pointed to the fact that did I
Mike Macdermid 52:32
get a little bit Really? It's only because Street Fighter two is for me synonymous with the snares. That was the first game I hadn't announced
Al Struthers 52:39
yet. Maybe? Yeah, no, it'd be Mario World. Second.
Mike Macdermid 52:42
It's probably one of the very few that I played on the snares originally. So that's the only reason I jumped in quick.
Anton Winters 52:48
Alrighty, so game two. As a sorry, excuse me as a action role playing game developed by square for Nolan, Unix, and release in 1993. What kind
Mike Macdermid 53:03
of game did you say well,
Anton Winters 53:04
I'm action role playing RPG.
Mike Macdermid 53:09
Secrets of mana
Anton Winters 53:10
da. You may
Unknown Speaker 53:14
remember his name? Oh, well done. Well, thank you very much.
Al Struthers 53:18
Well, no, no, it's my turn to try and steal all the way from you, isn't it? Yeah. Which is why? So the way
Mike Macdermid 53:23
the way we do this is that because it's to nail and it's a it's a whitewash also has the chance to, to
Anton Winters 53:30
steal it to steal away one.
Mike Macdermid 53:32
Yeah. So basically, you get one game and we get one answer.
Al Struthers 53:36
I've been I've been letting you win so far. Just so I can do it. That's, that's what I
Mike Macdermid 53:39
want to Yeah,
Anton Winters 53:41
sure. Alrighty, so this game, I would just consider listening and then use have the chance to poison and win the game. So this is a first person shooter game, developed for Nintendo Entertainment System by Nintendo ED, as a sequel, and relied on the Super FX chip. This game yet being an Official Nintendo game was released in 2017. You fly a plane? Or rather a spaceship star for us? You've got an all star. Yes.
Mike Macdermid 54:14
2017 for the
Anton Winters 54:15
Star Fox two on the
Unknown Speaker 54:18
on these and as many?
Mike Macdermid 54:20
Of course, yeah, I have it as well. played it.
Unknown Speaker 54:27
Well done. Very good. Very good. Oh, we had a role reversal.
Al Struthers 54:29
Exactly. was hit the desk. Yeah, it was load from last week.
Mike Macdermid 54:33
Yeah, it's exactly what happened last week. That was good, though.
Unknown Speaker 54:36
It was good. Yeah. Well done. Anton. Welcome, Mike. Really good questions on Well, I'll start for one.
Mike Macdermid 54:40
I know I know. And, and yeah, so there we are. So next week we can do the other way. You can get the first two I can steal on the mega drivers. I shouldn't other questions. Yeah,
Al Struthers 54:48
I will not any nicer going to sit in silence because I literally nothing other than sonic hedgehog. Oh, I know.
Mike Macdermid 54:54
I've got a fighting chance. Well, that's pretty much it for this week. Just a quick reminder, if you are wanting to get in touch with us remember, as we mentioned earlier in the podcast, if you have got a review of a game that we've never mentioned, or a game that you think we should be checking out, send us a review and just tweet us with a review or email us with it. And we'll read our next week and we'll let people know what is our handle in
Al Struthers 55:14
our handle is ns UK podcast on twitter ND awesome learn emails, which is podcast@nsukp.com. uk or you can just go to our website, which is NSUKPWK where you find all our back episodes, you'll find transcripts of the episode you'll see wonderful pictures of us beautiful, wonderful human beings and make me minister excellent on there.
Mike Macdermid 55:35
Yeah, Santos done a fabulous job with the the website. So yeah, so that's worth checking our Facebook and all sorts of other places. Anyway, that is it for this week. I hope you have a fantastic week. We're into August. Can you believe that? No, not really. Yours flying by will soon be on episode 13 fact will be there next week. Until then, have a fabulous week. Cheerio.