Sale Away With Me - Episode 36
Join Mike and Al as we look at this week's hottest Nintendo Switch news, including that huge eshop sale, new released from Shaun The Sheep (really!), House Of The Dead, Overcooked and more.
Plus, rumours of GTA III are rife and could we be getting EA's newest game streaming service?
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Sale Away With Me - Episode 36
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello and welcome to episode number 36 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast I am Mike imma and no Anton this week although Are you are going down to see Anton tomorrow
Al Struthers 0:24
I am one we don't today actually visiting Edinburgh today sitting over and then Antonio gonna do bit of livestreaming give me with Emily. All right, okay. Yeah, so I don't know the timings yet, but we'll do some announcements on the social medias and yeah, come come and watch us and speak to us.
Mike Macdermid 0:38
Yeah, that'd be good. So we've got this new YouTube page which just went up this week and the cool thing about it is that I saw Anton do some streaming of split tune he was playing some split into and it all looks really good looks really slick and I was able to sort of comment I think it was just the three of us in there at the time but
Al Struthers 0:56
someone else might have been Emily possibly possibly when I was on those me those someone and Anton, you joined afterwards after I left and centre. Well if
Mike Macdermid 1:04
you want to go and sign up to our YouTube page, I think it will just be Nintendo Switch UK podcast but if you're going to have a little Google you'll see it you'll
Al Struthers 1:11
Yeah, are used to search for NSUKP in YouTube, you'll find it
Mike Macdermid 1:14
Yeah. Other places to find us. We are on Twitter and SUK podcast or an email our You can also download the podcast from all your usual podcast providers including Apple, iTunes. Google is the same thing Google know it's a new one not the Google no but Google Yeah. And there's so
Al Struthers 1:37
many places globally in the website NSUKPWK and you'll see all the places you can find us
Mike Macdermid 1:41
thank you for another couple of five star feedbacks on Apple podcast that's probably the best place for leaving reviews and it really does help because it means that when people search us amongst all the other podcasts they see that we're getting good reviews and what's even better is when people read people right written reviews as well so we've got another one which is fine fantastic thank you to Connor is Mr. Cool look like that username. What a lovely podcast I'll read it says great podcast for any Nintendo fans out there generally a fall asleep listening to podcasts. And I didn't have this one until our speaks no it doesn't see these guys keep me awake for that little bit longer. Bravo guys. Well played. But in no in all seriousness, fantastic podcast, guys. Keep it up. You have yourselves a fan. Thank you very much, Connor. I'm assuming we'll call him Mr. Cool. Really good. Mr. Cool. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. cooling. And 27 five star ratings are up to on there as well. So thank you so much.
Al Struthers 2:29
It'll be cool. If we could get a five star rating for every episode we've done so far. This is Episode 36 the third
Mike Macdermid 2:36
through OUC. All right, you mean generally pretty. Cool. I think if we could get up to roughly that before the end of season one which will be the end of the year. That would be ideal for the kind of equal kind of 50 odds five stars that would be our aim that would be lovely. Having said that, before we move on we have got a review which I'm going to talk about in just a moment on the Nintendo Switch light so thank you so much to MC who has mixed great because he will give us feedback on quite a lot of stuff. He's He's one of the many people that interact with us on Twitter and I asked him kind of jokingly but also in slight seriousness because he went and bought the Nintendo Switch light and he got the Greek version looks great. And he's written as a review so I'm actually going to read the review because I think it's worth just going into and I think a lot of people will be interested to find out how people find a Nintendo Switch late hands on in the first week. You want me to do this now? Or will I do this as part of the news? Because we have got some light news. What do you think? I think you'd be nice to do just know just do it now.
Al Struthers 3:35
You know what else I like? What Nick mixes me, Joseph,
Mike Macdermid 3:37
is he he is Yeah, he's
Unknown Speaker 3:40
76 as well.
Unknown Speaker 3:44
Mike Macdermid 3:46
and then we'll go into what games we've been playing this week. So I want to find out and then we'll do the news and then we'll do the reviews. Yeah, and let's just listen. Okay, so make sense. ticking the box. This is what you think taking out the box. Wow. The green is sexy. Although the turquoise is very nice to can't comment on yellow is I've never seen one in person. The texture of the switch light feels much nicer in hand than holding the original switch.
Al Struthers 4:11
The actual shell
Mike Macdermid 4:12
of the console the sturdiness without the removable controllers. It all just feels right which is good news because the half of that bit of time to work on that so that's that's really good. smaller screen size hasn't actually bothered me I haven't tried playing the guessing orgy as original as what would you would be holding the orgy sweat as a guest. So yeah, in handheld mode since the skin switched light. So all right, so since getting the switch like he hasn't played the original in handheld mode, so that might be different Should I try and play the original handheld again, I haven't noticed any real differences between graphics colours when playing games. Simon seems the same to me. However, being slightly deaf, this is not something I can strongly give an opinion on. Except I can hear the game coming to the speakers. That's a win for me. If you have cloud happy days, you can just download your games straight to the console and download your save files have seen a lot of people not happy with this. But so far, it seems easy enough that I haven't gone back to the original search to see the quote data is read to us quite interesting. He hasn't gone back to the original switch and the whole week. I know
Al Struthers 5:08
that is really interesting. But I guess it depends whether it's been home or out and about
Mike Macdermid 5:13
time for some negatives setting up the light is a bit of a pain I'll ask you to if you want to import user which it will not let you do as you have to do a system update. So you have to set up a fake profile first, do a system update and then import your user that's a bit of an oversight, isn't it? That's
Al Struthers 5:27
a bit of a fat but it sounds like a very palatable fat.
Mike Macdermid 5:29
It sounds like a 1.1 patch or a point to patch or fix that definitely obviously doesn't doc so I guess for some that's a negative no HD rumble however, I haven't played a game that really requires it yet so far and not honestly in handheld if you're playing quietly at night. It's really
Al Struthers 5:45
Mike Macdermid 5:46
Having said there are some games. If I want to play this week, we do need it. But I'll talk about that. I've been mainly playing Final Fantasy eight and links a weakening on it choices. Lovely my biggest problem with the light with it being more portable than the original switch because of the size. I really wish we had Bluetooth built in. But that's my opinion. That's a one of the things I still think with the original switch I'd love to have had to have wireless headphones without having to get a little adapter I
Al Struthers 6:12
don't care. I just don't understand.
Mike Macdermid 6:15
It's a simple it's a simple thing to me. But it's not a huge deal having a cable because that's for me bluetooth headphones will be the best thing but it would be healthy for
Al Struthers 6:26
solo power and so cheap Why did not build it in.
Mike Macdermid 6:29
It's also so common now it's been it's like every phone, you can do that. So
Al Struthers 6:33
you can go out and buy a server really junky piece of kit from your local junk retailer for three to 99 no Bluetooth in it.
Mike Macdermid 6:40
There is there's a Bluetooth adapter out there, I'll try and find the name of it if I can or stick it on Twitter, but it's one of the ones that's pretty well reviewed. I think it was a Kickstarter originally base, you know, still gonna cost you know, 20 quid when actually you don't really need it, but it works for the switch because the biggest problems which is latency, because obviously with a game, it needs to be pretty bang on what you hear otherwise specially replaying a rhythm based game. Anyway, back to the review. So my final verdict unless I play some more over the weekend and feel the need to tell you more. Of course, if you have any questions Who should buy the switch light, I personally feel that people who already own the switch are better to have the switch light unless they truly never 100% play in handheld. And normally I'm a TV player myself, I have no problem with just keeping the light around and playing it in bed for a bit or keeping beside me on the sea. So when the wife is watching TV, I can just play on the light without having to keep moving at the dock. I mean, it's not a big deal taken out of the dark for me, but I think as we call it First of all, first of all, is it worth 200 pounds? I would say so it would certainly be value for money if a game came with it. Even if it was Mario robbers download code which is always on sale very cheap. I paid 175 pounds got a staff discount for my life with nothing included and certainly feel feels like because I already have a library against I got the better deal. Yeah, hundred 75 pounds seems like a decent a decent price to have paid for that an overall very positive review actually
Al Struthers 7:58
seem to be I'm trying to convince myself African Bible.
Mike Macdermid 8:00
I think for me, that makes a lot of sense. And I'm almost like because my other half was a switch as well. And I wonder I to pretend she does play on the big screen though as well. And that's my biggest concern with it. But I love the look at them. I think they look really cool. If I was rich, I would have bought one by now and had the two, not the same that you're rich make. I'm just saying that for me. For me at the moment. I have other just just just at the moment of other things I need to buy so but I really like that review. I think it does a lot of favours. So if you are kind of on the fence maybe mixed on enough there to persuade you to to go and buy one. Yeah. Thank you make by the way. Nobody replies
Al Struthers 8:38
Yeah, well, I'm for the first ever review from from someone that isn't us.
Mike Macdermid 8:41
Yes, thank you. We really appreciate that's very cool. Keep them coming, by the way, because reviews are really handy because it gives other people a different perspective on the stuff that we're talking about as well. And it's something we're going to talk about more as we get towards the end of the year, we are going to look at other ways to improve and add things to the podcast. So that's for another day's discussion, but it is great to get these and so if you do have one, you can tweet us or you can email us at podcast
Al Struthers 9:05
at NSUKP. Dakota UK.
Mike Macdermid 9:07
Right before we move on to news then what have you been playing this week? Alastair?
Al Struthers 9:12
I have only been playing Zelda link to the best. Okay, I've been playing it pretty much every night in bed and I'm not terribly far away from the end from memory. I'll be I've been deliberately not googling. See, because I can't remember whether I ever completed that game as a kid. I've obviously got this far. But actually, we've talked about the rewind function on the online version before Yeah, I am amazed at my past self. Because I've been playing some of the bosses and these dungeons and I've had to rewind a lot. I've no idea how I got through them. In the olden days before I could do though, tell
Mike Macdermid 9:40
you what, I can tell you why you had a lot more time in your hands. And you had a lot more time as a kid to just redo over again. I must put
Al Struthers 9:47
a lot more patients as well because I i just i i goes back to my former skills well gone.
Mike Macdermid 9:54
I would be exactly the same. To be perfectly honest. This week. I have been playing actually I didn't is an interesting one this week. You know, I've started playing nude sky rim. Really? Yeah. And if I'm playing on the big screen, I'm playing it with my other half. So she she likes watching games, sometimes she likes watching someone else play. Yeah. So and then she'll kind of, you know, criticise me all the way through. And that's not just games, no life, that's just life. But also she's quite right, because I am pretty bad at it. But I'm actually I'm actually really, really enjoying it. And I'm only a couple of hours in at the moment is early, early days. And it's quite nice playing with someone that's watching this genuinely kind of interested in what you're doing. You know, so obviously I'm I'm to borrow a phrase from Anton curious to see how the game goes. Because it's something I've never played. I've seen people playing sky rim and I've always gone. Okay, I don't really get it. But everybody plays it loves it. Yeah, I should play. It's very obviously it's fantasy. So if you like, if you like the likes of Game of Thrones and things like that, you probably will quite like this game, I would think and the opening sequence. It's, although it's you know, you can tell know that the game is, you know, 910 years old, or whatever it may be not quite as long as that seven, eight years. So you can tell. But one of the reasons I'm playing it is I would like to try and see if I really like this, if I'm then then going to go and buy with the Witcher three because the Witcher three is obviously it's not the same at all. But it's a similar kind of premise to it. And a similar kind of world and all the rest of it, but a bit newer. And obviously it was so well reviewed that I really want to play it. But I thought you know what, if I'm going to play that I really should spend a bit of time swisscom so had it for a while now. And it runs really well on the switch have not come across any problems. Yeah.
Al Struthers 11:35
Well, it was launched. It wasn't it are very, very
Mike Macdermid 11:38
early on. It wasn't a launch title it was early on. And it was a bit of a surprise as well, because I don't think people were kind of expecting SkyDrive on this which is one of the early ones but it's it runs really well. I haven't played in a handheld have only played on the screen a little bit slow down in the Lord screen and notice a lot of stuttering on the audio, which I get with Assassin's Creed as well. But during the game, all seems well. quite fun. I did. I did. I've got a problem. My characters got problem. He wants to collect everything. So I collect everything and then realise why cannot move because they collect it so much that my characters slow down. And that was within about five minutes and starting the game. I was like, I was like a glass. Only 20 of those. What's that bone dust? I need all the bone dust? And then I realised No, you're going to be a bit more choosy in that.
Al Struthers 12:21
So is that what kind of give a game the movie carries. So you get if you
Mike Macdermid 12:24
carry 300 or what I guess you get more space, but I've got 300 items, and I was counting 340 items. And I had to drop some because basically couldn't I was I couldn't move while so yeah, so that's all that's that's what I've been playing at that. And I downloaded there's a brilliant sale, which we're going to talk about a little bit later on. But I downloaded new star manager, which is good 20% off right now. I wouldn't, unless you're a real Football Manager type fun, or not Football Manager if you like football manager games, but sometimes you find Football Manager a bit too in depth. Or you don't have the time to play for your manager because Google manager nowadays is pretty in depth even the switch version, which isn't the full version, I think it's the touch version, it is still quite in depth, there's still a lot to do. And if you don't have the time to do it, it can be frustrating. So I downloaded this game is much more arcadey it's got like cards in it and stuff you know, like actual playing cards and a bit in the games. And it's a sequel to an old game that was on mobile called New Star soccer, which I played and played and played to death as a handheld game. Really, I mean I look really good for dead person. I mean, I probably did them an hour as I stayed out nights I stayed up overnight going off to play one more game one more game. This is different because in the old one you control the player and you developed your players career and this one, you're a manager of a team and you got a lot more to do and it's some I really like it and I didn't I wasn't sure if it would be that great. It's a mobile port so but it works well in the switch because on handheld it's the first one I've used touchscreen and you don't have to use a touchscreen but I'm using it funnily enough a combo of the two actually
Unknown Speaker 13:59
so intriguing
Mike Macdermid 14:00
if you on the sale that's one of the ones that's on but there are some real bargains to be had. But I think we got that on our news lists. It isn't
Al Struthers 14:08
somebody else's we come into that too. Because we're also got that's nice to have we
Mike Macdermid 14:11
Yeah, right. Okay, well in that case, okay. later than normal because I had a few things to get through. Let's move on to this week's news. First of all, happy birthday when we sing a song to you, Mr. President Obama,
Al Struthers 14:26
happy birthday to they will do not need to hear me then.
Mike Macdermid 14:28
$10 and Nintendo hundred and 30th anniversary that was on the 23rd of September 1889. Now it's the 28th as we record today, so it's a few days ago, but we couldn't
Al Struthers 14:39
do you know what they started doing? I presume you did playing cards, correct? Yeah, I think our games it's amazing, come a long way.
Mike Macdermid 14:44
But they certainly have and it was first a Chiro Yamaguchi or Yamauchi or what I thought be more like yeah, I'm pretty sure we were in Richard no matter how we pronounce it was a perfect pronunciation. He was the founder on the 23rd of September 1818. Nine So there we are. Wow. Wow, incredible career. So it's, you know, if you look at where Nintendo is now and you think about all the companies we know Thomas Cook just last week, we said goodbye to them. They were on the go for 160 years.
Al Struthers 15:11
They were no company but I have a funny feeling Nintendo might Outlast them well, we already have a bit more
Mike Macdermid 15:18
respect Nintendo ain't going anywhere and games. money on that bed. So Happy Birthday to Nintendo. Next up hero beat studios have announced angling which is a 3d survival adventure game releasing in 2021 we don't really know very much about enabling yet but again it's it's it's another title coming to the switch and that kind of survival adventure we've got a few of those kind of survival type games on the go at the moment. Do we need another one?
Al Struthers 15:44
Well, we always need more games on the switch. I guess. It depends whether it's a standard really good one or if it's another forgettable. bloatware?
Mike Macdermid 15:52
Yeah. here will be I think they've done I've done
Al Struthers 15:56
some pretty cool stuff in the past
Mike Macdermid 15:57
Yeah, they've done some some decent stuff. I'm trying to remember the name of the game I'm actually looking at the site also. So I actually looked at screenshots from ending actually here and it's it looks like another game and I'm just wondering if it's one of their previous their previous games. So the the artwork looks really nice on this. It's kind of almost got the hand drawn slight vibe to it. What What do you make of the kind of the imagery of it? It's got Fox in the imagery.
Al Struthers 16:21
There ourselves very nice. It's, it's a style we've seen a lot of a switch. It's, it's only a little indie dev score for these days. It's kind of that slightly slim, cartoony is not really hand drawn. It's somewhere between the two.
Mike Macdermid 16:30
It reminds me of Watership Down
Al Struthers 16:32
Yeah, sure. That's quite a good description for it.
Mike Macdermid 16:34
Yeah. So this is 3d side scrolling survival video game which is I thought it says for PC and console, but it's I don't think it's on anything yet. It seemed 2021 just a little while away. So
Al Struthers 16:47
yeah, I mean, the what's called a tag line or if it was something like extinction is forever
Mike Macdermid 16:51
so this has actually come from our Patreon so they've they've got some backing they've actually got some people to back this project as well which is fantastic. And they're based in Barcelona this these developers as well. And then they've got the various experienced people that have worked with other people like atari and Ubisoft and EA and stuff so so look out for that one. It's called angling at 2021 Next up a game that I know James who's been on the podcast a few times we'll need to get him back on at some point soon as well. untitled goose came
Al Struthers 17:21
we thought that look really good anyway,
Mike Macdermid 17:23
I saw someone do yes I did. I saw someone managed to complete it in like a minute. What Yeah, apparently there's like a speed run thing that you can do where you can because I don't I haven't played it so I don't do it. But James has said great things about it is having an absolute blast on it. So I think if it's if it's been one you've been sitting on the fence about will maybe get James to give us a proper review for next week. See if you can let us know exactly what he liked what he didn't like about going to record something will slip into the foetal next week. That's a great show actually, but it is he is loving it. So there we are. Next up a game that a friend of mine messaged me today and said, Are you playing this and I went now got on the switch, but actually I'm going to download it. I need to ask a couple of questions. Because I know you've got this is Mario Kart tour. It's on mobile.
Unknown Speaker 18:06
It is how was it? It surprisingly good actually.
Mike Macdermid 18:09
One finger touch kind
Al Struthers 18:10
of thing one finger touch you look at it. It's a lot more like Mario Kart than I thought it was going to be. That sounds like a weird thing to say. But when you're playing a little you're not doing accelerating running breaking. The mechanic feels weirdly familiar. You still got the whole sliding of Paris Layton and corners actually works really really well. All the usual weapons and tracks at the courses are the ones you're recognised because it often previous generations of Aereo car. And then so far, I've not come against the frustrations of the call the paywall. So you remember the beta when it came out a reset it was cash hungry? I just want you to give them money. Yeah, they must have tweaked it, because so far, I've got a little bit into it. My other half she's been playing a lot of it further than I have. And neither of us had to pay a penny yet and if I'm not quite a bit, so it's good fun.
Mike Macdermid 18:54
And it's not linked to the new Apple arcade. You don't have to sign up for that for new
Al Struthers 18:57
but you do have to have a Nintendo account.
Mike Macdermid 18:59
So you need to tend to account but you can do great for free.
Al Struthers 19:02
Yeah, okay, so actually interestingly, we discover she didn't have a Nintendo game before so she's now made one. She starts in the book getting when I think mine is obviously recognised. I play Mario Kart and it comes in giving you extra stuff to begin with. And it says we recommend you start in 150 CCS or 50 well considering
Mike Macdermid 19:17
a three star five star whoever is every single
Al Struthers 19:21
course is going to tell you start on 200 cc and give you everything well we'll see
Mike Macdermid 19:24
they just have pure interest to see what it does do actually. And they've also got Pauline has come to know Colleen
Al Struthers 19:31
has come from that naughty Odyssey Yeah, there's a whole new york team going on just it's cool. It's a good fun game is it's not the depth of Mario Kart. It just doesn't as a mobile game. It is a pretty good move. I don't want
Mike Macdermid 19:42
a mobile game with the depth of switch game though because when I play in the mobile it's because I'm sitting waiting for somebody you know to pick someone up or I've got 10 minutes to kill and I can't be bothered getting an offer game on Yeah,
Al Struthers 19:52
it's been good. I'll have to say I'm making making this up. I'm pretty sure I've seen a headline saying it's been the most successful mobile game Nintendo's released so far within a couple of days launch. certainly been a huge hit.
Mike Macdermid 20:03
Excellent stuff. While I'll be getting that today, because my friend Rajiv has messaged me this morning and asked if, if I know what to play with. So
Al Struthers 20:10
we can all play together, buddy. Oh, excellent. I'll get you added.
Mike Macdermid 20:13
So Shaun, the sheep. There's a movie of a similar title actually says this but Sean Sean the sheep home sheep home, farm farm again and party edition. Oh, so many names, and so many bad names in there. has been announced for the switch. So I think I'm quite happy with this. Oh, you gotta love showing the sheep. You gotta love anything that comes to environment. I actually we had a look at the trailer and the artwork for this is
Al Struthers 20:40
not what I was expecting
Mike Macdermid 20:41
is totally not what it was expect. But it's actually it looks really good. It's very hand drawn looking. Multi game kind of.
Al Struthers 20:48
Yeah, I was expecting in my head before I knew anything about it. It was gonna be something like Plants vs. Zombies, or do you remember those game? Probably 1520 years ago called hugs of war? Yeah, yeah. So it was basically it was 3d version of work worms using pigs instead of worms. That's the best description give you that's what I was picturing here. It was going to be is running around Shaun the Sheep blowing stuff up. That's what I thought was going to be it totally isn't.
Mike Macdermid 21:08
That's a very specific description you gave us there. But yes, you're welcome. But look out for this. It's been announced for the switch. I'm just seeing if we've actually got got a date on here. I haven't I haven't seen the date. But let's just check if they have a little bit different. Look at it. They're calling it hand painted art, which I think is description
Al Struthers 21:28
is a very good description. It's all 2d. This is not 3d is a 2d game, at least from what we've seen in a 2d game. It looks like it's going to be quite quite frantic and quite good fun. There's mostly screenshots and videos we've seen there's three or four sheep on the screen. jumping around blowing stuff up and just courage
Mike Macdermid 21:44
courage. October is when it's coming so far away. Not long to wait at all. Well, it's not it's two three days ago. Yeah. Next up Then hurry have announced and officially licenced to mario kart racing wheel or we're getting Welcome back to the Nintendo Wii.
Al Struthers 22:01
Okay, not keen. I was never founded them. I've never ever liked playing Mario Kart with motion Winters. I just want to stick.
Mike Macdermid 22:08
Yeah, I did on the week. Because Did you? That was
Al Struthers 22:11
Yeah, even though we're still used to stick.
Mike Macdermid 22:13
But that's because I had the wheels and actually quite enjoyed at the time. But no, I
Al Struthers 22:19
I mean, if you're in an arcade or international car, it's fine. But trying to play with a wheel in midair. It just is. is unnatural. Weird. And a dog.
Mike Macdermid 22:28
Okay. Oh, yeah. Horrible. official word has been hard. But look out for that. If you are a Mario Kart fan, and you because I do see if you play online, you see, it'll tell you if someone's using a wheel, or motion controls, I should say don't have to use the wheel or not. And there's quite a few people do. And I think if you're good at it, you probably do get a lot more accuracy from it, I would suspect but because they tend to be the ones that were winning. So it's interesting, but I don't know. I haven't played it with a wheel for a long time. Next up four nights. This is good news for people like me, you can't build and fortnite I probably could if I put some effort in there are getting bots to help players learn the game. Now this is probably good if they're going to keep doing these crossover things to try and bring in new people then and then and then and then and then and then and then and then Spider Man. So so the Batman one for example, which is happening. I think that's this is a good idea because it is confusing the game without the building element. Fine, I get that. She's put the building element into it. And that's what you really need to be good at is you need to be able to kind of, you know, build yourself.
Al Struthers 23:34
You will never even seen gameplay footage afforded.
Mike Macdermid 23:37
Okay, never will make the thing today. Okay, next up king of cards, and showdown will be the end of Shovel Knight treasure trove. And then it'll be pre production on the next thing up no surprise because Shovel Knight has been going on and on and on. And I really want to get the treasure trove but I just will come to the sale in a minute. But there's so many games in that sale that I look at and go Yeah, I really want that. But I can't justify them. Because I know I'm not going to go on to them for a long time. So unless it's like a couple of pounds and there are a couple of games in there that I looked at when I was 299 but I haven't bought them either. Or one I really so much time
Al Struthers 24:11
in the world and you've only got so much money in the world as well unless you're Uber rich. Yeah, you do have to be picky but what you buy,
Mike Macdermid 24:18
so if you but I think the good thing about Shovel Knight is if you like Shovel Knight, you are going to get endless hours. So interesting to see what they do next, because obviously it's been so successful, I would suspect I'd be surprised if they don't keep on with the Shovel Knight franchise because it's you know, it's built up now. And you know, have to think of something different though because treasure troves kind of covered all
Al Struthers 24:43
I imagine they're probably already on it should ever it is being done Shovel Knight VR.
Mike Macdermid 24:47
House of the Dead one and two have been announced for switch to MC had said this in his MC on Twitter messaged us the week before this happened said these are two games I would love to see on the switch
Al Struthers 24:58
daddy. Yeah, he's like a savant. He's looking to sponsor a word. He's looking in the future. What's a psychic psychic?
Mike Macdermid 25:04
He's also like, he may be made up this storey altogether. And maybe it's not true. But
Al Struthers 25:10
he works for games development
Mike Macdermid 25:13
as well hosts the dead one and to be interesting to see what the US to shoot the zombies with because john consequently or Yes. So I was wondering if maybe maybe they could do a little interesting.
Unknown Speaker 25:27
Cool. That'll be cool.
Mike Macdermid 25:31
Because there's not many games I want to change the system of controller but that would be one that I would because
Al Struthers 25:37
well you know that I'm surprised nobody's done that. Yeah, maybe they have done that yet. Maybe people can correct me but it seems like a really obvious thing. The whole digital content side of shoot things on a screen we can you can read you can
Mike Macdermid 25:47
read you can I mean, I had a light gun on my spectrum if I got on with my spectrum on lunch day. Yeah, and I had one of the games I played really funny now. One of my favourite games was bullseye. The TV show I used to like on is your arts
Al Struthers 26:00
you know, you could do you could go back now they got snares online, they could bring back out Yoshi Safari, which I think I mentioned before and only remember this which basically came with a light bazooka on the snares shoulder and you fired it and it was cool. I do know I
Unknown Speaker 26:15
redo that game. I never I never had it so
Al Struthers 26:17
many opportunities that nobody's really tapped yet.
Mike Macdermid 26:19
Why is the dead one and two you might remember them from the arcades as well. They were on various consoles previously but this is good. We think they're going to do an HD remake but we don't know
Al Struthers 26:28
if there's still some current in arcade
Mike Macdermid 26:30
I think they're still popular in some places have a
Al Struthers 26:33
funny feeling if you go into arcade where we are in Aberdeen I think there might still be one of the actually dead tues in there is it only wasn't or not that long ago that they're filming livestreaming
Mike Macdermid 26:43
Nintendo uniform announced the highlights of Nintendo e shop sale these discounts are due to last until 13th of October. Now let me just say
Al Struthers 26:49
quite excited brother, Sonia, there are some really good deals, there's some
Mike Macdermid 26:52
great deals and the thing is that I I can't even do justice with some of the games that I mentioned. I mean, virtual racing four pounds. So Sega ages who are really good at porting games, Boston and the follow up to Boston, which was transistor, which are really well reviewed games are like nine out of 10 solid
Al Struthers 27:12
play transistor, I'm pretty sure it was only three ones in place. PS think
Mike Macdermid 27:15
it was what's called plus Yeah, like two to 99 is the moment in the UK. But other games, the Final Fantasy series are playing to the Final Fantasies that have gone on sale as well. Dragon's Dogma is 1999. digitally
Al Struthers 27:27
most amateur Monster Hunter generations ultimate winner. So for 45 pounds to 27.
Mike Macdermid 27:32
But I think the biggest bargain of the whole sale is holy night at 659. down from 1099.
Al Struthers 27:38
And doing this interesting me Sergio valleys not doing much, but it's been a little bit. I've got 1140 got it.
Mike Macdermid 27:44
You can tell me to buy it. I know I need to play it, though. But hold on. I the one thing is put me off holiday is that I'm told that whilst not unfair, it gets very difficult. So that's my concern.
Al Struthers 27:55
How annoyed Are you by the force on that list?
Mike Macdermid 27:58
Let's have a look for some demos that crush Team Racing. Yeah. And I'm not because I bought physical form at 2999. So I'm looking
Al Struthers 28:08
down from 35 to 2625
Mike Macdermid 28:10
years, I saw a physical copy going somewhere for about 20 pounds. But I'm all right, relax. It's been a couple of months. And it doesn't bother that the more people playing it, the better to be honest. But yeah, I know. You mean it is frustrating. If I bought yesterday, I'd have been annoyed and I saw someone online talking about buying holiday. The day before they're all Celeste is also on the deal at the moment as well. So you can get that bit cheaper. Street Fighter collections. 18 pounds. They're actually what we're saying is
Al Struthers 28:35
it's a really good sale.
Mike Macdermid 28:36
It's intimating sales, 150 games with discounts. And it's until when October the 13th. I believe the time good. But I would say if you spent 20 pounds, you could probably pick up three or four really good titles, or two or three excellent titles. So
Al Struthers 28:55
a lot of job titles are a lot of junk titles.
Mike Macdermid 28:57
But actually, to be honest, the pitch games that there's stuff in there and you go, Oh, yeah, forgot about that. And they're not even getting a look in because there's so many good games in that sale. So
Al Struthers 29:06
the big question is, what is your fire watching it? And an answer is no.
Mike Macdermid 29:09
Because if I was in it, I'd have bought it. I'll tell you what is there is the other ones similar. It's like a walking simulator. The the
Al Struthers 29:18
movies right here. That's a pain expression. You're trying to remember this. It's the sort of liquid squeeze or something.
Mike Macdermid 29:22
It's the squeeze at the title of this game. It's the Oh, I forget what it's called. It's quite new as well. It's annoying me. I'll come back to it. It's a walking simulator. Maybe Finch. Okay, whatever. It's called of meaty Finch. Yes, that is on sale as well. And I was tempted by that, but I must finish one of the 2 million games already have. So next up at Team 1700s overcooked and overcooked to physical game. I have completed both of these games. Not all the DLC, but both games and some of the DLC, whoop whoop. And they are great games. They're fantastic games. But I say that it's a great game. A lot of play the second one here, I would say I have never and I am quite an angry person when I play games sometimes. But I was ashamed of my behaviour playing this with my other half
Al Struthers 30:07
let's try playing overcooked was I think three or four different people and there's only one person I guess you played with. I've played it with Yeah, three four different my neighbour. He and I mostly do as an affiliate cam rational manner and we just kind of keep going through until we get it and neither of us got really angry. We've not punched each other it's it's often but I
Mike Macdermid 30:23
think I need to play it with someone that's a bit more removed from someone that close to me, because I think you just get so frustrated with each other.
Al Struthers 30:31
Because Jen was courage.
Mike Macdermid 30:32
She's shouting at me. She sent me past the fish past the fish. I'm good. I'm doing this steak. I just fell off the edge. I'm at the lava. I'm doing the burgers. The funny thing is we're both vegan as well and we're like past the fish. You know, I mean, it's like the most unnerving thing but it is a fantastic game so well worth well worth checking out and I love physical copies of games. I'd be tempted I'm not gonna buy it on lunch but I will keep an eye on it. You know at some point, switch lights. We mentioned it we give you MCs fantastic review thanks again MC at switch light has a slow launch
Al Struthers 31:04
it's not done particularly well in the first week I wouldn't say it's done badly but apparently the the statisticians have estimated sold the renderer 13 and a half thousand units in the first week. But I don't think that's there it's the wrong is not this isn't peak switch selling I know holiday season game towards Christmas that's what it's going to take off so the fight sort of slow ish launch is not the end of the world and I just
Mike Macdermid 31:24
think it's the core thing of we want to make this the biggest seller ever I think this is just something else on their plan.
Al Struthers 31:30
I guess what they'll be competing to is the two DS that's probably compared to in in first two years they sold 200,000 units so let's see what the switch light has done in the next two years. Yeah, it's a long way to go but yeah, it's not done it's not an amazingly but I don't think anyone surprised the switch is already out there it's just it's like a little additional version of a switch so yeah, I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about it as they say
Mike Macdermid 31:50
and I would if I had the money I would probably buy one but not at the moment but mix review if you didn't hear it right the start of the episode
Al Struthers 31:57
then again but then how how did you manage to get this Now
Mike Macdermid 32:01
listen to me maybe you know some people might Fast Forward
Al Struthers 32:05
maybe the maybe the fell asleep?
Mike Macdermid 32:08
Maybe they fell asleep like Mr. Cool mystical that doesn't fall asleep our podcast so you're all right. Next up we have developer guru Mario Memorial memorial of games. What a great title.
Unknown Speaker 32:20
My name is Komodo of game such a bizarre one.
Mike Macdermid 32:23
They've confirmed sort of the necromancer Not to be confused with crypto the necromancer although it would make a great chorus of a song like a rap Sword of the necromancer crypt of the necromancer Buddha Buddha Buddha but
Al Struthers 32:39
don't give up on that is your day job.
Mike Macdermid 32:42
The next single is going to have those words in it another OK, so the so we don't have a release date for this. But what's interesting about this is the switch versions again, we'll use the switch joy con IR camera which you mentioned earlier on for a code scanner feature that will let you scan cause to obtain unique items and monsters, which is kind of cool. We had a look at this it's like imagine an old eight bit dungeon kind of game but like a Zelda or a month or a Dragon Quest but done in an art style where it's been hand drawn to look a bit like kind of RT cartoon good description I would say I like it well done like but I think it looks really looks really good. It looks really well done so we'll keep an eye on that and obviously we'll get more details but I like the IR camera idea. I think that's cool.
Al Struthers 33:26
Yeah, I hadn't actually realised that there was no air camera on it. I didn't realise that was even part of the joke on
Mike Macdermid 33:32
I didn't and I did from the Amoeba stuff because you put on the icon to
Al Struthers 33:37
see I should have never never touched me momentarily. I don't
Mike Macdermid 33:42
remember seeing some right we're gonna move on to universe who went interesting. We're gonna move on through school got some exciting news about them. So next up, let's do this week's rumours. gta three Do you remember the first moment you played Grand Theft Auto three after because I can't.
Al Struthers 34:00
I can't remember the first time I saw it because I saw somebody else playing it before I bought it.
Mike Macdermid 34:04
I remember seeing someone play it and then having a go at the same time so similar to you. And honestly going
Al Struthers 34:12
what my mind has done. There's nothing like it 3d worlds didn't exist at that point
Mike Macdermid 34:16
or not. Not in that way. They're there are two times in my life gaming life where I've been blown away to the point of just speechless first with Sonic the Hedgehog one of the Mega Drive because I came from a spectrum which I love the specs still do. I talk about a lot. But when I saw Sonic one on the Megatron, my uncle This is a true storey my uncle was a salesman and old school door to door salesman, right. And he came around with this games console one evening and he lived quite far from us. And he was staying with us. He said you wanted to have a look at this. And of course I was nine or something I said yeah, of course. What games? Yeah, cool. I've got a spectrum there. So you know,
Al Struthers 34:55
I'm not talking about a vocal stuff.
Mike Macdermid 34:57
He's like, okay, I'll have a look and see what you think. And he put it on. I looked at it and I was like, I'm in the arcades. I can't I can't get my head around this. How is this possible? And it was genuinely one of those moments and the second time was Grand Theft Auto three because I never seen a game look so good. In 3d. Where you had you had so much freedom to do so many things.
Al Struthers 35:17
Yeah, well, I like you. I have three pivotal gaming memories. The first one was the very first time I saw console game, and it was super mario on the NES. Yeah, the first one sir Mario. second one was Mario 64. I remember standing in HMV playing this and 60 world's first launched and just being blown away by Wow, you. This is 3d. This is an open world. But it was open world and different way. Yeah, Grand Theft Auto just completely blew my mind because it was a living breathing city. Yeah. And it was so detailed. And it was just unlike anything I'd seen before. It really did set the bar for games going forward.
Mike Macdermid 35:53
Now you might wonder at this point, why are we talking Grand Theft Auto three? And there's no reason we just like it.
Unknown Speaker 35:58
The next day to me it's not real. I'd like
Mike Macdermid 36:00
to I'm just joking. There is the Grand Theft Auto three it was leaked on the Australian classification board. What what what what? So what we are wondering here what the rumour is, is that it's kind of the switch now. Could this be the first of the Rockstar Games to come to the switch? And if it is, we're going back to kind of the first of the modern day ones. Hmm, so does that mean we're getting by city city Liberty cities? For the FI Yeah, The Ballad of gay Tony.
Al Struthers 36:30
Yes, give us all these games give us all the we love Grand Isle of Grand Theft Auto. I really love it. Soon as my other best franchise ever. she absolutely loves Grand Theft Auto. So if you had a little face city store pinnacle of that game, the fibres tend to be the most amazing place. It has got the best soundtrack and that's all I care about this.
Mike Macdermid 36:46
I must say I don't think they'll ever beat the soundtrack from vice city that is that is true. I mean, that's you're right a touch that from Holland. Oh, it's driving down the road singing I was I was in that one,
Al Struthers 36:56
wasn't it? Yeah, well, it's just such a good game. I'm genuine really excited about the potential of Grand Theft Auto actually coming soon. We'll be speculating about this. We've been asking for it for a while
Mike Macdermid 37:06
it's on mobile. But the problem with mobile as I mentioned a million times is the controller thing. I know. I know. We can do it now. And we can Bluetooth it and all that so but to
Al Struthers 37:13
find sort of your phone No.
Mike Macdermid 37:16
It's also your phone. And the phone rings you're playing the game. If it comes out and switch it's a day one purchase for me as long as it's not like 30 quid if it's if it's a
Al Struthers 37:25
good chance to play still be 20 quid
Mike Macdermid 37:27
No, I think I'll be last because it's on the mobile mobile it's you pick it up for switch tax Mike
Al Struthers 37:31
switch tech,
Mike Macdermid 37:32
I reckon we'll get it for 899 for digital and physical be 1989 I'd probably buy digital physical,
Al Struthers 37:40
really seems like a huge difference between the two
Mike Macdermid 37:43
physical physical is almost completely more expensive. Rip, we'll see. But anyway, let's keep our fingers crossed that that is the first of the GTA games to come to this, which we will see. Next up another rumour ES has started again, he has asked the users in a poll if they would like to see their project Atlas game streaming service, on the switch know this streaming service at the moment. It's fairly limited in the titles that it has, but it's kind of their rival to the study at type stuff, isn't it?
Al Struthers 38:13
It is and although it's limited is limited, but with really heavyweight titles in there. Yeah, it's not it's not filler. They've got all the big stuff. We've got FIFA 19. They've got wasn't need high speed. Oh, yeah. There's some big big games on there. And yeah,
Mike Macdermid 38:26
I think that it'll be interesting to see what the results of this poor are because there will be a bit of resistance because it's streaming. But I don't think it's a problem if it doesn't interfere with what you're doing on the switch anyway. Yeah.
Al Struthers 38:41
I don't have a problem with it at all. And it increases which the repertoire of interesting games that we would not get on the switch otherwise, yeah. I mean, you presume you get sort of full versions of all these games I mean, Titan vol You know, when you get that switch know
Mike Macdermid 38:54
exactly. So.
Al Struthers 38:57
So that could be anything although I'm thinking right thing is not actually launched properly as a service. It's only in beat.
Mike Macdermid 39:02
Yeah, I think it's I think it's only a PC at the moment.
Al Struthers 39:04
Yeah, that's the thing. So So it's interesting that these early stages, they are considering going to switch? Well, they're probably looking at the whole way of where they're going to go with it. I think they're probably kind of as a business. They're going I actually know what I'm going to put my cynic cap back on again. It's been a while since I got home dust off it. Yeah. Right. So Nick has on its it's in development, and they're already doing it. And this is just their early cheap PR stump asking people if they want it because of course it's coming.
Unknown Speaker 39:28
Yeah, of course it is.
Mike Macdermid 39:30
Okay, there we are. Bad news or the switch lights a rumour or not so much a rumour as more of a gossip and discussion. People are saying that they've had some problems with joy icon drift, which is, I mean, that's harder. That's worse, because, you know, for a week I know that's a real shame. But we'll we'll watch the space on that and see if that is a real problem. And hopefully Nintendo are doing something good about that to fix that because that that's not good. It's not especially in a light because you cannot you
Al Struthers 39:58
can't you know, I think well, you know, you'd have to pull something off again to fix it. Would you be really annoying or be frustrating? Oh, Nintendo. Oh, do you
Mike Macdermid 40:06
know the rumour for you? nukem 3d the 20th anniversary world tour we think that's heading to the switch. Another another proper old school
Al Struthers 40:13
that is good. Let's go back. So again,
Mike Macdermid 40:15
yeah, Duke Nukem that's a proper 90s title.
Al Struthers 40:18
I started first time I saw that on a Windows PC like 486 Yeah, and there are some pretty sexy sprites. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 40:26
made him look like nonsense. It did well briefly, but a fun subject you can look out for that as well as potential the next up youtuber and owner of the website pokey shopper. What a great name has knowledge on Pokemon merchandise production now according to him many generation for products will begin production as soon as December 2019. So this is like are we getting a Gen for remakes is basically what they're asking here.
Al Struthers 40:52
Hmm, interesting. I sort of lost track of Pokemon by 10. We got to region three actually delivering Gen four. So I don't know what was involved in there. But if they've already made Pokemon, red and yellow, red and blue, even, which was essentially like school EV. Yeah, considering remaking some more of them, particularly if Link to the Past has been around fast links awaken has been a success. Yeah, they might start reading some of the older games. So
Mike Macdermid 41:16
I think that let's go EV and let's go peek at you moving quite successful. I think they were and I think they've been successful. There's a big audience of kids that will still buy those because it's the version is the equivalent of all we know a lot of people who are now adults we did on the first time around,
Al Struthers 41:30
and there's a lot of adults who buy it for nostalgia.
Mike Macdermid 41:32
Yeah, exactly. So I don't think they're going to have any problems selling more of those. So watch this space. Next up blood stained ritual of the night, which is a kind of a kind of Castlevania one, isn't it? It is. Yeah, yeah. There's an update due for that by the end of November. So if you've got that game, or you or you've been sitting on the fence, then November look out for that. We don't know what's in it yet. But that's the rumour that it's going to be updated soon enough. I love it. When developers update games or give you something new on a game. One of the best RPGZ should buy on the switch is 101 called west of little thing.
Unknown Speaker 42:05
I still get to
Mike Macdermid 42:06
play a desperate to play because you've Raven whitelist rest of low thing is so funny. I have no doubt in my head, you will love it. So it's hand drawn proper stick figure characters, wild west, my level of art, basically, it's I mean, it's better than my art by far. But it's really funny. There's DLC on that. I think I'm gonna have to check this because I've completed the game. And I would be tempted to go back and play some DLC. No, because it's a great experience. So that's one of my games I've actually finished. So go and check out west of losing. It's not in the see at the moment. But
Al Struthers 42:35
to be honest, always on sale.
Mike Macdermid 42:36
It's on sale and it's in N even if it's not you. It's not always the money because it's such a good game. And I think sometimes it's nice to support developers when you know the games Good Night in the Woods. That's the other one I mentioned a lot. It's not necessarily they're still recommend things aren't like still recommend them, you can
Al Struthers 42:51
switch to organise the whitelist.
Mike Macdermid 42:54
And yes, so there we are. So that is pretty much where we're at this week, in terms of the kind of news and rumours normal at this point with your quiz. But we're going to hold off because obviously, what's going to happen now is Alster is going to leave. And it's going to go down to see Anton and Emily, and the three of you are going to be looking at some of the streaming stuff, you're gonna be able to chat about, potentially some other stuff that we might want to want to do in the future. And I mentioned this at the start idea is the season one will end at the end of the year, season two begins 2020 will be taking a big break or anything, but it's more just to kind of change numbers. evaluate what we've been doing what we want to do, yeah, because you know, we want to keep this going as long as we can. So if you have any suggestions, or you've got any thoughts on what you think we should do, and that could be anything from whether you want a new feature, whether you think we should be asking for more support, because at the moment, as we've talked about many times as well, we don't make anything from this. We don't make any money. And that's not our goal. But we do spend money on this.
Al Struthers 43:51
Yeah, we actually work the site, we spend quite a lot of money making a storey Yeah, it's more to do with just the website subscription. Yeah, websites.
Mike Macdermid 43:58
So you know, that's our aim. And we want try and be really kind of clear with people about what we're doing going forward. But if you've got any suggestions on that, we are thinking about all that at the moment. So just drop us an email probably his best podcast at NSUKP coda UK.
Al Struthers 44:10
Absolutely. And we're gonna have a considered and see what what we do going forward. Because we are, we want to we want to make the show as good as we can. We want to do it for you guys. So if there's something that we should or shouldn't be doing, please, genuine, let us know.
Mike Macdermid 44:21
Yeah, we won't go down the route of absolutely changing up so much that people go that's not the same podcast. And, you know,
Al Struthers 44:28
we like we like, we like a format book and tweak it.
Mike Macdermid 44:32
And just make sure that we can keep it running. That's the main thing is to keep going in 2020. That's it for this week. Thank you very much for listening. Big reminder again, Twitter, ns UK podcast on Twitter, on Facebook, as well as UK podcast. I think we're also on
Al Struthers 44:47
emails, DK you can send us all the other things you're talking about smoke signals, pigeons, dogs, Lassie
Mike Macdermid 44:56
and is the website as well. Great on that. Also, Apple podcast, if you can leave a review for us there, that would be amazing. We'd be so happy about all every day will always give you if you happen
Al Struthers 45:07
to listen to this on Saturday 28th or Sunday, the 20th of September then have a look tomorrow, probably around about five, six, something like that. Oh, YouTube,
Mike Macdermid 45:17
actually, if you could if you could do us a favour. If you're on YouTube, subscribe to our channel. That would be probably the biggest favour you could do is this week because we want to start building that up. Because for some reason in the gaming industry, even though our podcasts gets really good listeners, I think we tweeted about this dude
Al Struthers 45:32
we shouldn't talk about down here to
Mike Macdermid 45:34
nearly 2000 listens this month on our podcast, which is amazing. And I
Al Struthers 45:40
was up to being listened to. And 100 link is six cities around the world 996
Mike Macdermid 45:43
cities around the world. But people in the gaming industry still look at your YouTube now we don't have a YouTube so it's new for us. But we want to build up a bit so that people can go and get extra stuff there. But the big things always going to be the podcast. But if you can head to YouTube, and SUKPR SEK podcasters searches, you'll find us and get us on YouTube, and then
Al Struthers 46:04
we'll be doing something tomorrow. We don't know where they will be playing something and talking about stuff. But we will figure that out. As always turn on tomorrow.
Mike Macdermid 46:11
Yes, you will have a fabulous day. I wish I could be there and I will be the next time. I promise. It'll be tomorrow. With that. Have a fantastic week. We will be back next week will be on YouTube on Sunday the 29th. Until then, goodbye Cheerio.