Out Of The Dragon Question - Episode 31
After a week off, Anton, Mike & Al are back with a new episode. Dragon Quest has a whopping 10 hour demo out now, Streets of Rage is heading to Switch and if you've ever wanted to be a fighting crab, you're in luck!
We also take a look at the recent Indie World announcements, chat about a host of new releases, discuss Activision and EA and much more, including this week's quiz.
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Out Of The Dragon Question - Episode 31
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:12
Hello, and welcome to episode number 31 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. We were away last week but we are back. Hello, I'm Mike. I'm out.
Anton Winters 0:23
I'm Anton. And it's great to be back. We had so much news, how can we?
Mike Macdermid 0:28
Well, it's just the thing I went away and then everything happened. We had games calm, we had the in the directs. And then we had about a million announcements. It's been probably the busiest two weeks of switch news, and we weren't here for it. But that's the way the world
Al Struthers 0:42
crumbles. We weren't here, but you were going to still let me know about it from Spain.
Unknown Speaker 0:45
That's true. I was still
Mike Macdermid 0:47
I was still looking up a fair bit while I was away. But first of all, before we do get started, we'll talk about what we've been playing. And let me recommend Madrid. By the way, it's a lovely place. Very nice. did a lot of walking. played a little switch Jordan. Oh, I was playing to remember. Remember before I left in the last episode, I was talking about what? what I was going to play. And I think I said the one that you downloaded? The owners ponder. Yeah, yeah, I didn't play that. But why did play, what I did play was beat called paradise where you play a policeman on the beat. And it's very funny. And it's great. It's a really fun game, you can play in short bursts, because you can play a day and then put it down. So that was cool. And then funnily enough, despite having about three or four games, if I'm gonna check on my switch now, because I want to make sure that I get the you can hear it clicking there. So on on my games, the other ones I was going to play was gonna play oxen free. And I was going to play Beat Cop. And I was going to try and get those kind of done. And in the end, I played about five hours of stains gate. So, and I love it. It's great. It's a it's a visual novel, but it's got a lot of animation in it. Because the elite version on the switch does. It's a classic, everybody sort of says it's one of the best storylines. Great and the funny thing is the see that the first six hours are the slowest. And after that, it's when it sort of kicks off and I've really loved the first five or six hours. So I'm really excited about the rest of it. So yeah, recommend it. Very nice, very nice. I'm not like a visual novel novel connoisseur. I don't play visual novels that often so I'm intrigued as to where to go next. And while I was away believe this or not Anton I actually bought a switch game.
Anton Winters 2:26
Oh, really? What did you pick up?
Mike Macdermid 2:28
So I went into game in, in Madrid and did Why
Unknown Speaker 2:31
did you go to a game in Madrid
Mike Macdermid 2:34
because there's something exciting about seeing what they have compared to what we have and I bought a physical copy of the longest five minutes
Anton Winters 2:42
Oh, what's what is all that until I haven't heard that game.
Mike Macdermid 2:45
It's an RPG that goes backwards so it starts at the final boss and the protagonist doesn't know why because he's lost all his memories and then there's flashbacks to that throughout the whole game is very well reviewed. And it's kind of done in this 16 bit style but it's a it's a real really is a solid eight out of 10 type review game and I've had my eye on it when it first came out. physical copies are quite hard to come by in the UK you're looking at 2530 quid to get one off of ebay or the likes and I picked it up for 16 euros so at the moment that's 17 pounds because the title blockchains right, but you know, had it been 10 years ago that have been eight quid but still a really good deal at 16 pounds and I bought the physical of that and the box is Spanish because it's the Spanish Rita I was really hoping that it wasn't you know completely in Spanish but no no it's it's it's an English so I'm really tough for that. And then so so all that plus then I downloaded the Dragon Quest demo which will come to a little bit later on so that's what I've been playing. And very excited about getting through stains gate.
Al Struthers 3:46
Alistair, have you been playing anything? I have been playing but not really anything particularly new. I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart recently. Yes, cuz well. Yep. And I've also been I've been playing Pokemon let's go EV
Unknown Speaker 3:58
That's all right.
Unknown Speaker 4:00
Unknown Speaker 4:00
It's really good. It's been it's been tickling my Pokemon
Al Struthers 4:04
tickle Pokemon bit it has been doing that. It's been it's been
Mike Macdermid 4:08
taking the tickling your ears?
Al Struthers 4:09
Yes, I was wounded by somebody. So I thought I really should play this and give it back to them and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've only played it maybe an hour or two hours tops. I'm not very far in okay, but it's nostalgic and Mason. I'm enjoying it a lot. And I'm not missing tackling the Pokemon to catch them. I don't care I just throw a ball I catch it I don't catch it. The trainer's you battled trainers you don't battle World Poker. Okay,
Mike Macdermid 4:29
maybe it's a good it's a good starter Pokemon game.
Al Struthers 4:31
It doesn't really serve Pokemon it moves faster because you're not constantly bogged down in battles as well poker
Mike Macdermid 4:35
because that's what pushed me off of RPG and I know that's the opposite of why people play RPG is Anton but a lot of the time I get a bit fed up when I'm constantly in battle because I love the storey elements of RPG and the discovery and all that side of it. I don't mind the battling. But sometimes it's a bit much of a
Anton Winters 4:53
Mike Macdermid 4:53
It's a there we are there we are. He said Yeah.
Anton Winters 4:56
Interesting. Now that you've kept keeps that want to go do you see yourself maybe giving shield or sword or shield ago,
Al Struthers 5:03
I was always planning on it. And I'm trying to convince my other half that she's gonna buy a switch and buy the other half of it so that we can have both and we can create Pokemon and do all the good stuff.
Mike Macdermid 5:11
What about you
Anton Winters 5:12
Anton? What have you been playing this week? Oh, and I've been downloading more demos and playing this week I've downloaded the Dragon Quest one there's a new Monster or demo and not Monster Hunter a monster monster boy but I haven't actually had a chance jump on always the monster by demo avail available isn't Yeah, it saying the curse something but am I becoming a couple of books. I love the Mega Drive games for that. So that should be a tonnes of fun. But so did I need to dive in more haven't been pulling enough.
Mike Macdermid 5:38
Well, we're going to talk about Dragon Quest in just a moment. Just a reminder, though, before we jump in that we are on Twitter, we are on Facebook. It's NS Uk podcast on Twitter. We've actually had a couple of messages because I put a tweet the other day to say that we were going to be recording the first podcast in a couple weeks because obviously we were away last week and I asked the question, was there anything that you want to to wanted us to talk about? So let me just tell you, we did have a reply with a couple of likes on that. One was just Yes. That was from MC. I think he was just happy that we're doing the podcast again. And we had another one, which was asking us I'm just trying to find the tweeting out here from Richard Chisholm says I unlocked the Fire Emblem theme on Tetris 99 Last night, I reckon if Nintendo made these themes, unlockable as homeschooling themes for the switch, they would get a lot more people signing up for switch online. What do you guys think? What
Anton Winters 6:30
do you think, Anton? Yeah, I think everybody loves customization, you know, the more options we had to do that. Like, it's kind of, you just see every switches like LDF the black screen or the white and say, it'd be great to customise it, even if you just had colours would be nice, like because I know, like Xbox, and I think ps4 for the longest time just had colours in the background and slightly later. So I'll totally be on board for that. put yourself out there.
Al Struthers 7:01
Oh, you guys have big children just get over it. It's the greatest black and white, it's good. You don't need colours, you
Mike Macdermid 7:06
don't need first size. It's for playing games, play your games you do you need to have the feeling this is your switch
Al Struthers 7:13
is my switch, I paid good money for
Mike Macdermid 7:15
my switch. This is why the joy cons and having all different combinations of colours are great, but that's expensive. So I'm completely with Richard on Twitter that I think that if we have the option to have some themes, and it's available, if you sign up to switch the online service, then I think that will encourage more people to do it. Because customization is fantastic.
Al Struthers 7:34
I do agree with it. And it will encourage you all to come. I just don't care.
Mike Macdermid 7:39
You don't have to care. Me on tonight, definitely do care. And just a reminder again, NSUKPQTK. That's a website if you want to email us his podcast@nsukp.co.
Al Struthers 7:48
Mike Macdermid 7:51
we've had a few reviews as well on our apple podcasts, which is one of the many places you can download and listen to our podcast. Thank you so much. For the five star reviews we're actually at We're at 21 five star reviews, we
Al Struthers 8:01
are 21. The last one came in from Dixon 1875. And I don't think we give them a shout out last day. So
Mike Macdermid 8:07
that was a nice five star in depth review, which was really encouraging it. And as for anyone that's listening for the first time, or maybe hasn't listened much we do we do this for free, we don't get paid. And we do it because we love the switch and love talking about it. And if you enjoy the shows, then leaving a review really does help us out because it just gets the word out there lets people know it's it's not a bad podcast.
Al Struthers 8:27
Yeah, we really do appreciate it does give us a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Mike Macdermid 8:29
Right, let's move on to this week's news.
Unknown Speaker 8:34
Mike Macdermid 8:34
first of all, Dragon Quest the demo echoes of an elusive age. It's so so exciting that we have this demo. And here's the great thing about the demo, if you didn't know, because this was one of the questions that people were asking what happens if you play it? And then you want to go and buy the retail version? You get to continue while you do but not just that. It's a 10 hour demo.
Anton Winters 8:55
Oh, wow. Blessing critical turnovers.
Mike Macdermid 9:00
Yeah, as far as I know, Google Google. Doc. But know what's great about it is you start at the beginning. So I played about two and a half, two hour movie, just two hours of it. And you start at the beginning of the demo James who's on the podcast, sometimes he's about three or four hours in to the demo. And it's the full game but just for the first 10 hours or so because this is a huge game obviously. So when you jump in Anton that you've got that that's one of the games that you've got downloading you're going to be able to actually put in you know probably more time than I can play in a week on the switch.
Anton Winters 9:33
Yeah, cuz that's the thing with RPG is even if you like, play 45 minutes it's so like, you're on the 15th tutorial and you still have no idea but what's that I would just love to meet the person is to in that field 10 hours and it's just like, yeah, I'm good. Not for me. Was
Mike Macdermid 9:48
a lot of hours isn't it? If you didn't like it? You
Al Struthers 9:51
can put in 10 hours are you really if you're not enjoying it you're not going to do 10 years ago don't buy it. I said my message is going to leave on a on a cliffhanger it's gonna make you go girlboss game probably I mean that
Mike Macdermid 10:01
my instinct my initial thoughts on it are that it's it's great. I mean, it's exactly what I expected it's a slightly that control slightly differently to what I expected. It's a bit more floaty feeling than it is but it's not as weighty as you'll see what I mean when you play it, but the battles the battles seem goods, they were a little bit easy at the moment, but I would expect that with an hour into a huge RPG. Thank goodness they are because I'm terrible when it comes to tactics. So that's, that's a good thing. It doesn't seem overly complicated for an RPG, which I think is is good. But again, I'm a narrative half in. So I might not say that after the 10th hour because I am not the best. Anton Have you had any Dragon Quest experience? I
Anton Winters 10:41
haven't had any Dragon Quest experiences but I'm really excited to give us a call because I know from personal experience, all the RPG I really going into have been thanks to demos like lunar Silver Star store and the PSP. Its affiliate demos really do work for RPG is because there's so many, like it's not purely gameplay focus, you can just watch the trailer and be like, Yeah, that's great. It's like so many different mechanics build up the game incrementally, whether it be battles trading, like conversations, and it's how they all come together. So having like a fake me demo like this seems like a really good way to go.
Mike Macdermid 11:17
Yeah, I think they've they've done this really well. They've been clever about it. By the way. It's absolutely gorgeous. The art is fantastic. It looks brilliant on the switch really happy with that. So yeah, I think it's exactly the way they need to go. If you want to get people and give them some hours free on the game and let them play it. And if they like it, they're going to buy it.
Al Struthers 11:35
So if you're somebody like me who hasn't played an RPG and I'm going to say 1015 years, a proper RPG is a good way to get into it if it starts pretty simple and maybe builds up and gets complicated because that's what puts me off if you go into something like a Final Fantasy game. Yeah, the franchise going so long. They just assume every knows how to play the games and they keep adding so much that is too daunting to triangle. I'm going to go into this job
Mike Macdermid 11:56
I get the impression because I'm not a huge RPG player either. But I get the impression from what I've played that if you play this and don't take a year break which is why often do with games and you'll probably be fine regardless of what your experience previously is because it doesn't feel like I don't feel like I need to know the background in the first year and a half. I know enough I know what the storey is, you know, I've got the storey I like the characters the English voice acting is brilliant. Because they all have this kind of like slightly sort of country ish kind of accent of like oh honey I know that kind of thing you know and I can't do that pretty well but the point being that it doesn't quite fit you know it's great it's I love that and it's quite well voice acted It reminds me a bit of a wonderful you know Xena Blake Chronicles to is going to say but better I think it's better better voice actor than that. But you can have the Japanese voices if you want and just have the subtitles or just not have the subtitles and not have a clue what's going on if
Anton Winters 12:55
you want but no I really good so you're gonna you're gonna be in four hours damn will free fun Anton I'm almost like don't even like oh, I was just expecting like a 30 minutes running gun This is like a this is a full game almost solid sports
Mike Macdermid 13:10
10 hours. I mean, it's a real is a real big demo and I was surprised they're given us so much but it makes absolute sense because you play 10 hours. You're probably going to want to continue
Al Struthers 13:21
well let's cool game is 12
Mike Macdermid 13:22
No, I think it's I think I closer to 100 rather than 12 I don't know for a fact but and you did check it is 10 hours
Al Struthers 13:29
10 hours I did check out
Mike Macdermid 13:30
Alright, moving on. Then we've got an interesting announcement of a game we did have a quick look at some gameplay this looks utterly hilarious. It's called fight crab and it's been announced for the switch Anton what
Anton Winters 13:38
is fight crowd? If you ever imagine just giving something like a 20 feet pole and then asking them to use it like a sword super top heavy and you can bounce it. That's basically fake crab. You're playing a crab with random various weapons that are slightly to beg for their bodies. The bounce and physics is all over. It's almost like an that fighting game. tonnes of fun.
Mike Macdermid 14:03
You had a look at it a moment ago I was there didn't
Al Struthers 14:05
i didn't look at it. And I laughed a lot and I really want this game does look funny. Your base? Yeah, exactly. And what's a giant crabs fighting? Great, but very consciously. Yeah, I want to play it. Do
Mike Macdermid 14:15
we have a date? Yeah, Anton.
Anton Winters 14:16
I don't think we've got any I think we just got a new trailer. Just Okay, it's coming. But they're going to be keeping our eyes on this one cuz this looks like a really fun party game. Yeah, absolutely. You see it and you know what you're getting?
Mike Macdermid 14:30
Speaking of knowing what you're getting Anton Have you ever lay awake at night and just wondered and thought about the world? You know what I really need my life. I need a cross between a game that crosses between 20 hawks and splitting.
Anton Winters 14:43
And no, I have never fought such a sport. What title is this? I may ask.
Mike Macdermid 14:49
Okay, so this is a bit of a curveball but on the store at the moment if you want to get a really cheap deal Criollo scoot is available for two pounds or thereabout down from 20 odd pounds on the store. And yes,
Al Struthers 15:02
that is the people that make crayons.
Mike Macdermid 15:04
Yes, the crayon makers Crayola. And the game is a cross between Tony Hawk and Dune. Yeah, you basically skateboard you have to do tricks, and you have to grind and all that kind of stuff and use Bry pink bringing it to try and have more colour on the ground than other people. And when you do a trick, it spreads out more paint. Thanks. And it's reasonably well reviewed as well. I mean, it tends to get sort of a 75% type review seven and a half to 10. But it's two quid or thereabouts. So I think it was a full price title. I think when it launched it was 3999 on all consoles. Official RRP I mean, I don't know if I ever sold for that. But check it out.
Anton Winters 15:44
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it was that much. So I think we even did a physical copy of it. And I just kind of dismissed it like a koala game. Like why does that exist? but interesting. I'll get that Gander. Yeah, it's to quit on this. I don't know how
Mike Macdermid 15:57
long it's going to be on there. I bought it because it was two pounds. I mean, I did you review to make sure it wasn't, you know, one out of 10. But, you know, reasonably well reviewed two pounds can't really go wrong. Moving on, because we are going to fly through some of these news items today because we have news, gossip. We've got the Indies we're going to talk about that. And we've got the quiz so we're going to fly through them. Next up I think that both Alistair and Anton are going to be excited about this FFC there's been a filing week for wireless Super Nintendo controllers and this is probably slightly more gossip actually, but it's it's in my list at the top here so I'm going to mention it anyway. Super Nintendo controllers wireless. Are we in?
Al Struthers 16:35
If it leads to what it sounds like it might be leading to I'm very excited thinking now that useless online. Do
Mike Macdermid 16:41
you know what I was thinking? Super blood hockey?
Unknown Speaker 16:43
Yes. Wireless
Al Struthers 16:44
NES controller? That would be cool. That would be lovely. That would be a nice experience. Oh, yeah.
Anton Winters 16:48
Anton What about you? Oh, god, what? What Super Nintendo games that I want. I'm just there's so many being like a Genesis person or make Dr. Rather. There's just so many people Nintendo games. I haven't had the pleasure playing yet and being able to play on switch would be so much fun.
Al Struthers 17:05
Now I want to go back and play. I want to go back and play Sim City on this on the snares. Well, it was a terrible game for the snares that should never been on a snares but I had done I loved it
Mike Macdermid 17:14
will be games at that at that time. Were so unique.
Al Struthers 17:17
The world ballroom and back in the stairs.
Unknown Speaker 17:19
Well, that was a good title. Yes.
Mike Macdermid 17:21
Well, it looks like they are coming. We were going to mention this in gossip, but I've inadvertently mentioned it barely. But that's okay, because it's exciting and we don't mind things that are exciting. Next up a game that might excite you. It's Bubble Bubble for friends, and it's been announced exclusively for the switch, which is always nice. We're getting an exclusive game. It's coming out 19th of November. Have either of you played Bubble Bubble? Alistair? Have you played it? I used to have all my neighbours were happy with Venus or dragons wherever they were.
Anton Winters 17:48
They're coming back. Yeah. That's excite
Mike Macdermid 17:50
you, Anton.
Anton Winters 17:52
Oh, yeah, definitely. I had the 3ds one and I just was lying. The 3ds just launched and there was no games at lunch if his recall. I mean, we're just playing exclusively so much and everybody was like, Oh, you've got that that new 3ds Dude, what games you have? I'm just like, Can you believe it? It's Bubble Bubble but Fredy the futures now I can play on the switch. So we're moving forward very we're moving forward but backwards because it's not gonna be 3d which is really funny. You know, it's like if you think about it, you know, back then that was the
Mike Macdermid 18:24
that was the future and now the future is non 3d which is unless you go for VR Bubble Bubble VR and the switch
Al Struthers 18:29
Oh, that sounds crazy. Now like melt my brain
Mike Macdermid 18:31
Yeah, I think I think let's stick with the 2d I'm all for that.
Al Struthers 18:34
Yeah, yeah. plus four player Co Op bring it off.
Mike Macdermid 18:37
Okay, so next up Streets of Rage for now Streets of Rage classic title. We are officially getting streets of reach for on the switch. Do you remember we played that night we played through a beat him up to
Al Struthers 18:48
Yeah, what was it called? I can't remember it's called you
Mike Macdermid 18:51
know, Justice battling just the battle rage just
Al Struthers 18:55
all those words mashed together in one region justice. That's all yeah, it was good. Fun. enjoyed that.
Mike Macdermid 19:00
Well, this could be a similar experience, and it's a classic franchise. Are we Anton going to get that classic Streets of Rage gameplay once again?
Anton Winters 19:10
Oh, it's an interesting one, close em. Unlike Sonic Mania, or our cult classic revivals, this one seems to be at Calif, they've handed out the rights to an indie studio that wanted to make a Streets of Rage game. And it looks really interesting. It's not going for an eight bit sale, but it's not going for modern sales camp like a 2.5 D like art. And like count drawn art. It's a very interesting one works, kill half remake, half kind of Sonic Mania. Going on the old site, like with old animations, old sound effects and movements. It's a it's a take on very sceptical of I could see it coming out and being like the retro revival that we all love, but the same time I could see it. underwhelming people which would be a bit worrying but you'll have to I'm on the fence personally.
Mike Macdermid 20:01
Yeah, that's my worry about it is that there's going to be hype because people are going to want a Streets of Rage title because it's a classic and it's it's it's that nostalgia factor as well. But let's see is officially coming to the switch and that is good news. Anything that's going to the switch that is a solid title is always good news. So we'll keep an eye on that one. Next up. We've got a new game coming from the team behind Surgeon Simulator, which was a KI game that I remember the time Surgeon Simulator when that came out thinking that looks kind of fun, never bought it. I think it'd been the right time. Anyway, they've got a new game coming. It's called the Bradwell conspiracy, which sounds completely different to Surgeon Simulator. It's the first person not actively focused, puzzle game and tone. What do you think? Yeah,
Anton Winters 20:42
it looks tonnes of fun. Well, not tonnes of fun, but just tonnes of interesting. So your account basically in this company called Bradwell electronic, or Bradwell electronics, I believe. And it seems like you're doing some shady stuff and you're trapped within it. And you've got some like secret technologies that count puzzles for it. So account seems to have that count. And almost like bio shock sale where the storey just happens in front of you with an element of like portal puzzle making. It could be really good that the team behind that boss believes or football studios, they they've only done one real big game and that was also searching similar. But it's been a while from since that game. So it looks like they've put all their eggs in one basket. They put a lot of time into this game. So it could be could be promising. And so definitely want to keep your eye on
Al Struthers 21:34
the team mind and they really are sort of who's who of games design. I mean, there's people who've been working on fable Batman. Oh no, he was here. They were in Tomb Raider that did after he's gone to the Rapture. We've had people in various trades. And most excitingly, you know who's in reading at the beginning? Jonathan was,
Unknown Speaker 21:51
is it? Yes,
Unknown Speaker 21:52
yes. Thanks, john Walker being literary so it's gonna be the bride. Welcome,
Unknown Speaker 21:56
Mike Macdermid 21:58
Okay, next up, the little nightmare two has been announced. And it looks like it's a cute horror game from tarsier studios. They've described it as a suspense adventure. Little nightmare to Anton.
Anton Winters 22:12
Yeah, it's kind of an interesting one. Have any of you seen the original? Really raving reviews when it came? Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 22:19
I remember they spot didn't ever play it. It's next our next art style as far as I remember if I'm going to go look at the picture. No, but tell us a bit more about Anton Yeah,
Anton Winters 22:29
I'm not 100% familiar with it. But it's it looks like and very interesting title. It has your your classic like almost like a last few alohar like it's not holding back. But the characters the things are a little bit less morbid and gross and disgusting. It's it's very interesting. And it's, you know, the first one count seemed like a just unlucky title. But it seems like Lyft call the company behind it has a lot of faith in it. So I'm curious. Maybe gives us one Nicole It's been a while since I've played a hard game. And yeah, has promised but we'll have to wait and see if you've played the original and definitely let us know know on Twitter because we'd be curious calc know if it said something we should be checking out.
Mike Macdermid 23:17
Yeah, remember the logo, just check the logo and remember the logo being it's a very distinct logo as well. So yeah, looking forward to seeing what that's all about. Also any interest from yourself a really
Al Struthers 23:28
interesting art style. I'm loving style the art. Yeah, but I think I might get a bit freaked out. Yeah, you don't
Mike Macdermid 23:33
like the scary scary I've got a game that you might like the oil stir it's grid auto sport and it's coming to switch in September grid auto sport. Does that sound like something?
Al Struthers 23:43
Great, great. As a great game, I have played grid on various consoles in the past
Mike Macdermid 23:47
on mobile as well grid
Al Struthers 23:48
of Liverpool. PlayStation stuff, but yeah, it's very, very, very good. And if it's half as good on the switch, I'll be happy chat.
Mike Macdermid 23:55
Anton are we going to get a good motor racing game from this?
Anton Winters 23:58
Yeah, I think we will. Kurt's auto sport was saying quite a return to form compared to Greg to because the original was fantastic. The cowl wavered with the second one then all sport was a true return to form which sadly, I think he came out in 2014 on the ps3 next Wall Street sexy so never really had a chance yet it was pushing those consoles very far and was very impressive. And I think considering they did a fairly good mobile portals this game a couple years back, and they should have the optimization to have it really done and ready to go and switch. And I'm very excited. One thing is is I know some car fans can be a little bit particular about having cars are up to date, so I don't know if they've made any amendments to but I think Gameplay wise it should be a fun title and a treat to give it a go myself. It's been a while since I played a recent some on the goal. Maybe even never. That would be fun.
Mike Macdermid 24:54
Excellent. Well, we know what we're getting with script or release. We think we know what we're getting was good or bad on the previous title. So yeah, I think you'll you might be pleasantly surprised. I was there are or at least I'll have something to race.
Al Struthers 25:07
I'll be happy. Yeah, I mean, this isn't a card. I'll be happy.
Mike Macdermid 25:11
Next up Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. Took you 2020 this I love and might just push me into the realms of imma get this now. It's going to offer 10 classic 2d style events in a mode called Tokyo 1964 and that's because the Olympics were held I think in Tokyo 1964 but the 2d stuff there's the there's if you've seen it seen on the video, have you seen the videos? I've
Al Struthers 25:33
seen a video yeah, I've seen a video It looks very good fun. Yeah, it looks like good old fashioned meds fun.
Mike Macdermid 25:37
Yes. I love it. I know you use this
Anton Winters 25:40
swing it for you. It sounds dumb but I think what the quality of the last couple when I saw this I was like oh wow, the it looks like the careless time I'm actually in treatment. They've caught my attention they've put in like that extra 5% it's got me intrigued in the game and now I'm like, okay, they seem to want to be making something that the fans will love it looks really fun.
Mike Macdermid 26:02
Yeah, I'm really happy to have done this and I know that you'd mentioned before we talked about this previously about previous titles and the CDs whether you thought that they may be hadn't put the effort in it deserved so yeah, great if we're going to get this on top it maybe is an indication that really gone for it. So but good news. Now next up Final Fantasy eight remastered is going to launch on the third of September. So in about a week's time I know that this will please a lot of people because eight is many people's favourite Final Fantasy Alster,
Al Struthers 26:32
isn't it? I thought everybody likes Final Fantasy. their favourite was always seven.
Mike Macdermid 26:35
Yeah, but then you get the naysayers who say oh, no, no, no, that's well, overrated. It's the one you need to be for an aeroplane is seven and nine and probably the
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Mike Macdermid 26:44
Yeah, but eight is one. I've heard many people say oh, no, no, you gotta try it.
Al Struthers 26:48
Well, I played business. I played mine. I have seen bits of it was never
Anton Winters 26:51
played it. Anton Have you played Yeah, so it's an interesting one because I think there are a bunch of people are like, the people who don't really play finally see a lot. They're like, yes, seven cigarettes Game Over made. And then yeah, out of the people that have played every game in the franchise. They're like, hey, that's some refinements so if there wasn't enough RPG on switch, here's another one to eat up 100 hours just playing of them to spare.
Mike Macdermid 27:16
I mean, I don't know what the combined play time of all the Final Fantasy games alone would be on the switch, let alone all the RPG isn't the switch because it's just saying but it's great and you know, bring them on it more choice the better Really? So that is pretty much the end of our new section. So let's move on to some gossip and rumours. No, first off Activision have said that they want to bring more classic games to current consoles. What kind of games can we expect then? Anton?
Anton Winters 27:47
Yeah it's an interesting one because when the the chemo and status I was like oh my god I forgot and because they they were also around sense that the good Atari days oh way back we by I think it was said the success of the crashing spirals is really brought on the same desire to like reboot and get these games back in the mainstream. Well, what's the first thing that popped in my head was the that like a crash team and say like crash band could end same trilogy but with the the PS two error games are similar spiral the caf that the the layer franchise games
Mike Macdermid 28:22
was there's a lot of them. I mean, there's there's heaps of games in that ps3 era for both characters and then it kind of starts slowly drifted away, but it would make sense and then I wouldn't be surprised remember they had the Activision arcade classic. So and all the old I think it was the PlayStation one. It was really yeah.
Al Struthers 28:38
very badly.
Mike Macdermid 28:40
Well, I think we did games like rampage and things like that back in the day, perhaps. I mean, we got that wrong. But there were a couple of classic old eight bit games. I could see them doing those quite easily on the switch. It makes sense as long as the price is right. I definitely think you're onto something though with a PS two era Activision games. Also, what do you think
Al Struthers 28:57
it give me Tony Hawk's Pro Skater three.
Mike Macdermid 28:59
But were they Yeah, be
Al Struthers 29:00
happy that those games they're good. They're good back then. They got rubbish.
Mike Macdermid 29:04
Yeah, we're good. Yeah. It was the soundtrack to the Was it the first 20 hawks game? Oh, yeah.
Al Struthers 29:10
I did not have like, things like, yeah, there's Green Day and there was an article
Mike Macdermid 29:17
Al Struthers 29:18
Yeah, well, the good stuff. Yeah, right. My childhood. My grown up my adulthood still, technically, I still wasn't all that stuff
Mike Macdermid 29:25
to happen in your car. So so that's that's good news. Again, we're delighted if you know developers and want to bring more games and publishers want to bring more games to the to the switch than great what you
Al Struthers 29:37
know, do some of the rock bands.
Anton Winters 29:40
Yeah, yeah, they did rock band. Tar hero. At no rock band was here. And then a guitar hero and Band Hero and DJ Hero was all Activision legitimate.
Mike Macdermid 29:50
Remember, we had that DS, Guitar Hero game with the buttons. Yeah, finger buttons. That wasn't a bad little title. I wonder if I do think that we are in a bit of an era where everyone's forgotten about the joys of rock band and Guitar Hero and playing as a band and having you know those nights and I wonder if the switches the console that could revive it?
Al Struthers 30:11
Well, I mean, it's all about sitting around your living room. Yeah, bringing local stuff and those games were perfect for that
Unknown Speaker 30:16
level could be right involved in that you know, because could show Yeah, because you know that you could that would be such a seller for me until What do you think? Oh, if as soon as you brought in lab I'm just like, oh my god. We need a we music too. Yeah.
Anton Winters 30:30
Yeah, it could work. Yeah, I'm trying to think back because that that little blonde singularity on that. Suppose for six era and now I think turn the 2000 there were a lot of licenced games like I think they did the the Star Trek's and the Spider Man games carpet so yeah.
Mike Macdermid 30:48
Yeah. I wonder how many of those they still got the IP rights to thinking probably very few of them.
Unknown Speaker 30:53
Yeah, but
Mike Macdermid 30:54
but I think the fact that they're speaking like this, and I think this is something we're going to talk about this with a in a moment I think people are slowly starting to realise developers and publishers are starting starting to realise that actually, you know, the ones that haven't already got on board they're going I said we might be missing a trick here with with the Nintendo Switch. And a lot of that I think, might stem from Witcher three and I'm going to talk about why in a minute. But we'll come on to that before that Game Freak have applied for a new trademark for little town hero so this is the game time. Was it time previously? Yes, yes, it looks gorgeous. The Pokemon team and it's going to be little town here. I'm quite interested in this one. I gotta say I loved I love the look of it when we saw those initial demos of it. Alastair is that one that you might jump in on?
Al Struthers 31:46
The fight is from Game Freak who did Pokemon obviously makes me intrigued,
Anton Winters 31:51
but probably not.
Al Struthers 31:54
He's got limited hours to game and there's other ones that they want to play.
Unknown Speaker 31:57
Okay. And so
Anton Winters 31:58
yeah, I'm, they haven't shown enough of it to to grab my attention so far. And I think what they've shown off it is just being like, Hey, where's the Pokemon people we're doing a new game, and somebody who hasn't lost her life the Pokemon quite yet. And that that's not quite enough of a sale pitch. But it was very early days. Yeah. Also, they didn't have a title. And I think they were just declaring that they're working on more than Pokemon.
Mike Macdermid 32:26
I think if they can keep going with where they started with the look of it. If they can stick to that, you know, they might be onto something with it because it is you know, it's got a nice look about it. They might have to they might have to give it give us something unique with it. I mean, that's the problem. There are so many titles out there. Similar to this when you're competing with the likes of Dragon Quest and Xena blade and all these other titles. It's not an easy
Al Struthers 32:47
sell. Yeah, I mean you see it looks good. I'm actually thinking at the moment unless you've got more development on it looks a bit basic. Do you think Pokemon sort of she looks a bit basic like some of the things that have been showcased recently we will get into the direct world soon some of the stuff was showcased in there looked absolutely stunning and look makes us look like it should have been five years ago something
Mike Macdermid 33:06
maybe but I think that is this is a style thing horrifies just know it just
Al Struthers 33:11
it doesn't look like it's a deliberate style thing. It looks like it looks to us make games and there wasn't a processing horsepower to make them the way you want to look. It just looks below that
Anton Winters 33:20
mantle what Yeah, it's a weird one close it has a look of like you know when you have a dynasty warrior or similar to Dragon Quest where has a big massive open world so they can't scale down the graphics well, however, from my understanding of this game, the whole game takes place in one town and so I think we need to I would want to see more and accountable the skills the game cause it's looking a little bit counter as I think you're insinuating. I'll start that empty almost so far.
Mike Macdermid 33:51
I think that was the criticism of the Pokemon games as well there they were looking at the empty and I think you You definitely have something there. And I I just, there's something about the art I really, really like of this game. And if they take it to the next level, then maybe that'll be enough to, you know, to persuade people to go out and spend their hard earned money on it because I think you're right, I'm wrong. We're looking at a problem for 264 game. Harsh sorry, but it does tell you what if I had a game like that on the in 64, and I've never been off it looks incredible. Right? I'm going to move we're going to move on because we don't know enough about the game yet. But it is interesting that they have got a title nine and next up, Nintendo have returned. What is this? I don't even understand this. I'm looking at this. Nintendo returns to talk youtubers with crosshairs on the music scene. What?
Anton Winters 34:43
Yeah, so remember when Nintendo are really keen on just copy shredding youtubers? Uh huh. Well, they've gotten very keen and Nicole back into the countdown for a bit. And to attacking people who are doing musical remixes or rendition fans are at covers all candle music.
Mike Macdermid 35:05
That's Assad chanting, I can understand it, their business they got to protect their copyright. But there's no point
Al Struthers 35:11
in protecting that copyright. If that's nothing anything other than spreading the word about it.
Mike Macdermid 35:16
If anybody then the thing is as a songwriter who sees people cover songs on YouTube all the time of mine. We won't get into this week storey That's right.
Anton Winters 35:26
But the
Mike Macdermid 35:28
I think it's fantastic when people come you know it as long as they're not absolutely ripping off by directly taking the original piece of music, which I can understand where it's a bit of an issue. But as they're doing something creative with it, it's all the students selling it. I mean,
Al Struthers 35:43
I may be looking at from a different point of view, because I'm not a creative in the slightest, but if I was if I'd written music, there wasn't a video game. And somebody lifted it and put it onto you know, either just put it on YouTube for some to listen to music. You never mean you can't go and buy that music. So in what ways are hurting someone else? Just flattery going this is a great bit of music. You can listen to it. It's pure flattery. Nobody's making
Mike Macdermid 36:04
well the the argument, I guess is whether or not is available. Like I've had a song in video games that was lifted a million times on YouTube, but it's for sale. And that then presents the problem because people can go and listen to it for free rather than Sam Spotify or whatever.
Al Struthers 36:18
Yeah, but where can you go to download music from I know Mario Tennis? Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 36:22
I know. I know. I know, the is a different argument. But it's it is I can understand it from a copyright point of view. So it's a very, it's a difficult situation and I get a Nintendo. This is the problem though Nintendo is such a big force, that these people are not trying to do it to rip off Nintendo. They're trying to do it because they love Nintendo. Yeah. And they want to do something but relating what is wonderful
Al Struthers 36:42
Nintendo. So it's
Mike Macdermid 36:42
not a ripoff. This is not somebody trying to rip them off their earnings, because let's face it, that that you'd have to be very rich to do that. So I I'm a bit torn on this as a creative person, I get it. But I also get it as a creative person from the other point of view.
Al Struthers 36:56
I just think as someone who goes on that she actively goes on to YouTube and listens to sort of the music from the Legend of Zelda somebody because I just like the music Legend of Zelda.
Anton Winters 37:03
I have
Al Struthers 37:04
I hate that do the Nintendo takes it down because they think someone's ripping them off. Yeah, just annoys me. What do you think?
Anton Winters 37:12
I think it's great, especially on the remix side of things. And I think it's atrocious that they're able to abuse the account and kill copyright holder prior, like first sight of it and just take down remixes. So that's trade live Kant's fair using borderline illegal in that regard. But yeah, any other site in terms of just going up and listening to the musical fair, Mario Tennis or we sport resort at count, it really does raise the question of, I think, a video game at developers and even to a degree music producers, movie producers need to really look at how they distribute these parts of their their texts. Like I know, calm and Square Enix of both just got into having their entire back catalogue of music being available on Spotify, and I think at Nintendo should count start looking into and yes, UIBY they're taking don't ever think maybe they are plummet to start selling it.
Mike Macdermid 38:13
Yeah, I think that is a valid point. I think it and that's what I was kind of getting at is when it's for sale, when it's a product that people can purchase then I understand why there's an issue with directly using it without being paid for. There are systems in place in the likes of YouTube for Nintendo to actually get money but but not if it's not already a for sale product, if you see what I mean. So yeah, it's it's a it's a minefield, it's a shame that nintendo are being quite so heavy handed it maybe, maybe there's a different way to approach it. I don't know what that is yet. But it'll be interesting. I think you're onto something with that the Anton and they might well be looking at
Al Struthers 38:48
they might well be but I'd say that they're doing the wrong way around music. And then once it's there, and people can legalise it, and then ask your politely and take it down.
Anton Winters 38:57
Sam, people were so excited, have a lot of this back catalogue of music just on this switch. And to have that mp3 mode, remember where you could join us which screen and I'm kind of hoping that the excitement around that has maybe prompted people for, to at Nintendo to maybe look into this as an option because it's kind of incredible. Like, I think I recently picked up the Sonic Mania soundtrack on vinyl. Yeah, well, it's like and shipping. I was like how I get that. So listening went on Apple Music. I'm like, oh, there's not a single ounce of official songs, music I have to go on like YouTube and not give them my money. Well,
Mike Macdermid 39:39
there I mean, very, very briefly, there are issues in that in itself in the the actual rates at which, you know, Spotify pays songwriters and creators is so so low and so poor that you know, software is getting such a low percentages, I can understand why things aren't on Spotify, but to be able to come by on Apple Music, then you are still getting the sales that's the same as selling as a vinyl or as a CD in terms of Nintendo doesn't they don't care, particularly with the writers and the creators or they care about the product that they're selling. So yeah, I think there should be more. And it's maybe of a trick that they're missing, you know, but yeah, we'll come back to this because it'll be interesting to see where it goes next and if it gets if it develops anymore and if it causes friction between creatives and corporate companies because that's that's what's happening is
Al Struthers 40:27
I'm kidding me, this is a total digression. But I actually wonder how much the music is in games is actually got an inverted commas creative behind it how much is just an employee has written it for the company so the creative is owned by Nintendo
Mike Macdermid 40:38
Yeah, mostly most of the time a games company will have employed a sound composer slash producer slash engineer or a team who will be paid a salary as the IP so they have the IP they'll still have to be credited as the writer so they'll be do royalties as a writer because you can't sell you cannot sell something that you've created UK wants something if you're a writer sign up to prs as soon as you create it, and it's out there prs on the copyright of it automatically because you are you are the creator. You can't give that away You can't say oh, I don't didn't create that because you did, but Nintendo can own it. They can own the copyright of the sound recording they can sell it they can manipulate it they can do all that that's common like record labels do so.
Al Struthers 41:23
So whoever Zelda theme still gets credits from I don't know.
Mike Macdermid 41:27
I don't know about the royalty situation but he will still always be credited as the right it won't be like by Nintendo or be by whoever it was. Well,
Anton Winters 41:33
I never learned something new today because interesting
Mike Macdermid 41:35
that's a creative thing you know, it's not his his creative work. It's like an artist you can't say here's here's the castle painting but actually no, it's the art gallery. It's the Royal you know, whatever art gallery of whatever that's that created this it's always because of his creation. No
Unknown Speaker 41:51
good analogy. I like it
Mike Macdermid 41:53
was the best I can come up with. All right. Okay, moving on. So, EA Well, here we are so EA of school, and more widely said now. Right? Well, basically what they said. So this is their studios of the chief studio officer. Now I'll read the quote, and then I'm going to tell you what, what you're already the court first. They said we invested with FIFA, we had good success there. I love that we have such a great global reaching global presence on that platform at the switch with that game, we're absolutely looking at more switch games in our portfolio. So more to come on that. Which is against what they said we could go. But nevermind. We're not going to announce anything as of yet. But is absolutely a platform we're looking at for some of our more successful games. This is a backlash comment after the backlash they received a couple of weeks ago because the new FIFA is a stripped down version of what everyone else is getting. And he basically said, We don't care about this, which essentially is what they said or that was what the court was given out. So you can do mean by the internet. But there is one EA game that I absolutely think should be on the switch and I'm shocked is not on it. Anyone know what it? Is?
Anton Winters 42:55
There the sense? No, but yes, but no, actually, yeah, that is the obvious one, isn't it?
Mike Macdermid 42:59
It's not that yes, you would agree. Go for it. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare.
Anton Winters 43:05
Completely agree.
Mike Macdermid 43:06
It's a perfect switch. And yet, it's a great fun game. It's one of the few online games that I really would play and play and play. That's a shooter rather than like a rocket league. And it's just such a great title. And it's it's this it's it was made for the switch before the switch was a thing.
Anton Winters 43:23
Yeah, it's like, almost like a like anybody who played school tune I feel like with totally enjoy and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. Yeah. And I'm just like having only skim for the no have just said the back catalogue. And there's so many games and hair that would just make such a good port. Even like, was look at the success of fortnite on the switch. Dead Space was dead space. He indeed. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 43:49
Yeah. It's It was a great title. And again, that's another one that he could
Al Struthers 43:53
a motor I think he got the IP for Command and Conquer. I think that the do yeah. And actually that touch screen. We were quite well. Yeah. I mean,
Anton Winters 44:03
I think I think they're doing that with the sequel army. And it's feel mobile. So because when back some people there by pouring it to the switch, maybe
Mike Macdermid 44:12
I think they had to say something because it was it was getting to the point of negativity with em the switch that people were really turning against them. And what they don't want is those people who own a switch and a ps4 to go Well, I'm not buying any products because I don't like the way that they're, they're dealing with this. One of the things I think,
Al Struthers 44:30
sorry, only Gloucester I was gonna say what they've not said anything there specifically, and I wouldn't expect them to, but they're not certainly spirit was saying we're gonna bring the game as it is on the other consoles to switch. Their honestly, they're not going to do pared back versions of all their games. No. But I would expect that as Netflix today, right in that little statement. But
Mike Macdermid 44:49
one of the things I think it's happened the last couple of weeks that might have prompted this is the success of how good the Witcher three has been received. From its early, please, people had not had a chance to actually play it. And there was a lot of concern, Anton about the Witcher and how it was going to perform the switch. And it's too big a game and and it turns out that he's performing brilliantly.
Anton Winters 45:11
Yeah, I think so. And as well as that, I think, now that we're getting our world Come on, we've got to maternal right around the corner looking sectional, I think the rest of the industry starting to get like they can't just keep on using this yourself, it can run because you have these big games doing it. And Sam, it's just, it's seeming clear that they're either too nervous to risk pouring, add to less powerful hardware are at say just have a different vision of the platform. It's a it's a real, real shame. And I think to note with EA, as they do make their games on their exclusive game engine. Um, it's all running off the Frostbite engine, which is known to be quite heavy. So I wonder if they're just not wanting to invest in porting the engine itself and not don't actually have any calc currencies towards set the platform at all?
Mike Macdermid 46:11
Yeah, I mean, is that could be a potential stumbling block, but I think I think it is, it's like button, it's biting the bullet a bit and going, you know what, we're going to have to either create some something that isn't as heavy and as intensive. And then that is what we use for switch ports? Are they come out and say Actually, no, we can be honest about it and say no, actually, we're not going to so I think the fact they've said this now, they're kind of backing themselves into a corner where they're going to have to follow through with something. And that might actually lead to much more easy games. Because if they have got this issue with frostbite, then perhaps they are going to have to create something that works. And then when it's there, they're going to use it.
Al Struthers 46:47
Yeah, I mean, it's very interesting. We'll see where they go with it. It would be nice to get a few more throw games on the platform because
Unknown Speaker 46:53
a lot of good a game
Mike Macdermid 46:54
I know I know he can get
Al Struthers 46:57
the greatest games coming out there in terms of the way they go about business and all the tweeter stuff but awesome over that.
Mike Macdermid 47:03
Martin, I really want him I really want to make a decent Mutant League football football league, but I want to imagine game as well so and a hockey game and yeah, I want to eat give us some decent games. Anyway, we're going to move on because there's a lot to talk about. Very quickly. There's a petition that started begging Nintendo to a low back up game season Animal Crossing New Horizon, this has been an ongoing thing. I'm glad there's a petition Of course, we should have backup game saves that makes absolute sense of we won't talk about that right now. Because we're really so much stuff to talk about. And we've got the quiz so we're going to move on and talk about the indie world direct type announcement this week at games calm Was it a game was it games com was it was last week, wasn't it? It was last yesterday
Unknown Speaker 47:44
last week? Yeah.
Anton Winters 47:46
It was just after we would have done the episode last week. So that's right, Monday, Tuesday or something?
Mike Macdermid 47:51
So Anton we're not going to go through every single game because there's a lot out there but what caught your eye what games did you think you know what that's one I'm in interested in or what did you think that's horrible
Anton Winters 48:02
at in terms of games I was familiar with and super halt if you've never played it. fantastic game. I played the original tech demo for when there was like just like a proof of concept. I think it was a student project. I played the when it came to Xbox PC, the VR game. Excellent game. It's basically like the matrix where you can dodge individual bullets because time only moves when you move it's
Mike Macdermid 48:30
it's like no isn't it?
Anton Winters 48:32
Yeah, it came out at they just dropped the trailer I was out that day and it was quite funny because it got leaked close they released an update for the game before they had melts the game which is quite humorous. That's funny, but absolutely exceptional game I I wouldn't recommend watching a trailer I would just watch some gameplay of it to understand how the mechanic works and then I think you'll be absolutely hooked to it as
Mike Macdermid 48:55
well that it's funny because I watched the trailer and went man I'm not sure about that and I know I think you've made me now want to go and have a go of it.
Anton Winters 49:03
It's Yeah, it's generally somebody will shoot you with a shotgun and you can dodge each of the individual strap nose and like for gun at somebody grab their gun as they let go of it as it flies for the air. It's It's ridiculous. It's tonnes of fun. But in terms of new games, Europa game looks very interesting. What did you guys have any thoughts on the counter gravity defying KF game or had like the Eiffel Tower and stuff?
Mike Macdermid 49:31
Yeah it kind of possibly by a bit to be honest. I mean, I saw it I saw when we watched I watched that at the time Paulo Spain. I also watched it just today as well and it's not why it's funny how sometimes games just totally don't grab you forever. Is that
Al Struthers 49:44
the one we had the little guy with the big head you kept changing Yeah, look amazing. Yes If nothing else, it blew my mind the visuals in it it just looked gorgeous.
Unknown Speaker 49:55
Yeah, I agree with that.
Anton Winters 49:57
I had those are those are the two games I I'm definitely super hot but I've bought it two times and completed it like four or five so I can justify a game. But if I had only bought it at once, I would have bought it again.
Mike Macdermid 50:11
Okay. Okay good good choices. Well because you're right now you're a note now remember exactly the Europa one that you were talking about? It did look insanely good. Graphic wise. Alistair. What
Al Struthers 50:20
was what were your thoughts? Well, I had three but since we've covered Europe already, I'm gonna drop that one. And read like the look of eastward. eastward was RPG thing coming out? Looks like 2020 Yeah, yeah, it looks very interesting. I'm intrigued by that. But the one I'm more interested in was a tourist. That was the little kind of blocky Minecraft type style thing. It was kind of cute kind of interesting. I liked the style of it. The fact that you walk around town walk into an arcade and play games that just made me made me happy.
Mike Macdermid 50:50
Yeah, cool. Well, there's a couple on my list about one that I wasn't on my list but now I realised that panic button reporting it touchlight to looks interesting that dungeon crawler just because panic button are involved. And I think as soon as I see panic button involved, I know it's going to be a quality port. So that's one to check out. Hotline Miami collection. I love the GTA top down either. I love China Town wars. I just showed all sorts of Chinese wars gameplay footage for the first time I think you'd never really had never
Al Struthers 51:19
knows where to give me just I didn't even know it.
Mike Macdermid 51:21
And the fact that it was on the DS
Al Struthers 51:22
Yeah, well, it was impressive. Very impressive.
Mike Macdermid 51:24
And it's a great it's a great title. I haven't played the Hotline Miami games, the two of them but I love the fact the questions they're a little bit on the pricey side for me at the moment. I think I forget what the price was I looked at and went well wait, wait for a sale if that ever happens. But that was probably that and then the other one was probably eastward. I thought that look good.
Al Struthers 51:44
I'm glad I've never watched that. called direct. I've watched it twice and pleased. Yeah, the first time around. I came away from going
Mike Macdermid 51:52
a lot of people have said that.
Al Struthers 51:53
Yeah. Been re watching. Yeah, I took a lot more aware to but thinking Actually, yes. Really want to go play them? Let me there were a few isn't there that were there piqued my interest? Freedom finger. That was the Oh yeah, it was the game didn't look fun. And the game is not my kind of game comedic. It looked very, very comedic. I liked the music. I like the comedy and I just can't be bothered with the high school and shooter. Yeah, but there were there were other ones in there, which I remember being 30 let down by during the first watch. And the second watch again, things like scalar Excel, we I don't I don't want to be too negative. And it might be a level of game. But I just watched a thought that looks really boring. Coriolis group might just do the job for you they
Mike Macdermid 52:33
orient, the Blind Forest will have to give a shout for the definitive edition of that because it's it's an Xbox exclusive and making its way to the switch, which we are now seeing more and more of so that's great. We kind of knew that was going to happen, but all confirmed, as well. So yeah, I think it was a good mix. In the end. It wasn't the best. It wasn't the most. Wow, I didn't expect that coming. But there were some decent titles in there.
Anton Winters 52:55
Yeah, I'm Kelly. I'm in a similar position to Alice or I felt it. Kind of like there was some good games in there. I was very excited by obviously super hot RA and Europa League promo codes and eSports was great. But there are some titles and they're like, Why is this here? Like we had that scare out sale looked a little bit rough around the edges and had freedom fighters which Yeah, I think you'd be good. I think looking some of the other empty games we got announced and Miss Wendell, like we had a little nightmarish streaks of rage for which is technically and they Yeah, had that the Bradwell conspiracy and nauseous subtitles on here. I'm like, Hmm, interesting inclusion. Yeah, well,
Mike Macdermid 53:39
it's good to know that the switch is continuing because to have so many titles come into it because one thing that absolutely blows my mind is that I sometimes go if you go on YouTube, you can find videos of games on the switch that you didn't think you wanted to play or whatever, you know, these terrible videos and some of them are great and some of them are terrible. But without fail me one on one, I think I know most games on the switch because I do scroll through the store quite a lot. I know that's a sad thing to do. But it's it's, you know, I like to see what's out there. We don't judge. Well, you know, I'm judging myself. But the point being on it that I always come away with I never knew that it was a switch game or I never knew we had no name. So is great and what we got like over 2000 games now.
Anton Winters 54:21
Yeah, so the one for me is going through like visuals like that and going for the East shopping you're like, Oh, yeah, remember that was announced like seven like two years ago? Yeah, it's playable melon. It's on sale for two pounds. No, no. And
Mike Macdermid 54:37
it's the same the same. I've seen a sales constant in the moment. There's some decent jack box games number four is on sale right now for 1199
Al Struthers 54:45
You're kidding me? Oh, it's not the one you got? No, I got to go to so we can go Bye for now.
Mike Macdermid 54:50
Yeah, it's awesome. Get that we should organise it games. Anyway. That is the indie world stuff. It's a bit brief because we try and we try and fit it in around about an hour slightly over. But we expected that after a week's break. So that's fine. So anyway, I think we should move on and do this week's
Unknown Speaker 55:08
quiz. Any questions?
Mike Macdermid 55:10
Anton RU quiz host today? I am
Anton Winters 55:13
and thank goodness for that. exciting week. This week. We're just a little bit of everything. That should be fun. No specials, no gimmicks. And let's just get started. Okay, I'm sure you're all pick up the rules. It's fairly safe you don't listen to last week's episode. It just and then go back to the one before that just constantly go back and do that.
Mike Macdermid 55:37
All right, let's let's do the quiz.
Anton Winters 55:40
All right. Hey, this first game was originally written for the Zadek spectrum by Matthew Smith and released book by book back in 1983.
Al Struthers 55:57
My brain is struggling to remember about far back was written
Mike Macdermid 56:01
Yes, it was written for the spectrum released in 83. Is it is it gauntlet?
Anton Winters 56:08
Sadly No. Okay. that the game was ported to all of the popular classic computers your BBC sure I'm tragic Paul bazaars everything you can think of. It sees you and several I believe 24 different covers. Well, your oxygen is running out.
Al Struthers 56:32
I'm just gonna stay quiet because I feel like a shoot. I feel like it was something we should know. I really don't know probably had
Mike Macdermid 56:37
it at five I'm sure we'll have had it so your oxygen is running out. 24 different Did you see caverns or taverns not the beer drinking places. Not all caps 24 caverns is it so it was 1983 was the 48 people are
Al Struthers 56:53
screaming at us right now because they will all know this
Mike Macdermid 56:56
is the 48 k spectrum era would have started was it horoscopes
Anton Winters 57:04
classic tightly as a character known as minor minor minor minor. Minor minor correct.
Unknown Speaker 57:13
Well done.
Mike Macdermid 57:17
Horace go skiing is a great title on the spectrum by the way just just thrown out there but anyway Monique minor Yeah. Exciting minor.
Anton Winters 57:25
Alrighty, that for the second game, we jump ahead a decade to watch this game. You play as a character with disembodied limbs. And this game was released originally for the Atari Jaguar what were later port to PlayStation one
Al Struthers 57:45
What's his name? two gentlemen Earl?
Mike Macdermid 57:49
Oh, no, I know.
Unknown Speaker 57:51
Anton Winters 57:52
yes. Yes. Hi.
Mike Macdermid 57:58
I was sitting here going on as soon as I said to a German RL I was like oh no, it's
Al Struthers 58:02
it's really cuz he was the head is couldn't pick the name wouldn't come. Eventually.
Mike Macdermid 58:05
I never really played I say I played him on more recently than I did the first time right? It was just one that I don't think I had it to begin with a
Al Struthers 58:10
head on the PlayStation four. So haven't posted you for someone
Mike Macdermid 58:15
to switch as well as it's when it's recommended. So
Anton Winters 58:18
anyway, one one haven't never done a Batman game except the one side not thinking about at this moment. Yeah, cuz I'm sure I'll be proven wrong if I said
Mike Macdermid 58:29
except the bad ones. At all right take
Anton Winters 58:33
this game was also featured in the indie game the movie. Watch I mentioned that a previous quest. The game was developed by Coley Tron Corporation, and developed by one developer at the beginning of indie games on the Xbox Live Arcade era.
Mike Macdermid 58:51
Explosion man
Anton Winters 58:53
sadly, not the answer.
Al Struthers 58:56
No, it is not like Terfel.
Anton Winters 58:59
This is that to 2.5 D count game where rather it's more 2d and it's graphic sale hover. You can move and contort the world and a three dimensional manner
Mike Macdermid 59:14
is it Oh, what's the name of the game?
Anton Winters 59:20
A complete blank. Julie,
Mike Macdermid 59:21
you've got an A you've got one in your head and you want to come? Yeah, yeah, it's that one. And I think if I'm right, you could actually I'm gonna say what cuz I cant rember the title name. Did portal?
Anton Winters 59:36
Sadly, no. Okay, well, that
Al Struthers 59:38
was that was not really doing a deal. No. First Person. 3ds. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 59:42
I don't know.
Anton Winters 59:45
All right. Okay, so this game was released on xbox three sexy Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, ps3, ps4, PSP, and iOS. The interesting gimmick about the game is that you are a 2d person any 3d world. And for this, you can move around the world and many ways other characters could not. The game was developed by Phil fish, and had the cancelled sequel as the developers for off making games ever again, due to public backlash.
Mike Macdermid 1:00:19
It's funny I just can't get in my head. What this is and I know it's something that
Al Struthers 1:00:22
it's not even ringing bells me I just don't know what it is.
Mike Macdermid 1:00:24
Is it? Oh, oh, there's a title I can think of
Al Struthers 1:00:29
to sit here Google together and bassoon together.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:33
No, have you any more clues for that Anton? I know everyone else is going to do is do it sounds like
Anton Winters 1:00:40
it's most commonly known and recognisable due to the Red Hat that he wears on his hat head.
Mike Macdermid 1:00:49
Red Hat on his head. I know everyone's screaming at us right now but I just can't i can't think what it is it that is it.
Al Struthers 1:00:59
See if this is a good I knew I'm going to shoot and suck so I'm just going to basis This is a bunch of my knowledge and and don't be angry. I'm sure
Mike Macdermid 1:01:05
I know this. I'm not even. I'm definitely gonna know this.
Al Struthers 1:01:11
Could criticise her misery Anton because Mike's gonna make sure to sit here for the next 10 minutes rubbing his forehead trying to figure what is in this terrible podcast listening
Unknown Speaker 1:01:19
title of the game is face.
Al Struthers 1:01:22
Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, I think Oh God, I had that game. Did you read a little demo? It wasn't clear.
Mike Macdermid 1:01:29
I don't think I PS Plus but I don't think I ever played fast. Although I do know of and I know when the red hot Yes, it makes sense. Right? Okay, there we go. Well, I don't feel so bad so so Tyler.
Anton Winters 1:01:40
I can give you a tiebreaker if you'd like
Mike Macdermid 1:01:42
yes go and then so how does this work? We just you just give us as many and then first first person to shine.
Anton Winters 1:01:47
Sure, why not? All right, go for all right. Hey, this game as a sequel to long running franchise create by Square Enix. The game was released on ps3 Xbox reset and PC and later got a definitive edition on we you. You play an export member adam Jameson. A security officer at surf industries. You have many augmentation to your human body to make you slightly beyond human. It's a first person combat game with the old RPG element front end. The actual developer was Eagle Eagles won't trail and then the franchise later got a sequel on Xbox One and ps4
Al Struthers 1:02:42
there's a few things it could be more like my head Yeah. Certain descriptions could be this could be that
Mike Macdermid 1:02:47
going through loads and loads and there's a certain type situation stains gate right now which are
Unknown Speaker 1:02:53
which is all I can say.
Mike Macdermid 1:02:55
Anyway, um, I don't know. I really kind of think what it is and it's going to really annoy me because is a game of probably played
Anton Winters 1:03:01
a game and the franchise came out in 2000 right? There was a sequel and 2000 free by the title and physical war or subtitle rather than later a sequel in 2016 on ps4 and Xbox One there was a couple spin off games including novels and comic books art books and soundtrack wow so it's a big this is huge we're gonna we're gonna
Al Struthers 1:03:25
ourselves in the face of Alastair into June bit
Mike Macdermid 1:03:29
days and what what was the what constantly to come at first in 2008 came
Anton Winters 1:03:34
out originally on ps3 and xbox three sexy later was ported to PC and then had a quote unquote director's cut on we're
Mike Macdermid 1:03:45
but but what was the what was the 2000 version? What did that come on?
Anton Winters 1:03:48
Oh, the 2000 version came out on Windows and then later port the PlayStation two.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:56
Right? Okay.
Mike Macdermid 1:03:58
I just genuinely don't know.
Al Struthers 1:04:00
I don't I don't think Oh, you got something. No, no, I saw I actually want you to get this I don't care about those. It was a big game jumping ahead. But no, it doesn't really fit the description I was thinking thinking Splinter Cell Phone Splinter Cell, because he wasn't really meant that it was just
Mike Macdermid 1:04:14
meant it. I don't know. Do you know what we're gonna have to give up?
Al Struthers 1:04:17
Yeah, we're gonna cause a draw. Yeah. What is it?
Anton Winters 1:04:20
SDSX. Human? Don't
Al Struthers 1:04:23
Okay, I put a couple of days X Games and I haven't played it. So.
Mike Macdermid 1:04:28
Well. There we go. Well reviewed games though.
Al Struthers 1:04:30
Yeah, I played I think I played the original Deus Ex a very, very first one. Yeah. And then it was one of them. I played, probably played about, you know, half of one game. I didn't give any fun. No,
Mike Macdermid 1:04:40
we started so well. We got those first two really quickly. Money, money, minor remind. And it was all downhill from there. But one one draw. That's all right. How I can cope with
Al Struthers 1:04:48
it. Yeah, I feel good about this. It wasn't a loss.
Mike Macdermid 1:04:50
No, it was good. And the games at the end worn ones that I played. So that's all right.
Al Struthers 1:04:54
Well, yeah, I can't say that. But.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:58
Mike Macdermid 1:05:00
that is it. What for another week, we're going to finish this one. And it's been a busy week. So we are slightly longer this week than normal. But that's that's all right. doesn't happen often. So we'll we'll be back next week as normal. And in the meantime, you can get us on Twitter. We are ns UK podcast. We're at the website which is NSUKP coda UK.
Al Struthers 1:05:18
Yeah, we're an email which is podcast@nsukp.co. uk. And we would love for you to leave a very honest, hopefully five star review on iTunes or wherever else you happen to get your podcast from.
Mike Macdermid 1:05:28
Yes, yes. And Anton, have you? Have you got any other things to add before we just
Anton Winters 1:05:34
not? Let's mix it up next week on the quiz if you have any games that you would like to give our contestants if you give me a direct message on Twitter, and then we can pro and we can do a community version of the quiz and i Anton Winters underscore on Twitter and we can see what Calif creative games you've got. Because I'm slowly running out of games. Well, what we'll do like wandered off them.
Mike Macdermid 1:06:02
What we can do then is we can tweet that from our Nintendo Switch the podcast where Twitter and that way people will know where to tweet it because don't tweet it to Nintendo Switch UK podcast because I'll read it.
Al Struthers 1:06:13
I don't give you a slightly unfair advantage over me.
Anton Winters 1:06:15
I don't like
Mike Macdermid 1:06:16
how on earth did I get that? I'm a genius. So that's it for this week will tweet that though. And until next week, have a fantastic week, and we will be back as normal next Sunday. Until then,
Al Struthers 1:06:27
goodbye. Cheerio.