Game Freak Of Groans - Episode 43
Anton, Mike and Al are back with the latest Pokemon chat after the release of Sword & Shield. We've got news about releases and upcoming games, chat and rumours about the potential of a new Direct, Shovel Knight, Minecraft, Sonic and more.
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Game Freak Of Groans - Episode 43
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello, and welcome to episode number 43 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast we are back once again lots to get through as we always do, but we're going to start by talking about the stuff we've been playing. And we will start with Anton. Hello, Anton.
Anton Winters 0:29
Hello, make add this week I have been playing a little bit more of UK will like seal digitas link evolution, it's been quite fun because I know onto the GX campaign, which I say, based on the TV show I watched as a kid so it's bringing back all the lore and it's like, oh, there's more to just cards here. So and
Mike Macdermid 0:49
I was gonna say two things about that. First of all, you just made me feel very old by saying it's what you watched as a kid. Yeah. And the second and the second thing is that I noticed you're playing at 2am this morning, but also gives away the fact that I was also on my switch at 2am on Saturday night, Sunday morning,
Anton Winters 1:04
what are you doing switch to EN?
Mike Macdermid 1:06
Well, I was noticing first of all the Anton was playing UQ that was also playing football game, which is the new point and click sort of adventure that you can buy for but for 99 it's actually 399 on sale. I don't know if it's still is but I had some birthday money left over a friend's
Anton Winters 1:25
birthday but I know
Mike Macdermid 1:26
very nice of my friend they gave me some birthday money and a couple of pounds leftover so I bought it with the remaining money that I had. And if you like traditional point and click 90 style with an 80s vibe to it, I think you'll like this. It's very good so far, I'm about half an hour in but I don't think it's much more than maybe a couple of hours for me who's quite slow and stupid. But if you're quite quickly you said it but if you're playing these things, probably an hour but I don't think it's a huge sort of game.
Al Struthers 1:51
If you're a half or a quarter way through. I don't think
Mike Macdermid 1:55
position to recommend yet or if you like traditional point and clicks I You want something to tie you over that maybe doesn't last you could be getting one play through or to play through. Yes, I would recommend it. But I'll come back to you next week with a full recommendation or not. Other than that I played a rocket league for the first time in a while join that and they also played the first episode of the first telltale Batman game because I've got both of them on I got them both in the silver but seven pounds each, which is as good as I remember it because I played on the PlayStation four and not a huge difference I noticed I'm sure if I put them side by side i'd notice but didn't notice anything and really enjoyed it played a portable and it was lovely. Played a line in bed. What about you Alice? there Hello, Alistair.
Unknown Speaker 2:36
Hi Mike. I'm here.
Unknown Speaker 2:37
Yeah, hi
Al Struthers 2:38
everyone. What am I playing? Well, I'll give you a guess. What might I still have been playing? Like?
Mike Macdermid 2:42
I'm gonna say Pokemon.
Al Struthers 2:44
Yes, but not the new or not sorry, shield will get onto that one. No, I am still messing with you Pokemon. Let's go. I have been playing that game for a very long time.
Mike Macdermid 2:53
How about that? Just I think there's a lot to do with us. The way we play now is that we play in short bursts, not
Al Struthers 2:57
like quick. Put it down. Yeah. So A long adventure to get through half hour chunks when there's a lot of grinding involved. Yeah, there's a little green still enjoying it. I am
Mike Macdermid 3:05
but I'm also looking forward to being finished. You're ready for the end. I'm ready. I was like, South Park. I was really ready for the end. Anton when I got to that point. I was like, grinding again. I felt like I'd done like 10 bosses, but they weren't bosses obviously. So
Al Struthers 3:17
yeah, no, I'm ready for a new challenge. I don't want to hold married. Not my we just mentioned Oh, yeah, I'm play it.
Anton Winters 3:22
Yeah, it does look good. See? here's the trick question after completing this, are you going to jump into this sword and shield? Are you going to give yourself a little bit of a breather and recharge, I think I'm going to need some Pokemon breathing time.
Mike Macdermid 3:34
That's what I do as well as I go from one genre to something totally different. Distribute yourself a bit of a break
Al Struthers 3:39
plus, we'll probably talk about it later on. I'm suspecting but there's there's been a fair bit of news but the new release so yeah, let's let's not
Mike Macdermid 3:47
play yet. We'll be talking about that. Just a very quick reminder that you can get us on twitter on Facebook. You can download us as the part of the podcast and pretty much every podcast provider there is going NSUKP as well. I'll start the year.
Al Struthers 4:01
So you can stream us from the UK NSUKP code at uk website. Yeah. Or you can just, you can email us. You can tweet us, you can Facebook us, you can do all kinds of stuff. But if you want to email us, I'll pick it up. Yeah. And the emails podcast at NSUKP coat UK
Mike Macdermid 4:14
I noticed we got another review on Twitter this week, not an actual written one big thank you to whoever it was added another five star for us. I think we're up to 34 five stars, which is absolutely amazing. Thank you very much. Really, really appreciate those and the written ones will always read them out as well. So thank you for that few more followers on Twitter. Yeah.
Al Struthers 4:30
Did you notice we were in the top 30 Nintendo podcasts on LL was called again fi spot.
Mike Macdermid 4:37
I did spot this because somebody tweeted us this is fantastic. My favourite bit of this and it's a great feed. I think Gary's put this together done a good job. My favourite bit is that we're number 31 and a top 30 podcasts. I absolutely
Unknown Speaker 4:51
love that makes me very happy that and I don't know why. expectation.
Mike Macdermid 4:56
It's, it's just like you know, it's like where the extra where the bonus. Like if you if You've already listened to 30 podcasts and you still haven't found what you're looking for. You might like this one that's
Al Struthers 5:04
like 30. But we really like
Mike Macdermid 5:06
this one would add on that I should, we should maybe let them know that we've given them I mentioned, maybe they'll let us claim the charts will be like a single, like a song
Unknown Speaker 5:13
you never know.
Mike Macdermid 5:15
Anyway, let's move on and start with this week's news. So first of all, we've got some new releases. And there's a game which reminds me very much of the kind of Kairos soft type games, but this is a little bit bigger budget, it said tablets have announced and released mad games tycoon where you can start your own game studio and games. And you can get an F for 3599 which seems like a lot Anton, but I do love the premise. haven't played the having played that. I think it was Kairos soft. I'm sorry, how much do you just say that is already 599. So so this is what I'm trying to say just kind of self made a game like this. We can get on mobile and I played that played that and play that and played that forever. Game Dev. Something I think was really just game to have actually. So it reminds me This was a bigger budget that
Al Struthers 6:02
this game has existed for three years on Steam. And you can buy it for 1099. Right, Anton, what's going on?
Anton Winters 6:08
Yeah, so we've had a couple of these games as mentioned, we had, I believe it's Game Dev then we had for that Game Dev Tycoon. Yeah. So this one's coming into a very crowded market. And, you know, it's, it's interesting looking at mechanics, it has a lot less Polish than a lot of his competitors. Even looking back at Game Dev Tycoon, which came out in 2012. And this one looks have a little bit more depth to its mechanics in terms of once you get up to running a company site. It's more of an actual company rather than having, let's say, 10 people in an office. Yeah, and yeah,
Mike Macdermid 6:45
yeah, I think that's the thing. It has got great reviews but great reviews at 35 million. They just don't know. I just think they've just missed it there with the pricing.
Al Struthers 6:53
Yeah, I'm sorry. News is like to join to the pricing for that. If it was donut, say 15 pounds, fine. Okay, that's a little bit of a switch tax. Like that, but not when you can buy for 11 pounds on PC.
Anton Winters 7:04
Yeah, you could you could buy both of the previous at, like game developer tycoon tycoon sell games and sell have 20 pounds leftover. It's a hefty asking price. But if the reviews are good, I'm sure appeal to some people but I think this is a definite know from our side as well. I think
Mike Macdermid 7:23
it's a no just based on the price of method you're mad seal and I can pick up physical for 1015 pounds then yeah, for sure. I'll probably buy that kind of price. But just too much money when there's too much choice out there really
Al Struthers 7:35
well. Having said that, now the news is owed. I have seen the game and gone. Ooh, actually, that was quite good. article by on PC
Mike Macdermid 7:41
Game Dev was Game Dev I played not Game Dev Tycoon and Game Dev by Kairos soft I must admit, I was all hooked on that. And the thing is because the premise was in video games companies, but it was just really, really well done. So I just suggest that if you're looking for something like that, yes, it's more pixel art, but I think it's a great game so check that one out. No Mike Mike's advice for the week yes absolutely
Anton Winters 8:05
no other reviews for game they've taken it say yeah competitive market we're all impressed
Mike Macdermid 8:10
Who would have thought there'd be so many games with such a unique premise all fighting for number one next up they spotted this one and I just thought wow, this is cool. What do I need this for a while and then I thought oh, this actually there might be a couple of things. So a bit it do worry but don't have announced and released a NAS inspired most called the end 30 walk can we use this with Anton?
Anton Winters 8:32
Yes, so you can use it's basically if you took the design and industrial design original as controller and extrapolated to computer mouse you've got the unfair as Bluetooth SM it basically it's very much designed over function but it's eight but also your notes can be absolutely solid and it works with Windows Mac Linux, it's basically just are really well belt Bluetooth mouse and I mean it looks
Al Struthers 8:58
cool. Least arrogant Design I've ever seen.
Mike Macdermid 9:02
Angular? I think, for me, right, so the question is I, I'm waiting for football manager 20 to come out on the switch. Could I use this with football manager?
Anton Winters 9:14
Sadly, I don't think so. I think it's literally just a PC mouse. And one that's just you maybe take a couple of cute Instagram falls off next proper NES controller, then you forget about it.
Mike Macdermid 9:26
So we can't even even Bluetooth we can't use this with the switch.
Al Struthers 9:30
None of them have no, me You never know maybe they've got grant funds or the moment is just compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Mike Macdermid 9:36
Well, that's sad, although it does look kind of cool. So if you want to add it to your collection alongside the mini snares and NAS that you've never used since you bought them then you can do that.
Anton Winters 9:47
Use this on this switch with like the NES on Entertainment System version of Mario Paint
Mike Macdermid 9:55
yc this is the thing I say that I bought this many stairs under millionaires so I'm one of those people but it is true this which kind of does
Al Struthers 10:04
yes I wanted those condos Nokia smuggle I didn't buy them
Mike Macdermid 10:07
yeah well
Al Struthers 10:09
at least you get cool piece of art that sits there I don't have that and doesn't do anything.
Mike Macdermid 10:12
So next up we've got title have announced and released a Western release of Groove Coaster way way parties that we party and Project DIVA style rhythm came for 50 pounds. Again it's a lot of money but is this one that we should be checking out Anton?
Anton Winters 10:29
It's I think this one's a very desired taste is very much your vocalised sell music. As far as a rhythm game in terms of presentation it does seem to be on the the simplistic site lol and it looks very similar. If you've played a Project DIVA game of just having the shapes fly for the air. When they line up with the target you just press a button. I personally think they're charging a little bit much for it. And not for being a rhythm game but for how simple of a rhythm game as you could get a lot for 50 pounds, but I'm calling It's at least coming to the west. And you know, the market will decide if it's a good price. They're also in the business of making money. So if nobody buys it, we get a price cut.
Mike Macdermid 11:11
Yeah, I mean, art wise, it reminds me of a lot of the kind of visual novels have been playing recently, I guess. But I think it's great that it's there is just, it's just as you say, price wise, it's it is a difficult one to kind of recommend even if you are in a rhythm games, just because there are a lot out there that you could, you know, you could buy alternatively. And I mean, for example, what was the rhythm game that we played last in harmony? Was it for one year 199 99 pence or whatever, and it's great. So it's not the same I know, but it's still you know, there are titles out there budget titles that you could buy and you know, even at 20 pounds, you could buy a couple of those, I guess.
Anton Winters 11:50
Yeah, and even then we've got the vocalised like even within its Nisha folkloric music. We've got Project DIVA for I think it's like a 40 pound title. Okay. So, uh, yeah, but maybe I'll maybe hold hold off on this one at the moment. I think there's plenty on the market in terms of Brooklyn games.
Al Struthers 12:07
Yeah, I did wonder if we're missing something and this is some big IP that maybe just doesn't translate over here
Mike Macdermid 12:11
why there's a lot I think
Al Struthers 12:12
the only reason isn't because the king does look as Anton said incredibly basic
Mike Macdermid 12:17
Yeah, but again it could you say could be the name could be more to do with you know where it's come from. But anyway, it is out there and if you are fine then you can
Al Struthers 12:26
you can waste your money. Sorry, I mean, you can spend your money
Mike Macdermid 12:28
yeah, you can you can spend your money. Next up Pokemon sword and shield the reviews are in I I'm going to be honest, you're going to be pretty much telling me as well, what's been happening because I haven't really even looked other than I've seen it trending pretty much every day on Twitter since What is going on? Who wants to take the floor?
Al Struthers 12:47
Mike Macdermid 12:49
hashtag live right call and then Anton, what's going on?
Anton Winters 12:52
Yeah, so this one's a very interesting one where web reviewers it seems to be getting fairly moderate reviews and main praise is being that people are really Like in the wild area and however to criticise the game for being a little bit empty and some areas just in terms of you just you can look at trailer and see how it's yeah I know hard and people are impressed by the fact that you know, they're really liking the dynamics of Max raid battles. However what's really interesting about this game is it's been getting moderate to very good reviews from reviewers stepping a slightly below the average chemical next and maybe a white and white and black too. And however, within of the fandom There seems to be a little bit of upset truth to the fact that is removed it doesn't have every single Pokemon and the count belief is that for reviewers doing the campaign and calling a day not having a Pokemon it's not a problem but when you're playing this and you want all that endgame content, wrapping up all the Pokemon his and kept disappointing and the the aspect where the main premise comes in As there's evidence to suggest that they're using the same models and animations as the sun and moon games on 3ds right, and with unused files at Camp model files that are identical to the 3ds failed bond within the game, so that's where the the trauma seems to be at and
Al Struthers 14:21
I don't know and it's a bit buggy. I think it's weird to say
Mike Macdermid 14:24
is it lazy? Yes. Is it is it cashing in? Is it is it just that they haven't got to grips with the hardware properly? What's the storey like what what's the reason that that we've not got a more polished kind of result?
Anton Winters 14:39
Yes interest I would presume that is just such a they're having a scale up so much from a Caliph a basically top down 3ds game to doing a Phil Fredy open world RPG and I wonder if that's maybe where like health experts activations of the audience our accounts getting mislaid close, even the looking at a lot of how that's being pitched. The big selling points are a 3d camera and say for if you look at that coming from the 3ds games that's sure that's a big improvement epic upgrades, but comparing that to love big RPG is comparing it to Dragon Quest. And it makes this game seem a little bit subpar. Oh, well
Mike Macdermid 15:26
put it this way. If you took out the Pokemon the fact that it's a Pokemon game, if you said this is not Pokemon, this is something new. You didn't know the characters in it, you know, there's none of that and it would you still recommend this as a title?
Al Struthers 15:39
Well, until I never split we can't receive the fact that critics are given a quite good rating we suggest that on the whole it's probably not bad. Okay. It's an interesting one. I mean, I suspect they're they're probably quite a fairly small studio. And the did say they were trying to funnel holders or majority of the resources into little big 10 reverse. Was it called again, then Hero. So if they're a small studio with not many resources and they have genuine focus on that game, then maybe they did cut a few corners Pokemon, but really is a big problem with cut corners. Pokemon song is important. Good and the reviewers also Yes, yeah, I kind of think yeah, there's a few bugs. That's not good. Cutting down the number of Pokemon. It may have been deliberate decision, because I think we were up at 800 and something Yes, a lot of Pokemon. I think you're taking it into 400 600 there's
Unknown Speaker 16:25
still a lot it's not 10
Al Struthers 16:28
I mean, the one I'm playing moment, you've got 151 Pokemon. Yeah, so even that number is?
Mike Macdermid 16:35
Well, here's the here's the question a different way than Anton is it that expectations are just so high because it's a Pokemon title. That's the problem.
Anton Winters 16:45
I think so carefully considering looking at little town here or it seems to have a lot of similar flaws where the performances and where people want to be at graphically worldwide. It's a little bit less detailed than it needs to be an I think MC however along the way, I get the impression that game freaks hasn't scaled their company to the scale of where the expectations for this generation of consoles are the moment. Yeah, and
Al Struthers 17:14
Mike Macdermid 17:16
Yeah, there is that. I mean, that's, you know, that's
Al Struthers 17:18
like day one. So, Zelda and Pokemon are play on the same level when it comes to IP importance. And yeah, Zelda nailed it. And so everything else is really going to struggle to live up to it.
Mike Macdermid 17:27
Yeah, it will be definitely interesting to see how things develop because things tend to come down a week or two after release. And people have a different opinion from where they started from. And it might be that people are actually having a great time with this game, or it might be that people got actually it's a lot worse than than I thought it was going to be.
Al Struthers 17:43
Well, what I find interesting is to the time we're recording neither in gameplay nor Nintendo have actually responded. Any criticisms. Yeah, I suspect the response will be, here's a patch. It may not bring it all the extra Pokemon, but at least I'll fix the bug issues. And yeah, really, I think most people probably go what bugs are the only issue really Unless you're a hardcore Pokemon fan having a few hundred last Pokemon is probably not the end of the world
Mike Macdermid 18:05
well you know you're going to have to do Alistair you got to finish let's go
Al Struthers 18:09
and then dedicate a lot of time to play the new one and then basically play the new one so we can get a review
Mike Macdermid 18:14
that will be great. And Tony, you're going to be partaking in it and any sort and Sheila know it's Emily's a fan.
Anton Winters 18:21
Yeah, Emily's a huge fan. I think personally, I'll be passing I've never I've never been quite so huge on there. The Pokemon games like GIFs late school EV and pika trickle. And I think the interest in where one of the things people are being given praise to this and this is of course coming more so from people who have played the franchise existing Lee is that it's very that there's a lot less tutorial licencing so if you played like that the Pokemon games before and just say it's like you can go in there. And I think that interesting because my critiques of light score PQNEVSZ the account presumed that I had played PH Pokemon game before the fact that this game is even more hands off I'm like okay, I'll stand back Hello I think I don't think it's the game for me
Mike Macdermid 19:08
yeah yeah kind of with you I think it would take a really special Pokemon game and I'm and they're all special there are way for people playing them but it would take something out of the ordinary like what Zelda did with Breath of the Wild probably to make me start to play a Pokemon title but it is I and we will be keeping an eye on it and also there's probably at the three of us is going to be the one but we'll get Emily on to give us their review as well because I suspect they'll be playing it more than probably all of us combined.
Anton Winters 19:37
Yep, most likely. I think you're right there.
Mike Macdermid 19:39
Right let's move on then. Band dynamical who helped develop Mario Kart tour as well as Mario Kart eight eight Deluxe Super Smash Brothers ultimate arms on Mario sports superstars. They're also rumoured to be working on Metroid Prime for so I guess. jump ahead to the rumours section. Really looking at this obviously Metroid Prime for such a big talking point over the last year because of how everything changed and then suddenly they started again and they did everything you know a different way and maybe this could be a good thing.
Anton Winters 20:14
Gather accounts the main takeaway here is that a lot of these titles and ban dynamical seemingly have been working on as being very hush hush shows at the count revelation we've count forgot to say, it really seems like band dynamical has became that extra drunk power that Nintendo has been using which is fascinating to see to us. It would be curious to see if this became a decorative like off so we've had Microsoft and Sony have been really snapping opportunities as of late. Yeah. Do you think Nintendo could pull off anything like that?
Mike Macdermid 20:46
Yeah, I think so. I think Nintendo quite a shrewd business. I think if they see that there's merit in doing I think if you think yeah, this is going to make us money. That's what it's going to come down to is Nintendo pretty much all over and no matter how much we love You know, Nintendo are this kind of lovely company really they're probably one of the most ruthless IG.
Mike Macdermid 21:07
So I think if there's money to be made and snapping up studios and getting them on board for other projects that's probably a good thing from from the switch point of view they do but it's what you don't want to do I guess is lose that independence and individuality of of studios and what they offer because, you know, we've seen it before where students emerged with bigger names and suddenly the title suffer for it. And I think that's what we don't want. But I guess there's potential there's for Metroid Prime for I think I could see them bringing in someone like that to kind of help just make sure that this is a big success, because there's almost it's great to start again, but it's almost a little bit of pressure on themselves to really deliver I guess, with Metroid Prime for you know,
Anton Winters 21:51
yeah, I mean, hold on man says,
Al Struthers 21:53
Well, sorry, I only want to
Anton Winters 21:55
know go for
Al Struthers 21:56
Alice. How's the band name because we've been around for a long time least Nam voiceprint Very low forever and there was actually bought by effects for toymaker because that's what band they do. Yeah, they made toys. Let me toy back when we were kids long before we were kids. So I suspect of Nintendo is going to buy it. It's not that we do by band dynamical they may somehow managed to wrestle number away from Bandai. And which case I suspect the name them could disappear and the teams in house. Yeah, if they're willing to do anything, but really, if Nintendo's managing to get quite a good deal out of band and coke, which they probably are, and band dynamical make games for other platforms, they don't care and working in partnership,
Mike Macdermid 22:31
I think that's probably closer to where it is. And I think really only if it's going to be massive financial success, will Nintendo do it? And actually, if they can get a good deal with them, there's nothing really to you know, it would only be if they really thought exclusivity was the way to go. And I think it'll be I will see how this develops, especially with the Metroid Prime for thing as well and where they're going with that, but I just I'm not sure I think you're probably right, Alistair, I think it's more of going to be more of a collaboration than anything else. Anton, what do you think?
Anton Winters 23:01
Yes, it's interesting here where I'm trying to think outside of the band dynamical titles that come to switch they've been fairly good at supporting the console. Yeah, I'm wondering what games to the to that a mess on the switch? Because I think the Dark Souls siloed titles which haven't been making it over Well, there's been through this dark that we've got dark souls, haven't we?
Mike Macdermid 23:22
But we don't get the latest. Yeah, so
Unknown Speaker 23:24
I'm pretty sure we should.
Anton Winters 23:28
remaster of the original Yeah. And I think the to love switch. So it makes sense that they've got such a close relationship also to collaborate on a Pokemon tournament and stuff like that. So be curious to see what else comes out of state such a close relationship here.
Mike Macdermid 23:45
Right next up then Shintaro Furukawa wants to avoid cutting the switches price for as long as possible to maintain the value of our products. I don't have an issue with that having already got a switch. I don't want to necessary I see them all popping up for 4999 I think that does devalue it somewhat. For example there I really want to get rear replay the game because I won that game because my other half was a huge view of an IATA fan. It's got Viva Kenyatta and trouble and paradise and it's got heaps of other games on there as well on the banjo because he games I would love that to come to the switch. I don't see any sign of it at the moment. But you can buy it for eight pounds on the Xbox One and I saw an Xbox One for sale new in the shop with three games dual the Xbox One not the new so 150 quid and I'm thinking the equivalent of a switch would be like you know 100 pounds with a game I just can't see that happening anytime soon after
Al Struthers 24:45
no no I think you're right they've been very good you can price up a Nintendo historically have been pretty good at keeping the prices up and salons are shifting units and they really are shifting units. We keep looking their sales numbers. Why would they bother adjusting the price don't really have to, although I suspect they don't When they bring it
Anton Winters 25:01
yeah it's the thing is very interesting here is obviously that the business model of the companies were at Canvas it's been common knowledge for a good while that Nintendo ever since so we have always wanted to try and turn a profit on their hardware. Whereas the attorney digital trying to sell the console at cost price basically and they make that the profit on a software and that's a I find ironic because Nintendo is the one that probably gets them more sales and keeping the price of their software so high. So yeah, it must just be a business model across the company, which it makes it comfortable. scientists don't know about yourselves. Nintendo's one of the few companies I'll spend 50 pounds on a title because I know it's going to stick there.
Mike Macdermid 25:47
Yeah, I think that's the thing is you are more willing to spend more money on a Nintendo title because you know, that price is still going to be there when
Al Struthers 25:55
on physical but they still independent for an East or when to and that annoys me. Yeah.
Mike Macdermid 26:00
Yeah I would agree with that i don't want to pay you know 3540 pounds for any store title but that's maybe because I'm old fashioned so but certainly physical coffees I will pay them but yeah, that's good I think maintain the value of the Nintendo Switch and I think you're right when the Pro comes out we will see a price drop I don't think it'll be that much. How much on the pro but we'll talk about that and, and the potential of the the direct as well because we didn't mention that last week while we did because we're Anton days a week micrometre predicted we are we are my prediction is Wednesday at 5pm. Anyway, next up Blue. Blue kids too, but that's bleep BLO, kids to which is an Alex kid style platform game is coming to switch on 18th of November which is tomorrow for for $99 nice and cheap. I like Alex kids. I'm dying for knowing if this is any goods, Anton.
Anton Winters 26:54
Yeah, this is one of these lovely titles where you don't buy it full price on day one, but you're See it for like one pound two pounds on a shop sale and then you're like sure so if you're interested in a little we can throwback platformer there might be some some choice to be had here but
Unknown Speaker 27:12
it doesn't beautifully Super Nintendo he doesn't it
Mike Macdermid 27:15
looks great It looks very involved reminds me of a cross being super nintendo or or even you know slightly better versus like if they have the Master System in 16 bit
Al Struthers 27:25
know what's the Super Nintendo
Mike Macdermid 27:27
know because Alex kid it's inspired by Alex kid who was a Master System
Al Struthers 27:31
master graphics the way Luke's it is just it looks snares.
Mike Macdermid 27:36
Yeah. What do you think Anton?
Anton Winters 27:39
See I kind of saw is like a Master System that didn't have limits like yeah, they like we were up against the brick wall of Oh no, this is 1986
Mike Macdermid 27:50
here and they've got the they've got the main level like in Sonic to where they've got the main level and it's cool. I like it. And this is all right. This looks sorry I haven't played it yet.
Al Struthers 28:00
played up I want to play it because it just makes me happy.
Mike Macdermid 28:02
It's only for $99 so I guess probably similar and parents look out for that. So this week it's called Blue k that's BLO kid too and no WD like Alex kid
Al Struthers 28:13
next out to be confused the Blue Man Group
Mike Macdermid 28:15
the Blue Man Group is a whole different thing and a slightly odd sure that you can go and see in Florida. Those are still on. Well was last time I was there two years ago. Right next up 10 cents and every time you see 10 cent was really weird. You think rapper right? No, I don't know you don't I just pitched a song to 10 cent. yesterday. The same company. All right, because they also in boyband. Yeah. And in China.
Anton Winters 28:40
Everything. You have a car wine.
Mike Macdermid 28:43
Yeah, literally they are like that. If you took Apple Amazon and I don't know, Microsoft and combined it all and Tesco actually run it off. So Tencent have recently started a switch porting team and they're in charge of the Chinese launch of the switch. I switch In China two months after lunch because I went to China because I was working in China songwriting and took my switch so they were everyone was very impressed although I was with Koreans and to them also had to switch but nevermind. So all right great games, Epic Games, Activision Blizzard and Ubisoft, and they've claimed like to create console console games with Nintendo characters and learn the essence of making console games from Nintendo engineer. So I guess it's great that if they're going to enhance the switch reputation in China, and they're going to actually learn properly, that's my biggest thing is they? if they if they are saying they're going to do it properly, then that's great. And I think 10 centres such a big company that can afford to what we wouldn't want to see is a rip off version of what everyone else is getting, I guess, Anton.
Anton Winters 29:48
Yeah, it's it's interesting, where Tencent in the past four months have came from. Yeah, we're going to be shipping lead the switches to China. Oh, yeah, we're making a team to port games. We're making the next It's interesting how it's escalated. But
Mike Macdermid 30:04
I actually think we've got the money to do this. Anton. That's the thing that gets me. Yeah.
Anton Winters 30:08
It's the thing I've been fascinated about this is how they're almost partnering up Nintendo a little. They're like, yeah, we want to learn from the experts that we were new to this. We haven't. Like, we just want to learn how to make console games when they own so much talent.
Al Struthers 30:25
There's two questions I have, right. First one is they're saying we want to learn to make games. So I wonder if that's specific game studios that they own? Or is this we're going to start up a new students to do this.
Mike Macdermid 30:37
I think it'll be a new studio on top of everything else, because if anyone can afford it, they can.
Al Struthers 30:42
Question number two, are they about to go and try and buy a Nintendo? I know it's a stupid question, but it is a stupid question because they have a lot of money. And this, this is beginning to smell but interesting. Yeah, I would certainly keep an eye on it. I noticed that the share thing that we talked about Previously, Nintendo said the way of dealing with any hostile takeover. So in theory, they should be able to just take over. But
Mike Macdermid 31:08
well, if they are, they're doing in a very clever way. Because they are, as Anton said, kind of going around that kind of, hey, you are the masters, we're going to learn from your teachings and all that kind of stuff. I think it's at the moment, it's fine. I think they are, they are a huge, huge company with, you know, more money than most. So I don't think that's a hugely stupid thing to say. To be honest, I
Al Struthers 31:29
have no idea if it's been suggested on the internet anywhere, but it is just it's ringing a little alarm bell in my head, making me think, Oh, this might be a possibility. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. Because Nintendo has always had a Japanese company.
Mike Macdermid 31:43
I don't think they'll try and buy them. But I do think they could end up trying to almost be in partnership with them to the level that you know, if they could find a way to do it, where they were, you know, almost on a par with them because they are big enough. Just Nintendo or Nintendo and that's the thing they've got going. They have the history. They have The name Tencent don't have that on Tom, what do you think about it?
Anton Winters 32:04
I think they're, they're trying to cement them to sales as the Kelvin metal, the middleman between Nintendo and then a lot of the Eastern Market. I think they're they've got a big strong suit where then all of Nintendo's consoles Go for it, and Tencent and China, and also they've got their there they're trying to get into the porting game. And I think there may be trying to get their their selves involved in first party development. So Nintendo's business almost comes in, and they they're almost part of Nintendo, or half Nintendo's part of them. And voluntarily if you know what I mean, like yes, they become inseparable at certain point. If they made like the next like, let's say they made us platoon esque franchise and collaboration with Nintendo At that point, Tencent and Nintendo would just become ubiquitous moving forward. And I wonder if they're trying to form something like that?
Mike Macdermid 33:07
Well, it's better to keep the people you might be working against closer than far away. So I suspect and I know don't mean they'll be working against them. But certainly when you are a big company, it makes more sense to keep people on site. So at the moment, that's all they're doing, but we will wait and see, I guess, and it's definitely interesting if nothing else also interesting this week, Sonic the Hedgehog movie, it's got a new trailer and a new redesign. We're happier with this one, aren't we?
Al Struthers 33:33
I'm going to leave you guys here because when it comes to Sonic, I don't know where really care frankly, but you guys seem to have quite strong themes in this lesson. What came up?
Mike Macdermid 33:41
What do you think?
Anton Winters 33:43
Yeah, they've read the same time is that it's redesigned by the person who Tyson has, which he's done a lot for Sonic comics and he would say a designer for Sonic Mania. And people seen prior to us was this one, it's they've changed the tone of it as well as their as much more cheeky 1996 and rather than Alvin and the Chipmunks, which seems to be very good, and regardless, I sell withholds my fury from the last episode that this is all a marketing ploy for them to be like, yes, it's awful lace, I'll make fun of it. And then they come out with something mediocre, and everybody's like, it's fantastic. So I hold my conspiracy theory, but I'm happy that you least change it. Nonetheless, I
Mike Macdermid 34:25
remember your conspiracy theory. And I'm going to say that we live in a land of rainbows and fluffy clouds. And that's absolutely not true. And now everyone's happy, and it's going to be great. So I'm going to be the I'm going to be the positive spin on it and say that no, no, they've just gone ahead and changed it all because of the feedback. And I think it's better so yeah, we shall see but
Al Struthers 34:47
it looks good. The blue hedgehog swear the way I imagined the blue hedgehog will look if you see Jaden,
Mike Macdermid 34:51
he remember he reminds me of nice early 90s Sonic know which is what I wanted from from the original trailer. Not that certainly King that was there before okay so next up Shovel Knight showdown and King of cards arrived December the 10th can't really go wrong with a shovel knight game this one again I've seen the trailer for this it looks pretty good and it's so in less than a month time always always good value for money on those games yeah
Anton Winters 35:19
definitely and I think if they do obviously we see this quite often when they launch a brand new title where they put on sale a little so if they have their the treasure trove on sale I highly recommend picking up just for the value of money and it's of course just say a same thing to even more value of money now so and so to say haven't done a bad game yet Yacht Club fantastic people
Mike Macdermid 35:40
yeah I really want to get Shovel Knight the next time I see on a decent sale is going to be the time that I I bite I think and you know it's what point price point but I mean you can't really go wrong even if you pay full price for Shovel Knight you are still getting value for money. Next up Minecraft dungeons. This might be something that interests are Anton Because I know that you're a bit of a Minecraft fan, April 2020 are you in for Minecraft dungeons Anton?
Anton Winters 36:07
Indeed they're bringing it as part of game pass so I'm going to give out a wheat trail on there and if it does well pick it up on sweatshirts four player co op i have a lovely circle of Minecraft fanatic so we'll probably get about a week or I'm curious to see how well this title does because obviously they're going from frame the label game for everyone to Diablo sell dungeon crawler so I'm curious to see how well those game passes so cheaper. It doesn't hurt to have a goal and then pick up and switch later.
Al Struthers 36:36
Yeah, yeah.
Mike Macdermid 36:39
I have never really been in the Minecraft world surprisingly enough, but I guess it was just not quite our generation thing. I'll start cuz I know it's obviously I'm one of the biggest sort of franchises ever, but it just wasn't my my It's
Al Struthers 36:53
huge. And I'm the same and weirdly, it should probably appeals me because I'd be described as digital Lego. Yeah, and I love Legos. Legos amazing but I've seen kids I know playing it, and it's gone. I don't understand which makes me feel very old but I don't understand
Mike Macdermid 37:07
why this is where I just genuinely think it's we haven't spent time in that world and I think I quite like the idea of it as well like you but it's just I've never liked it enough to go right I'm going to play
Al Struthers 37:19
if it's a question of sitting, playing game, I want to simply a games ever got some time to think I want to build Lego? I like the physicality of actually playing around Lego. Yes, and there's a weird distinction to make but it's a distinction that means something i think
Mike Macdermid 37:32
i think i think there is something amazing though about creating something that then other people can check out or creating or trying to replicate something in the Minecraft world that other people can kind of you know, cuz I think there's a bit of interactivity in that sense. Isn't there Anton this is gonna sound like old man questions. But even
Anton Winters 37:46
then, I think that the thing to keep in mind is yet you can build in this world as a survival game at the forefront. And you can switch it to purely crave more than just build like one Whatever you want, but at the when you start off the game, it's your your abandoned, you have nothing. You have food, you have hunger, there's creatures, try not to die and then Okay, it's very much that going around and there is a there's somewhat of a storey you can bump into villages, they have their own interests and you know, count the own resources and trading and just try and get to bear self to cause the game does have a natural ending.
Unknown Speaker 38:29
If this is all for me,
Mike Macdermid 38:31
isn't it funny how like there's a game that I'm so familiar with seen it a million times yet have Not a clue what I'm talking about.
Anton Winters 38:40
And, and in terms of learning it, I think if as long as you're familiar with the first person Sure, and just using a 3d camera going in there, it's very much not troll learning, like it said co brief the wild you know how it kind of just plops you down and then you can't do what's the first thing is obvious and then through that teaches you the mechanics Yeah. You can get fairly far so if you're ever interested to see on a sale for cheap it's got like infinite level of course like you can have servers with thousands of people on it so let's give it a go and we can see all your fire if you if it's something you're interested absolutely
Mike Macdermid 39:14
speaking of that somebody mentioned on Twitter but Diablo been a really good Co Op game as well my brother did actually arrive with it from my birthday the other day so we are going to be playing some Diablo three on the switch which I'm very excited about so that's just started throw in as a as a co op things you mentioned Co Op there but looking forward to that but we do need a co op between us as well and I sent your you all a link to the game. War no no on earth wars. It's a different game altogether. That's the name p game. I can't remember but it was Killing Floor. What was it called Anton Kelly
Anton Winters 39:49
was it called Killing Floor It was like a zombie game. I
Mike Macdermid 39:52
don't think it was Killing Floor and I think Alistair will check on the chat maybe is killing for such a bad memory. I just quite like the look of it. Doesn't it's a solid enough shooter and a bit reminded me a bit of the left for dead type franchise with zombies and things. It was Earth fall.
Unknown Speaker 40:10
Mike Macdermid 40:12
so So yeah, I just wanted it because
Al Struthers 40:14
yeah, yeah, you just want to shoot stuff with us.
Mike Macdermid 40:17
Yeah basically
Al Struthers 40:18
you want to use me as armour or meet human folder because I'm more like a die first anyway so I'll give you a little bit extra life
Mike Macdermid 40:24
we'll get we'll just get to watch Anton play it because we'll both die after 30 seconds. Anyway Minecraft dungeon so it's coming to switch on April April 2020. So a little bit of time to go. Next up Nintendo is releasing pocket camp club for Animal Crossing pocket camp. It's a new paid subscription programme. Animal Crossing fans I'm assuming will be happy Anton. I have
Anton Winters 40:48
no idea I think we've saw we This works for marrow Carter. Let's make some more money. All right. I don't believe we've caught tape for so far by believes the option is that you can have some day Just can't help you out. Okay, like almost like an ally or a sidekick in an RPG almost right
Mike Macdermid 41:06
and when so Okay, so this is back to like the mobile thing again right so pocket camp is the is the mobile LD? Yeah. So when we get we're getting Animal Crossing March 22 2020 are the march 20 2020? March 20, March 20. Okay. Yeah, yeah, the only reason I remember is just the date was something like 20 2020 or something. Anyway, so I assume much like Mario Kart, the people who are really serious about Animal Crossing are probably not going to worry too much about this and maybe go more for the switch version. But there might be because there's a gap. There might be some that might be tempted to go and check this out first, just as a way of tying them over until the release.
Anton Winters 41:50
Yeah, it is. Also we could go down the conspiracy route. They're just, they're done with it. They're getting ready for the new game. They're milking all the money but yeah, you know, it seemingly. work from Eric Carter, where there's a small portion of players that are not quite dedicated, like hardcore enough to go for eight Deluxe bar nope above the base game. And I imagine for a small time here, and there's plenty of money to be made there for Nintendo. So
Mike Macdermid 42:17
absolutely no, it's right next up Doug Bowser, he has said a higher percent of female consumers are buying Nintendo Switch light than buying the flagship now we see light as a great opportunity for us to expand with that audiences. Doug Bowser, it's funny when you talk about audiences, because suddenly you start segregating people by things that you wouldn't normally do in any other walk of life. And it's the same I work in radio. And I know for example, that my biggest target audience is females from the age of 30 to 45. I know I have more female listeners between 30 and 45 than any other group and and it's ridiculous because you see at someone they go, ha, that's sexist. You can't say that. But this is how companies work. And it's similar here. And he's basically saying that there are more females buying the Nintendo Switch light than the Nintendo Switch and I have to theorise that this might be a couple of things might be price point. Maybe they're not such serious gamers. That's maybe again a sexist point. I'm just making what I think might be the reason and the other thing is that they come in a variety of different kinds of colours and actually look quite cool, I think, I guess
Al Struthers 43:23
Well, it's interesting. My other half was was she was never really considering the switch, but she is considering buying a switch light that fits perfectly in it. Well, she travels a lot. So it's a lot more portable. Yeah, that's the main reason more portable, proper handbag, no problem at all. And it's cheaper. So so it's it's why
Anton Winters 43:44
i think i think this is quite interesting as we had those statistics, so we well back suggesting that the switch light isn't taken away from the regular switch sales runner, I think, too, and I'm curious if it's maybe less or the fact that they don't compete. to work each other, rather the fact that they're actually just appealing to different audiences. Yeah, it's interesting there.
Mike Macdermid 44:07
There's also I think you also mentioned a lot of switch owners are also buying lights. And if I had the money, I'll be honest and close he was at the stage where I knew it wasn't gonna be an issue I probably would buy a light as well because I do quite like the look at the lights and I reckon from what I was, I was doing a bit of research but the Witcher three for example, example. So because the Witcher three The Witcher Is it the Witcher three, which is three is an electro free and we used to call it's called the switcher, so I never remember. But so the Witcher three, obviously the switch, there are issues with, you know, the textures and all the rest of it and it's not it doesn't look great on a big screen and they actually reckon the best way to play it people have kind of been seeing that is on a light, because it's the smaller screen, you're seeing a lot more detail. And I can kind of get that I'm not saying it's it's not necessarily about the screen, but because it's smaller, obviously it hides
Unknown Speaker 44:53
a lot. It hides a lot
Mike Macdermid 44:54
so and and also it's portable and it's this that little bit more portable than a switch. So I completely If I had the money I would probably buy a light as well.
Al Struthers 45:02
I have a sheer curiosity harking back to the days of your, your guys previous podcast. Have either of you heard where the cat has bought a switch? Or has she bought a switch late or not?
Mike Macdermid 45:11
Okay, so so just a bit of background, Anton and I were on another podcast, which was about gaming in general. And then we did one about the switch briefly before this podcast began for real, and we worked with Kat who did she she just was refusing to ever buy a switch and she was always the nice in a funny way, but she also never would, but she was very into the beta. So that is a
Al Struthers 45:37
portable game. I
Mike Macdermid 45:38
love the portable portable gaming but just couldn't get our head into liking a switch. So another
Al Struthers 45:42
thing was not to the price point was that nor was your price point
Mike Macdermid 45:45
mostly, partly to do with didn't like the hybrid kind of thing wasn't so sure it was sold on that. Big question, Anton.
Anton Winters 45:54
Yeah, I'm not too sure I'll need to drop her a message but it's it's interesting looking. Back then because they're on those dis formative podcasts, we went from the NX becoming a rumour. And up until the switch was me like less than a couple months old. And that's right camp where we left off before taking a break and us going on to start this podcast. So it's very fascinating see back then, where there wasn't a count, you know, service and confidence in the switch that we have today. And there was a much more from bed to say. So there's there's been so many factors have changed there. So yeah, yeah. I'd be interested in to get them on to self get their thoughts on this. Yeah, it's a good show. Three years later, I'd
Mike Macdermid 46:36
like to speak to cat because now I've probably got more visual novels than she does. Well, somebody's gonna stick a microphone in front of her face. Yeah. Speaking of that, let's move on to this week's rumours. Normally, so, okay, we're gonna fire through the rumours before we got a couple of kind of generic kind of things that have been talked about this week. Before that, I just want to quickly just briefly talk about the the the possibility of a direct because we did mention this last week but unfortunately as people who listened will know, we lost Anton audio. So Anton, we were talking about it last week. And we did all predict No. And also, as I said last week, I said the 20th that means it's going to have to be announced tomorrow or Tuesday. Well, I mean,
Al Struthers 47:19
like, by the way, we're on three hours jump on,
Mike Macdermid 47:20
I just don't see them doing in December. So is it going to be this week or next week? I just want to very simple, it's going to happen or it's not.
Anton Winters 47:31
I'm sad. It's interesting. We had a very low week in terms of announcements. And to start clean that has led towards a trait like we only had one one game announced this week. And then the other one was a poor of a game that was held at another region and then we had to make some notes. So it's been a specially try week and it's more than over to soul at there's a slight possibility. I know we had That Microsoft conference x or live or whatever it was called last week. Yeah. And we've got PlayStation Experience in December. So it was maybe make sense to squeeze it in there in the middle.
Mike Macdermid 48:13
If it happens on Wednesday or if it happens on Wednesday at 5pm. The next week's episode will be called mystic, Mike, you know?
Al Struthers 48:20
Yes, yes, it will be. And if it happens, I think I predicted the 27th, which I think was the following week you did was that I'm leaving the country. So I can't even do anything with them. No,
Mike Macdermid 48:28
no, but I mean, I put that prediction in probably about five weeks ago, weeks ago or something. So I don't I will be absolute luck. I mean, there's nothing else to it. I just picked a date and time but even still, I would really feel that it will be next week or this week, though. I don't think I think when we get into December, I don't see it. But maybe I'll be proved wrong. I just think we're getting too close to Christmas. But then
Al Struthers 48:51
yeah, yeah, we're all happy.
Mike Macdermid 48:53
And we normally get what you afford. Right? So we've had three main directs this year. Is that right Anton
Anton Winters 49:00
I can. I'm happy.
Al Struthers 49:02
We've got so many directors here, but just different. Yeah.
Anton Winters 49:06
This would be our fourth one coming up because we did to threat specialist and then we had one that we did as part of another episode.
Mike Macdermid 49:12
That's right. Yeah. So we are on the fourth. And I just think that it could be Well, look, we'll wait and see. But the time people listen to this will probably know and they'll be like, yeah, okay, we all know what happened. Shut up. So we'll wait and see. So that was the first thing and there was something else I was going to talk to you about in the rumours, but I can't remember. So I'll go into our actual scheduled stuff and it might come to me but next up, clone companies have been failing to replicate the ring. Are we talking about the ring as in the the kind of peripheral or thing?
Anton Winters 49:41
Yeah, indeed. Yes. So what are they trying to quit? Yeah, they've essentially as as you know, they've made fake joy cones and fake joy on wheels. And apparently, a lot of the companies have been attempting to make fake wrinkles and now a lot of them have been failing, which is a shame because it would have been nice sketch. cheaper one well I wonder why they're failing
Al Struthers 50:02
we know how hard
Mike Macdermid 50:05
I think it must be there must be something different about the way you've constructed it for the applying the the pressure things I know you have a controller
Al Struthers 50:12
yeah but it must be something to do with I guess material use because it does have a major resistance and the resistance does vary You're the only
Mike Macdermid 50:18
one from the three yeah
Al Struthers 50:20
it's a cool but again it doesn't seem that that high tech to me but I'm not an engineer so I don't really know but the very fact you can have a ring that will vary its tension depending what setting you've got on mean to there must be something to do with them getting electrical guessing electrical current in there. Something that that tweaks it makes it
Anton Winters 50:34
very clever. Any very cleverly very clever. Yeah. I would pursue maybe as well as maybe it's nice to can't make one as to to the resistance of the materials and that allies or whatever they're making it been. Yeah, like neither Cal paralleled the game there may be not getting it close enough. Like it's maybe too loose or too tight. Or maybe it's just a quality assurance. I can't get quite close enough to to replicate exactly
Al Struthers 51:03
remember just can't make it cheaply and usable by Nintendo.
Mike Macdermid 51:06
Yeah, maybe that's it maybe that's it. Maybe it's not as expensive as we all thought. Next up final rumour this week morale A Game Freak is rumoured to be at an all time low and I suspect this might be to do with the kind of reaction of recent titles but I think it's always expected when there's so much hype around things it's not a huge surprise that morale takes a dip if there is a negative reaction Alastair, and that's the same in any workplace is the
Al Struthers 51:33
same in any industry if you get criticised, your morale is going to go down. And to they probably had to fairly lacklustre shall we say releasing room Yeah, Pokemon lovely had a major reaction but somewhat negative. A little don't hero wasn't particularly I don't think it did as well. So you're expecting
Mike Macdermid 51:51
Anton Winters 51:52
said even then it's like looking at our companies and whole you know, the the industry Love sipping a filling a villain. Yeah. Game Freak are feeling a little bit low after sword and shield. I must feel sorry for the full 76 guys they must be
Mike Macdermid 52:11
a very good point. Right then let's move on to this week's quiz. No, Anton. Let's just go straight into the quiz three games, game number one.
Anton Winters 52:25
And deed and I don't know if you've noticed by usually try and go in chronological order. But this time I'm going to flip it and start with a neuro title freshen up. So that's first title, as a racing game developed by Codemasters and originally released in 2014.
Al Struthers 52:49
Was that it was a from your own cartoon game came around to it then I think it might have been called. I don't like Yes, yes, sir. I bet
Anton Winters 52:57
there was that game but not that time. Okay, Okay,
Mike Macdermid 53:01
next clue.
Anton Winters 53:03
This title was the first and a franchise of realistic racing games WRC. Both wrong sadly.
Mike Macdermid 53:15
Realistic card games did you say?
Al Struthers 53:18
No racing game season get a grid. Codemasters grid could be grid or sport.
Anton Winters 53:25
You've got it, Mike. Well, I kind of I think
Unknown Speaker 53:30
that was a collaborative answer. Yeah. Okay, well, we'll call that one ah.
Anton Winters 53:36
Alright, let's fart time fertile as a platformer, developed by Naughty Dog and released in 2001.
Mike Macdermid 53:49
Fresh panda cute. Three.
Al Struthers 53:53
Sadly, not the title. Not in all games. I can think of armoury platforms, but it will be Oh come
Unknown Speaker 54:01
on PlayStation exclusive. treasure hunting Uncharted Uncharted Yeah,
Anton Winters 54:06
but haven't caught up ah sadly
Mike Macdermid 54:08
it's not a title yet okay next clue
Anton Winters 54:13
This was killed this game was inspired by the count classic platform and mascot been and have saw one soul two main protagonists, but you only play as one of them as the other one sits on your shoulder. Oh,
Mike Macdermid 54:26
it's MRU banjo kazoo, the other one who wants a ratchet Clank Ratchet and Clank
Anton Winters 54:35
effect very similar but not the title
Al Struthers 54:39
was the other one. There's another one.
Unknown Speaker 54:46
This is hurting my brain all
Mike Macdermid 54:47
the ways and
Anton Winters 54:48
I can't think I played it. This game. This game you play it as a fictional one. Well,
Al Struthers 54:57
thank you. I was hurting my head.
Mike Macdermid 55:00
jack and Greg a really? Yeah, I'd like to see those on the switch.
Anton Winters 55:05
The reason I mentioned this is really cool if you buy the trilogy of jack and dance or rerelease on PlayStation four from limited run games, they'll give you the box RA for an unreleased jacking tax or game jacking tax or for wow for free which is a slowly promotional piece.
Unknown Speaker 55:25
Anton Winters 55:26
nevertheless, and are we calling? Let's
Al Struthers 55:33
go for it. Let's do it.
Anton Winters 55:35
One all are all or nothing RIT this is a real shooter light gun game released in 1996.
Unknown Speaker 55:44
Die Hard.
Mike Macdermid 55:48
I think this got a rerelease quite recently. I can't think what's called again, next clue
Anton Winters 55:59
this game as follows along and the recent boom of Samba games following Resident Evil House of the Dead. You've gotten me
Unknown Speaker 56:09
Unknown Speaker 56:12
Mike was Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 56:12
I was I did. It's it's a switch release, isn't it? A collection?
Anton Winters 56:17
Yeah. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 56:19
yeah. Yeah. Very good questions again, Anton. I like that one. That
Anton Winters 56:23
was lame. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. So that
Mike Macdermid 56:27
that is it for this week's Nintendo Switch. UK podcast. Once again, you can get us on Twitter Anton. And I will try and reply. You can leave us a review and Apple podcast. You can get our podcast and pretty much everything. We're also on YouTube. And Anton does do live streaming now. And then and also and I will eventually do some live streaming Alistair. We've also got a web
Al Struthers 56:44
site, we do www.if you want to bother putting that in an SUKP code at UK and we have an email which goes with it, which is very simple as that podcast at NSUKP. Dakota, UK
Mike Macdermid 56:55
Anton have we missed anything?
Anton Winters 56:57
I think Thank you. Of course. Everything If you've enjoyed this podcast drop us a little we review on Apple podcast, it will be greatly appreciated and will read it out on the next episode. So yes, you can. You can make us a whatever you want.
Mike Macdermid 57:11
Yeah, absolutely. We will always read it word by word. But listen with that. Have a fantastic week. Enjoy the Nintendo Switch direct at 5pm on Wednesday, the 20th.
Al Struthers 57:22
Right on the show. I
Mike Macdermid 57:24
don't know about that. But anyway, listen, have a good week. We'll see you next week. Goodbye.
Unknown Speaker 57:28