Fit For Adventure-ring - Episode 34
It's Mike and Al this week and we have all the latest Nintendo Switch news, including Dragon Quest, Ghost Blade, Yo-Kai Watch and of course the new Ring Fit Adventure.
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Fit For Adventure-ring - Episode 34
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Transcription [BETA]
Mike Macdermid 0:13
Hello, and welcome to episode number 34 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. I'm Mike IML. And I'm Anton no Anton is not here actually, he's, he is otherwise engaged at this moment. So it's just the two of us. It is
Al Struthers 0:27
good to be fair to him. We are recording a very auditing.
Mike Macdermid 0:30
So we're recording this on a Monday morning, right about half past 11. And normally we recording a Sunday night sometimes like last week, we did it slightly earlier, but we very rarely record during the day, the working hours of a Monday.
Al Struthers 0:42
Yeah, I came into work very early this morning. So I come away and do this.
Mike Macdermid 0:45
Basically, it's my fault, which is usually the case. But the reason behind it very briefly was I was in London that weekend, then it was in Glasgow and event yesterday, and I got home very late. So there was very little time to record it. So we thought we'll try and squeeze it in monday so that people don't miss out on the latest news based. Yeah, we're here we're doing it. So before we get started, just a quick note again, thank you to everyone who's been downloading and reviewing and tweeting us and messaging us. We've had a new review of five star review on Apple podcast. So I'll read you this. It says, Just find this podcast and it's great for the commute to work as an older gamer. It's nice to hear people with actual experience of gaming talk about games. That's me and you. Really, I mean Anton
Al Struthers 1:23
items, not until I got way more knowledge the way to go more.
Mike Macdermid 1:26
I think what I'm getting as were the older gamers,
Al Struthers 1:29
yeah, we're the older guys. And we own that.
Mike Macdermid 1:31
Yeah, we're fine with that. But Anton does know his stuff out. Plus, with no hard sell of games or sponsorship that can be found on other cast. It's an easy Listen, although Having said that, if someone wants to sponsor us I'm, we're we're we're
Al Struthers 1:43
very lovely.
Mike Macdermid 1:43
But no, thank you very much. That was Firefox's blue who sent us that message. And do please leave us reviews. If you like the podcast, we do this because we enjoy talking about the switch release. So thank you
Al Struthers 1:53
very much we do and we enjoy talking with you. So feel free to tweet us and email us and all that good stuff. Where do people tweet us at? podcast?
Mike Macdermid 2:00
No, it's not right. It's NSUK podcast on Twitter.
Al Struthers 2:04
Or you can email me frankly, on podcast at NSUKPQK.
Mike Macdermid 2:08
You do forward them to us as well, which is which is good. So we do see when people email we do all get to see it as well. But thank you very much again to everyone who's been in touch this week. Let's get started. And we're going to have the quiz this week is going to be a slightly shorter podcast just because of timings and things. So we won't have the quiz. But it just means next week we'll have a super duper quiz. And Anton's under more pressure to have the best quiz ever. I like it. I like throwing the gauntlet down for him. I feel a bit bad. It's all my fault. He's having to do this. But there we are. That's like so all the people say right then let's move on to this week's news. So first up, we've got a new release that's been confirmed to be coming to Nintendo Switch in October and will be coming as a physical as well, which is music to my ears. It's always what I want to hear. It's called go splayed. HD. What do we know about this? there? Yeah,
Al Struthers 2:56
well, it's not a new game. It's been community steam for a while. It's a it's a top down shooter with many, many, many bullets flying. Okay. Yeah. from what I gather, cuz I'm not played it. I've just seen the trailer space based, good old fashioned top down. Basically one of those games, you know, when everything is happening the screen so fast, you haven't got clue what's going on.
Mike Macdermid 3:14
They can be quite fun. If you get in early on those kind of games, you gotta get in early, and you've got to really spend about time with it. I think if you just go and pick up and play, it's a bit tough because, you know, you'd really need to learn the mechanics.
Al Struthers 3:26
I spent a lot of time playing games like this when I was a kid. Because especially when we were young, this was pretty much the only condition that existed. Yeah. And they were they weren't good fun. I just I learned that I don't have the patience for him because I don't like dying.
Mike Macdermid 3:38
It is it's about patience, I think. And I think I think the thing about this one is it's it looks it looks great. I've got to say it does look really good. And if you like the kind of shop type you know, shoot my seven words. I think so. Ask Anton I don't know it's not felt made up people say it. If you like the kind of frantic on screen all action, shooting stuff, lots of colours flying everywhere,
Unknown Speaker 4:01
lots of explosions, then
Mike Macdermid 4:03
you'll you'll probably quite like this. I don't know what the pricing is going to be the fact is physical suggest to me, it's probably going to be I would think at least 20 pounds probably full price. I would have thought I don't really know. I don't know if about the titles history to know where it's going to be going to be placed. But it looks good. It looks well well done. It's HD, which is lovely. I've been hearing good things this week about about the switch and just before we do move on I believe I don't know if this is in our notes yet or not. I haven't quite got to that stage of our notes here. But have you noticed the shop the shop running better?
Al Struthers 4:36
I have not but let me tell you in with software version language been released?
Mike Macdermid 4:40
Yes. So I think that's where it's come from. But there's I don't know, I haven't tried it because I've been travelling. I've been playing my switch but I haven't been trying at the shop. So I'm going to try it today and see what I think see if that is the case for me, because I've heard several reports from people saying it's running much more smoothly.
Al Struthers 4:56
So that's interesting, because I mean, I've not I've not been in the shop this week. I find weirdly I think it's just my one my switch has been playing up a bit recently. Oh, I've had to this is the second third time I've had to wipe the memory card. So I think it's maybe memory card it sounds like a mess which thing issue but yeah, and the story's been slow but it might have been slow because of the memory card issue. I have no idea and the re downloading all of my games I haven't really
Mike Macdermid 5:19
the one good thing is I haven't heard many reports about people having problems with their switch other than joy con drift and
Al Struthers 5:25
memory cards memory memory card third party it's I'm pretty confident it's the card but it's just annoying.
Mike Macdermid 5:30
Well if you do get any update on that, let us know what by the way before we move on to the next time. What have you been playing this week?
Al Struthers 5:36
I have been playing this snares online. I knew I was gonna be doing that I have been playing. I have I started off playing SEO which I don't remember why I hated f0 I have such fond memories in my head but I'm so bad at
Mike Macdermid 5:49
being colorblind doesn't help
Al Struthers 5:52
well no i'm not i'm not going to blame colour blindness I have no excuse. I'm just not very good at it. Okay, it's quite a difficult racing game. very unforgiving. So I got fed up with that and went back and started playing A Link to the Past and I am loving it I forgot how much I love that Zelda game is this
Mike Macdermid 6:07
you getting into the mood for links weekend it is and we get a new word for the link so we can get the money set aside ready to buy it when it comes out. I was playing I played I think it was chapter four of Stranger Things. Which I've got to say I'm really enjoying and I messaged you a complaint about Stranger Things to you and you laughed at me and said isn't that the point of the game? my complaint The only complaint I have about it because I actually think it's a pretty decent movie tie in or TV show tie and one of my only complaint was that I think they could have done another storey of like a side storey of Stranger Things three because it is very much exactly as the TV show. And you said well which was my point it's called Stranger Things three Of course it's supposed to be the TV show. Yes. And I get that but I think if you if you're buying it you're a fan of the show. Right? I don't think you're buying that game unless you watch the show. So for me had they gone in with a slight side storey with parts that you crossed over into Stranger Things three, I think that would have been a better more fulfilling title because you are the problem is the storey I know the storey so it's like you're going through and you're like okay right I know what's gonna happen yeah,
Al Struthers 7:10
I mean I get where you're coming from but if the gameplay is good then it doesn't really matter if you know the storey
Mike Macdermid 7:15
Yeah, does storeys really important completely important
Al Struthers 7:17
in the storey in the show? Okay season three but the storey of the show is good enough I think she did drive the game the gameplay should be what we would enjoy it and I have an issue in games go off on tangents away from the diversion the main storey because you're just messing up cannon and stuff which are not generally bothered about but I'd rather didn't do it and just stick to the show cuz I said what they've done their different personally as far as I'm concerned
Mike Macdermid 7:39
Wow, I will completely disagree with that but it's interesting as fight I've looked online at what other people think there are a few people have said well I'm saying that if you are a fan of the show, it's great and I love it and I love the fact that Stranger things on the switch that's fantastic I like the animation style of it but for me I'm just even the lines I'm just like you know I know all this I'm like come on give us something new there are some things you can do you can go to investigate certain areas in Hawkins which is cool but I just yeah, just to know anyway it's a good game as well with playing I think you'll probably enjoy it just as much as I have to be honest so I said yes it was it was 50% off I don't know if it's still on sale right now but
Al Struthers 8:19
I will probably play it at some point because it doesn't it does look quite cool
Mike Macdermid 8:21
it's cool it's cool it's not you know it's not like groundbreaking in any way but having said that I
Al Struthers 8:26
started competing golf storey I got quite far through it and then got distracted so I've got a lot of other stuff
Mike Macdermid 8:32
first off so do I there's no excuse for me either to be honest I'm the only game will be playing stains gate I am nine hours in now and I was so impressive and they were right the people that said once you get past six hours the storey really takes off absolutely if you like time travel
Al Struthers 8:48
saucy doesn't love time travel involved and well there is a
Mike Macdermid 8:55
not exactly but anyway let's move on bit more news my friend Pedro or my friend Pedro as they say in the in the American trailer will get a physical release in the US 12th of October I don't have any sane as to us getting it in the UK physically. I'm sure at some point we will or there will be a run off obviously it's region free so you can always order from American site anyway. Day after my birthday as well. Which is
Al Struthers 9:19
is that a hint like that what you want for your birthday?
Mike Macdermid 9:21
Do you want my friend Pedro? Well, is that a game that because I
Al Struthers 9:25
really want to play it I don't actually know if I actually want to go out and buy it. So this was try it I want to demo.
Mike Macdermid 9:29
This was a title that we saw in Indies. And it not the last one but the one before two days ago. And it was it looks like things slow down as you sort of do some fun jumps you try and shoot people's kind of 2d side scrolling thing It looks really well done. I think the comment
Al Struthers 9:43
will you and I had at the time was it looked like it could get monotonous because it looked cool. It looked really really cool. visually. It's amazing. It seems like a very awesome idea. And then maybe a lot more depth to the gameplay than the trailer suggested to notice. I should have gone read some reviews and I'm not okay.
Mike Macdermid 9:58
And and the initial signs are reasonable but I don't think there's been an awful lot out there to sort of go on other than you know, test runs that people have had have played but I I'm interested to see how it does. The problem right now is games like this. You know, when if you were a year ago, we would say all this could be a real standard but now with so much coming out in the switch that it's getting harder and harder for these games to saw stick out and to sort of stand out amongst the crowd. You know,
Al Struthers 10:22
having said that a game we shoot people slow motion was a banana that makes him stand out. Well that is true. I mean, there is
Mike Macdermid 10:29
the other part of it as well. I love the art style. I love the I think the cover art for the physical copy of the physical version will be really cool as well. So look out for that. Next up. At Final Fantasy news Crystal Chronicles remastered edition is coming out on the 23rd of January. I love the animation of this. This was a Game Cube title, wasn't it?
Unknown Speaker 10:48
It was Yeah, way back in 1994 94. Kiki
Mike Macdermid 10:55
was gonna say
Al Struthers 10:58
Final Fantasy four. All right, okay, okay. Okay, that's fine. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was it was a spinoff from the the original Final Fantasy four.
Mike Macdermid 11:08
Okay, okay, so that's where the connection is. Well, the thing about this is I like the art style. It's remastered so that's a bit of good news I have I have a feeling that this is the kind of Final Fantasy game that I might sort of jump into because I've always fancied getting into Final Fantasy is whether you know there's a lot of discussion but which one do you start with? A lot of people say seven is the one to go with. For me this one's quirky enough and it's it's that bit newer than the you know they are PlayStation originals the classics that I might be kind of tempted because the art style slightly different perhaps I don't know you looking for something different in a Final Fantasy title? This is definitely different
Al Struthers 11:46
yeah I have slightly different opinion on this and it's it's probably my normal hat to be honest I'm as you never see we don't want games on switch but we seem to be getting a lot of fun adventure games are coming to you faster and to play them going anywhere no I know they just feels are getting too many too fast I there's no good reason we saying this I generally have no basis but it just feels too much too fast. And I think she's slowed down a bit or at least some of the collection
Mike Macdermid 12:13
I think at the moment there a there are so many games coming out that it's very hard to keep track of what you actually want to play and what's important to you to play and I think that's where the problem is and Final Fantasy such a big struggle for years
Al Struthers 12:26
we have lost track of how many games are on switch now I honestly couldn't tell you how many final
Mike Macdermid 12:31
yeah exactly as many as Mega Man games but there are a lot
Unknown Speaker 12:34
to me that's a problem. I don't think it's a problem i
Mike Macdermid 12:37
i think i think it's fantastic because the switch I think will be around for a long time. So for those fanatics a little bit all the Final Fantasy games already for people like me, I might jump in at some point and if I love it I'll probably go for another one and I know I can get it so I'm okay with them coming to the switch. The biggest issue I have is finding them on the shop again. Remember obviously Final Fantasy easy e search Final Fantasy they'll come up but other titles there's one fire watch which I've said for months and months I want to play and I keep forgetting it's there because it never appears on any of the you know it's very rarely is it in the highlights I don't look at that that often it's not on sale very often. So that's my biggest thing is I tend to just sort of spot a game when it's on sale and go all here that's on my watch list you know so for me it doesn't doesn't bother me it really doesn't bother me if as long as you've done a good remastered edition of it as long as it's playing well. I'm happy spider by the way of looking because obviously spiders don't know that the trilogy and I've had a bit of a look into because I love the spider games and I haven't got around to playing the remastered one but there are a couple of added a few mechanics in the new version, which they did in the PlayStation as well. It's running pretty well on the switch handheld as well seems to be running well there's a couple of slow down issues and loading screens but if you're a spiral fan of these of all they have added a couple of things to modernise it slightly so it's playing pretty well couple of old school things because it is an old game still is still a game It feels like a 90s game but you know solid results that seems to be getting so again if you if you did think about going retro and spiral could be an option.
Al Struthers 14:01
Yeah, very nice. And to be honest, if my only complaint is we've got too many games. It's not really a complaint is it?
Mike Macdermid 14:07
It's the best complaint I've heard I mean you know there are a lot worse things you could be you could be complaining about but no I tend to disagree but that's okay. It's all about opinions. It's all about opinions doesn't need to be
Al Struthers 14:17
very boring podcaster we decided to go yes we agree
Mike Macdermid 14:20
I love everything you say Allaster right next up Nintendo has won a case in the UK Now what this basically has done they've blocked for sites that were basically allowing Nintendo Switch piracy now we have this thing often with Nintendo they are very hard line about it. We talked about the music thing on YouTube and maybe is that going too far? I think in this case though, we can't really see anything other than that's fine.
Al Struthers 14:46
Yeah, they're perfectly within their legal and I was a moral right to go to the court. So they got a I think was a court case from legacy of the High Court as a mother and it was England and Wales. It doesn't technically like Scotland but will be UK wide anyway. And they got five major eyes peace to Boise, five by five FPS to Bob block for websites, record and pirating stuff, to be honest, why? I don't get one I do get like little pirate software must be called rz pirated software for the switch. And I like Nintendo, I won't support Nintendo. Well,
Mike Macdermid 15:17
here's the thing as a songwriter, this happens a lot. So people you know, especially in this day and age streaming is so poorly solid songwriters used to be the best paid people in the music industry these days not so much because streaming has meant that the money is divided out so much more thinly. So piracy isn't great from that perspective, because people do put a lot of time and effort and work into it. And yes, sometimes prices are high. And I understand why people do it. But actually, if we don't support indie developers, they can't then make the next title the next game that we want
Al Struthers 15:49
not even just the Indies, I mean games, it triple A game costs. And I bought him and wanted to make millions, literally millions and millions and millions to make these games. And if people don't pay for them, then the development of we'll go into business, they won't build and make more games because they simply won't build people, ya know, gamers are shooting ourselves in the foot if they are pirating games. Yeah. So I can understand where Nintendo are coming from on this. And
Mike Macdermid 16:10
I understand more for you know, if you go into a console that's no longer being made. And it's it's software from, you know, a long time ago. I know I understand. Yeah, I
Al Struthers 16:18
mean, don't get me wrong, I may or may not have an emulator and a mirror mirror is a very old rums running on it.
Mike Macdermid 16:23
But then the second bit, the honest Honestly, I think I've probably bought most of the titles at some point, the ones I would have bought. So yeah, you have to be, you know, you have to kind of be sensible, but I think this is probably a sensible move from Nintendo. So normal complaints from us, maybe people got different opinion. I'm sure they'll tell us. Tell us your thoughts. If you think differently. Next up, Celeste, which is one that Anton I know talks about think is basically a very, very good game. And we've got some good news as well, when you are getting more content. This is great. It's chapter nine, farewell update. It's out now it got it's got 100 plus new levels, 40 minutes and new music, new mechanics and items. I think if you get the full pack, the full kind of Celeste thing. I don't know if you get it all? Yeah, it just gets added access to free updates. So
Al Struthers 17:08
it's fantastic. I mean, the I'd say the word that comes to mind is they've been very generous. Yeah, the developers who've just given so much away for free. Yes. It's amazing. I don't quite understand how they should do it. Or why and that is bottom a lot of goodwill.
Mike Macdermid 17:21
Well, yeah, I think yeah, there's Celeste, Celeste and Shovel Knight. I think of the two titles that I keep constantly hearing about more stuff coming, you know, from a smaller indie developer, I guess. And it's great. It's fantastic. So well done to the team behind that. And also if you have got Celeste can get chapter name, get the free chapter nine farewell update. And tell us what you think. Yes, because it's on my list. say that about a lot of games. Next up, we have some price rises imminent for Nintendo Switch online. Not surprising, but disappointing.
Al Struthers 17:52
Well, we don't Japanese do. Okay. So. And to be fair, it's not necessarily Nintendo is doing the price rise?
Mike Macdermid 17:59
Do we think is this an exchange rate issue? Are you
Al Struthers 18:02
it is something even more complicated than that? Japan's tax rates changing? Okay. Yeah, they're out there something along the lines of we've got consumables tax rates go from eight to 10%. It's something like that, right? Basically what it means that the pace of Nintendo Switch subscription goes up by a cooling to about 50 a year. Video games will go up by probably about home this morning, depending what game you're playing.
Mike Macdermid 18:20
So if you have a Nintendo Switch online for Japan, then you're going to have a slightly higher price to pay. Do you think though? Just as a wider question, and are we going to see price rises? for Nintendo Switch on my in the UK?
Al Struthers 18:33
At some stage, I suspect it's inevitable because they're giving us a lot of content through the NAS and the snares on the are now
Mike Macdermid 18:39
I mean, a year ago, we weren't saying that. But
Al Struthers 18:40
yeah, we are. But now they are. Literally everything else has got embrace, no TV goes on price and Netflix goes up and raised all these things that they got in place. Most of us are buying things Nintendo is a slightly different, but I'd be surprised if they keep the same. I mean, I've not paid attention to Xbox or Playstation. But did they have price raises at any point in their subscription? I actually can't remember, it's been so long since have never had an Xbox Live. Xbox Live a Long time ago, a PlayStation one I've counselled like three, four years ago.
Mike Macdermid 19:07
Yeah, I've had both at different times. And I genuinely can't remember. But I would have thought so. I will be very surprised if they haven't.
Al Struthers 19:13
I'd be amazed that we don't get one at some point but probably got a pound.
Mike Macdermid 19:16
Yeah. Well, I think we significant, hugely significant, but it will still be sure we'll be talking about it if it if and when it happens. But certainly if you are in Japan expect a small increase. Next up, we're getting Dragon Quest 123 collection. It's getting a physical edition. Now we knew this was going to be Japan. But does that mean we're getting it UK as well?
Al Struthers 19:32
I think it does. Yes, indeed. I mean, you'll be you might be quite excited. But it's because you You seem like you're quite interesting as you're trying them Dragon Quest games.
Mike Macdermid 19:40
So I've please three hours of the new one of for the demo the demo demo
Al Struthers 19:45
the demo demo.
Mike Macdermid 19:46
Yes. I amazing demo, and I won't buy it until I play through the demo. I enjoyed it. I haven't. I love hate thing with RPG when it's turned based. I'm not 100% sold and turn based as a mechanic. And I know that a lot of people that is their choice, that's the way they play. So but that's more because that's just because I didn't grow up playing an awful lot of turn based RPG I did occasionally. And I can remember being into a few you know massively so I think let me come back to me on that. Once upon a
Al Struthers 20:20
time the same as you I grew up I played a few final fancies. Yeah, didn't play many term based. And I like the idea of them. I think I have an astrologer for them. Yeah, me to reality. It's funny, slightly clunky and annoying. I quite
Mike Macdermid 20:31
liked like Pokemon, actually, the early Pokemon games, you know, they had a kind of a slight turn based element in
Al Struthers 20:38
fact by Yeah, to be fair, yeah, it does feel different, because I think it's simpler. Maybe that's what it is. Pokemon is just a very simple version of an RPG, which maybe suits me perfectly. Because I I get intimidated by the massive amount of customization that goes on in most RPG games, and I'm pretty sure I've never got anywhere close to the maximum efficiency will strongest, magnificent say of how you get your game set up where you're getting your weapons stuff, and I just I feel it's beyond me. And therefore it's getting worse Pokemon simple. I would agree. But I probably will look and see what it's like these were the old, real kind of 16 bit looking games and obviously from that era, and I think they'll definitely be they'll be a huge audience for this, I think. And it's great that you know, it looks like we're going to be getting a physical edition as well because as I discussed with you many many times, I like the like the physical additions. So
Mike Macdermid 21:32
next up, we've got a game, which I thought I might be interested in watch the trailer and I thought maybe it's called go lot so and it's been announced for the switches and 90s inspired two and a half the arcade soccer game they obviously watch the Italian name that tell you at the time it was the World Cup. They watched channel fours Italian football in the 90s because that was always the opening scene go let's do that.
Al Struthers 22:00
blankly vaguely aware of football existed their
Mike Macdermid 22:03
ball is a thing. It's a what I love soccer ball as I was there. So anyway, go lot. So I'm going to say I kind of like the look of the art style. It's one of these where it could be an absolute gem or a might be a complete dodge because there was a game like this that came up with like an arcade football game set. Seven is Luke to it. I think what it was called I bought it. I'll come back to me on the switch. And I bought it for about six pounds. And I just don't like it. It's just not very good. But this,
Al Struthers 22:31
it looks promising. It looks very cute. It's a kind of a cartoony cel shaded type art style. Yes, it is nice. And this cartoon animation stuff goes along with it. It certainly looks like it has a lot of appeal. But you'd like to see it depends on the gameplay. But I'm intrigued with the disclaimers two and a half DT it just normally played FIFA since probably early 2000s. But it just looks not massively different in terms of the hydration, the dimensions, it looks 3d in the same way that people look 3d, no first person, but it's the same as any other football game to me. Is it different?
Mike Macdermid 23:02
Yeah. It's quite different. Yeah, that Yeah.
Al Struthers 23:06
But we're looking at pictures right now that just looks like
Mike Macdermid 23:08
Well, I mean, if you take a football pitch and two teams with different colour strips, and stick it on, you know, a screen, then there's going to be similarities, whatever you do, but it's quite different. It's quite different. I mean, I maybe you should have a look at FIFA screenshots from this year. And yeah, yeah, it's different. I'll take your word for it. Definitely, definitely.
Al Struthers 23:28
Either way, it looks interesting, I think we should keep an eye on
Mike Macdermid 23:31
it looks like something that I might be able to persuade you to play. And I might
Al Struthers 23:34
actually because again, it's I'm threatening, non
Mike Macdermid 23:38
EE, there's no big news. And you know, so yeah, we'll keep an eye on that. We'll see what how the reviews are. Next up, switch update version nine. Now, we mentioned this briefly, because I've heard reports of the shop running a bit more smoothly. And I haven't checked it myself what we'll do today, but we have had an update. And there's a couple of things that people should be aware of
Al Struthers 23:59
when the there's nothing major, I'd say this update is another one's kind of just tweaking things around the edges. So I mean, it adds a search feature to the news channel, you always wanted a search feature for the new sound like I can't say my bothered now that makes it ads display QR codes to check in to users. I don't even know what that means. But you can use it as your descriptions is you can display a QR code on screen to check into your Nintendo account.
Mike Macdermid 24:23
Okay. So what this probably cuz if you've got your there's the app, or the of the phone stuff or whatever, maybe you scan your switch
Al Struthers 24:31
and login or maybe Yeah, either way, it doesn't sound like a major updates, not real life changing or earth shattering here. It's not
Mike Macdermid 24:39
Yeah, it's not backgrounds.
Al Struthers 24:40
You know what else you can do? What? set alarm notifications? Okay, yeah, yeah. Yep. One cool one, they cannot configure the touchscreen sensitivity. Okay, which is actually that's not a bad idea.
Mike Macdermid 24:52
Yeah. Because you forget sometimes the switches a touchscreen device, unless you're using it and games like I mentioned, Football Manager, use touchscreen for that other kind of management kind of Sims. Do you use it when you're in the store if you're going to handle mode and you're navigating the store, because I always do everything in touch. We are very really using buttons to do that. I never used a touchscreen
Al Struthers 25:10
I just intuitively do it's like a tablet touch screen. I'm so used to my phone why wouldn't you do it and switch? I just
Mike Macdermid 25:15
don't even think of it like that.
Unknown Speaker 25:17
I really think about it in game in menu I use it
Mike Macdermid 25:22
I can't see I don't think I ever touch screen at all. Actually
Al Struthers 25:27
the only additions there's something to do with the on off switch for the Nintendo Switch light Okay, which I'm going to probably get into that you can send online play invitations, which is kind of cool. And this general stability improvements Okay, so nothing major nothing earth shattering but just nice to know they're tricking us on your idea new of not because I'm playing Zelda and like did you know that's okay I have Yeah, did you notice anything?
Mike Macdermid 25:55
No, but haven't looked at shop yet. Next up there is one there was the ring we talked about this last week the ring device we know a little bit more about it I've seen a little bit I haven't seen the whole trailer I saw a bit of it I don't know how I watched the whole thing so it's ring fit adventure it's been announced it looks like a kind of fitness meets I don't know walking simulator or something I don't really know you tell us more about I
Al Struthers 26:16
guess I smell bad description so yeah ring fitted venture is what Nintendo have announced which is basically a combination of you get a game which is third person and you're kind of looks like you're running along jogging spot and doing various activities. I really was a puzzle solving I think it's just activities and it's linked to a big ring. So this this ring apparently according Nintendo is clever piece of kit which you swap your joy cons into, and it has different resistance is and you can squash it. And you can hold it above your head and you can dance around and you get a little bit that goes under your leg as well. Yeah, so if you run on the spot your character runs and it looks like it's quite a lot of fun. And as much as I was determined not want to get it at all last week was last regarded no seen the trailer and thinking actually does look like quite good fun. And I could probably do things a lot better than I really am.
Mike Macdermid 27:10
I do think this could sell very well if the get the game right if they get the resistance and that side of it. Right? That's the important bit is the ring. How does it react to
Al Struthers 27:18
that? And will there be more games utilise it because literally one game and the ring then that's just that's not until non starter.
Mike Macdermid 27:25
I would not be surprised to see more. But I guess it might
Al Struthers 27:29
work itself because there's a horde of other modes. So as well as the adventure of it. They have brought in proper actual fitness stuff. So you can do workouts and it's got various plan to work at different levels. And you can track all how successful you are. And it's a well thought out. Basically exercise programme. That's really what it is. It's an exercise programme that links to your switch. And songs are not asking normally for it. Yeah, sure. Why not? Yeah, there's no pricing and then chat, but it is coming out pretty shortly. tell you why there is pricing, beginning accessory costs $80.
Mike Macdermid 27:55
Okay, so coming out on the 18th of October 5999 movie, and
Al Struthers 28:01
well depends, but let's let's see what happens. I mean, even though we're perilously close to a specific date and UK calendar so knows what the dollar is gonna be doing that point. Well, that's $80 I'll see if we've pricing it. And 18th of October is the date is going to come up. Okay, we'll keep an eye on
Mike Macdermid 28:15
that. Next up the UK watch for our UK watch for is now coming to the ps4. And the reason we mentioned this is that it was originally an exclusive for the switch and no it's not but I'm not massively surprised or bothered by that. I don't think that's a massive issue. I mean, we can share the love and UK watch three The thing about our previous games on 3ds and you know that the are they work very well on handheld anyway. So I don't really think I think if you're buying this for handheld, you're probably buying on the switch anyway. And I think a lot of people will go down that route. And if you've got a ps4 and you're never going to take a handheld. I still don't think the switch sales will massively suffer.
Al Struthers 28:53
No, I'd be more irritated if it was on PlayStation and not on the switch. Yes, yes. It's on the switch already. And PlayStation gets as a sort of second fiddle. I'm quite happy. This is the first time this has happened.
Mike Macdermid 29:02
Yeah. And I think a few people were upset. Oh, we were going to get this ourselves and they weren't getting something but actually, yeah, whatever. It's fine.
Al Struthers 29:08
Yeah, I mean, there's so many console exclusives that are no longer console exclusives and it's kinda weird the world seems to be going. Developers have realised that actually there's not much point in the game console specific exclusive, they can make more money by spreading across so unless the actual console manufacturers willing to heavily subsidise it get Zelda come in and that's different
Mike Macdermid 29:25
but I think when you're talking about you know games like this, then it wouldn't be surprising to see on other consoles so but just so you do not no no. As I said a lot of people aren't very happy but that other people not so bothered. We're not that bothered. I don't think it's a button Oh, no, we're not. Next up Super Nintendo World will use a wristband that connects your console. So this is like, this is like my dream because I love theme parks. But basically, Super Nintendo World is going to be the universal universal he has a
Al Struthers 29:49
Florida or is it?
Mike Macdermid 29:51
I'm not sure I do. I think it's just in Japan, Japan, I think is Tokyo, but it might be coming elsewhere. I would need to check that I'm not sure. But basically, this idea that it connects to your console that is like that's my dream holiday going to a theme park that has Nintendo and connecting to my Nintendo Switch. Yes, please. Thank you. I am totally down for that. So I think you're just checking to see if it's going to be Orlando as well. I
Al Struthers 30:18
find it for you. So
Mike Macdermid 30:20
yeah, so anyway, yeah, it's we're not whenever I do actually with theme parks when I go to Orlando or to the one Disneyland in Paris. Always switch with me. So the idea that you can connect your console and perhaps they'll be some in console stuff that you can do to track what you're doing in the park. That sounds good viewer.
Al Struthers 30:38
Yeah, it looks like it's just Japan for now. Okay. Which, boo.
Mike Macdermid 30:41
That's all right. I'm okay. I'm planning to go to Japan at some point anyway. So that's,
Al Struthers 30:45
yeah, if anybody knows otherwise, feel free to correct
Mike Macdermid 30:47
No, I think it is. I'm pretty sure it I think in the future it will be
Al Struthers 30:51
a success. It'll come if it's anything like Star Wars. Lando. Everyone doesn't need it closes within a month then. Star Wars landed Disney snow. Yeah, they opened it for a month. They're closing it because it was a flop.
Mike Macdermid 31:03
It doesn't seem right to me.
Al Struthers 31:04
Now some of the news two weeks ago that I'd be very surprised that I think someone is saying it because I didn't know much about it. But I speak by neighbourhood and you're saying that sort of is wildly off topic. We do apologise. But the Star Wars parking meetup was had none of the old trilogy stuff. And it was all the new stuff. And nobody's interested. So they've been go. And actually, they're scrapping and billions of miles instead. So maybe wrong, but that's what I've been told.
Mike Macdermid 31:27
I mean, when I was there last year, they were in the middle of building it and it was a massive thing and was advertising everywhere. So
Al Struthers 31:32
yeah, yeah, I will Google. I'm pretty sure I've got I heard of closing day.
Mike Macdermid 31:36
Galaxies edge. That's what it is a new the new one. Okay, I'll let you look up that while I move on 300 Hill tracks will be added to the rhythm based drumming game Tycho and no tats. Sajan, I'm sorry, I pronounced that terribly. This is great because the under till songs are fantastic. And under tail is again, it's one of those if you haven't played it, definitely go and
Al Struthers 31:58
play it and maybe double my bottom line finance coming to it. But somebody definitely told me that they might be
Mike Macdermid 32:02
pulling, I think they might be lying, because I don't think it's open yet. And I was planning a trip to go and visit it when it opened. And it was ever because there's a Star Wars there's a Star Wars part of the park already. Which has certain things, but the new land is like the whole thing. It's like you know, they've developed even more because it because the Star Wars part was so popular. So I don't know. Maybe maybe maybe previously they tried to
Al Struthers 32:35
it opened on the 29th of August.
Mike Macdermid 32:37
Oh, there we are. That is America one. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz I think it's going to be in Paris as well. I'm not sure when its policies opening but but yeah, maybe the previously had the trilogy stuff, the second trilogy stuff and then ditched it because it was interested.
Al Struthers 32:51
Possibly it might be that Yeah, but we we are off topic. Let's get back to the switch.
Mike Macdermid 32:55
Anyway, so 300 tailed tracks, as I mentioned, added to Taekwondo tap, which I've seen as I've never played it, but it's a rhythm based game, I guess fairly well reviewed. And again, as I was saying, great, great composer. The music and until is fantastic. So fabulous. Why not? Why not do like the rhythm based game occasionally? Yeah, me too. They're just good. clean fun. Yeah, absolutely. Game loft is bringing asphalt nine legends to the switch in Japan on October the ninth. I'm a bit dubious about this. Cuz game loft. You know, game off to find for mobile. I'm happy enough for them for mobile. Yeah. But I'm not sure. Do we need this on a switch? Well, I mean, we've
Al Struthers 33:36
we've talked about this game before. Yeah. And I think we were all other than you know, leave it on on mobile. It's fine. It looks lovely. It looks beautiful. But leave it on mobile
Mike Macdermid 33:44
grid just briefly and great. I don't know if you've seen any of the gameplay but it looks phenomenal.
Al Struthers 33:48
It's amazing. I don't know what they've done to make it work so well. But it works very
Mike Macdermid 33:51
well. I believe it's work it's very steady. But it's it's like got re rendered HD elements to or something that says really, really looking stunning. So if you are looking for a racing game, a lot of people think this might be my internet one the one that you want. Next up we've got Dragon Quest monsters, Terry's Wonderland retro, a port of the Game Boy colour game. It's coming to switch. I saw a trailer for this yesterday. The title comes out in Japan first on September 17. Priced at 1500 yen. I don't know how much that is. But I did see a trailer for this. I don't know if it's coming here. I think it might be but it looks. It looks like very old school kind of retro you sort of you know what you would expect from the earlier Dragon Quest stuff, I guess. But there might be a different cuz I don't know what the monsters element of that is. I think you just did a currency conversion for us. Trying to go the other way around nice. You're trying to convert to euros. That doesn't work for
Al Struthers 34:45
without without me on the screen. I think that's around about 10 pounds. You've been to Japan before. So I'll take your Yeah, but that was a very long time, but I'm just basing it on what we're talking about along with these online subscriptions. Okay,
Mike Macdermid 34:56
well, will you check that out? But basically, this is coming to Japan on September the 17th. So if you are a fan of the Dragon Quest games and want to go for one that would maybe a little more obscure with 11
Al Struthers 35:06
points and 18 points.
Mike Macdermid 35:08
Okay, not a million miles away. You weren't reasonably close. That's another one for you to check out. The trailer is out now. So go and check it out. Have you seen the trailer for this? No, have not? No, it's very what you'd expect from an old school Dragon Quest game kind of top down kind of, you know, looks quite RPG sounds kind of cool. Yeah. And we love all those games. Are we getting to the point where we're a bit saturated with that either?
Al Struthers 35:30
Oh, you know, don't make me go down this rabbit hole because people already hate me. I decided I don't stop doing this by no fancy. And honestly, probably how do I feel about this? That's a really interesting point. I'm, I'm conflicted, actually. Because I want to say yes, but I also want to keep bringing stuff to us.
Unknown Speaker 35:49
Yeah. Well,
Al Struthers 35:51
I know what colour ports are normal that mini game boy colour ports
Mike Macdermid 35:54
is an interesting console. Because there is that there's the Gameboy Advance there. There's, there's a few consoles that I would like to see more ports over the Game Cube is a definite love to see game keep ports, I'd love to see the virtual boys level. Maybe, maybe not. Although that will be quite interest, I would just love to I've never tried a Virtual Boy. And I would love to try it but updated to level so it didn't make you feel you could put it on label, but then strap a brick onto your switch. And that would probably feel a bit as heavy as the Virtual Boy did. Well, let's move on to this week's rumours.
Unknown Speaker 36:26
Mike Macdermid 36:28
So there has been a new patent phone for a new switch VR headset, which is nicely relating to what we were just talking about a moment ago. And I could see this happening because the problem as we know from James, who has been on the podcast a few times his issue with it is that, you know, when you're playing at you, you're literally having to hold the level sort of contraption that that is. So it's a cheap version of VR.
Al Struthers 36:53
Yeah, but this doesn't change that. So it's been found is literally for a plastic version of level. Oh, getting ready cardboard is no different. It's literally just turning into empty still gonna hold up your head. And the theory is probably because the switches quite heavy sheet. If you do a lot of other ones, you slip up sort of mobile phone into it. They're quite like the switch is quite heavy.
Mike Macdermid 37:13
So be separate. So you don't have to lift the console. But you've got the
Al Struthers 37:16
storey that you've got the console and as Pastor being old store, you're holding it up that was on the strap in the back your head, it might be too much stress in the back your neck and lead injuries is probably why they're doing it. Okay.
Mike Macdermid 37:26
Well, sure. I mean, it's there's nothing wrong with this particularly, but I do kind of wish that I wish that they'd kind of done it so that we actually had a proper switch VR headset that was separate, because
Al Struthers 37:38
it will be nice to I don't quite know how to do it unless it has some kind of tethered into main console, which is I suppose doable.
Mike Macdermid 37:44
I mean, I've I've a friend who works for Oculus Rift. And when I visited him a few months back, I had a shot of the Oculus Rift and it was fantastic. I really loved it felt like a very different experience to playing a normal console or a switch. So I'm not sure if the two are quite No, I know Sony have done it, obviously. But I'm not sure if the two feel quite like it's the same thing at the moment. Like I could see myself if I was rich, I would have an Oculus Rift, the new one. It's all in one. And I would have a switch. I don't know if I really need them together particularly so I'm not particularly worried even though
Al Struthers 38:16
I haven't seen pinion as much as VR is cool. I don't think enough there to necessarily warrant
Unknown Speaker 38:24
Al Struthers 38:26
going into VR route fully. Yeah, I suspect to the Didn't you switch in the future and it was slim, it was late and I had a hold of extra horsepower, then Nintendo would probably be in a really good position to do some really, really good first party VR games. Yeah, but the hardware isn't there for Nintendo yet. So I don't think we investing the time to create these games that can run phenomenal and be the VR game for Nintendo to give us
Mike Macdermid 38:47
more triple A titles. Yeah, I'm happy with that
Al Struthers 38:50
at the moment level does a good job of being a bit of a curiosity a bit of fun, something a bit different. It's like Nintendo over the years has done tonnes of random peripherals it's just another random peripheral which is good fun. Yeah,
Mike Macdermid 39:00
absolutely. Okay, one more rumour. Capcom. You know what we're talking about Mega Man earlier I said this was a million megaman games. Hmm, there's more coming because it looks like we've got a rumour at the moment where they they've confirmed what was a rumour but basically they've said that the next Mega Man game is in development, so we don't know what it is yet. We don't know when it is. But we noticed in development if you're a fan of the franchise, I think you quite like the megaman games, don't you? Did you not buy one of the collections I
Al Struthers 39:23
bought the megaman x Legacy Collection. First one I used to play a lot of megaman games for the younger they are financially difficult and I'm out of the habit of playing them so when I went back and played megaman x which was slightly easier, it was still kind of frustrating and annoying.
Mike Macdermid 39:38
Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't say was I have a little love for the franchise I don't necessarily know North article vinyl again. I would tend to agree for me personally, but I know this is a huge deal for a lot of people and great if they're developing something new again that's the kind of thing that might just suck you back in you know if they do it right and make it so that it's accessible for a new audience then just perhaps so lookout for new Mega Man details coming soon. Well listen, it's a bit of a shorter episode this week, but that is because I'm annoying and can't always make every recording at the same time. So next week, and I've got to get back to work so you know to go back to work so yesterday so it is a bit shorter no quiz this week, but we will be back as normal next week. And hopefully it's been at least a little bit of a intermittent updates until we get back to normal next week. Yes,
Al Struthers 40:22
I mean, it is two thirds of our show. It's the switch goodness and new reviews which which on the quiz are the Anton so is two thirds. Yes, actually, I said news reviews and no reviews using gossip.
Mike Macdermid 40:33
Yeah, news reviews and gossip these rumours. It's all kind of tied in It's lovely. We do review we talk we play not playing You know, that's it.
Al Struthers 40:39
This is true, Sheldon. It's a new old game but gunplay?
Mike Macdermid 40:42
Yeah, I never heard of Zelda. It's Zelda is a boy who? I'm just joking. Zelda is a boy. He goes to try and rescue a princess. Anyway. Right. Okay. So we'll be back next week. Until then, please leave us some messages on Twitter leaves a nice review on podcasts. NSUKP. Dakota, UK is the websites anything else?
Unknown Speaker 41:03
No, that's about it. All right. Let's just
Mike Macdermid 41:05
leave it there showing that case in honour of Anton I'll let you do the Orava. I'll say goodbye. We'll see you next week.
Al Struthers 41:10
I'll say cheat on me and