At the centre of the Nintendo Switch UK Podcast's philosophy is a deep love and passion for video games, and that couldn't be more clear when looking at our core team. Whose passion for games stretches near every console ever made, and things are only going to get more exciting once you meet some of our future hosts that will be joining rotating rooster.


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Mike Macdermid

Hello? Does this thing work? It's smaller than my BT Cellnet phone from 1999 anyway...Believe it or not, my first gaming experience was on the ZX Spectrum 128k (+2 don't you know) so that makes me at least 78 (ish).  My claim to fame is that I'm actually in the Sims....yes I know everyone who has ever had the Sims, was technically in the Sims, but I really actually sang a song in Simlish - EA sent me the translation and everything! I was also in Saint's Row The Third but I'm still to get around to playing it...

My new gaming obsession is of course, the Switch. I love Mario Kart, Paladins, Rocket League, Zelda, and a bunch of indies that I'll go into another time.

Reach me on @oursongwriter on Twitter.

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Anton Winters

I play any console that is known, or rumoured, to have a Sonic game! And with Sonic Mania on Switch how can I resist? I am an avid retro video game collector, scooping up anything with a controller that outputs a pixel to a TV, from pong console to a modern gaming PC and everything in between. Despite Growing up on SEGA, the Switch has definitely become my little home away from home - quite literally. It's my new platforming haven, plop me on a desert island, place some Power Moons and I’m happy.

Drop me Twit on the Tweeter @AntonWinters_

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Alastair Struthers

I've been a gamer since the days of the BBC micro and I've been terrible ever since. Totally useless at almost all games but I do enjoy having my backside handed to me on a regular basis by friends. Still refuse to do this whole online gaming thingy with those pesky kids but I give a pass to playing games during our Patreon only Expansion Chats. Does Jackbox count as online gaming?

Reach me on (I doesn't do twitter)

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Leona Gove

I’ve been hooked on video games ever since I was 4 years old at my 12 year old cousin’s house, forbidden from having a go but allowed to watch in silence as he played things like Final Fantasy and Silent Hill, until one day he got stuck on a puzzle in the latter, and little Leona figured it out for him. Take that, [redacted]! Then I was finally allowed my own console and haven’t stopped playing since. I’ve always had a love for games that are a bit different and a little weird, probably because I’m so often described as such myself, but this led to my love of indie games, which have the room to try things out that aren’t the norm and get real innovation going.

Find me on twitter at @leonagove or on Youtube at LeonaLevels

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Emily Zelda Frood

I am what you would call the palate cleanser of the podcast – every now and again I turn up to turn tables and give a fresh perspective on the Switch. Although sometimes that backfires – I’ll think that I know a fair amount about games and then listen to Anton talk about the most obscure retro console from 1982 that you could attach to a defibrillator to give game over a whole new meaning. (That definitely doesn’t exist btw. I checked.) My favourite games would have to come from TLOZ series. Majora’s Mask? Perhaps one of the most amazing in the franchise. It could only ever come second Breath of the Wild – which I’m pretty sure I’ve put at least 200 hours into. I love the series so much Zelda is actually my middle name!

Hit me up and see all my hot-take tweets @EmiFroodie

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James Wyllie

I've loved games ever since I unwrapped a Nintendo 64 and a copy of Banjo-Kazooie (which is still one of my all-time favourites). I impulse-bought my Switch the day Mario Odyssey was released and haven't looked back since.

Breath of the Wild is probably my favourite title on the console, but I've sunk a lot of time into Donkey Kong, Mario + Rabbids and indie titles like Into the Beach and Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Reach me on Twitter at @JamesWyl

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What do you think?

New Challenger Approaching?

The Nintendo Switch UK Podcast is always looking to grow and evolve, and with that mindset we are enthralled to bring new and unique voices to the conversation.

So we have many new & lovely people we would love to introduce you to in future, adding to our every growing rotating cast of experienced gamers & Switch fanatics.